
Tales of The Celestial Prince

These tales are of Aurel, a young celestial prince, and his journey full of adorable antics both memorable and loved. The many enthusiastic Gods, cultures, temples, and shrines he meets, the various threats he faces in his ventures. As ancient threats loom behind closed curtains, playing the strings of fate both worldly or otherwise, how will precious Aurel fare against them? ___________________ *MUST READ* Novel Status: Paused At The Moment General Status: Revision In Process Revision Details: I've spent years of my life on this novel, and through doing so I gained quite a bit of experience, however, now I desire to perfect and improve my art or rather my novel I've dedicated a handful of years on. While I've been fortunate enough to gain a handful of feedback, all of which I truly appreciate and ask that anyone who wishes it provides the same. Be it criticism, constructive feedback, or simply plot holes I may have missed, I wish to take it all in strides. As for The Novel itself, I will never abandon it. It's beyond precious to me so in my next revision I will keep many of the same characters, and try my very best to improve and rewrite scenes and explanations the best I can. For those who actually read this, thank you and I aspire to entertain you all alongside myself for as long as allowed. ___________________ Daily Chapters: Two chapters [One during slowdown] Chapter Publishing Times: 12:00 AM EST [00:00 EST] Author Status: Alive P.S: The New Cover Art is Rory! ___________________ Have any questions? Join my official discord below! Discord: https://discord.gg/2vEWGManyS ___________________ For all intents and purposes, this novel does 'not' feature real names, individuals, events, or politics, it is a work of fantasy and is intended as such. This work contains borderline mature content, hints, and otherwise, and is often greatly influenced by anime and other forms of literature. To be 'completely' honest it's hard to assume what others believe to be borderline mature content or not so do with this information as you may! The beginning is much as to be expected while later chapters are indeed quite interesting as I try my very best to add unique names, concepts, and systems. ___________________ COPYRIGHT 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Wakeless · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
334 Chs

Celestial Afterparty III Melly's Return III

Causing poor Bradley to then terrifyingly freeze having not expected such an emotional reaction causing both Melly and Mera to then immediately jump to action in the hopes of reassuring the young prince.

And surprising even Melly herself after helplessly realizing that may have unknowingly been the young prince's breaking point? Resulting in her trying her best to calm him down while Mera led the effort as if any true mommy would!

Before then reassuringly held the young prince's hand while Melly worriedly rubbed his back.

"I'd imagine the refining 'process' from such a 'unique' bloodwine has yet to 'fully' be completed, your heightened hormone sensitively coupled with such a revelation would of course be quite overwhelming especially in your 'already' overwhelmed state?"

"You needn't always show such a brave face.. in truth I, Marjorie, and Aldra had feared this would happen but not so soon, you need only rest and if you wish to go home you need only 'ask' and no one would judge you for such a decision"

"In truth, I believe such a reunion is fairly common if not for everyone's scheduling so you needn't worry about 'missing' out if you decide on returning home earlier?"

Mera gently reassured causing both Colin and Bromley to then gently nod.

Having felt worried for the young prince especially Colin knowing the young prince has yet to recover from his mana situation making it all even more difficult for such a young mind.

All the while Bradley guiltily nodded having overwhelmed himself with such proclamations even if he knew it was only said out of anger or perhaps even sadness. Making poor Bradley feel even guiltier.

Causing the young prince to then teary nod before then burying his head in Melly's chest after she had removed her armor causing her to then playfully smile before then remembering the situation.

Unfortunately despite being surrounded by a sound barrier as soon as Melly had realized they were now looking to everyone in confusion resulting in Melly immediately removing it having forgotten all about it.

Resulting in both Audree and Aubrey then looking on in confusion with adorably worried expressions causing Melly to then helplessly smile.

"If you 'do' decide you wish to go home early I'll visit you in the morning! But before you make a decision at least try saying 'hello' to your sisters first!"

"Like Mera 'just' said, we can come back whenever! And you'd be able to meet those cuties who run this place so I see it as an 'absolute' win for you either way! So make a decision already or those pointy ears are mine!"

Melly ruthlessly reassured causing the now 'somewhat' calmed down young prince to then adorably freeze before then tearily looking to his two sisters before then quickly being cut off himself.

