
Tales of Hiroki: A Naruto Story

I`m writing this for fun. I`m no professional writer. If someone doesn`t like it, move on. There are many other stories to read. This means that it will not follow the plot 100% and there will be changes done to it. If you want a story to stick to the plot, then I’m sorry, this is not for you. - Hiroki is a special ops agent that dies to save his teammates. He now has another chance in life in the Naruto world. Let`s now embark in the Tales of Hiroki.

Daoist693837 · Cómic
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67 Chs

Chunin Exams Part 3

"First thing's first. You shinobi of Otogakure, knock it off. Who told you you could fight? You're supposed to know that there's no fighting here. Do you want to be failed before we even begin? I'll say this once, so listen up. You are not allowed to move unless I tell you to. Anyone who even thinks of messing with me will be disqualified immediately." Ibiki said seriously as he looked at every genin in the room.

"Now if you're ready, we'll proceed to the first stage of the chunin exams. Hand over your paperwork. In return you'll each be given a number. This number will determine where you will sit. There's one of you who is crazy enough to take the exam by himself so you will be sitting in front of one of the proctors, got that?" Ibiki said as he looked at Hiroki.

"Yeah. No problem." Hiroki said as he already went to sit in the table that was already prepared for him.

"The written test will start once you're all seated." Ibiki said.

After everyone got a number and sat down, the proctors handed out the written test.

'Huuuum. It looks quite easy. The purpose of the test is to gather information, to make the ones taking it cheat, but without getting caught. Too bad I know all of this and cheating is too much of a hassle.' Hiroki thought to himself.

After fifteen minutes, he had already finished answering the questions and was looking around the class. He then flipped his paper around and laid his head on the table and tried taking a nap. He had half an hour to sleep. Between doing nothing and sleeping, he preferred sleeping.

Ibiki and the other proctors saw Hiroki placing his head on the table and closing his eyes and they only thought of one word: "bold."

"Hey, kid. Don't you think you should answer the questions? You won't be able to answer the last question sleeping like that. And the other genin seeing you like this, they'll probably think that you aren't taking this seriously." Ibiki said in a very low voice to Hiroki.

Hiroki opened his eyes and raised his head while looking at Ibiki.

"I couldn't care less about what everyone else thinks or not about me and my actions. As for the answers, I'm already done. The last question won't be anything special either so I'm not worried. Let me sleep now." Hiroki said as he laid his head on the table again.

'Huhu. This brat is quite blunt. The way he talks shows that he really doesn't care about what I said. He isn't even troubled with the presence of me and the other proctors. No wonder Kakashi and Hokage-sama allowed him to take the test alone. I want to see what he'll do if he goes to the other stages of the exam.' Ibiki thought as he looked at Hiroki.

Half an hour later, Hiroki woke up from his nap and took a look around the class. He saw that many were looking at him with unpleasant looks.

"Huhu." Hiroki chuckled as he looked at them. He didn't even place them in his eyes. He was already powerful enough to fight all the Kages by himself and win without any trouble. Who were these genin in his eyes? To him, they amounted to nothing.

'This is quite annoying. I didn't know that I would have so much work faking my level. I just wish to vent off for some time.' Hiroki thought as he sighed.

Ibiki then started talking about the last question and saying that those who got the wrong answer, would fail and never be able to take the chunin exams again in their lives. Many of the genin that were there were afraid and didn't want to take the risk as they chose not to answer the question and try again in the next chunin exams six months later. As the number decreased and Ibiki saw that those left wouldn't budge, he decided to put an end to it.

"The last question is... you all pass!" Ibiki said.


"What do you mean?"

"Did we really pass?"

These were a few of the many questions asked by the various genin in the classroom.

"The last question was to see who of you had the will to continue and risk your future careers . Who of you have the resolve." Ibiki said. He then took out the bandana on his head and many scars were apparent.

"This is what happens when you are captured by enemy shinobi. They torture you trying to get any information possible from you. If you break or not, that will only depend on yourselves. There'll be times you'll have to risk your life getting information and times you have to die to protect it." Ibiki said as he then continued on and on about the sources of information, qualities needed for a chunin squad leader and etc...

