
Tales of The Celestial Prince

These tales are of Aurel, a young celestial prince, and his journey full of adorable antics both memorable and loved. The many enthusiastic Gods, cultures, temples, and shrines he meets, the various threats he faces in his ventures. As ancient threats loom behind closed curtains, playing the strings of fate both worldly or otherwise, how will precious Aurel fare against them? ___________________ *MUST READ* Novel Status: Paused At The Moment General Status: Revision In Process Revision Details: I've spent years of my life on this novel, and through doing so I gained quite a bit of experience, however, now I desire to perfect and improve my art or rather my novel I've dedicated a handful of years on. While I've been fortunate enough to gain a handful of feedback, all of which I truly appreciate and ask that anyone who wishes it provides the same. Be it criticism, constructive feedback, or simply plot holes I may have missed, I wish to take it all in strides. As for The Novel itself, I will never abandon it. It's beyond precious to me so in my next revision I will keep many of the same characters, and try my very best to improve and rewrite scenes and explanations the best I can. For those who actually read this, thank you and I aspire to entertain you all alongside myself for as long as allowed. ___________________ Daily Chapters: Two chapters [One during slowdown] Chapter Publishing Times: 12:00 AM EST [00:00 EST] Author Status: Alive P.S: The New Cover Art is Rory! ___________________ Have any questions? Join my official discord below! Discord: https://discord.gg/2vEWGManyS ___________________ For all intents and purposes, this novel does 'not' feature real names, individuals, events, or politics, it is a work of fantasy and is intended as such. This work contains borderline mature content, hints, and otherwise, and is often greatly influenced by anime and other forms of literature. To be 'completely' honest it's hard to assume what others believe to be borderline mature content or not so do with this information as you may! The beginning is much as to be expected while later chapters are indeed quite interesting as I try my very best to add unique names, concepts, and systems. ___________________ COPYRIGHT 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Wakeless · Fantasía
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334 Chs

After Action XI The First Prince's Court II

"I'd be willing to give you any or all information I know on behalf of my faction, while both I and those under me will become your vassals after whatever form of punishment you truly choose. Forgive me for involving myself in this conspiracy, you may cripple my mana at any time"

Lady Duchess gently muttered, surprising the young prince, at least she offered 'something' and didn't simply remain silent.

"That's acceptable, however I fear if you attempt to hide from these words, then I promise you, you'd wish your fate was still in my hands. While for the time being, you'll all be placed in house arrest, while The Princesses of The Elves, Snow Elves and Sea Elves will be placed on house arrest within The Celestial Palace"

"As for the honorary prince, you'll be placed on house arrest within The Golden Bank of Aurora, you all are truly fortunate. However this isn't the end, I will find appropriate punishments for those involved"

"Until then The Celestial Golden Legion will ensure you remain on house arrest. Lady Celestia was right, this is frustrating! How does one even get within a position of power when they're already so inadequate?!"

"If not for forcing this character upon myself, I would have left you all here until morning! You're all fortunate Bona is in the kitchen, if not she'd want to eat someone."

"While I haven't even slept! Enduring trials are truly a handful, and I miss Tum! If anyone had targeted her we wouldn't be speaking now! No matter, Ark please send them on their way. I can no longer remain in this character for long"

The young prince softly sighed, before then returning to his throne while Ark opened multiple spacial gates and Selphie handled those going to the palace.

While as Aurora was curious as to why the honorary prince's mother remained in some fancy brothel?

Resulting in the truth coming down to her simply loving the millions of gold she got a month that she hoped to one day use for her son when he comes back?

Surprising Aurora to no end seeing as she never considered brothels to be assets. No matter the case she's going to do the young prince a favor.

All the while after both Vevean and Veve had left the young prince finally reverted.

Before then returning to Morgan's manor and introducing both Bona, and Vinny to Morgan while Vina remained in the tower out of curiosity and because she knew who built it.

While for the young prince, it seemed after introductions and Bona staying up with Morgan while eating snacks and Vinny ultimately getting her own room, the reason why Vinny came along was simple, Vina wanted her to bond with her little sister!

And because her little sister had dragoness training or whatever he mumbled in his sleep!

