
Tales of Hiroki: A Naruto Story

I`m writing this for fun. I`m no professional writer. If someone doesn`t like it, move on. There are many other stories to read. This means that it will not follow the plot 100% and there will be changes done to it. If you want a story to stick to the plot, then I’m sorry, this is not for you. - Hiroki is a special ops agent that dies to save his teammates. He now has another chance in life in the Naruto world. Let`s now embark in the Tales of Hiroki.

Daoist693837 · Cómic
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67 Chs


"Where is Hiroki?" Kushina asked the nurse at the front desk.

"He's in room 301." The nurse said, but before she finished, Kushina was already at the end of the hallway going up the stairs. As she arrived at the third floor, she saw room 301 and went straight in. Inside, she saw Sakumo and his son, along with two other kids.

"What happened?" Kushina asked Sakumo.

"I don't know. One moment I asked him about his parents and a few seconds later Hiroki fainted so I brought him to the hospital as fast as I could."

"Thank you Sakumo-san."

"It's alright. The doctor came in and said that Hiroki experienced some stress and that is why he has fainted, but one night of rest should do the job. They want him to spend the night here for observation purposes though."

"I'm relieved. Thank you for bringing him and letting us know Sakumo-san."

"I'll be leaving now and let you stay with him Kushina. Good bye." Sakumo said.

After thirty minutes Hiroki woke up and found himself in a hospital bed. He rose his head and found Kushina and Minato to his side.

"What happened?" Hiroki asked.

"You were talking with Sakumo and the others and then fainted. Do you remember? Didi you hit your head when you sparred today?" Minato was the one to ask.

"No, ni-san. I didn't take any damage to the head. It was some memories of some time ago. It was hard to process them and that might be the reason why I fainted." Hiroki said the truth, but didn't specify the memories.

Kushina could feel that Hiroki wasn't lying and nodded towards Minato.

"You should rest then Hiroki. We'll come tomorrow to check you out from the hospital. Try and take a good rest. We'll be going now." Minato said.

"Thank you again ni-san, ne-san."


On the next day Kushina and Minato checked Hiroki out of the hospital and were now heading out.

"How are you feeling Hiroki?" Kushina asked.

"I'm feeling great, ne-san. I'm good to return to the academy already."

"We'll get you to the academy, but before that, let's go to the training ground. I heard from Sakumo you won against his son Kakashi who is considered quite a prodigy. I want to see how well you do for myself." Minato said.

After ten minutes of walking, they had arrived at the training ground. Kushina was waiting under the large tree in the training ground while Hiroki and Minato were talking in the center.

"Ni-san, is this really okay? You are a war hero and I have one day attendance in the academy under my belt."

"Don't worry Hiroki. We will only stick to taijutsu and I won't use the same strength you have. I know that there's the size advantage, but this is only a friendly spar. I just want to assess the level you're in and from then on, we can figure out what's your shortcomings and what's best to teach you."

"Alright. Let's start then." Hiroki said.

After ten minutes of taijutsu fighting, Hiroki was panting for air. Even with all his experience in the special ops, he wasn't able to put any pressure on Minato. This might have been due to him getting used to the size of his body now, but Minato was too fast for him.

"Take your time to recover." Minato said.

"Ho... how did I do?" Hiroki asked with some small difficulty.

"For a child your age, you have done exceptionally well. I said that I would use the same amount of power as you, but I had to increase it a little hehe. Sorry about that. Kushina and I have decided to teach you everyday after you leave the academy. You show great potential and we want to help you bring it out."

"Really? Thank you ni-san." Hiroki said and then hugged Minato.

"Hey, how about me?" Kushina asked jealously.

Hiroki then went and tightly hugged her.

"Thank you as well ne-san."

"Alright then. We'll take you to the academy now Hiroki." Minato said.

Minato and Kushina left Hiroki at the academy and he went in to attend class.

While in class, Hiroki was thinking of what happened with him the day before.

'I know I felt a different chakra in my head. Could my memories have activated my sharingan? I need to find out.'

"Sensei, may I go to the bathroom?"

"Sure Hiroki, but don't take too long. We have an important subject for next class." The sensei said.

Hiroki then stood up and hurried out to the bathroom. When he got there, he faced the mirror and pumped chakra to his optical nerves. His eyes became red with two black tomoes swirling.

'Sharingan. With two tomoes even. I was expecting one tomoe, but two is something I wasn't actually expecting.' Hiroki thought to himself. He then looked around and saw things with more details and precision. He moved his hands and arms. His brain and eyes absorbed every detail. He then stopped feeding chakra to his eyes, making them return to their original dark brown color. Hiroki then went back to attend his class.

After class was finished, Hiroki talked with Kakashi, Obito and Rin. Hiroki was having quite a good time with them and he was feeling their friendship growing.

After each went home, Hiroki went to the training ground. Once there, they talked for a while and then kushina threw him a scroll. She told him it was her family's fuinjutsu and he had to study that every day when he got home. Hiroki opened the scroll and saw many notes about the uzumaki seals and how it worked.

"Ne-san, can I learn these?"

"Sure you can. I'm an Uzumaki and I approve you to learn those. I can't only have Minato teach you, can I?"

"Thank you." Hiroki said.

For the rest of the evening, Minato observed Hiroki practice his chakra control to a level that was uncommon for a 6 year old. He then stopped Hiroki and called him ove.

"Hiroki, I'm going to teach you a jutsu and I want to see how well you do. Watch carefully."

Minato then weaved some hand seals and a rock wall appeared in front of him.

"This is a basic earth element jutsu. You have to weave the hand seals to help you transform you chakra into the earth element and then creat a wall made of rocks. Give it a try."

Hiroki then repeated the hand seals that Minato showed him and slammed both hands on the ground, making a rock wall raise from the ground.

"Is this how it's done?" Hiroki asked ingenuously.

"You have done better than I have expected. As I have said, you are a genius Hiroki. You performed the jutsu perfectly in your first try." Minato said as he praise Hiroki and shuffled his hair.

He then took one scroll that was a little bigger than the usual ones and handed it to Hiroki.

"This scroll contains a few jutsu with the elements you have affinities with. You will have to study Kushina's scroll and learn how to unseal them from the big scroll I gave you. After you unseal and learn them, we won't teach you anything until."

After a few more minutes of taijutsu spar, Hiroki said good bye to them and went to the orphanage to eat and rest.