Out of nowhere, a person flew through the window of the class, wrapped in a thick black cloth. As the person got in the center of the front of the class, she threw some kunai, making the cloth turn into a banner with the words: "Mitarashi Anko. Proctor of the second phase of the chunin exams."

"Heads up, boys and girls. This is not the time to be celebrating. I'll be your next proctor. Anko Mitarashi. You ready for the second test? Good. Then let's go. Follow me!" She yelled loudly while fiercely looking at the genin teams left in the room.

"You're early again." Ibiki said as he went around the banner.

Anko got embarrassed as she noticed she had come early and Ibiki hadn't really finished saying what he needed to say to the genin that passed the first test. She took a better look at the class and was surprised as she smirked.

"You were better at this, Ibiki. I can't remember having so many teams passing from the first test. Your skills have become rusty." Anko said.

"Or it means that this years crop is better than the ones before." Ibiki said.

"Huuum. They sure don't look like it. Trust me. When I'm done with them, more than half would have failed." Anko said loud enough for everyone to hear. She got the reaction she was expecting from many of the genin in the classroom. There were just a few that were unfazed by what she said.

"This is going to be fun. Alright brats. You had it easy so far, but things are going to be different starting first thing in the morning. I'll let your squad leader know where you're to meet me. Dismissed." Anko said as she left the classroom.

Many of the genin left the room and only a few stayed behind as they talked with their teammates.

"Hiroki, we did it. We passed the first test." Naruto said as he had a huge smile on his face.

"Yes, we did, Naruto. We should be going and have a nice rest. The next days will be very important. We better rest very well. We are going to need it. You hear me guys?" Hiroki said the last part to Sasuke and Sakura.

"Do you have any idea of what we're going to do tomorrow? Sasuke asked.

"Let's talk on the way. We don't want people to hear our conversation." Hiroki said as he urged his team members to leave the room.

As they walked towards their homes together, Hiroki told them what could be waiting for them in the next morning. Sakura was the one most creeped out as Hiroki mentioned large insects eating people alive and whatnot, but he quickly told her that they should always keep themselves focused since they didn't know what might happen.

"Where did you get this information?" Sasuke asked.

"It is very usual for Konoha to make the forest of death a part of the chunin exams. It is a place where more than half of the ones taking the exams fail. Not only that, some people even die in there. Either from the insects and animals or from shinobi of other villages. I don't know what will be the rules, but the location is what's most important at the moment." Hiroki said.

"Hn. I see." Sasuke said.

"Let's work together and flash through the second test. We can do it." Naruto said.

"Yes. Team seven will go for the win." Sakura said.

"Haha. That's the spirit. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Be sure to rest properly. Don't get anxious or you won't be able to sleep. In case you can't sleep, just pulse some chakra into this seal." Hiroki said as he brought out three paper seals from his pocket. These were sleep inducing seals. The name already explains it.

"I'll se you guys tomorrow." Hiroki said as he shunshined towards his house.


On the next morning, Kakashi had told his team that they should be going to the forest of death for the second test of the chunin exams.

When team seven arrived, they saw a few of the other genin teams that advanced from the first test all lined up with Anko in front of them. She said that they would wait thirty more minutes until every genin team arrived. She then went towards Hiroki to have a talk to him.

"Hey, kid. Uchiha Hiroki, right?" Anko asked.

"Yeah. Just Hiroki is fine." Hiroki replied.

"Wow. That is something unexpected. You don't mind being called just by your first name? Normally Uchihas are all prideful of their Uchiha name and all that."

"I'm not a normal Uchiha. I proud myself on my abilities and not the name itself. A name is just a name. It can only be "powerful" thanks to the powerful people that carried it. It's the people that are originally powerful, not the name itself."

"Ooooh. I already like you. You're not so conceited as most. Anyways, I heard you're taking this exam by yourself. That's something I would say to be crazy. Specially when I announce the surprise to everyone, but I'm sure that Kakashi and Hokage-sama knew of your capabilities and allowed you to take the exam anyways. Good luck. You're going to need it." Anko said as she grinned.

