
Tales of Hiroki: A Naruto Story

I`m writing this for fun. I`m no professional writer. If someone doesn`t like it, move on. There are many other stories to read. This means that it will not follow the plot 100% and there will be changes done to it. If you want a story to stick to the plot, then I’m sorry, this is not for you. - Hiroki is a special ops agent that dies to save his teammates. He now has another chance in life in the Naruto world. Let`s now embark in the Tales of Hiroki.

Daoist693837 · Cómic
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67 Chs

Back To A Not So Different Place

Team seven was now running their way back to Konoha. With their current speed, they should arrive before nighttime. Sakura, Sasuke and Naruto were running ahead while Hiroki and Kakashi were behind them.

"So, what was all that about?" Kakashi asked as he looked at Hiroki who was on his left side.

"You have to be more specific, Kakashi." Hiroki replied.

"You went after Gato by yourself, killed him and then gave Zabuza money. What for?"

"I already explained about Gato. One thing you should know about me is that I don't like repeating myself. As for the reason I gave Zabuza the money, it was to help the rebels of Kiri against Yagura. Once they have taken him down, Kirigakure will own Konoha even though I helped them indirectly."

"How do you know that they will take Yagura down? He's the jinchuuriki of the yonbi and he is a kage level shinobi even without it."

"I just know it. I'm not talking as someone being hopeful and what not, but I'm saying it with conviction. Anyways, Konoha should expect word from Kiri in the next weeks to come."

"How do you know all of this that is happening in Kiri?"

"How can you not know that something like this is happening in one of the five great nations?"

"Look, I'm not trying to make things hard for you, but this can't happen again. You are my subordinate and you should follow the mission."

"I've already told you, there are other ways to accomplish a mission and not only one. I went for the easier way. You might have a blind eye for not seeing how miserable those people were, but I don't. As a shinobi, I'm supposed to defend the interest of my village, but that doesn't mean I can bat an eye for things happening right in front of me. That's all I have to say now." Hiroki finished as he dashed forwards to the front and stayed with the others. Kakashi could only sigh as he listened to the young boy.

When Hiroki arrived next to them, Sakura and Naruto looked at him. Naruto had a look of wanting to ask questions and Sakura had an expression of suppressing a feeling. She got closer to Sasuke as the raven head was in front.

"Ask away, Naruto." Hiroki said.

"Before you left yesterday, I got a feeling that you were different. Now I know why. I'm not saying you are wrong to do what you did, but wasn't there another way instead of killing that guy?" Naruto asked.

"Naruto, promise that you will always be straightforward like this. I really like this about you. To answer your question, there wasn't any other way. You saw what happened all thanks to Gato's greed for money and power. He made a whole country refugee of himself. When someone wanted to go against his ideals, he killed without asking questions and without caring about their family members. Someone like that can't be kept alive, otherwise they will only do more evil and killing. Even if he promised on his life that he wouldn't do anything like that anymore, what guarantee would he give? People like him are evil to the bone and core. The only way to cleanse evil like that is by blood. What he did in Nami no Kuni was only part of it. There were many things that were worst. You and Sakura haven't seen things I've seen so it's understandable for you guys to feel like this, but know that the world is cruel and unforgiving. Sometimes, you have to make hard decisions and sometimes you only have one decision to make. This was one of those times. There weren't any other decisions to make." Hiroki said the last part a little louder so Sakura could hear it.

"I understand." Naruto said.

Kakashi also listened to everything Hiroki said and he could only think about why Hiroki said and he understood. He was reminded of his father's choice. He could only shake his head, remembering this.


After five hours, team seven was walking as they neared the gates of Konoha. They saw two Chunin standing close to the gate. They were Kotetsu and Izumo.

"Kakashi, how was the mission? We've heard that you and your team bumped into Zabuza. How was that?" Kotetsu asked as he saw Kakashi walking closer to the village gate.

Kakashi looked at Kotetsu and didn't stop walking.

"It wasn't so bad. There were a few surprises here and there, but everything came out well." Kakashi said without looking at them.

"Sheesh. I wouldn't like running into someone like Zabuza. I guess something might have happened since even Kakashi would have a hard time against the guy. His team came back perfectly fine. Those kids might just be little monsters like their sensei." Izumo said as he saw the genin walking together.

After ten minutes of walking, team seven arrived in front of the Hokage tower.

"Alright everyone, I'll be giving Homage-sama the report on the mission. We'll be taking two days of rest from any activities. You can do whatever you want in the meantime." Kakashi said as he waved to his team and started walking up the stairs to the tower. He then felt someone going up the stairs next to him. He looked and saw that it was Hiroki.

"What are you doing?" Kakashi asked.

"I'm going up to meet the Hokage." Was Hiroki's answer.

"But why?"

"I have my reasons."


Kakashi sighed and didn't say anything and continued going purge stairs.

