
Tales of The Celestial Prince

These tales are of Aurel, a young celestial prince, and his journey full of adorable antics both memorable and loved. The many enthusiastic Gods, cultures, temples, and shrines he meets, the various threats he faces in his ventures. As ancient threats loom behind closed curtains, playing the strings of fate both worldly or otherwise, how will precious Aurel fare against them? ___________________ *MUST READ* Novel Status: Paused At The Moment General Status: Revision In Process Revision Details: I've spent years of my life on this novel, and through doing so I gained quite a bit of experience, however, now I desire to perfect and improve my art or rather my novel I've dedicated a handful of years on. While I've been fortunate enough to gain a handful of feedback, all of which I truly appreciate and ask that anyone who wishes it provides the same. Be it criticism, constructive feedback, or simply plot holes I may have missed, I wish to take it all in strides. As for The Novel itself, I will never abandon it. It's beyond precious to me so in my next revision I will keep many of the same characters, and try my very best to improve and rewrite scenes and explanations the best I can. For those who actually read this, thank you and I aspire to entertain you all alongside myself for as long as allowed. ___________________ Daily Chapters: Two chapters [One during slowdown] Chapter Publishing Times: 12:00 AM EST [00:00 EST] Author Status: Alive P.S: The New Cover Art is Rory! ___________________ Have any questions? Join my official discord below! Discord: https://discord.gg/2vEWGManyS ___________________ For all intents and purposes, this novel does 'not' feature real names, individuals, events, or politics, it is a work of fantasy and is intended as such. This work contains borderline mature content, hints, and otherwise, and is often greatly influenced by anime and other forms of literature. To be 'completely' honest it's hard to assume what others believe to be borderline mature content or not so do with this information as you may! The beginning is much as to be expected while later chapters are indeed quite interesting as I try my very best to add unique names, concepts, and systems. ___________________ COPYRIGHT 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Wakeless · Fantasía
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334 Chs

Ancestral World III Elfinia's Wisdom II

"That took longer than I would have liked.. fortunately only a small amount of my more unique armors were on display.."

"I have another wardrobe entirely dedicated to the others.. however, my favorites were thrown in with the select few unique armors that I showed you so you needn't worry about missing out on too much 'little' Auri"

Elfine reassured surprising the young prince causing him to then immediately look to her with an adorably betrayed expression.

"Your truly precious 'little' Auri.. I'll make it up to you but first let's see how these outfits look on you.."

"You needn't worry despite being 'women's' clothing I'll make the proper 'changes' when the time comes but for now, let's see how you like 'this' new look?"

Elfine comforted causing the young prince to then embarrassingly nod.

Moments later the young prince had soon begun to play dress-up with the outfits that were previously pointed out outfits that were soon conjured up by Elfine all of which were now in his size.

Soon enough the young prince wore an elegant silver armored white dress and boots very similar to the one Elfine was currently wearing causing her to then smile.

Before then gently brushing the young prince's long hair and grooming it to match one very similar to her own.

Before then finally seizing the young prince's hand once more before then bringing him to a large silver mirror causing the young prince to then immediately blush after noticing his reflection.

"If you weren't a 'boy' I could have sworn you were a much younger me 'little' Auri, and you needn't worry I'll make 'those' adjustments.. however that's if you still like them of course?"

Elfine jokingly teased causing the young prince to then immediately blush after noticing the similarities before then finally looking to Elfine with an adorably confused expression.

Causing her to then reassuringly smile.

"There's no need to be so conflicted 'little' Auri do whatever makes 'you' happy rather.. you needn't worry about what 'others' think. I'd imagine your mother, and even Lady Selphine would be 'quite' supportive of 'that' decision"

Elfine explained causing the young prince to then immediately feel even more conflicted before then finally nodding causing Elfine to then gently wrap her arms around the young prince.

Surprising him.

"It seems you may still need some time to think 'this' over.. then let's hold off on this, at least until after we both get some much 'needed' rest?"

