
Tales of The Celestial Prince

These tales are of Aurel, a young celestial prince, and his journey full of adorable antics both memorable and loved. The many enthusiastic Gods, cultures, temples, and shrines he meets, the various threats he faces in his ventures. As ancient threats loom behind closed curtains, playing the strings of fate both worldly or otherwise, how will precious Aurel fare against them? ___________________ *MUST READ* Novel Status: Paused At The Moment General Status: Revision In Process Revision Details: I've spent years of my life on this novel, and through doing so I gained quite a bit of experience, however, now I desire to perfect and improve my art or rather my novel I've dedicated a handful of years on. While I've been fortunate enough to gain a handful of feedback, all of which I truly appreciate and ask that anyone who wishes it provides the same. Be it criticism, constructive feedback, or simply plot holes I may have missed, I wish to take it all in strides. As for The Novel itself, I will never abandon it. It's beyond precious to me so in my next revision I will keep many of the same characters, and try my very best to improve and rewrite scenes and explanations the best I can. For those who actually read this, thank you and I aspire to entertain you all alongside myself for as long as allowed. ___________________ Daily Chapters: Two chapters [One during slowdown] Chapter Publishing Times: 12:00 AM EST [00:00 EST] Author Status: Alive P.S: The New Cover Art is Rory! ___________________ Have any questions? Join my official discord below! Discord: https://discord.gg/2vEWGManyS ___________________ For all intents and purposes, this novel does 'not' feature real names, individuals, events, or politics, it is a work of fantasy and is intended as such. This work contains borderline mature content, hints, and otherwise, and is often greatly influenced by anime and other forms of literature. To be 'completely' honest it's hard to assume what others believe to be borderline mature content or not so do with this information as you may! The beginning is much as to be expected while later chapters are indeed quite interesting as I try my very best to add unique names, concepts, and systems. ___________________ COPYRIGHT 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Wakeless · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
334 Chs

After Action V Remembrance

"I'd highly suggest you arrange such titles, the primary being Celestial Prince, The First Imperial Prince of The Dark Elves, The First Prince of The Elves as is your birthright, while your secondary titles would no doubt be those of your secondary birthrights"

"Such as being the Imperial Prince of The Draconian Empire and that of The Ophidian Empire, while the third would no doubt be your Holy Titles"

"As for your responsibilities I don't believe you should be buried in them for the sake of these titles, I would only truly focus on your birthrights and one other my dearest Aurel. Please use the others as you wish and when they convenience you"

Morgan lovingly reassured further, causing the young prince, having been enlightened to happily nod before then remembering something else?

His list.. causing him to then adorably hand it to her causing her to then curiously take a glance before then worriedly frowning.

Unlike others she knew such lists were a habit of only child Virum who would have no doubt taught Bradley, such a list originated from Virum's father or rather the idea itself had meaning her sweet Bradley has some explaining to do.

Causing her after several moments of reading over the names to then worriedly shake her head.

"My dearest Aurel, sweet Bradley should have never suggested such a thing to you. To believe he'd unknowingly burden you even further is truly unfortunate"

"While those within your list are truly interesting. We shall speak of this list at a later time, for the time being I believe it'll be for the best to visit sweet Bradley"

"However, before we do so, do you have any questions or requests? I have already prepared your presents, while I truly wish to surprise you later tonight so please be patient my dearest Aurel"

Morgan happily reassured, causing the young prince to then shyly whisper into her ear. Causing her to happily smile.

"I'm currently staying within my manor that's a short walk from here, despite how this may sound I much prefer manors than palaces while my estate is indeed quite beautiful and special"

"If you truly wish to ride out your recovery with both Drusilla and I, then I'll speak to both sweet Bradley and Aldra. However, I'm not against it! But remember, be sure to ask those whom you love such as your siblings and those on this list. One should always be considerate of others"

Morgan lovingly explained, before then happily picking him up knowing he was sleepy at a glance and didn't wish for him to burden himself further. Causing Drusilla to slightly sigh.

Before then finally noticing a certain someone peeking at them through the entrance causing Hanah having been caught to angrily frown before then finally reveal herself causing the young prince's eyes to sparkle before then angrily being cut off.