'What should I expect? Could it be that they'll make it harder for me to pass this second test other than just getting a different scroll from the one they'll give me? Well, whatever it may be, it won't be difficult at all for me to complete the test. There's nothing and no one able to do a number on me here.' Hiroki thought as he sighed.

Hiroki wasn't being overconfident with his thoughts. It was actually that there isn't anyone able to put him in a dangerous situation here other than Obito and Nagato and he was sure that he could beat the two if he wanted to. It was because he knew he was powerful enough enough and that it wasn't just his thoughts, but true fact. He had many resources to help him in many different situations.

"Alright brats. This place is called the Forest of Death and you'll all soon realize why." Anko said as every genin team had already arrived.

Naruto then mimicked her in a childish way and said: "That kind of threat won't work on me one bit! I'm not scared!" He said as he pointed at Anko.

"Oh, really? You've got a lot of energy." She said with a smile. She then took out a kunai and threw it towards Naruto with great strength. What surprised her was that as soon as the kunai reached Naruto, was that it cut her cheek as Naruto had taken it midair and threw it back at her with even more strength.

"You should be careful throwing those. Some people might get hurt." Naruto said as he walked to the fence that the kunai was stuck to, took the kunai and gave it back as he grinned at her.

Anko had no words to say as she felt that Naruto wasn't as simple as she thought he was.

Hiroki saw that and he was happy to see Naruto's progress. He chuckled seeing Anko's expression.

"Anko-san, it's not easy picking on those of my team. We are not just simple genin as you and the higher ups may think." Hiroki said.

"Ahem. Before we start the second exam, I have to pass this out to you." Anko said as she stood up in front of everyone and took out some papers from her coat.

"It's a consent form. Before you can take part in the test, you have to sign this. From here on out, corpses are going to come out and I have to get your consent to that. Or it'll be my responsibility." Anko said the last part laughing a bit.

"Anyways, I'm going to start the explanation for the second exam, so pay attention. In a word, the limits of your survival will be challenged. I'll first give you step-by-step instructions on the terrai of this training field." Anko then started explaining about the 44 gates surrounding the Forest of Death and so on.

"In this confined area, you will go through a survival program. It's an anything goes scroll battle! I want you to fight for two scrolls, the heaven scroll, the earth scroll and last, but not least, the hell scroll." Anko said as she took out three scrolls from her coat. The heaven scroll was white, the earth scroll was blue and the hell scroll was blood red.

"One half of the teams will get a heaven scroll and the other half will get a earth scroll."

"What about the hell scroll?" One of the genin from Amegakure asked.

"Hehe. The hell scroll will be going to Hiroki Uchiha. He alone is a team. The exam is much harder for him just by that alone, but I chose to spice things up a bit. To pass the exam, you will need to get a different scroll from the one that will be handed to you and reach the tower within 120 hours. How you get the scroll doesn't matter, but if you open any of them, you will automatically fail the exam. You can only do so once you reach the tower. Also, the teams that don't have their three members or one of their member is killed or incapacitated, that also means disqualification. One member of each team will get a scroll inside that booth over there. It is covered so no one knows what scroll your team has. Now for the important part, the hell scroll. Who ever takes it from Hiroki Uchiha will not need to get the opposite one they need. You can directly go to the tower once getting it. See it as a joker card. Hiroki here will only need to take the hell scroll to the tower if he wants to pass, but if he loses it, he will need two of the heaven and earth scrolls to advance." Anko said.

Everyone stared at Hiroki. They saw him as a piece of succulent meat that they needed to have no matter what. The only ones that had a look of concern for him were the ones from Konoha and Haku.

"Huhuhuhu. Huhuhuhuhuhuhu. Hahahahahahahahahahaha." Hiroki laughed loudly as he heard Anko.

"Oh boy. Must have gone insane already." Anko said as she looked at Hiroki. There was a faint smirk hanging on her face, but the smirk didn't last long.

