
Tales of The Celestial Prince

These tales are of Aurel, a young celestial prince, and his journey full of adorable antics both memorable and loved. The many enthusiastic Gods, cultures, temples, and shrines he meets, the various threats he faces in his ventures. As ancient threats loom behind closed curtains, playing the strings of fate both worldly or otherwise, how will precious Aurel fare against them? ___________________ *MUST READ* Novel Status: Paused At The Moment General Status: Revision In Process Revision Details: I've spent years of my life on this novel, and through doing so I gained quite a bit of experience, however, now I desire to perfect and improve my art or rather my novel I've dedicated a handful of years on. While I've been fortunate enough to gain a handful of feedback, all of which I truly appreciate and ask that anyone who wishes it provides the same. Be it criticism, constructive feedback, or simply plot holes I may have missed, I wish to take it all in strides. As for The Novel itself, I will never abandon it. It's beyond precious to me so in my next revision I will keep many of the same characters, and try my very best to improve and rewrite scenes and explanations the best I can. For those who actually read this, thank you and I aspire to entertain you all alongside myself for as long as allowed. ___________________ Daily Chapters: Two chapters [One during slowdown] Chapter Publishing Times: 12:00 AM EST [00:00 EST] Author Status: Alive P.S: The New Cover Art is Rory! ___________________ Have any questions? Join my official discord below! Discord: https://discord.gg/2vEWGManyS ___________________ For all intents and purposes, this novel does 'not' feature real names, individuals, events, or politics, it is a work of fantasy and is intended as such. This work contains borderline mature content, hints, and otherwise, and is often greatly influenced by anime and other forms of literature. To be 'completely' honest it's hard to assume what others believe to be borderline mature content or not so do with this information as you may! The beginning is much as to be expected while later chapters are indeed quite interesting as I try my very best to add unique names, concepts, and systems. ___________________ COPYRIGHT 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Wakeless · Fantasía
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334 Chs

Celestial Learning II Kate's Mishaps I

"So now we'll be switching onto the Knights! Much like The Mage Legions, there are potentially hundreds to even thousands of Knight Chapters.. however strictly speaking there are only seven orders!"

"Both The Knights and The Mages have similar command structures meaning each Main Order or Legion are connected in some way meaning even the lowest Mage Legion can be associated with one of these groups"

"I'll explain the difference in ranks and command structures later.."

"However now it's time to talk about 'our' Praetorians and Royal Guard units in general! If you don't already know The Royal Guard units are numerous and the amount of active personnel is currently classified.."

"When compared to Mage Legions and Orders Royal or not there's no competition!"

Celie proudly explained having now had an opportunity to brag about The Celestial Praetorian Guard surprising both even more before then being cut off.

"Each member was selected from the wider ranks of both The Royal Mages and Knights for some exemplary feat or skill and bravery that elevates them above their already elite brethren!"

"Within their ranks can be found the finest minds and the surest blades! They are the closest confidants entrusted with whatever doubts and fears that their liege may have!"

"And that's just The Royal Guard overall all the while there are even more elite units!"

"Speaking of elite units there is The Celestial King's Guard lead by Lord Commander and High Lord Theodore Vale who serves directly under your father, The Queen's Guard led by High Lord Claire Elfa who serves under your mother"

"And The Imperial Elfin Guard led by High Queen Emilia Elfin who despite having a higher standing than you 'chooses' to serve you as an advisor in 'some' capacity!"

Celie explained before then quickly continuing.

"And there's me who has a similar title to The Celestial Praetorian Guard! All of whom outranks 'most' other Highlords.. strictly speaking"

"Other than the Siblings and Children of the current Celestial Queen or King they answer to no one! And since you 'are' a Celestial Prince after all you can also command them excluding The King's and Queen's Guards of course!"

"There are countermeasures to prevent misuse and abuse of power in the case a Celestial Prince or Princess turned 'bad' resulting in either The Celestial King or Queen creating something similar to a Treaty of 'Restraint'.."

"Restricting your authority by some degree! But I doubt that would ever happen with you! In any case, it really only matters with the standing ruler with celestial honorifics at the end of the day!"