Resulting in the young prince sleepily walking to his room before then adorably stopping and knocking on Blaire's door because he didn't want to sleep alone.

Thankfully she woke up to use the bathroom causing her after opening the door to see the sad and sleepy young prince.

Before then sleepily nodding having not woken up enough to have the brain power to speak, while Blaire herself predicted this may happen.

Resulting in the young prince changing back into his nightgown and adorably crawling into bed before then squeezing himself between her arms and blissfully falling asleep.

Blaire is really cozy, she was most comparable to that of a cold portion of a pillow. He simply couldn't get enough of it!

All the while back with Bradley, he was inside of the throne room after being informed of the waves presumably his precious prince was making, albeit only he and several others knew due to his trials.

However, he wasn't alone, Kethyllia, Emilia, and Celie had also joined him, resulting in after several discussions him then being informed by Ark of what had just occurred.

Causing him to playfully nod since he was the one who supported it and after hearing the outcome at least for this trial he was especially proud.

While the deaths of the two disposable snow elf princes who simply wished to die via the use of their mouths and that of their comments were indeed.. 'tragic'.

However, not enough for him to shed a tear or care for them. Despite appearances Bradley greatly disliked the concept, especially among the elves.

It the was equivalent of him making someone a prince and telling him to slap Mother Kassadra.

It was simply backhanded, while strictly speaking, a terrible practice that should have long died out but was kept alive for the laughs.

As for The Honorary Prince of The Wood Elves, it was slightly less moral, however they were primarily members of The King of The Wood Elves's Faction.

Meaning Bradley expected that fake king to be involved in this conspiracy somehow even if it seemed odd.

The primary reason why Snow Elf Princes and Wood Elf Honorary Princes existed was because they were never of the royal bloodline, and because there weren't any male royals of the elves until now.

Meaning it was plausible that his precious prince was their target seeing as he was The First Prince of The Elves.

And because if he truly wished, he could request that such titles not be allowed among The Elves without being of The Royal Bloodline.

And chances were not only their ancestral worlds but that of their gods may even accept because they fundamentally agreed.

Resulting in the situation that if that were to occur, many of these 'princes' may lose their titles if not even more so?

While the same could apply to The King of The Wood Elves who was at most not truly considered a King especially by the majority of the elven races.

And resulting in him ultimately being removed by The True Queens of The Wood Elves who much preferred the shadows.

Causing Bradley to helplessly sigh since he knew this was a responsibility, however if directly connected to The King of The Wood Elves then chances were not only would The Elven Races be furious and turn their backs on them including both The Sea and Snow Elves.

But chances were, a civil war and a war of faith would occur while Bradley himself wouldn't mind taking control of their capital and disgracing them for even daring to do such a thing.

Which in itself would have its consequences however he would have every right to do so.

However, that was for later thoughts, since after several moments Ark's rift had appeared revealing Princesses of The Elves, Sea Elves, and Snow Elves, while it appeared there was child alongside that of The Snow Elf Princess.

Surprising all three to no end while the boy had already fallen asleep in the arms of The Snow Elf Princess. Causing both Kethyllia and Emilia to gently frown and Bradley to helplessly nod.

"Princess Olivian Elfie, Princess Luma Selfin, and Princess or rather The Current Envoy and The Former Ambassador of The Snow Elves, Elanor Snofin. You needn't worry, these trials are those of my precious prince's, so I won't interfere"

"However, from what I've been informed, I must sincerely apologize to both Olivian and Luma on his behalf? He had come to the realization that neither of you were truly involved rather certain members of your houses were"

"So for the time being I fear until his trial is over you both will remain under house arrest within the boundaries of The Celestial Palace for the time being? The same will apply to Princess Elanor"

"While the exceptions to his rulings would fall upon mother Kethyllia and her thoughts as per his decision on these matters, the only other exception is exclusively meant for Princess Luma through that of Princess Tum and her thoughts"

Bradley warmly explained, having felt indeed surprised with the results and surprising Luma even further by the mentioning of Tum?

However for both her and Olivian, they were still very much petrified. Neither had ever met The Queen of The Elves let alone her elder sister or The Celestial King!