"Shut up. Someone has to take responsibility for you running away!"

Hanah angrily sighed, causing Luna to worriedly shake her head.

It seemed that Luna had returned to the age she matured as Celestial Queen which was nineteen.

She wore a unspeakably stunning fusion of gold and white royal dress covered in Dark Age Celestial and Draconian markings belonging to that of The Empress of The Celestial Empire.

And that of an Imperial Princess of The Draconian Empire of that era with golden insignias representing both.

And two more belonging to that of a 'Former' Celestial Empress and that of Celes's Ancestral World albeit the empress equivalent since there were a variety depending on your role.

Alongside that of matching boots, and her mother's crown she had given her after becoming Celestial Queen or rather the now updated title of Celestial Empress, and that of golden makeup.

Complimenting her fiery golden eyes, platinum blonde hair, soft porcelain white skin, and overwhelming gorgeous and warm features.

"Big sister, please don't bully him. This is my first time returning to the old world in three millennia so please be kind while I'm here"

Luna reminded, causing Hanah to then angrily nod and the young prince to happy smile. It was big sister Luna!

All the while surprising both Drusilla and Morgan, albeit slightly knowing who that was causing Morgan to then happily smile since she had met Luna when she was a Celestial Queen.

Or rather Empress now? Of course, she was always considered one by both The Ophidian and Draconian Empires causing Luna to then warmly glance over to all three since she was also a surprise it seemed.

Unfortunately, Hanah wasn't going to wait that long before then simply dragging Luna away while surprising many of The Palace Guards who had once served her so long ago.

While soon enough Bradley was informed albeit immediately as they entered, surprising everyone while Drusilla drifted into the crowd and Hanah went back to keeping an eye on the others.

Resulting in both Luna and Morgan who was still carrying a sleepy young prince to simply make their way to the royal section.

However now it was slightly more empty as mommies Boveen, Margot, and Sansa had gone to check up on their babies leaving Bradley, Aldra, Kethryllia, Selphie, Aurea, Laurel, and Elyris.

While Ayrenn had gone with Molly to make plans with Hanah since Aurea no longer wanted to go to the temple and they wanted Aurel to join them when the time was right.

Causing Morgan after lovingly handing the young prince to Selphie to then warmly smile leaving Bradley frozen for several moments while Luna gently shook her head.

"My apologies for intruding, sister Hanah wished for me to visit the old world more often and I didn't have the heart to refuse her"

Luna gently explained, causing both Kethyllia and Aldra to gently smile and Elyris to be interested in what she knew. All the while with Bradley he had warned Bromley and Amber ahead of time so as not to bring them down with him.

Causing Selphie to giggle and Morgan to lovingly hug him to the fullest.

"Sweet Bradley, you've truly grown! I'm so very proud of you!"

Morgan lovingly praised, causing Bradley to warmly nod having missed his second mother quite a bit. Causing Morgan after remembering the young prince's list to tap Bradley's nose and make him take a seat next to the others.

And after several moments of updating her of what was new and some table talk, Morgan now wished to discuss that list causing Bradley to feel a cold chill down his spine before then moving closer to Aldra causing her to gently smile.

And Morgan to disappointingly nod before then unveiling the young prince's scroll or rather simply his list and looking to Bradley as a mother would her child if they had broken their heart.

Causing Bradley's to do just that while Luna having forgotten such a list curiously looked it over before then looking to Bradley with the same expression.

"Oh dear"

Luna worriedly sighed, while both Aldra and Kethyllia couldn't help to do the same while Elyris gave off the same expression under her mask so much so that Bradley sensed it leaving him even further in the abyss.

While both Aurea and Laurel giggled and the young prince looked on with an adorably sleepy yet equally confused expression.

What was even worse was the timing because Blaire after eating snacks with Katie to then shyly check on the young prince since she had seen him and Katie was also curious.

Resulting in her stumbling onto the scene and into Morgan's sight causing her having sensed she was related to the list and a poor Serpentess to warmly pat her lap and seeing as Blaire didn't wish to offend that scary Dragoness.