Celie helplessly explained surprising the young prince before then being cut off.

"Highlords or High Queens and Kings can submit a similar application in the case they feel you 'may' abuse those powers however that's just a formality just like The Elder Councils!"

"If they don't offer The Celestial King or Queen any proof or did it for selfish reasons they'd be punished.. especially for the latter! I may have gotten too excited but that should sum up the basics! I'll allow Bradley or Aldra to explain your own authority later!"

"Oh and since your coronation is soon I'd imagine they'll explain it earlier! Or even before your Coronation? No matter, afterward that you'll get your own seal, heraldry, and a ton of fun things! However, I should really continue where I left off?"

Celie happily explained causing both Selphie and Stella to then appear all the while Kaylan, Silas, and Annie were almost finished with the preparations.

Surprising everyone causing both Selphie and Stella to then both quickly and reassuring hug the young prince.

"Some on both sides have already sent the applications.. they can't stand the thought of an Elf or Celestial outranking them even if you're both! Those bullies!"

"Celes didn't want to say anything because she already declined the celestial applications in a heartbeat while I did the sam-"

Selphie seriously reassured before then being cut off causing Katie to then quickly appear before then walking off without saying a word surprising everyone causing Kaylan to then helplessly frown.

"Despite how she may act at times.. she's even more prideful than me.. so if something were to happen to you it would 'also' involve us.. which translates to them unknowingly trying to restrict all three as a whole.."

"So let's hope she doesn't burn down 'your' Elder Council.. at worst she'll start crippling everyone's mana and beating them senseless.. not to mention her ongoing Dragon of 'Justice' theme she's been ranting about-"

Celie confessed before then being cut off by a massive 'potent' Dragon Menace.



Katie furiously yelled seemingly in the distance surprising everyone causing Celes to then immediately laugh uncontrollably having felt Katie had surpassed her shamelessly hilarious threshold.

Causing the young prince to then adorably pout before then being cut off.

"I've done what 'I' could.. I'll go fetch that foolish Dragon of 'Justice'.. I doubt she'll show any mercy to either them or any cake she 'may' stumble upon.. the exception being soup it seems?"

Kaylan sighed before then quickly disappearing causing Stella, Iris, Molly, Mili, and the young prince to then adorably look to each other with adorably confused expressions.

Causing both Silas and Annie to then playfully giggle, moments later everyone could see smoke in the distance before then hearing a loud slap.. then another.. and another.

Causing both Kaylan and Katie to then appear once more all the while Katie's face was full of pride.. and cake it seems all the while causing Selphie to then nod with approval before then being cut off.

"The egg is prepared! Mili, Aurel it's your turn! Mili touch the egg and transfer 'some' of mana into it! And Aurel you can do your magic! Everyone else this should be a rare and unique experience so try absorbing as much as you can from it!"

"It will prove quite helpful in the future!"

Silas chimed in before then quickly freezing causing him to then curiously look to Stella surprising her before then being cut off herself.

"Stella.. while Mili touches the egg touch, Aurel! You might gain some insight from the experience as well!"

Silas added surprising everyone and causing Stella to then adorably blush.

Before then quickly nodding causing both the young prince and Mili to then adorably and righteously salute, after getting into their positions Stella adorably hugged the young prince from behind.

Causing the young prince to then adorably blush all the while after Mili had finally begun transferring his mana.

Causing the young prince's eyes to then quickly turn the brightest fiery ethereal gold much like Stella's causing all three to then quickly freeze surprising both Mili and Stella causing to then finally notice the young prince's eyes.

Causing her eyes to then slowly widen before then happily sparkling having felt happy that both the young prince and she had shared something with her causing her to then happily hug the young prince even tighter.

Strangely enough after what felt like ten minutes had passed, it was halved for everyone else.

Moments later all three unfroze before then instinctively stepping back surprising everyone after having noticed the small egg that was the size of an infant was now almost the same size as Stella.

