
Tales of The Celestial Prince

These tales are of Aurel, a young celestial prince, and his journey full of adorable antics both memorable and loved. The many enthusiastic Gods, cultures, temples, and shrines he meets, the various threats he faces in his ventures. As ancient threats loom behind closed curtains, playing the strings of fate both worldly or otherwise, how will precious Aurel fare against them? ___________________ *MUST READ* Novel Status: Paused At The Moment General Status: Revision In Process Revision Details: I've spent years of my life on this novel, and through doing so I gained quite a bit of experience, however, now I desire to perfect and improve my art or rather my novel I've dedicated a handful of years on. While I've been fortunate enough to gain a handful of feedback, all of which I truly appreciate and ask that anyone who wishes it provides the same. Be it criticism, constructive feedback, or simply plot holes I may have missed, I wish to take it all in strides. As for The Novel itself, I will never abandon it. It's beyond precious to me so in my next revision I will keep many of the same characters, and try my very best to improve and rewrite scenes and explanations the best I can. For those who actually read this, thank you and I aspire to entertain you all alongside myself for as long as allowed. ___________________ Daily Chapters: Two chapters [One during slowdown] Chapter Publishing Times: 12:00 AM EST [00:00 EST] Author Status: Alive P.S: The New Cover Art is Rory! ___________________ Have any questions? Join my official discord below! Discord: https://discord.gg/2vEWGManyS ___________________ For all intents and purposes, this novel does 'not' feature real names, individuals, events, or politics, it is a work of fantasy and is intended as such. This work contains borderline mature content, hints, and otherwise, and is often greatly influenced by anime and other forms of literature. To be 'completely' honest it's hard to assume what others believe to be borderline mature content or not so do with this information as you may! The beginning is much as to be expected while later chapters are indeed quite interesting as I try my very best to add unique names, concepts, and systems. ___________________ COPYRIGHT 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Wakeless · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
334 Chs

Progress IV Surprises II

Causing Aldra to then gently smile and the young prince to then check up on Sienna? In truth, the real reason why no one was throwing around their antics was that it was nap time!

Even Annie had to suppress her laughter while the others didn't want to wake their babies with the chatter.

Naptime was sacred and brought back any normalcy, 'every' time! Especially during these hectic times so no one wanted to risk it! Resulting in the young prince worriedly feeling Sienna's forehead before then adorably holding her hand.

"Big sister Sienna's amazing! Bu-But big sister needs rest.."

The young prince gently whispered before then adorably looking to Aurene causing her to then gently nod before then laying her head on her lap all the while pulling out a cold wet yet strangely soft white cloth.

And resting it over both her head and her eyes while gently humming the same reassuring hum Aldra had been humming the most of this instance.

All the while the young prince adorably waited for either Molly to return or Jade finally appears.

The first was Molly and Lady Ayrenn resulting in Molly adorably checking on the young prince and giving him a kiss on the cheek before then finally falling asleep with her mommy.

Causing the young prince to then adorably giggle while Lady Ayrenn and the mommies whispered back and forth until finally he adorably ran over to Mera and adorably whispered in her ear.

Causing her to then gently nod before then informing the others resulting in a soundless barrier being erected around the mommies and their sleeping babies.

Until finally the young prince adorably took off his dress revealing his training attire, and after adorably preparing himself played with his lighting magic, and the law of lightning to the fullest extent!

He wanted to learn from his lightning mommy in his free time and after getting permission from his mommies he did just that!

Thankfully the soundless barrier didn't wake the others while the mommies watched the show. Both Aurea and Lady no name included!

The young prince was having a blast learning to redirect lighting until finally, he pushed his limits.

Lighting radiated his aura and clouds began to form, advanced mana manipulation wasn't at all simple, you could make it rain, and play with the weather to an extent meaning him attempting to redirect lighting he provoked was beyond impressive!

However, he was neither an expert nor used it to its fullest potential meaning he still needed to learn! And who else better than his lightning mommy who used to travel through her own clouds?

Resulting in several gorgeous demonstrations from Mera who at the moment was equally if not even more gorgeous!

