
Tales of The Celestial Prince

These tales are of Aurel, a young celestial prince, and his journey full of adorable antics both memorable and loved. The many enthusiastic Gods, cultures, temples, and shrines he meets, the various threats he faces in his ventures. As ancient threats loom behind closed curtains, playing the strings of fate both worldly or otherwise, how will precious Aurel fare against them? ___________________ *MUST READ* Novel Status: Paused At The Moment General Status: Revision In Process Revision Details: I've spent years of my life on this novel, and through doing so I gained quite a bit of experience, however, now I desire to perfect and improve my art or rather my novel I've dedicated a handful of years on. While I've been fortunate enough to gain a handful of feedback, all of which I truly appreciate and ask that anyone who wishes it provides the same. Be it criticism, constructive feedback, or simply plot holes I may have missed, I wish to take it all in strides. As for The Novel itself, I will never abandon it. It's beyond precious to me so in my next revision I will keep many of the same characters, and try my very best to improve and rewrite scenes and explanations the best I can. For those who actually read this, thank you and I aspire to entertain you all alongside myself for as long as allowed. ___________________ Daily Chapters: Two chapters [One during slowdown] Chapter Publishing Times: 12:00 AM EST [00:00 EST] Author Status: Alive P.S: The New Cover Art is Rory! ___________________ Have any questions? Join my official discord below! Discord: https://discord.gg/2vEWGManyS ___________________ For all intents and purposes, this novel does 'not' feature real names, individuals, events, or politics, it is a work of fantasy and is intended as such. This work contains borderline mature content, hints, and otherwise, and is often greatly influenced by anime and other forms of literature. To be 'completely' honest it's hard to assume what others believe to be borderline mature content or not so do with this information as you may! The beginning is much as to be expected while later chapters are indeed quite interesting as I try my very best to add unique names, concepts, and systems. ___________________ COPYRIGHT 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Wakeless · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
334 Chs

Mommy Day VII Aurora's Auction III

But Aldra knew the value of such things and worried for her sweet prince in the case he overspends or perhaps even scammed.

Resulting in her explaining the value of such items and what you'd normally pay for them. Be it from materials, the value of artisanship, and any number of factors?

In truth, the bronze set at most was worth five hundred but since there was a slow-paced playful bid war it went to eight hundred.

Before he simply bought it for nine hundred meaning he should be careful of those who'd purposely start a bidding war for fun or perhaps to trick you into spending much more.

In truth, he didn't have to worry about face, his reputation, or anything really since no one would dare say they argued or hated such an influential figure who chances are could only answer with his majesty or his holiness.

Resulting in Aldra, Gemma, and even Elyris explaining just that?

Causing the young prince having absorbed it all, especially from what Jade told him and that being chances are all of Aurora's money he spent went towards The Royal Family of The Brown Tailed Inari!

Meaning their nine thousand and nine hundred platinum richer which no doubt would surprise them!

Especially since despite such gorgeous artisanship and workmanship chances are they were some lazy work or things the talented artisan had kept in her closet and sent them to the auction on a whim.

Causing the young prince to then adorably nod having loved it nonetheless before then adorably playing with silver brown-tailed inari crown?

It was gorgeous and looked as if the queen herself had worn it! The feeling of the silver, precious silver, and starry silver gems was truly precious!

He loved it and he'll always treasure it!

Especially since Elyris wanted him to have it meaning it's truly a treasure to him causing him to then adorably put it away before then holding both Elyris's and his mommy's hands resulting in tighter hugs until finally, the auction continued.

After the five sets had been won there were Three Quasi Sky Castles on display albeit the images were on the massive crystal screen.

Surprising many, however, the young prince simply had no interest in them since he was reminded Lady Frostma was building him one and he had The Skyforge by Jade.

Along with several skyholds, he hadn't even touched which were half the size and half the firepower of an actual Sky Castle so it would no doubt be better anyways than one that only looked like one without the firepower of one.

However to put it simply even if it was a Quasi Sky Castle to anyone on the Lesser Continents they were more than enough and beyond precious.

Resulting in a fierce bidding war between those of Polus and Furvus VIPs while everyone else watched since chances are all of them would be broke by the end of it.