"You needn't worry my dearest Blaire, I'm truly happy to meet"

Morgan lovingly greeted, causing Blaire to finally calm down before then noticing the list as well and reading it as well.

It seemed she had either forgotten about it or never paid attention to its existence until now causing her after being pointed to Bradley to then look to him with a confused expression.


Blaire surprisingly added, before then quickly realizing she was questioning The Celestial King and quickly covering her mouth.

Causing Morgan to lovingly shake her head knowing Blaire now had a bright future and because she liked her! Meaning she'll keep an eye on her as she would've for the others.

"You needn't fear my dearest Blaire, I would've liked to ask the same question of my dearest Bradley. Now, my sweet Bradley, was it truly necessarily for you to introduce such a thing to my dearest Aurel?"

"Did Virum perhaps introduce this concept? If so, I'll be speaking to him next and 'having' him personally apologize to sweet Aldra! Avery may find such things acceptable but I've very much against it. I truly dislike intervening in family affairs however now I believe it's necessary!"

"Please apologize to both Aldra and Kethyllia, while I ask you to do the same to Lady Selphine! Such a list has no business with a child no matter how innocent you originally believed it to be"

Morgan disappointedly reprimanded, causing Bradley to helplessly nod having realized he had lost this war to sigh.

"I sincerely apologize, mother Kethyllia, Aldra, and Lady Selphine. I hadn't realized the implications of introducing such a list, however, I can't say I regret such a thing?"

"My precious Aurel is still very much a boy after all, and I believed for all intents and purposes it was needed so one day he no longer required a list. But because of such thoughts I didn't believe it was inappropriate up until Lady Aurora had made it so.."

"While Annie was the one who had originally suggested such a list when I was but a child, so if anyone's truly to blame I suppose there's myself, Annie, and Lady Aurora!"

Bradley sincerely apologized, before then shamelessly revealing both Annie and Aurora involvement surprising everyone.

And causing Aurea to laugh her heart out while Laurel couldn't help but giggle and the young prince having heard Annie's name to then adorably send her a mental message.

Albeit a short one telling her he loved his mommy Annie, unfortunately she was nearby and after hearing this happily came around the corner just to hear the last bit.

Before then remembering mommy Morgan was also there causing her to then playfully pause.

Before then looking to Bradley as if he had revealed something he shouldn't have causing him to helplessly smile and Morgan to look to the list.

Causing Annie having realized what happened to playfully smile scaring Bradley even having realized he had forgotten what it meant to get Annie in trouble.

Causing Annie to playfully nod at his reaction.

"Aldra, mommy Kethyllia, mommy Morgan. I take full responsibility however Bradley broke our bond as siblings, so I'll only apologize 'after' I make him take responsibility! As per my right as a big sister!"

Annie playfully reminded, causing Morgan to happily nod having sorted it out while Bradley, after apologizing once more, followed Annie knowing chances were she'd beat him senseless as she did in his childhood.

And soon enough Annie had done just that, thankfully it was in her private training space.

Causing Bradly having been tossed into the ground much like his child had to then helplessly sigh up until Annie playfully flicked his forehead and held out her hand.

"That's enough for today! Now, where's your list! I know you still have it!"

Annie playfully laughed, causing Bradley to then helplessly hand it to her causing her to then happily dig through it.

Before then realizing the only name that wasn't crossed out anymore was her's causing her to then playfully laugh.

"You never give up! I thought you would've given up forever ago! Didn't mother already tell you you're fighting a losing battle? Why the persistence! Devyn and Suna have already returned to the picture too! Don't tell me they're not enough"

Annie playfully teased, causing Bradley to playfully shake his head before then simply sitting up and handing her a memory crystal causing Annie to then playfully nod before then diving in.

Unfortunately the memory crystal contained quite a bit while the majority of those memories involved Annie, be it the earliest of his childhood to that of much later.

Be it not being able to meet his mother's standards and hating himself to many other negative thoughts, however at the end of each Annie was always there.

He truly loved her, so much so it was at first sight.

She was forever his light, whenever he failed, wished death upon himself or anything comparable she was the one to set him straight both emotionally and physically. Albeit through sparing and reassuring him.