Causing both Audree and Brey to then reassuringly hug him after Mera had quickly decided to give the young prince some space to instead talk to Bradley about such things.

All the while causing Brey to then adorably kiss the young prince's cheek repeatedly having learned it from her mommy whenever she was upset.

Followed by Audree adorably sticking her fluffy tail in the young prince's hands in the hopes of doing something similar.

Surprising everyone, especially the young prince who was now overwhelmed but in the best way possible causing him to then immediately calm down.

And blissfully melt while gently hugging Audree's amazingly fluffy and soft tail that looked to be perfectly maintained ensuring the fluff and its appearance was beyond royal standards.

Causing Audree to then adorably blush before then gently patting the young prince's head having only ever being told both her and Aubrey had 'sisters' and even a brother but never had a chance to meet them.

And now that their adorable little 'brother' was here and upset they took full advantage and wished to cheer him up!

Causing Mera to then gently smile before then returning to the talk and minor reprimanding of Bradley causing him to then helplessly smile before then quickly being cut off once more causing Mera to then gently frown.

"Aldra and Marjorie had given me several hints prior to this after having apparently 'expected' such a meeting?"

"However, I'd 'imagine' it was 'quite' easy to connect the two even without those well-placed hints? I won't reprimand you further as it's not my place"

Mera gently sighed causing Bromley to then helplessly smile and Bradley to then helplessly sigh.

"I sometimes forget these things, perhaps at times.. I choose to? No matter, I'll speak to Aina and Alyvia.. those two are quite tricky?"

"And if Aldra and even Marjorie already knows I see no real point in hiding such things, be it titles, pilgrimages, or maybe even consequences?"

"I'm ready for it all, a father 'should' set a proper example after all? However, one should always know who'd they accept things from as well?"

"If that 'none' royal 'King' of Wood Elf 'Figureheads' chooses in her place I'd simply kill him.. Celestial 'Royals' are quite unique in that way?"

"But if it was Sansa or Alyvia herself I'd accept anything that comes my way, never accept a punishment from those who you haven't offended"

"Those who simply wish to take advantage, mother taught me this and even 'provided' several 'real' examples.."

Bradley honestly confessed with a strange confidence surprising everyone other than the young prince who was being blissfully coddled causing Bromley to then nod in agreement and Bradley to then continue.

"I have seven daughters and only one son.. despite it sounding quite 'overwhelming', In truth at the very least it's easily manageable. The only thing I 'truly' fear is mother.. and my mischievous aunts.."

"They were comparable to the Celestial Empire's Royals at the height of their cruelty and power, mother despite being comparable herself was the eldest and still loved us beyond measure however I couldn't say the same for my three aunts.."

"Alas, that's for a later topic? I believe I know what is to be done now.. both suppressing myself and using that as a reason to be a 'lesser' father isn't truly enough to give reason to such things. Aldra and mother were right after all it seems?"

Bradley playfully sighed as if strangely relieved before then sending quite a 'literal' wave of mental messages in but an instant and quite effortlessly no less surprising both Colin and Bromley.

Having not seen Bradley do such a thing in a very 'long' time which only meant one thing.. he had allowed himself to actually 'use' what he had learned from both his mother and Annie.

Which was in itself all the knowledge he needed to rule The Celestial Vale.

In any way 'he' saw fit with the ability to do so just like his mother however unfortunately he wasn't his mother and didn't wish to follow in her steps 'entirely'.

Meaning he just wanted the information, not to change everything or rather for a very 'simple' reason.

After becoming Celestial King he had in truth made himself untouchable and a truly terrifying existence to set an 'example' that he was exactly like his mother.

Albeit even more understanding, kind, and never wished to harm those adorable enough to have been given a blessing of youth.

Which is the reason why most ambassadors are chosen for this reason alone because if he had gotten 'truly' upset they wouldn't 'lose' an ambassador.

And instead, take advantage of one of the only weaknesses, and Bradley's most favorite ambassador was of course Sura!

Despite every other ambassador taking 'time' to get used to him and build a relationship Sura had in fact effortlessly jumped in and became loved primarily because of her own methods which was making being an ambassador secondary.