Perhaps if it had been a Brown Tailed Inari Sky Castle he may have gone for it.

But despite it sounding interesting and him having one he could simply buy one from The Dark Elf Empire, The Kingdom of The Elves, or The Kingdom of The Celestial Vale? And even perhaps The Ophidian Empire?

Of course, that's if they simply don't gift him an outdated or a surplus one or perhaps build one for him like Lady Frostma?

Perhaps he could even ask Aurora since she knew how to build one was even sold them albeit rarely making it a situation where he was among the handful of people who could dare say such a thing.

Causing Elyris having felt curious about them to them to then ultimately ignore them and focus on Lady Lu much as she had done since the beginning?

Lady Lu was gorgeous even though no one could see her face simply looking at her movement and cheerful demeanor while her tail went back and forth made the young prince blush before then remembering Elyris and lovingly hugging her tail.

"Brown-tailed Inaries are the cutest! Bu-But Elyris is the prettiest.. "

The young prince adorably confessed surprising Elyris by the randomness of it before then simply tickling him after another wave of mental messages.

After the bidding for each of the three Quasi Sky Castles was finished it seemed The Kingdom of Bronze won one while The Kingdom of Dreams won the second.

While as the third was won by someone from Furvus who had apparently represented The Celestial Empire of Lepar.

The cheapest one was thirty-five thousand Ethereal Gold and was won by The Celestial Empire of Lepar funnily enough?

While the second cheapest was forty-five thousand Ethereal Gold won by The Kingdom of Dreams while the most expensive at fifty thousand Ethereal Gold was won by The Kingdom of Bronze.

Each Ethereal Gold was worth ten thousand Platinum and one billion Gold!

Meaning chances are outside of The Celestial Empire of Lepar and The Kingdom of Bronze who'll no doubt get half discounted or a forgivable loan.

While The Kingdom of Dreams despite being the second cheapest still spent quite a bit and most likely twenty-five percent of their Ethereal Gold reserves?

Which no doubt would make an impact even if they barely used it.

At least that's how Jade explained it resulting in the young prince worriedly nodding since he liked The Kingdom of Dreams and asked Aurora if they would be ok through mental messages.

Resulting in Aurora reassuring him and after remembering both him and Princess Grace of The Kingdom of Dreams were friends and she might even be on his list?! So she made sure to pay for it of course this was without saying she would.

She simply did it and sent them a note saying she thanked Grace for being her holy prince's precious friend which was indeed quite wholesome in its own right.

And gave him some points without knowing? Who said she couldn't be a Wing-Godling or maybe Wing-Goddess now?!

Causing the young prince to then adorably nod and Lady Lu to then finally move on to the next display which was four gorgeous picture-perfect palaces varying in design all the while displaying each on the massive crystal screen.

"Here we have four picture-perfect palaces accompanied by five kilometers of the surrounding land, beautiful grassy plains, and warm springs!"

"The first gem is located in The Kingdom of Inari quite close to my homeland while the others are located on The Celestial Golden Isle, The Kingdom of The Wood Elves, and The Kingdom of Minma! We will be auctioning off these palaces one at a time starting with the first gem at fifty thousand platinum!"

Lady Lu cheerily explained surprising everyone and causing the young prince to then adorably nod resulting in a mini bid war since despite the first one sounding quite simple it was quite the opposite.. at most someone could gift it to an Inari Royal?

This was because being so close to secretive homelands of any race similar to The Brown Tailed Inari was typically trouble. The reasoning being secretive races don't like to be watched let alone seen so they would typically become pests later on.

However, for the young prince, they simply couldn't do anything even if they wanted to..

Annoying The Holy Prince of Aurora, Selphine's First Holy Prince, and The First Prince of The Elves along with titles of The Holy Celestial Emperor, Celestial Prince, Holy Consort of Celestia, and Imperial Prince of The Dark Elves.

Made doing such a thing something that they simply couldn't afford to do, along with the fact that dealing with The Celestial Royal Guard, The Elven Royal Guard, and Aurora was quite troublesome.

Since troubling them was the equivalent of preventing them from doing their duty which would lead to a backlash.