She had unsuppressed her Elemental form and synced it with her own showing what it meant to be an elemental matriarch! She was a true ruler of Lightning itself simply by existing..

Causing the young prince to then adorably try his best being new to the lighting incarnation.

Resulting in Mera getting involved quite a bit to redirect the unstable mana all the while the young prince starting diving through the experiences of The Lighting Eagle until finally, his mana had calmed.

And the young prince unleashed a massive burst of lighting directed at an incoming lighting bolt and the cloud itself!

Resulting in a gorgeous clash of light and sparkles as if shooting stars colliding until finally both dissipated while the cloud remained causing the young prince to then fall on his butt.

And adorably laugh his heart out while his mommies were equally proud! Soon enough Aurea wanted to test it out.

Causing Aurea after poking the young prince's cheek to unleash a burst of lighting with her legendary mana leaving a precise hole in the cloud causing the young prince to then adorably pout up a storm.

All the while causing Mera to then gently giggle herself before then waving her hand and dissipating the cloud in all but an instant!

And ending this short yet educational training session since she already knew how sleepy he truly was and losing so much energy ultimately ensured quiet the nap?

All the while back Jade who having had stumbled upon The Brown Tailed Inari's Delegation and followed them back to Bradley, begun having a blast!

However, at this point, Bradley was beyond curious about 'how' she had met his precious baby prince. Causing Jade after noticing to then playfully shrug.

"After my attempts of protecting my orphanages from The Dark Elves the High Lord that led that 'special' mission opened a rift between time and space or that may have been an accident?! Neither really matters now! While I was trying to find my way home I eventually lost track of time!"

"And that's when my bestie came in! Apparently, Lady Selphie held survival training for my bestie and I soon learned of his identity! I first thought it was one of Elfinia's babies but I quickly remembered she had left for her Ancestral World!"

"And after some investigation, I looked into his bloodlines! Then he showed me his list and told me his daddy said it would be easier.. shame on you my bestie's daddy!"

"No more bad influences! And same for you Celes! I know you're shamelessly listening in! Lady Celestine will always be my favorite! You big bully goddess! My bestie's still a baby you know! Anyways with my bestie in mind.. to sum it up he gave me directions back with the help of his fairy bestie! So now I'm here!"

Keira happily reprimanded causing Celes to then adorably sneeze having surprisingly not been listening in 'this' time while Aurora, who indeed was laughed her heart out! Causing Bradley to then playfully nod.

"Lady Keira, it's indeed an honor and I'll take your words into serious consideration, if you require anything you need only ask"

"Currently, my schedule is a mess, The Celestial Polis Conference, The Mage Legion Festival, my precious's prince's birthday"

"New additions to the family, alongside the return of The Demon Races, Several Lost Races, The Formal Relations with both The Vestial Empire and The Brown Tailed Inari and finally the search for Malik and his warrants for arrest-"

Bradley playfully explained as if updating her causing her having been hugging the youngest Brown-Tailed Inari Princess to then happily contemplate.

"You three fluffy-tailed cuties should enjoy the festival! My bestie's daddy is beyond busy and from what I 'hear'.. If you bother someone enough you lose the fluff in your tail! A Fluffy Tailed Princess should never lose her fluff!"

"If your mommy doesn't believe you tell her I said so! If she doesn't like it, give her this bill!"

Keira happily recalled causing all three to then surprisingly become teary before then looking at the bill and everything in it causing all three to then adorably nod and run away while Keira couldn't help but proudly smile.

"No matter the era, that'll work every time! Funnily enough, that was only 'one' of many bills! That's what she gets for throwing her fluffy tail around in a fuss! Her babies should be playing in the festival not bothering my bestie's daddy!"

Keira playfully added before then handing Bradley a long scroll.. surprising him by the contents and causing him to then try his very best to keep a straight face.

"This is quite the list? From my knowledge you have long surpassed The Sacred Realm, became a Divine Artisan, a renowned expert of both the blight and the void, a legendary scholar and archivist, all the while accomplishing many other near-impossible feats in a short amount of time?"