And had instead chosen on cheering up Bradley.

Checking up on him, and even sneaking in to hug him when he was busy essentially permanently cementing her as his favorite.

Ultimately resulting in him after noticing she had never asked for anything and had never taken advantage of his favoritism rather instead she had done the opposite!

Making her a 'supreme' stress reliever and day saver resulting in him now always favoring The Kingdom of The Bos along with choosing to still occasionally help them.

Be it from 'accidentally' ordering a 'surplus' of garrison cities and gifting them to them.

Or when he was able, inviting The Bos to join in and even giving them access to 'some' classified projects be it experimental sky forges, sky fortresses, or even standard celestial sky halls but not sky castles for 'obvious' reasons.

Resulting in among the 'literal' wave of mental messages there were quite a few involving Sura herself be it from retrofitting a half a million surplus of celestial 'war' puppets and even six sky halls along with an experimental mage canon schematics.

That despite being incredibly powerful was deemed a failure due to its potential being high but not high enough and ultimately limited all the while Bradley even messenger his mother, aunts, and a variety of departments be it the royal guard.

And even Aina and Alyvia as to bring his daughters into the fold and to officially rectify the situation as for Lindie.. In truth, he was still terrified of her and 'respected' his daughter's decision?

Causing him to then sigh having essentially did quite literally everything that 'needed' to be done and whatever he had previously wished to do but refrained from doing to give himself some face.

Hence why Sura and The Bos got pampered beyond measure with such outrageous gifts just because he wanted to show his thanks for them sending Sura and on the off chance Suna and Scarlet would approve as well?

But mainly Sura.. and Bradley wasn't ashamed to admit such a thing and even would do so with immeasurable pride especially now that Sura was on the young prince's list.

Causing him to then freeze having temporarily 'forgotten' the young prince's outburst.

"Right.. it seems I'm still in a hole for the time being. Melly, please do your little brother a favor after you remove that sound barrier by talking to them in my stead!"

Bradley shamelessly whispered surprising everyone causing Melly to then playfully shake her head and Bradley to then surprisingly pout.

"Annie would.. but I 'suppose' you wouldn't be up to the task It seems? To treat your little brother in such a way is truly shameless.. no matter! I may have a better Idea! Colin, please do me a favor by asking Gora instead-"

Bradley shamelessly asked causing Colin to then curiously nod and Melly to then immediately fume before then tossing a bottle of wine at Bradley causing him to then playfully pout some more surprising everyone.

Especially both Colin and Bromley having realized Bradley 'did' in fact act like both Annie and even his mother for the most.

Causing Silas to then laugh having watched all of this transpire with utter entertainment before then being cut off himself.

"Bradley don't make me show me why I'm your 'favorite' big sister! And don't you ever mention that shameless hussy's name in my presence again! I still can't believe Colin is going to marry her! How shameless!"

"Reminds me about that story you told me about Colin sleeping with a Serpentess hussy after being offered 'new' magic for gods sake! She probably still sends him letters too!"

"Never thought Colin would be so easy and apparently he's a Celestial Lord and High Lord of something now!"

"To think I'd miss all the good stuff! And remember 'little' brother I'm on your 'only' son's 'list' now so I demand respect! And If you don't I'll tell everyone how you used to sneak in bed with me and Annie!"

"Sneaking kisses on the cheek even if you were still a child is still truly shameless! You're lucky you were my 'little' brother or I would've 'woken' up and tossed you into Inari's cold pond naked!"

Melly ruthlessly ranted with a playfully ruthless expression causing Bradley to then helplessly smile with some pride and Mera to then gently shake her head.

After what felt like thirty minutes had passed since first arriving the young prince had finally calmed down and now clung to his two new big sisters and even happily studied both magic and inscriptions with them in Audree's lap.

All the while happily hugging her precious tail causing all three to then adorably giggle and both Audree and Brey to then adorably hug the young prince even more as if he was a shared teddy bear.

"Our little brother's already a Grand Mage and an Alchemist?! So cute! Us, big sisters are Archmages so we will protect our little brother! We have the cutest little brother!"

Brey adorably giggled causing the young prince then giggle even more all the while causing Audree to then playfully kiss the young prince's cheek.