
Tales of The Celestial Prince

These tales are of Aurel, a young celestial prince, and his journey full of adorable antics both memorable and loved. The many enthusiastic Gods, cultures, temples, and shrines he meets, the various threats he faces in his ventures. As ancient threats loom behind closed curtains, playing the strings of fate both worldly or otherwise, how will precious Aurel fare against them? ___________________ *MUST READ* Novel Status: Paused At The Moment General Status: Revision In Process Revision Details: I've spent years of my life on this novel, and through doing so I gained quite a bit of experience, however, now I desire to perfect and improve my art or rather my novel I've dedicated a handful of years on. While I've been fortunate enough to gain a handful of feedback, all of which I truly appreciate and ask that anyone who wishes it provides the same. Be it criticism, constructive feedback, or simply plot holes I may have missed, I wish to take it all in strides. As for The Novel itself, I will never abandon it. It's beyond precious to me so in my next revision I will keep many of the same characters, and try my very best to improve and rewrite scenes and explanations the best I can. For those who actually read this, thank you and I aspire to entertain you all alongside myself for as long as allowed. ___________________ Daily Chapters: Two chapters [One during slowdown] Chapter Publishing Times: 12:00 AM EST [00:00 EST] Author Status: Alive P.S: The New Cover Art is Rory! ___________________ Have any questions? Join my official discord below! Discord: https://discord.gg/2vEWGManyS ___________________ For all intents and purposes, this novel does 'not' feature real names, individuals, events, or politics, it is a work of fantasy and is intended as such. This work contains borderline mature content, hints, and otherwise, and is often greatly influenced by anime and other forms of literature. To be 'completely' honest it's hard to assume what others believe to be borderline mature content or not so do with this information as you may! The beginning is much as to be expected while later chapters are indeed quite interesting as I try my very best to add unique names, concepts, and systems. ___________________ COPYRIGHT 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Wakeless · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
334 Chs

Celestial Learning XII The Real Questions I

All the while carefully squeezing through before then finally sleepily rubbing his eyes causing him to then curiously look around before then sleepily hugging Celes until finally attempting to fall asleep once more.

Before then being cut off himself causing Celes to then playfully flick his forehead.

"Good timing.. If not too convenient, I need to ask you some questions before you use me as your own personal body pillow?"

Celes playfully joked.

Causing the young prince to then adorably stretch before then wrapping his arms around her neck causing her to then playfully smile before then calming down.

"Good.. now what do you know of 'marriage' and what a 'wife' is? I know you're still a child in all but you at least need to know something about it since you're promising to marry so many-"

Celes curiously asked before then being cut off causing Aurora to then adorably laugh.

"Is that how it works now?! What about that promise about you taking his first time? How about asking him if he knows anything about that?"

Aurora teasingly asked causing Sylvia to then quickly become flushed all the while the young prince looked to everyone with an adorably confused expression causing Celes to then surprisingly blush.

Before then calming down once more and shaking her head having felt incredibly judged.

"That's not important you golden brat! Now Auri answer me!"

Celes pouted causing the young prince to then curiously nod.

Before then adorably remembering something.

"Momm-Mommy and dadd-daddy?"

The young prince asked causing Celes to then helplessly nod.

"Yes.. maybe? Yeah, they're definitely married! But it's not always the case? Annie and that Abyssal creatu-Elf aren't officially married.."

"That Mili is surprisingly still his first son? Ames, I take it might have 'some' consorts so he could have some sisters if that's the case? No matter.. not everyone is fortunate enough to have married parents"

"But we'll talk more about that later.. for now, I'm talking about marriage 'proposals' and 'promising' to marry someone?"

"It would be thoughtless of me if I didn't mention how much of a big deal it would be.. you're a Celestial Prince, the title alone holds enough power, responsibilities, and rights both political and militarily.."

"There's a reason why treaties of restraints are a thing! I took the risk and believed that you'd never misuse such power even if you're still a child.."

"That's why I personally ripped it up and told them if they attempted to send those to my temple once again in the hopes of going over your mommy's and daddy's heads I'd purge The Celestial Eldar Council of their filth and wipe their existences off of all records.."

Celes seriously explained surprising the young prince causing his eyes to then both hesitantly and surprisingly sparkle in amazement with an adorably confused expression.