"The list itself, despite being quite long, would only be comparable to that of a standard Artisan? The Privileges are quite insignificant compared to your status"

"As for the rights to sell and be sponsored by the golden legions.. we currently have fifteen divine artisans while the other hundred have either stayed in seclusion or wandered off somewhere to improve their crafts?"

"As for the artisans themselves, we have ten thousand more while eleven thousand others are either assistants to Divine Artisans, students or also wandering off somewhere?"

"Of course, I had to greatly lessen the actual numbers due to it ultimately being classified"

Bradley curiously contemplated before then revamping her list to match that of what she truly deserved.

Because at this point she was deliberately underpaying herself and he simply didn't want to feel dirty by accepting such things as if he was cheating her.

And to put it simply there was no real reason to, The Celestial Vale has had troubles recently.. albeit to anyone else it may result in them vomiting blood but in truth, they were simply far too rich.

There's a reason why everything was so extravagant!

Gold, diamonds, or anything precious really was converted to construction materials so as not to ruin the economies of Divinus with inflation, which in itself despite sounding silly was a real issue.

A never-ending golden age did have its downsides.

Meaning outside of coin collectors and artists such things were typically smelted over time if not restricted or donated to the nearest shrine, any shrine really, chances are if someone found a hidden shrine they'd clean it up.

Repair it, and surround it in ornate gold while donating quite heavily even if they didn't know who it truly was.

It became a fun hobby if anything! Of course, no one truly speaks of it as if keeping it all a secret due to the simple fact that they're far too embarrassed that this issue even existed..

Resulting in many mines being sealed or only harvesting lesser if not the rarest minerals and so forth. Or in worse cases being hidden by the gods while disposing of such unneeded resources.

All the while after reading her updated list.. Keira reluctantly accepted!

Before then curiously contemplating herself having not wanted such posh treatment but didn't want to refuse because this was still her bestie's daddy, resulting in several moments of table talk.

"What are you going to give my bestie for his birthday? I haven't decided yet! I know celestials enjoy giving presents at the end of the first week but I'm impatient! Any time is a good time for presents?!"

Keira excitedly contemplated causing Bradley to then surprisingly pause having had the same issue, the memory crystals were simply a small present he had always wanted to give him.

"Now that's the real question? Truthfully I'm not sure, I neither wish to overwhelm him nor worry him.. I've thought of a daddy day however I'm not sure if that's worthy of being a present. The only real idea being he greatly enjoys matching clothes, jewelry, make-up, and anything else his sisters would also enjoy"

"For Rory's Birthdays and that of Aubrey's and Audree's it was always a mixture of things? Perhaps I was too dismissive of The Daddy Day.. it seems every day he is going beyond our expectations and the same could be said for his changes?"

"A Junior Artisan, Archmage, Master Assassin, and even a Sword Saint at such an age.. is both impressive and makes me incredibly proud but he's still very much a child, and even if he did in fact seal his progress makes me feel less than adequate? He needs to know he's safe and that he isn't a burden"

Bradley honestly confessed having genuinely felt useless surprising Keira causing her to then surprisingly shake her head.

"Daddy day is a start! As for my bestie, I suppose it's because it's hard to switch out of his mentality? He got beaten up, and suffered continuously to the point he worried about protecting everyone else aside from himself!"

"It's definitely not your fault, rather he is still a baby and doesn't know what to think or do outside of getting stronger! He's sweet, kind, loving, forgiving, and much more! He might have forgotten the fact that he's safe"

"He burdens himself as if he knows of no other way"

"He's a scared baby bestie worrying and wanting to surpass everyone's expectations while not caring for himself.. my baby bestie isn't a legendary knight fighting evil and the world isn't going to end if he fails! He's moving way too fast! He needs a break! If he isn't able to then your daddy day will do just that!"

Keira happily explained surprising Bradley causing him to then immediately nod in agreement.

Having realized the same and feared just that, his precious children shouldn't force themselves to go beyond just for the sake of doing it, childhood is precious and they should be able to enjoy it without any fear.

Causing Bradley to then get up after some contemplation in the hopes of checking up on his precious children.