Elfine comforted causing the young prince to then hesitantly nod before then getting undressed.

Causing Elfine to then shake her head before then giving him an elegant white Elven-influenced nightgown with a silver trim identical to her own however in a much smaller and cuter size causing the young prince to then blush.

Soon after getting and into his nightgown Elfine had soon done the same causing the young prince to then immediately blush once more after noticing he had forgotten to look away.

Causing Elfine to then shake her head before then gently seizing the young prince's hand and taking him to her bed.

After getting under the sheets Elfine had immediately begun cuddling the young prince causing him to then adorably bury his head into her chest before then immediately unburying it.

Causing him to then blush even more after forgetting for a moment that she was neither Aldra nor Selphie but instead Elfine.

"You needn't worry 'little' Auri.. do whatever makes you comfortable, In truth, I'm just fortunate to have such a precious bed 'companion' so you needn't refrain from your 'normal' tendencies around me.. I'll 'welcome' them all the same"

Elfine warmly confessed causing the young prince to then adorably nod before then laying his head on her chest once more causing her to then smile before then curiously remembering something else.

"Auri.. I was meaning to ask. Since my previous assumption was correct.. wouldn't that mean their faces were already unconsciously 'blurred' by you?"

"If that's the case.. I'd imagine it's been quite difficult for you, even if you may have had 'some' glimpses before"

Elfine worriedly remembered surprising the young prince causing him to then freeze before then becoming teary causing him to then hesitantly nod.

"I-I.. I was scared.. I-I didn't want to forget.. bu-but.. but I did! I didn't want tho-those butterflies to go away!"

The young prince tearily confessed surprising Elfine causing her to then gently wipe away his tears.

"Auri, even a pure heart can sometimes be clouded even without outside 'intervention'.. you've allowed that fear to grow without even attempting to see if it was warranted"

Elfine explained surprising the young prince causing him to guiltily nod.

"Auri look at me.. truly look at me.. what do you see? Do you see me or do you see 'those' butterflies? Do you feel my presence or feel 'those' butterflies?"

"Answer honestly and only with your heart, from 'there', there are many answers.. you need only ask yourself and pick one"

Elfine reassuringly asked causing the young prince to then freeze before then hesitantly looking to her with an adorably conflicted expression before then finally nodding causing him to then quickly giving her a peck on kiss her lips.

Before then immediately hiding away by burying his head into her chest surprising her causing her to then smile before then nodding.

"You chose to answer them all without uttering a single word.. I would have done the same. However, I wouldn't have been so.. bold 'little' Auri.. your quite the charmer for someone so young?"

"It seems I may not have to wait to teach you.. 'more' after all? However for that to happen you'll need to visit me more often"

Elfine reminded before then gently blowing on the young prince's ear causing him to blush before then adorably unburying his head causing Elfine to then gently lift his chin.

Before then kissing his lips much like he had done to her earlier causing the young prince to then immediately become flushed causing Elfine to then teasingly smile.

"As I just said moments ago.. I would have done the same if I was in your position, I'll teach you 'more' on your next visit. For now let's just.. stay like this, unless you're able to change my mind?"

Elfine gently giggled.

Causing the young prince to then immediately shake his head before then laying his head on her chest causing her to then softly laugh.

"You remind me a lot of myself your age, I even had Selphie and sometimes even that 'bunny' Silas by my side on at least on 'occasion'.. for you you're even more fortunate"

Elfine reminisced causing the sleepy young prince to then blush before then sleepily nodding.

"Selphie.. refrains herself from teaching you even more so as to give your mother Aldra, Emilia, and even Kethryllia a chance but.. there are some 'things' they just don't 'know' and knowing each they would've taken their own 'path'.."

"So with that in mind I'll teach you everything they don't, that would mean you would be the first to have access to my own 'unique' path? However, all of this would take 'time' so I needn't explain more.. at least for the time being"

Elfine explained before then finally noticing the young prince dozing off causing her to then gently shake her head before then gently pulling him even closer.