Before then being cut off causing Celes to then helplessly shake her head.

"Unlike Selphie, I don't stand for such things! I wouldn't mind giving them the same fates of The Celestial Church, even those who follow that silly Celestial Creed aren't stupid enough to do such a thing.."

"And they're borderline fanatics! If anything it must be that Void creature's doing! Putting that awful thing aside I believe I've already gone off-topic.. anyways along with your first title you also have the titles of First Prince for The Elves, and The Dark Elves.."

"Both of who'd probably give you the same benefits since they're comparable in almost every way apparently?"

"And that's the issue.. those titles are exclusive and beyond powerful and could even be seen as the first of all elven races which would be tempting to many even if you just make them consorts"

"It's all complicated and I'm guessing everyone would have their own views on the matter.. but for now, just don't make promises so carelessly ok Auri? And don't make promises you can't keep either.."

Celes seriously asked causing the young prince to then seriously nod causing him to then adorably remember something before then whispering into Celes's ear surprising her.

Causing her to then helplessly nod.

"Right Selphie, Lilly, and Stella are still in your dream world? And don't worry I'll only tease you and that Octavia, that bunny is already my favorite Holy Princess.. I don't believe I've given you a 'Holy' title yet"

"So I'll have to think about that one? That's a fun idea.. I'll need to make some plans, I'll have a chat with Amber and Holly and send either to your Dreamworld.. or maybe Annie?"

Celes curiously explained causing the young prince to then adorably nod before then sleepily kissing Celes's forehead before then adorably nodding.

All the while Hanah was already at Ruby's mountain taste-testing Hanah's and Luna's chocolate cookies causing her to then suddenly remember something.

"Wait so that bully Hanah is a four-thousand-year-old 'Imperial' Celestial Princess who was 'supposed' to become a Celestial Empress? And that adorable Luna is actually an ancient Celestial Queen who was supposed to carry the title of Celestial Empress?"

"So we're actually related but-wait! Why even say 'Imperial' before Celestial Princess? Just sounds stupid and pompous when you say it like that.. and why is everything 'Celestial' this or Celestial that you know?!"

Octavia surprisingly asked causing Ruby to then helplessly shrug before then being cut off by Luna who had just left the kitchen with another tray of cookies causing Luna to then gently shake her head.

"I'd imagine that's Lady Celestia's doing and yes she essentially and painstakingly copymarked the name after loving the sound of being The 'Celestial' Goddess. Us celestials will occasionally have to deal with such instances on occasion?"

Luna gently explained causing Octavia to then frown before then happily grabbing another cookie.

"You're too friendly to be that pink ear-hating bully's sister you know! And Celes is a giant pervert!"

Octavia pouted causing Luna to then adorably giggle.

"That she is! And don't take Hanah's teasing to heart ok? She's been through a lot and isn't herself"

Luna worriedly confessed causing Octavia to then hesitantly nod before then grabbing another cookie.

All the while this was happening Amber had woken up much earlier and decided to work into the night with both Colin and Holly and later Annie in a strange room filled that looked to be a massive golden strategic hub with crystal-like screens.

And Celestial Agents and members of The Celestial Royal Guards running back in forth all the while Amber, Annie, Colin, and Holly were sitting in a massive crystal conference room overlooking everything.

And guarded by both Celestial Holy Knights and Strange Celestial Royal Guards who were actually Amber's own High Queen's Royal Guard surprising Amber after hearing about Colin's situation.

"Yo-You actually accepted her offer?! Aren't you a Celestial Lord?! And a High Lord at that too? How does that even work?"

Amber surprisingly asked causing Annie to then playfully giggle.

All the while causing Colin to then gently shake his head.

"I'd imagine it would be better if Holly explained?"

Colin reassured causing Holly to then helplessly nod.

"Despite The Draconian Empire owning half of the Sub Continent remarkably close to our borders they are more interested in their own rivalry with The Ophidian Empire?"

"They have no interest in the continent at large and have been proven to be reliable trade parents, they have also assisted in the war with the now-known Dark Elf Empire no matter how short their assistance was it was still proven quite valuable towards the end of the conflict.."

