
Tales of The Celestial Prince

These tales are of Aurel, a young celestial prince, and his journey full of adorable antics both memorable and loved. The many enthusiastic Gods, cultures, temples, and shrines he meets, the various threats he faces in his ventures. As ancient threats loom behind closed curtains, playing the strings of fate both worldly or otherwise, how will precious Aurel fare against them? ___________________ *MUST READ* Novel Status: Paused At The Moment General Status: Revision In Process Revision Details: I've spent years of my life on this novel, and through doing so I gained quite a bit of experience, however, now I desire to perfect and improve my art or rather my novel I've dedicated a handful of years on. While I've been fortunate enough to gain a handful of feedback, all of which I truly appreciate and ask that anyone who wishes it provides the same. Be it criticism, constructive feedback, or simply plot holes I may have missed, I wish to take it all in strides. As for The Novel itself, I will never abandon it. It's beyond precious to me so in my next revision I will keep many of the same characters, and try my very best to improve and rewrite scenes and explanations the best I can. For those who actually read this, thank you and I aspire to entertain you all alongside myself for as long as allowed. ___________________ Daily Chapters: Two chapters [One during slowdown] Chapter Publishing Times: 12:00 AM EST [00:00 EST] Author Status: Alive P.S: The New Cover Art is Rory! ___________________ Have any questions? Join my official discord below! Discord: https://discord.gg/2vEWGManyS ___________________ For all intents and purposes, this novel does 'not' feature real names, individuals, events, or politics, it is a work of fantasy and is intended as such. This work contains borderline mature content, hints, and otherwise, and is often greatly influenced by anime and other forms of literature. To be 'completely' honest it's hard to assume what others believe to be borderline mature content or not so do with this information as you may! The beginning is much as to be expected while later chapters are indeed quite interesting as I try my very best to add unique names, concepts, and systems. ___________________ COPYRIGHT 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Wakeless · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
334 Chs

Celestial Introduction I Celes's Mishaps I

While back in the young prince's dreamworld Selphie adorably began playing with the sleepy young prince's hair while Sylvia read him a Moon Elf Bedtime Story while gently caressing his face.

Causing him to then adorably drift away into another dreamworld entirely causing Mili who was already in an identical situation to then do the same surprising Selphie, Sylvia, Sera, and Lili causing both Sera and Selphie to then ruthlessly pout.

"It's her.."

Both frowned in unison surprising both Sylvia and Lili, all the while both Mili and the young prince had soon appeared In Celes's dreamworld.

Before then adorably looking to each other with adorably curious expressions.

"Impatient are we?"

Annie asked causing Celes to then adorably pout all the while causing both Mili and the young prince to then excitedly hug Annie.


Both excitedly exclaimed causing Annie's heart to then immediately melt.

"So precious!"

Annie happily cheered.

"So this is your adorable little body double? And Selphie's favorite! I almost didn't belie-"

Celes jokingly chimed in.


The young prince surprisingly asked.

Surprising both her and Annie surprising Annie once more after noticing some resemblances between the two.

"Aur-Aurel's right! The resemblance is uncanny!"

Annie playfully laughed.

"Who's this Rory anyways?"

Celes pouted.

"Right you did say earlier that you didn't like using Divine Mirrors! Rory is Aurel's big sister! I'm surprised you didn't already know this seeing as you have already blessed all of our 'little' family"

Annie joked.

Before then hugging both Mili and the young prince to the fullest extent causing Celes to then helplessly smile.

"Right.. I usually allow my demigods the pleasure of handling those sorts of things, and so it seems I 'have' apparently missed out on a lot, I only remember that you had two brothers and sisters, I already met your mother"

"Along with Amber, and Bradley when they were still around your age and taught them to transform, but I haven't checked up on those three in some time"

Celes surprisingly added surprising Annie causing her to then playfully shake her head.

"I do miss that adorable little Amber though! I wonder how grown up she is now?"

Celes wondered causing Annie to then helplessly shake her head.

"She hasn't changed much at all! She had already gotten the blessing of youth from Selphie at a very young age so she's still the same adorable Amber!"

Annie confessed surprising Celes causing her to then excitedly smile.


Celes asked causing her to then adorably wave her hand and quickly conjuring up Amber.

Causing Amber to then adorably look around before then noticing she was in fact in Cele's dreamworld causing her to then notice that she wasn't alone either.

"Mi-Mili? Au-Aurel? Annie?! What is this?"

Amber surprisingly asked causing Celes to then excitedly smile before then pouncing on Amber surprising her once more.

"You haven't changed at all! You're still as adorable as I remember!"

Celes cheered surprising Amber once more.


Amber surprisingly asked causing Celes to then happily nod.

"Soo cute!"

Celes happily cheered causing Annie to then playfully shake her head.


Annie helplessly warned causing Celes to then helplessly pout before then excitedly remembering something causing her to then excitedly smile even more.

Before then finally looking to both Mili and the young prince with an adorably excited expression.

"Right! I'll be teaching you two how to transform into the mightiest Golden Dragons! Actually with both Annie and Amber here it'll be a lot easier to do that since you can already just tap into their experiences!"

"Plus I wouldn't have to do too much other than giving you two the blessing anyways!"

Celes lazily remembered.

"Making me and poor Amber do all the work.. how shameless of you Celes! Aren't you the goddess that rivals both Lady Selphine and Lord Silvanus?"

"What would the faithful say after hearing such a thing coming from their most benevolent and loved goddess?"

Annie shamelessly pouted.

Causing Celes to then adorably pout once more before then playfully sticking out her tongue at Annie causing Annie to then quickly do the same causing both Mili and the young prince to then do the same but to each other.

