
Tales of Hiroki: A Naruto Story

I`m writing this for fun. I`m no professional writer. If someone doesn`t like it, move on. There are many other stories to read. This means that it will not follow the plot 100% and there will be changes done to it. If you want a story to stick to the plot, then I’m sorry, this is not for you. - Hiroki is a special ops agent that dies to save his teammates. He now has another chance in life in the Naruto world. Let`s now embark in the Tales of Hiroki.

Daoist693837 · Cómic
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67 Chs

Battle Against Kumo II

The three men had arrived and they were surprised to see that the Raikage was in front of them and so were his son and Kumo's two jinchuriki. But the same could be said for the other party.

"I told you. I'm not alone. This here will be the last battle of this war. And we'll put an end to this... even if I have to kill you all." Hiroki said as he released killing intent and his eyes shifted. His voice was laced with determination and conviction.

When the other party felt the killing intent, they knew that if they didn't put their all, there would be only one outcome.

Minato, Sakumo and Fugaku felt how serious Hiroki was and looked at him. When they did, they saw the difference in his eyes.

"Hiroki, your eyes." Minato said as he called over to Hiroki, as if reminding him of something. Hiroki looked at him and only nodded.

"You... you are Uch... How?" Fugaku asked. Never in his life would he expect Hiroki to be an Uchiha. When he had heard of Hiroki, Fugaku had investigated him. There was never any records of the teenager and there was never any blood test on him either. It was as if he had appeared in Konoha out of nowhere.

"Minato, you knew?" Sakumo asked as he looked towards the blonde. Minato only nodded.

"We found out that Hiroki had Uchiha blood on the day he had enrolled in the academy. He was only six when he activated his sharingan. He asked Kushina and I to not tell anyone and we did what he asked." Minato explained.

"Why didn't you come to the Uchiha clan? We would have taken care of you." Fugaku said.

"Fugaku, this is not the time. We have a battle to win. A battle that is important for all of us. I need you three to focus on what's in front of you." Hiroki said in a firm voice.

He then looked at Minato.

"Minato-ni, I'll need you to take care of A. He's the raikage's son. He has strong lightening element and he envelops himself with a lightening cloak to move faster and make his attacks more deadly."

"Sakumo-san, please take care of the two tails. I believe that you are more than capable of that. If anything happens, you can give me a shout."

Hiroki then looked at Fugaku as his sharingan spun slowly.

"Fugaku, take care of the hachibi. If needed to, use that power." Hiroki said.

Fugaku understood instantly when Hiroki said: "that power."

"Hiroki, you plan to battle the raikage alone? He is one of the strongest Shinobi if not the strongest of our time. His defense is impenetrable and his attacks are fast and deadly." Sakumo said.

"Sakumo-san, trust me. My fight will be the easiest one. After I'm done, I'll come to help all of you." Hiroki said as he disappeared and instantly appeared behind the raikage, kicking him far away from where they were.


As the raikage tumbled on the ground as the force of Hiroki's kick ended, he shifted his body and looked up. As he did he saw Hiroki's fist coming straight towards his face. He had almost no time to dodge. He activated his lightening cloak and dodged to his left. Hiroki's fist did not hit him and he prepared for the counter as he used three fingers to stab Hiroki's chest, but he was blown away by and invisible fist.

"Uarh." The raikage grumbled.

He looked once more at Hiroki and saw the smirk on the teenager's face. This made him lose his patience and get angrier by the second.

"You damn brat with those wicked eyes. No wonder you have such power in a young age." The raikage said.

"Oh no. Not at all. I barely rely on these eyes. Why do you think no one knew about it until now? But that doesn't matter. I'll show you that my eyes have nothing to do with my strength and power." Hiroki said as he deactivated his sharingan.

'The only reason I revealed my sharingan was for Fugaku to not have any questions about how I know about his Mangekyo.' Hiroki thought to himself.

"Good, kid. I'll show you the mistake you have made." Tha raikage said as he flared his chakra and his cloak became fiercer.

Hiroki looked at him and smirked. This was the first time he was actually excited. He had an opportunity to use his strength unrestrained.

The raikage flashed and as if almost teleporting, he arrived in front of Hiroki. Hiroki had seen him coming all the way, but waited for him to come closer to strike a powerful punch to the raikage's stomach. The power was so immense that it made him fly twice faster than the kick. Hiroki didn't let the raikage regain his composure and kept teleporting while punching and kicking the raikage, never letting him hit the ground. After the tenth strike, the raikage finally fell on the ground. Actually, he fell like a meteor head first on the ground.


On the other side of the battle

Sakumo had already captured Yugito Nii and placed a seal to stop her chakra flow.

Minato had started fighting against A, but B went to join his brother. Fugaku also went to help Minato as he knew that he would have to use his mangekyo.

"Katon: Goukakyuu" Fugaku shouted as he blew a huge ball of fire towards the two. A was enveloped by his cloak and sped right through the ball of fire towards the two. He threw a kunai towards Minato, who leapt away from it. It was then that he saw A's smirk. Minato saw that B was coming towards Fugaku's back and they intended to squash him in the middle.

Minato saw this and used the Hiraishin seal that Hiroki's clone had placed on Fugaku and switched places with him. As A and B saw this, they sped up even more, but hit nothing as Minato had teleported once more next to Fugaku.


Hiroki waited for the Raikage get up. The man took his time as he felt sore all over his body.

"Raikage. I have a question for you. What are your purposes to continue this useless war?

Every nation has already given up. Suna are our allies, Kiri has a peace treaty with us and Iwa wouldn't fight against us any time soon. So why? Why are you so insistent in it?" Hiroki asked.

"Shut up. You don't know anything. Kumo will be the village that will command the others." The raikage said.

"Have it your way then." Hiroki said as he made a blade from lightening and fire chakra around his right hand. He used an immense amount of chakra and concentrated it all only around his hand. If compared to the time he had showed it to Minato and Kushina at the forest of death, it was three times smaller and three times denser.

The Kazekage activated his shroud once more and started running towards Hiroki. Hiroki noticed this time that it was completely different. His lightening became black and circulated all around the raikage's body. The raikage this time used three fingers as he concentrated hi black lightning onto it.

"Die. Black lightning Three Finger Assault." The raikage shouted as he sped even faster towards Hiroki. As he arrived one quarter of an inch to touch Hiroki, he saw his target disappear. He then turned around, but at that time he saw a flash of blue and red coming diagonally towards him as a large gash started from his left shoulder to the right side of his waist.

The raikage jumped back after he felt the pain, but before he landed, his right shoulder was completely pierced as Hiroki's arm went right through it.

Hiroki was holding the Raikage in the air while his arm was passing through his shoulder.

"You could have prevented all of this from happening, but your greed for power made you unable to see what was right in front of you. You lost." Hiroki said as he looked right into the raikage's eyes.

Not long after, the raikage's body became limp. Hiroki took his arm out from the raikage's shoulder and placed his body on the ground and completely sealed his chakra.

Hiroki stopped his technique and deactivated his sage mode. He took the fainted raikage and teleported to the other end of the battle.