"This will be fun. This will be very fun. Huhuhuhu. I just want to say one thing and that is, whoever comes at me, know that you won't be returning back home." Hiroki said looking back at the other teams as his fully matured sharingan blazed and he enveloped everyone in his killing intent. The only ones safe from it was the rookie 9 and Haku's team.

When the other teams looked at Hiroki, saw the blazing red eyes and felt his killing intent, they started sweating cold and even trembling as fear crawled inside their skin. It wasn't normal fear, it was the kind of fear that paralyzed them in place as their clothes became wet from sweating coldly.

Anko and the other proctors also felt Hiroki's killing intent. Some of them even had some trouble breathing and some were sweating profusely.

'What have I done?' Was the only thought Anko had on her mind as she clicked her tongue. There was no way that she could go back on her word or she would be embarrassed. Specially in front of everyone here.

Hiroki looked at her with his red eyes and seriously said: "There's no need for regrets now."

He then went in front of Anko and took the hell scroll from her hand.


After the teams were all set and each had their scroll, Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura went towards Hiroki.

"Hiroki, since when did you awaken your sharingan? Don't say it was recent because it is fully matured." Sasuke asked Hiroki. His question didn't have the overbearing demand as they had when the two first met. It was a normal question and Hiroki knew it was just Sasuke's curiosity speaking.

"Ever since I was young. I didn't say I had awakened it before because I didn't feel that you guys needed to know or anyone else needed to know." Hiroki answered.

"Hiroki, the test will be many times harder for you. Are you sure you want to continue taking it? We're worried about you." Sakura said with a worried expression.

"I'll be alright. I wish I could help you guys since the start, but I don't know which gate I'm going to be at and how far from you I'll be, but at least I won't bring trouble your way. From what I see, these guys already have some plot in their heads. The farther I am from you guys, the better it is. But I want you guys to keep these with you." Hiroki said as he handed them 10 of the exploding shuriken. He then took out of his kunai pouch a kunai that had some inscriptions written on it.

"This one, you guys use it when you are in extreme danger. You can throw it directly at the enemy. Just pulse some chakra into it before throwing."

"What does this one do? Is it a big explosion?" Naruto asked.

"Something like that. Hehe" Hiroki said as he smiled.

"Alright kids, the exam officials will take you to your designated gates. We'll start simultaneously in thirty minutes. Off you go." Anko said.

Thirty minutes later the gates opened and all the teams ran inside the Forest of Death. Hiroki wasn't one to be slow as he went faster than the ones that were on the gates next to his. He could feel the stares from his back as he moved towards the tower. He didn't have to go full speed since he knew that he would have to go back to save Naruto and the other from Orochimaru.

'Thinking of Orochimaru, he might have something thought up for me.' Hiroki thought. As his mind was thinking of these things, he heard the air wheezing from his back. He took a look over his shoulder and saw five teams. Three of them were from Amegakure, one from Sunagakure and the last one was from Kusagakure. He recognized one person from the last team and it was Karin. Hiroki stopped on top of a tree branch as he turned back.

"I have warned everyone before. If you don't want to die here, then turn around." Hiroki said as he activated his sharingan and took out some kunai from his pouch.

"Guys, I feel his chakra changing. He's very serious. I don't think we're even a match for him. And even if we get the scroll, what happens if the other teams come after us?" Karin said to her teammates, trying to get them to give up on the idea.

"Shut up. You don't know anything, you u

Uzumaki bitch. You're just our healing whore." One of Karin's teammates said as he slapped her.

"I see that you don't think I'm being serious. This is the choice you've made so don't blame me." Hiroki said.

"Hehe. Give up the scroll and we'll let you go." The leader of one team from Amegakure said.

"Not going to happen." Hiroki said as he threw a kunai at the said leader and unsheathed his tanto.

"Nice aim..." *plop*

The leader of one of the teams from Amegakure didn't finish his sentence as his head was cut off in a flash. Blood sprayed over the area where the three teams of Amegakure were in. They felt the warm blood hitting their face.