While Elanor was an official Ambassador of The Snow Elves under Avery, meaning she met Bradley, Annie, and Bromley at one point or the other.

Up until the embassy was downgraded due to some idiotic disposable princes running around with even bigger mouths.

It was truly absurd while soon enough as Kethyllia and Emilia spoke to all three princesses.

Bradley couldn't help but notice one of the insignias the child wore, since the young prince had purposely left it out so he could investigate what that forbidden continent was and why it was forbidden?

Unfortunately, Bradley knew of its existence and bits and pieces involving it? However, the location was still unknown as if it was moving?

Causing Bradley to then signal for him to walk up the stairs and stand by his throne, surprising Elanor, however there wasn't much she could do.

And despite appearances Bradley wasn't a tyrant, resulting in after Elanor gently fixed his hair and kissed his forehead to return to the discussion. While soon enough Bradley had a much clearer look of this child.

He looked to be thirteen however, fairly petite as if he had a rough childhood or rather he wasn't fed well or fed at all?

But it seemed now he was growing fairly better under the guardianship of Princess Elanor, while from what he heard he was an unofficial elven prince, but one that wasn't disposable?

He wore a surprisingly extravagant white snow elf royal attire and boots however with a strange draconian influence similar to that of a dragon aspect but not enough to compare.

While his insignias were very much authentic while even that of his royal snow elf insignia was genuine.

Normally unofficial princes or rather disposable princes would wear a shined silver insignia that only displays the half of the royal insignia of The Royals of The Snow Elves.

While for him he wore a complete starlight silver insignia while his others resembled that of a descendant of The Dragon of Dreams.

And those of an unknown royal and crown prince insignias that resembled that of The Forbidden Continent's last known insignias which essentially confirmed his identity and importance to that of The Snow Elves?

And only complimenting his cream blonde hair, porcelain white skin, damaged dragon aspect eyes that resembled that of a pastel rainbow and the only true sign of a pure descendant of the dragon of dreams, alongside and surprisingly feminine yet delicate features.

Causing Bradley to reassuringly hold his hand and scan for anomalies, surprising him after realizing he must have indeed failed a trial of The Dragon Aspect of Dreams.

Of course he assumed as much seeing as his mana had been crippled and so did his growth rate while his bloodline was halfway sealed.

All of which resemble stories similar to that of failed trials of Celestial Aspects? While his eyes were the clear giveaway seeing as outside of fairies, no one would have rainbow in color aspect eyes.

Causing him to curiously nod having realized The Snow Elves hoped to bring him to their side.

Despite how it may seem, dragons of dreams and that of the descendants of the dragon aspect of dreams had infinite mana, and if or when matured they could overwhelm most enemies while.

Having several other mysterious powers or rather bloodline abilities.

However, from what he could tell The Dragon Aspect of Dreams hadn't given up on him seeing as he still had her pure undiluted bloodline, while there were several other anomalies as well?

Meaning perhaps she had given him an impossible trial at the start as the guise for the trial itself.

Causing Bradley after several to then reassuringly shake his head not truly wishing to speculate further.

"What is your name, young one?"

Bradley warmly asked, causing the boy to hesitantly nod after noticing Bradley's soundless barrier.

"I.. I am Ellis Alweo Roya, Crown Prince of The Empire of Roya of The Forbidden Continent, Descendant of The Dragon of Dreams.. and Prince of The Snow Elves. I-I've.. I'm a cripple, I refused to cleanse The Imperial Family after my father had disappeared"

"I ignored The Dragoness of Dream's warnings, and I paid the price. I-I have to earn my inheritance and return, but.. Elanor and the snow elves were kind to me so I wanted to repay them, they also help me with my healing potions when the pain won't go away and when it really hurts Elanor comforts me"

"She's the kindest and most considerate person I've ever seen in my thirteen years of life, if not for the pressure and many blaming her for the embassy getting expelled she would have had a better life"

"If I ever become The Emperor of Dreams I would repay her with everything I could give, but that'll be our secret? Please keep it a secret big brother.."

Ellis hesitantly explained, causing Bradley to surprisingly nod before then warmly hugging him.