After some seconds of silence between the two, they arrived inside Hiruzen's office.

"Kakashi, Hiroki-kun. I got your message from the bird not long ago. I'm happy that everything went alright with your mission even though there were unpleasant surprises. Anyways, are you ready to report, Kakashi?" Hiruzen asked.

"Hokage-sama, if I may interrupt. Kakashi gave us two days off from any duties once we arrived to Konoha. I was wondering if I could go visit my parents grave and pay respect to them in these two days?" Hiroki asked straightforwardly. Of course, he didn't really have any parents. His true intention was to go somewhere else. A place only he knows where it is and no one else.

Hiruzen looked at Hiroki for some time while he pondered. He then nodded his head in agreement.

"Alright, I allow you to leave, but be sure to be back here in two days. If anything happens, send a messenger bird to us. You may leave." Hiruzen said.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama." Hiroki said politely as he left the office.

"So, Kakashi. Please report on your team's mission." Hiruzen said as he sat comfortable on his chair.

"When we left Konoha..."

"I see. That is quite unexpected. I never thought that Hiroki would have in him to kill in such young age. And from what you have said, we can deduce that this wasn't his first time killing someone. Anyways, I have to congratulate you and your team for how well the mission completed. Regarding Hiroki, you might have been a little too hard on him. He did what was easiest to complete the mission. If I was in his position, I would have done the same." Hiruzen said.

"I understand, Hokage-sama. I just didn't want something happening to a comrade of mine. Not again." Kakashi said as he had a reminiscing look on his face.

"You are a great shinobi, Kakashi. I'm sure you will do the best for your genin. You should go rest now. Take it easy." Hiruzen said as he sent Kakashi off.


As Hiroki got out of the Hokage building, he started walking towards his home. When he got there, he prepared some scrolls that had enough food to last him on this two days trip. He freshened up and rested, sleeping for two hours before getting back up.

"Time to go. I hope to meet my good friends. I'm sure they won't recognize me since they don't share the memories I have, but just knowing that they are there is good enough for me." Hiroki said to himself with a smile on his face as he walked out of his apartment and closed the door.

As he went down the stairs on the outside of the apartment, he felt that there were four presences nearby. He felt that two were anbu and two others were Danzo's men.

'That bastard already knows what happened on the mission. Let's see if they'll follow me. And the two anbu as well, could Hiruzen have sent them to watch me or is it just a coincidence?' Hiroki thought as he just continued walking as he headed to the Ichiraku Ramen shop. He felt that the two anbu didn't follow him and only Danzo's men did, but he could care less about them.

"Hello, Hiroki. What will you have today?" Ayame asked.

"Good evening, Ayame. I'll have two pork to go."

"Oh. Alright. Just give us a few minutes." Ayame said as she went to the kitchen to prepare the ingredients.

Hiroki sat down on the bench in front of the counter as he waited. Not long after, Naruto walked inside the shop.

"Huh? Hiroki. Hey, you also came to have some ramen? Want to eat together?" Naruto asked as he saw his friend.

"Hey, Naruto. Sorry, I'm grabbing mine for the go. I'm leaving tonight to the border of the fire country. I'm going to visit my parent's grave in these two days of rest that we are getting." Hiroki said.

"Ah, I see. I hope everything goes alright with that." Naruto said as he had a thoughtful look on his face. Hiroki knew exactly what the blonde had on his mind.

"Hey, Naruto. This might sound weird and out of nowhere, but just know that your parents loved you very much. Don't listen to what other people say, alright. Trust me on this one." Hiroki said as he smiled at Naruto and patted his shoulder.

"Hehe. Thank you, Hiroki." Naruto said as he smiled brightly. A small tear threatened to come out, but it kept itself on the corner of his eye.

"Hiroki, your order is ready." Ayame said as she brought Hiroki's food.

"Thank you, Ayame." Hiroki said as he got up and handed her the money.

"Enjoy." Ayame said.

"I'll see you in two days, Naruto. Don't cause trouble." Hiroki said as he laughed then left the restaurant.

"Have a nice trip, Hiroki." Naruto said as he waved at Hiroki leaving. Hiroki only waved back without looking.

'Sigh, these guys are still after me.' Hiroki thought as he felt the presence of Danzo's men.

Five minutes later, he arrived in front of the village gate and he saw the two chunin that were doing gate watching duty when team seven had arrived.

"Already leaving?" Izumo asked.

"Yeah. I'm sure Hokage-sama already sent a message over to you guys. I'll be back in two days." Hiroki said as he walked past them and didn't say anything else. Once he stepped out of the gate, he still felt that the two of Danzo's men were still behind him. He smirked and dashed forwards, towards the direction of his destination.