Causing both Silas and Selphie to then proudly smile all the while Molly had soon hidden behind Annie while Iris had done the same with Selphie causing both Annie and Selphie to then adorably smile.

Moments later the egg began cracking causing Kaylan to then quickly disappear leaving behind the curiously frowning Katie.

Causing the egg to then quickly be enveloped by a blackish-purple light much like the one used in Mili's Transformation, after what felt like thirty or so seconds had passed the light had quickly dissipated revealing a little girl.

She wore an elegant black-purple Abyssal Dragon-scaled dress and boots complimenting her pristine white skin, black-purple eyes, ponytail, and terrifyingly adorable charm.

Causing her to then quickly look to Annie with an adorably angry expression before then noticing Katie's glare causing her to then immediately glare back causing Silas to then playfully walk in between the two.

Before then giving both a quick glance causing both to then freeze.

'I-I may not have memories of him but I know who that is.. wha-what is that monster doing here?! I-I'm a Dragon of Justice! Bu-But I know I can't beat him!'

Katie fearfully thought causing both Mili and the young prince and even Selphie to then adorably pout before then being cut off.

"It's far too late to be fighting don't you think? Knowing Celestial and Abyssal Dragons you two might instinctively hate each other! But we can't have that can we-"

Silas reassured before then being cut off by a Celestial Fire Ball to the back of his head surprising everyone and causing Silas to then playfully sigh before then dusting off his attire.

Causing Katie to then hesitantly and adorably pout.

"I-I'm a Dragon of Justice! N-No matter how strong you are you're still a smelly bully trying to Interfere!"

Katie both righteously and fearlessly warned.

Causing the young prince to then adorably blush having felt some admiration for Katie's fearlessness causing him to then quickly calm down before then getting in the middle of both Silas and Katie causing Mili to then adorably nod.

Before then doing the same with the little girl causing both the young prince and Mili to look to each other with adorably righteous expressions before nodding again.

"N-No Bullying!"

Both righteously warned surprising everyone and causing Katie to then quickly pout before then disappearing into the young prince's Bloodline.

Having felt terrified in both her actions and both the strangely ominous and unimaginable power that man held..

Scaring her even more having realized when compared to the young prince's it was refined like the sharpest obsidian blade resulting in her fearfully hiding underneath her blankets after imagining a dragon the size of a moon.

Who would only need to take a glimpse in her direction to erase her from existence before then remembering the young prince as a shield?

Before then quickly calming down and immediately erasing what had just transpired from her memory and reading a picture book of some sort?

All the while back with the others, the little girl had finally noticed Mili before then recognizing his mana causing her to then curiously look Mili up and down before then angrily and hesitantly frowning.

"Call me Liliana.. or Liana for shor-"

Liana curiously pouted before then being cut off causing Mili to then immediately hug her surprising her.

All the while Stella couldn't help but happily whisper into the young prince's ear having seen both the young prince's eyes and his blessing up close among other things.

Surprising the young causing his eyes to then adorably sparkle before then happily nodding.

Causing Stella to then excitedly hug the young prince even tighter all the while causing Silas to then playfully smile having realized what Stella would've asked.

Causing Selphie to then adorably frown before then nudging Silas after noticing his earlier efforts causing Silas to then helplessly smile once more.

After the hugging sessions had finished both Selphie and Silas had soon disappeared once more.

All the while both Mili and the young prince along with the others had soon left the courtyard before then being greeted by both Theodore and Maple causing Molly to then both quickly and excitedly hug him surprising him.

Causing him then excitedly smile before then both excitedly and carefully picking her up causing her to then quickly wrap her arms around his neck before then hugging Theodore even tighter causing him to then guiltily smile.

"I've missed you too Molly.. I'm terribly sorry for not being able to spend much time with you.. my schedule has been hectic as of late but that's still no excuse!"

"I promise I'll take some time for you and check up on you whenever I have a chance! Speaking of which! During some of the 'preparations', I was lucky to meet a 'friend' who also happened to be a popular Artisan who owed me a favor!"

Theodore nervously explained before then gently pulling out a small yet elegant necklace that radiated an ethereal golden glow.