"Now it's everyone else's turn." Hiroki said from behind the falling body. He threw kunai's left and right and flashed from one spot to the other and as he did so, blood sprayed. In less than half a minute, he had already killed the teams from Amegakure and sunagakure. The only team left were the ones from Kusagakure.

"Run!" One of the guys said in fear as he pushed Karin towards Hiroki, thinking that he would kill her before going after them. He thought that it would distract him for long enough for them to run.

"Throwing your own teammate at the enemy so you can have more time to run away. Tsk, tsk." Hiroki said clicking his tongue.

"Don't come near me." The guy from Kusagakure said as he threw kunais and shurikens at Hiroki.

"You're already dead." Hiroki said as he flashed and blood sprayed from the bodies of the two boys. He then looked back and saw Karin on the ground, motionless. He then appeared next to her an sheathed his tanto and deactivated his sharingan.

"Please don't kill me. I tried telling them to not attack you, but they didn't listen to me. I'm sorry. Please don't kill me." Karin begged as she cried.

"No need to be scared. I'm not going to kill you. I heard how they talked to you and saw how they treated you. Also, they called you an Uzumaki, right? And from the red hair, it seems that there's no denying it."

"Yes, yes. I'm an Uzumaki."

"That's very good. My name is Uchiha Hiroki. What is your name?"

"My name is Uzumaki Karin."

"Karin, from what I saw and heard, the people from Kusagakure doesn't seem to be very fond of you. Am I right?"

Karin didn't say anything and only shook her head.

"Do you have any family members or siblings waiting for you in Kusagakure?"

"No. My mother died when I was young. I have no family members."

"I understand. How would you feel if I told you that there is one Uzumaki and that he might be a distant cousin from you?" Hiroki asked.

"What? I thought that there wasn't any Uzumaki left. I've been thinking that I was the last one alive."

"No. To tell you the truth, there are three including you. One is here in Konoha and the other one is in Amegakure. He's actually the leader of Amegakure and also the leader of the criminal organization called Akatsuki. Have you ever heard about it?"

"Really, there's one here in Konoha?"

And to answer your question, yes, I have heard of this organization." Karin said as she nodded.

"Yes, there is one Uzumaki in Konoha. He is part of the same team as mine and we are very good friends. I can introduce you to him after the exam is over. Would you like that?"

"I would like to meet him. I don't know who he is, but even so, he's the only family I got."

"Very good then. Karin, I'm going to take you to the tower since it would be dangerous for you to stay here by yourself. You'll have to wait until I get to the tower together with my team. Is that alright for you?"

"If you don't mind. I was forced by my village and my teammates to take this exam. To them I was nothing more than their healing medicine thanks to my special Uzumaki ability."

"Well, your suffering days are over. If you allow me, I will need to carry you so that we can move as fast as possible to the tower. It won't take longer than five minutes to get there, so hold tight and don't let go." Hiroki said as he carried Karin like a princes and dashed towards the tower in his full speed.

Each step and each leap he took would leave a dent on the ground and break the tree branches. Looking at that, you would know how much strength Hiroki was putting on each step he took. After five minutes, he arrived in front of the tower with Karin. They saw two chunin examiners in front of the door of the tower.

Like a blur, Hiroki appeared in front of the two chunin and they were surprised for not noticing him until he was already in front of them.

"You go in. I have to return to help my team. Remember, wait for me and my team and don't leave until then. That means even if your sensei comes to take you back, don't go with him."

"Alright. I won't leave."

"See you later than." Hiroki said as he blurred out of the view of Karin and the two chunin examiners.

"Miss, are you the only one left of your team?" One of the two asked.

"Yes. The other two were killed. I'm the only one left. May I go inside the tower?" Karin asked.

"You may go in, but since your teammates died, you have failed the exam this time." The chunin said as they let her inside the tower.

After Karin went inside the tower, the two chunin looked at each other.

"How long since the exam started?" One asked.

"It has been no longer than ten minutes." The other answered with his eyes bulged in surprise.