"What? He's already far from us. Don't lose sight of him. Danzo-sama wants us to bring him back to the hideout unnoticed." One of the two said as they started going after Hiroki. After five minutes of running after the young shinobi, they gave up. They already lost track of him and didn't see any sign of him being anywhere near.

Hiroki on the other hand, was up in the sky as he had his arms crossed and looking down at the two.

'Hehe. No matter what you try, you'll never be able to catch up to me.' Hiroki thought before flapping his wings and with a boom, he had already travelled a great distance.


After thirty minutes, Hiroki landed on the foot of the mountain that he wanted to go to.

'It feels as if it's been so long since I came back here. I hope everything is the same way.' Hiroki hoped as he started walking up the mountain. He walked leisurely up the mountain path as he remembered the way to his destination. On the way, he saw many animals around the place and different species of plants as well and of course, the peak of the mountain was covered by thick fog all around it. After some time of appreciating the view around him, Hiroki decided to run and with quick speed, he arrived in front of the thick fog at the peak of the mountain.

'I wonder if they'll be surprised.' Hiroki thought as he extended his right hand towards the thick fog. When he motioned his hand to touch the fog, he was expecting some resistance, just like the first time he was there in the previous timeline, but his hand went through straight away. Seeing no resistance, Hiroki smiled and walked past the mist. Once he got past it, he felt wind all around him as it blew on his body. Hiroki opened his arms as he walked and closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of the wind blowing on him. After feeling the familiar place, Hiroki opened his eyes. He was greeted with a scene that he was used to and it was the most beautiful place he had gone to. Right in front of him, was the edge of a tall cliff and below was a large forest like place. It was filled with trees and a lake running right in the center as well as different sized eagles from varying species. Hiroki opened his arms and jumped. He fell neither fast nor slow. It was as if he had total control of the wind flowing around him. In less than five seconds, Hiroki landed softly on the ground.

"Young one. Welcome to..." a deep, but gentle female voice said, but was interrupted by Hiroki.

"Himitsu no Kiri no Yama." Hiroki completed her sentence.

"You know of this place, young one?" The female voice asked.

"Yes, I do know, Shirawashi-sama." Hiroki said with a smile.

"It's been almost a year since I've been wanting to come here and see you guys once again." Hiroki said as he started to become emotional.

"You know my name. How?..." Shirawashi asked in surprise.

"Yes. I know your name. I know you, I know Kurowashi, I know everyone. Haha." Hiroki said as he teared up a little.

"I have a lot to tell you guys." Hiroki said.

After he finished, Shirawashi and Kurowashi arrived where he was at.

"Listen here kid. What is all of this that you are saying? You better not hide anything from us or I'm going to feed you to the out baby eagles." Kurowashi said as his deep voice said.

"Yeah, yeah. Grumpy bastard. Hehe." Hiroki said as he cleaned some tears forming in his eyes.

"What did you call me?"

"Kurowashi, stop. Let's listen to him first."

"Hmph. You're lucky that Shirawashi-sama is here, brat."

"I could tell you guys everything, but it would be better to show it to you. Please trust me and don't resist." Hiroki said as his mangekyo was activated and the two were put in a special kind of genjutsu.

Shirawashi and Kurawashi woke up from the genjutsu. To them it seemed as if long years had passed, but on the outside, it was no longer than a minute.

"Woah. Was all of that true?" Kurowashi asked as he looked at Shirawashi and then at Hiroki.

"There's only one way to know. Show us your sage mode." Shirawashi said.

Hiroki understood them and he took his shirt off. He turned his back towards them and the two saw the tattoo on Hiroki's back. The young boy then breathed and white translucent angel wings covered his back as he floated from the ground. He then turned towards them.

"I can't imagine how something like this happened, but now that we know of it and have seen things from your timeline, I feel that there's a start to a close bond between us." Shirawashi said. She then turned towards Kurowashi and asked him to get the summoning contract.

"It is of no surprise to establish a summoning contract with you since we already had one, even though it was a different us in a different timeline. I could say a lot of things about the responsibility and secrets of us eagles, but you know all of this. All I have to say is welcome back to Himitsu no Kiri no Yama, Hiroki-kun." Shirawashi said.

"So we used to have a close relationship huh, kid? Just know that whenever you need, I'll be here." Kurowashi said as he flapped his wings and flew away as a strong gust blew where he was just now.

"Kurowashi is like that, but he's very caring. You know him well." Shirawashi said as she watched Kurowashi flying away.

"Anyways, are you going to stay here for some time or are you going to leave already?" Shirawashi asked.

"I want to meet everyone again. Maybe have them meet me, again. Haha." Hiroki said with a smile.

"Alright then. I'll leave you to it. If you need me come to... well, you know where it is." Shirawashi said as she flew to her nest.

'I know they're not the same. Everything is not how it used to be, but this is what I have at the moment. I have to work with what I've got.' Hiroki thought to himself as he went to greet the other eagles.