Causing Amber after noticing this to then immediately hug both.

"So precious!"

Amber exclaimed before then finally noticing Mili had in fact changed into an Inari of some kind surprising her even more.

Causing her to then adorably look to his amazingly fluffy tail all the while causing the young prince to then remember as well before then quickly hugging Mili's tail causing Mili to then quickly blush.

"No-Not so rough.."

Mili mumbled causing the young prince to then adorably blush as well before then reassuringly hugging Mili.

"I-I'm sorry Mili.."

The young prince guiltily apologized causing Amber's, Annie's, and Cele's hearts to then immediately melt before quickly hugging both Mili and the young prince.

"So precious!"

All three exclaimed.

After the hugs had finished Celes couldn't help but lazily remember something else.

"Let's not procrastinate too much.. as I said earlier I'll be teaching you two how to transform into the mightiest Golden Dragons! With the help of our two favorite Celestial Princesses!"

Celes remembered causing Amber to then helplessly smile.

"I sti-still have the title of Celestial Princess but I mostly go by The High Queen of The Celestial Plains now.. an-and Annie has yet to choose her path s-so she's technically still a Celestial Princess"

"While-While Bromley is The High King of The Celestial Bliss and Bradley is The Celestial King and Aur-Aurel's farther"

Amber nervously explained surprising Celes before then looking to both Mili and the young prince with an adorably surprised expression causing her to then adorably nod with approval.

Before then looking back to both Annie and Amber with an adorably excited expression.

"If that's the case.. Annie should become The High Queen of The Celestial Lights!"

Celes excitedly suggested.

Surprisingly both Annie and Amber causing Annie to then playfully shake her head.

"Do I really look the 'High Queen' type?"

Annie asked causing Celes to then adorably smile.

Causing Celes's eyes to then excitedly sparkle after some consideration.

"Yes, you do! Not to mention Amber's also a High Queen and look at her, she's still downright precious, and being a High Queen isn't a big deal anyway! You can still have more than enough free time!"

Celes proudly reassured causing Amber to then quickly nod in agreement.

"She's right! You essentially still have all the time in the world, you'd only need to check up on things and intervene when it comes to major decision-making!"

"And it's not like it's a hard job anyways, you can honestly just do whatever you want most of the time!"

Amber encouraged causing Annie to then helplessly smile all the while causing Celes to then excitedly smile once more.

"You don't have a choice in the matter anymore anyway because I just conveniently let it slip to my temple already! Soo Bradley should be informed soon!"

"And I added a little gift for Mili as well! He shall now be known as The High King of The Celestial Light Plains!"

Celes explained surprising both Annie and Amber once more.

"Mi-Mili a High King?"

Amber surprisingly asked causing Celes to then proudly smile.

"You told me earlier about those 'Abyssal Hussies' and their plans not to mention something about a rivalry.."

"So with that in mind, I now realize the slight difference in status between these two 'adorable rivals' so seeing as the 'amazing goddess' that I am I can't have that!"

Celes bragged causing both Annie and Amber to then excitedly hug Celes surprising her.

Causing both Mili and the young prince to then adorably look to each other with adorably curious expressions before then adorably nodding causing both to then adorably hug Celes as well.


Celes pouted causing Annie to then playfully smile before then playfully kissing her cheek.

"Wh-What was that for? An-Annie! Th-The transformations! Ye-Yes the transformations let's do that!"

Celes adorably begged.

Causing both Mili and the young prince to then adorably squeeze through and kiss her cheeks as well as surprising her even more causing her to then adorably become flushed.

After the hugs had finished Celes had soon conjured up an elegant celestial-inspired golden couch before then poutily laying down causing Annie to then helplessly smile.


Annie helplessly apologized.

"Right! I almost forgot all about those blessings and transformations! Mili get you and your fluffy tail over here! And the same goes for you too Aurel! Nothing beats an adorable little Elf and Inari except maybe Amber!"

Celes excitedly joked causing Amber to then adorably shake her head causing both Mili and the young prince to then adorably hop on the couch.

Causing Celes to then playfully smile before then adorably hugging both from behind causing both to then adorably blush.

"Before I give you two these blessings.. promise me something will you? When you two do start showing off by transforming into this mighty Golden Dragon of mine you must remember something for me"

"Helping you two would definitely be seen as me favoring you two, which I am in any case but there's more than just that!"

"Transforming into one of my Golden Dragons is the equivalent of becoming my hand or sword in most cases? seriously I've invested so much in spears and staffs but everyone likes swords?!"

"They should really just jump into the flames of The Endless Abyss.."

"So with that in mind only the most devoted and one of the faithful who also possesses my Celestial Royal Bloodline are allowed to be taught and transform into the mightiest Golden Dragons!"

Celes proudly explained causing both Mili and the young prince to then adorably look to each other before then excitedly nodding causing both to then adorably pounce on Celes surprising her.

"I-I wasn't fin-finished.. but I-I'll take that as you two ar-are already both of the-these things"

Celes proudly claimed.

"Good! And I've clearly been out of touch with the gods and haven't made much of an appearance or directly made a move in a very long time, so the only negative would of course only mean you'd receive even more attention now?"

"Which is both good and bad! Good because it won't be much and bad because all eyes will always be on you!"

"And to be honest with you Mili I believe you should just use your current Inari Form as a much easier transformation by itself.."

"I know you were an Abyssal Elf for the most part anyway but my Bloodline was still the purest so with that being said here's a blessing to sort that out before it drives me crazy!"

Celes suggested before then quickly and reassuringly kissing Mili's forehead causing him to then to finally revert to his original form.