Not to mention the young prince wanted to give the palace itself to Elyris! She was a Brown Tailed Inari Royal and an Imperial Princess so at most she was immune to such things.

Resulting in the bidding war stopping at the eighty thousand mark while the young prince brought it to ninety-nine thousand ultimately winning after he went against what seemed to be an Inari in an obvious cloak 'attempting' to hide her features.

Chances are she could have been the one who put it up on auction in the first place and only wanted to raise the prince.

Causing the young prince to then adorably pout having put two and two together.

"Sneaky bully.. Elyris has a better tail!"

The young prince righteously pouted causing Elyris to then adorably nod while playing with his adorable little ears.

Before then subsequently being cut off by Lady Lue whose Inari Assistant had informed her of who was inside of the young prince's Ethereal Golden VIP Room!

Perhaps to make it entertaining on Aurora's end and even perhaps a lesson to show the changes in those who would discover his identity mid-auction?

Aurora had to prepare her holy prince somehow!

Resulting in Lady Lue having now realized he loved The Brown Tailed Inari and perhaps the Inari in general to then playfully nod.

Wanting to make use of this opportunity before then remembering someone mentioning a young brown-tailed inari royal with him.

Something she hadn't originally believed since there weren't only Brown and White-tailed Inaries rather there was quite a few!

The Demonic Inari were the Violet-tailed Inari and later called 'The' Violet Inari after the demon genocide due to them not wanting to be pitied or perhaps not to grab the attention of The Dark Elves. They simply didn't want to die?

While there were Celestial Inari with golden tails, and several others meaning someone could have confused them however now she started to believe otherwise more and more!

Simply by the purchases alone resulting in her removing her mask halfway to display her golden honied eyes before then winking at his room and quickly putting it back on surprising everyone and Lady Lu to then happily continue.

"Congratulations to his holiness The Holy Prince of Aurora and his brown-tailed inari companion! You two have amazing taste! Now onto the next palace on The Celestial Golden Isle!"

Lady Lu cheerfully teased surprising quite a few among the thirty on the auction room floor until finally, biddings continued!

Surprisingly enough Celes had won this one. In truth chances are she only bought it so no base human could have it and contemplated what to do with it.

While surprisingly enough no one really bidded on The Palace in The Kingdom of The Wood Elves as in not even The Wood Elves in attendance resulting in the young prince simply buying it since he could give it to his big sister Aubrey!

The reason behind no one wanting to buy that palace was no doubt because of The Kingdom of The Wood Elves.

Aside from the demon invasion and void conflict no one wanted to be in the middle of it or buy a palace just for it to be destroyed even if it bordered The KIngdom of Bos and Inari near a major trading hub.

Wouldn't that be a target later if the worst comes?

Causing the young prince to then adorably nod while the next on the list is the palace in The Kingdom of Minma bordering The Dark Elf Empire and The Forbidden Forest on the buffer zone previously used to hide The Dark Elf Empire.

And surprisingly enough no one bidded on at all..

To put it simply despite it being on a gorgeous island no one wanted to be that close to such places and many attendees simply believed someone was throwing it away.

Resulting in the young prince buying it for himself to be closer to big sister Amelia at a discounted price of forty-five thousand platinum!

Leading many attendees to believe he simply felt sorry for Lady Lu and bought it on impulse or perhaps because he could live there with no real issues.

Resulting in many simply feeling disappointed in the auction so far even if it wasn't their main focus.

Resulting in Lady Lu having sensed this to then happily move on to a real auction!

To put it simply the start of the auction is generally used to throw away and sell the less valuable items surprisingly enough meaning the better items and assets will now be plentiful and displayed sooner!

Resulting in just that! Soon enough there were almost a dozen displays and even properties! Be it from an abandoned temple in the forbidden forest, or a surplus sky tower of unknown origin.

Possibly demonic, or an older mage tower in The Kingdom of Cinis.

And many more sets of elite mage legion grade gear in the hundreds, small artisan grade puppet legions, relics, and statues, among other things.

And surprisingly enough that wasn't all! She explained it in the way that despite so much it was only the beginning!