"Not to mention despite both them and The Ophidian Empire not being members of The Celestial Pact they are actually Ancient Allies to both The Celestials and The Elves, so to put it short Lady Celestia is ok with it"

"And Colin will still hold both his titles as a High Lord of The Celestial Vale and Celestial Lord along with his third title of Prince of The Kingdom of The Celestial Vale?"

"Plus it would only increase the chances for the expansion of our embassy there.. along with closer ties and a direct link to Draconian Royals"

Holly reassuringly explained causing Amber to then give up before then reading a report from a certain Celestial Mage Legion's exploration of The Void Anomaly surprising her.

"This report.. The Celestial Lions Mage Chapter had curiously gone inside of the Void Anomaly without any previous scouting attempts and slaughtered 'some' of the Void Creatures.. why?!"

"And it says they found a note naming them by name before then finally being teleported away and dropped into one of Lady Inari's Holy Lakes.."

"That bully Lioness of a Chapter Master did all of this and even had the gull to write down a little note saying see 'you' at the Mage Festival?! Who was that even directed to?! I can't believe she's our cousin!"

Amber pouted having had been teased a lot by this cousin causing Annie to then playfully shake her head before then being cut off causing Colin to reluctantly read the same report.

"She's quite powerful! She had already learned to transform into a Celestial Lion as a child and surprisingly without the need of blessings, training, and so forth.. all of which is quite impressive"

"However despite her appearance and behavior her magic path is the opposite! She forged her own path and managed to create new magic in the process! But I must relent.. Lady Lian is quite the trouble maker"

Colin confessed causing Annie to then playfully nod.

"Liana is precious! Thinking of precious things! Tomorrow is going to be a big day for our precious celestial teddy bear Aurel! My schedule has been hectic as of late so I feel bad for not playing with him lately!"

"Me, Mili, Mai, Vivian, and the others already have made 'some' preparations for his birthday but it feels unfinished somehow!"

Annie excitedly chimed in causing Holly to then remember something as well causing her heart to melt.

"I remember when he was just a baby.. he was so precious! Playing with him made my hectic schedule worth it! His adorable little hands and eyes made my heart melt so many times!"

Holly reminiscently giggled causing both Annie and Amber to then reminiscently nod as well causing Amber to then adorably smile.

"Mili was the same for me.. living in a simple shrine with Mai and everyone else while all of them took care of little Mili was worth it!"

Amber adorably confessed causing Annie to then playfully pout.

"Everyone got to play with babies except for me! Wait.. Aldra's still pregnant! So I still have a chance! She's already Six months pregnant! Maybe seven now?"

Annie excitedly remembered causing everyone to then adorably smile causing Colin to then curiously remember something himself.

"Gora wanted a baby as well, I wonder if she would be doing it for similar reasons?"

Colin curiously asked surprising everyone causing Annie to then playfully nod.

"Despite her reputation, I have a feeling she'd be an amazing mother! The only reason why her reputation is so scary is that she doesn't actually cover anything up or hide her emotions"

"If anything her straightforwardness is her redeeming quality if any! That's what I envy about her the most! Despite how others may see me I don't believe I'm a good mommy.. I only spent a few days with Mili before I left to clean up my mess.."

"I only came back some years later and even now I have a strange feeling Mili despite being my precious abyssal teddy bear might want to talk about it eventually?"

"I should really take him on an adventure with me and have a little mommy-son bonding time one of these days.."

Annie playfully explained surprising everyone even more causing Amber to then adorably freeze having never thought Annie would ever feel such a way causing Colin to then reassuringly shake his head.

"I appreciate your words however I'd imagine you could use some yourself. From what I heard from the others you did it all for his sake? And afterward, you immediately returned back into his life and gave him what he had been missing"

"I might not be a parent however if it's anything like magic paths I believe he'd forgive you. An adventure might just be what you two need to.. how does that saying go? Clear the air?"

Colin reassured causing Annie to then playfully laugh before then calming down.

"Maybe you're right Colin! In any case, now we have to deal with The Void Elves and whatever else they're up to! I'll make some time for both Mili and Aurel no matter what! Plus all of my precious nieces! So many cuties so little time!"

Annie excitedly agreed before then scooting over to Amber and playfully hugging her.

Causing her to then adorably pout causing everyone to then smile once more before then continuing going over reports involving the Void.