"I'm jealous.. It seems I may have a reason to visit the 'old' world after all?"

Elfine giggled causing the young prince to then unconsciously kiss her cheek before then adorably falling asleep once more.

Surprising her causing her to then gently shake her head before then kissing his forehead all the while releasing a small ball of white light causing it to soon dissipate after entering the young prince.

'This might be selfish of me but.. I couldn't just leave my bloodline in you unfinished, Selphie only gave you the original with slight improvements.. mine, on the other hand, is already drastically different from the original.."

"Unlike yours, mine is already its developed counterpart, It's more.. 'complete', both Selphie and Emilia should understand my meaning behind it.. but for now, you need only sleep"

Elfine curiously thought before then gently playing with the young prince's hair.

After playing with the young prince's hair she had soon followed by his example before then ultimately falling asleep herself.

All the while in Sera's Dreamworld Sera, Lili, Yume, and Mili had soon greeted Mai who had arrived shortly after Ada's departure after being made aware of what happened to the young prince.

Causing her to then rush over to Mili before then immediately hugging him.

"Mai! I-I missed yo-"

Mili excitedly exclaimed.

"I'm sorry Mili! I've missed you too bu-but.. I was finally just told about what happened to your precious twin! They weren't careful and now our poor celestial teddy bear is stuck in the infirmary!"

"I swear I won't let anything happen to you my precious abyssal teddy bear! When you take a tour of one of your own I won't let you out of my sight even for a moment! Those flying monstrosities are just too dangerous!"

Mai tearily promised surprising everyone causing Sera to then worriedly shake her head.

"That 'celestial' Skyforge has quite the history.. but I didn't expect poor Aurel to get injured to that extent, when I see Aurel I can't help but also see Mili.."

"However, I doubt 'that' Celes would allow him to purposely stumble upon something without giving him any 'fair' warning"

"Especially knowing how close those two are and especially when it involves Selphie's 'wild' bunny and his shenanigans"

Sera helplessly chimed in causing Mili to then worriedly look back and forth between the two causing Mai to then immediately hug Mili even tighter.

"I shouldn't have dropped all of this on you at least.. not all at once.. but Aurel is fine now! So you needn't worry my precious abyssal teddy bear! We can visit him with Annie and the others as soon as you wake up!"

Mai guilty reassured causing Mili to then worriedly nod causing Lili to then quickly remember something.

"I liked having both Mili and Aurel around.. we should snatch Aurel one of these days! Do you think the others do reservations?"

Lili seriously asked before then playfully hugging Mili from behind.

Causing Sera to then helplessly shake her head causing Yume to then pout before then immediately pouncing on all three.

All the while back with the young prince and after what felt like many hours both him and Elfine had finally woken up from their 'restful' sleep causing the young prince to then continue trying on Elfine's 'many' outfits.

After what felt like another hour he had finally gotten through almost all of them before then trying on the last one.

The young prince now wore an elegant yet lavish Elven-influenced golden armored white dress with a silver trim complementing both his new style and his already adorable features with a hint of Elfine's maturity.

Causing Elfine to then nod with approval, moments later Selphie had soon appeared causing her eyes to then immediately sparkle after noticing the changes to the young prince before then looking to Elfine.

Causing her to then excitedly nod with approval surprising the young prince causing him to then immediately kiss Elfine on the cheek before then rushing over to Selphie surprising both.

"Selphie! I missed you!"

The young prince happily exclaimed before then immediately hugging her causing her heart to then quickly melt.

"So precious! I was right to leave you in Elfinia's hands! And I love your makeover! You're so cute! I can eat you up! So precious! It's like we have another little Elfine! so cute and precious!"

Selphie blissfully confessed causing the young prince to then adorably blush before then giggling.

Causing Selphie to then playfully kiss the young prince's cheeks over and over.

"Selphie I must thank you! He is indeed beyond precious.."

Elfine gently thanked.