
Tales of Hiroki: A Naruto Story

I`m writing this for fun. I`m no professional writer. If someone doesn`t like it, move on. There are many other stories to read. This means that it will not follow the plot 100% and there will be changes done to it. If you want a story to stick to the plot, then I’m sorry, this is not for you. - Hiroki is a special ops agent that dies to save his teammates. He now has another chance in life in the Naruto world. Let`s now embark in the Tales of Hiroki.

Daoist693837 · Cómic
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67 Chs

A Long Day

On the way back to his home, Hiroki got the memories of his clone. The one that was tasked to reading the scroll Kabuto had given him.

'It's a lot like medicine from Earth. The only difference is the use of chakra to speed up the cells healing process. That was something I already had expected, but I thought there was something more to it.' Hiroki thought as he went over the new information gained.

On the next day, Hiroki made a clone to train together with Naruto and Jiraiya and went to the hospital himself to learn Medical ninjutsu from Kabuto. As he walked inside the hospital, the nurse in the front desk saw him and told him that Kabuto was already waiting for him. When Hiroki arrived at the room that Kabuto was waiting for him, he saw a combo of two fishes inside a large bowl each and they had a cut on their belly.

"Good morning, Hiroki-kun. I've prepared some practice materials for us to begin putting the theories you studied from the scroll into practice. But before we begin, until what part of the scroll did you read and what have you learned from it? Do you have any questions?" Kabuto asked.

"I read the entire scroll and I can say I learned everything in theory. I have no questions at the moment." Hiroki answered.

"Very good. It's quite impressive for someone to learn things so fast. Now then, let's move on to what's most important." Kabuto said as he moved in front of one of the fishes that had their stomachs opened.

"The most basic and also most important jutsu for medical ninjutsu is called Shosen Jutsu. Since you have read the scroll, I don't have to repeat what is described in it. I'm going to show you how to do it and how to heal the fish. Observe closely because you will be doing the healing afterwards. Is that understood?" Kabuto asked and got a nod from Hiroki.

A few seconds later, Kabuto weaved the hand seals and green chakra enveloped both of his hands as he placed them over the fish, but not touching it. Hiroki activated his sharingan and he instantly saw how the jutsu work and the amount of chakra needed to heal the fish. He could see the cut on it's belly being closed in quite a good amount of speed. One minute later, Kabuto had already finished and the fish started waggling inside the large bowl. Kabuto then took it and placed it inside a water tank near by.

"Since you used you sharingan, this will be easier for you to learn. Give it a try now." Kabuto said as he smiled at Hiroki.

Hiroki then moved to the fish in the bowl and he made the hand seals needed for the mystic palm jutsu and his hand then started glowing in a green color, but there was a small difference if compared to Kabuto. The green color had a darker shade in it and the fish was healing twice faster.

'Ah, shit. This must be because of my mokuton and life force included in it. It's increasing the healing in the jutsu. Kabuto might report about this to Orochimaru. I don't want to give Orochimaru one more reason to come after me for my sharingan. I can take him, but I want peace. It's quite annoying having someone pestering you.' Hiroki thought. He then looked at Kabuto and he saw in Orochimaru's right hand man's eye that he was machinating a plan. Hiroki's eyes flashed as he activated his mangekyo. He placed Kabuto in a strong genjutsu and wiped out that part of his memory. His eyes returned to the normal three tomoes once he finished with the genjutsu and healing the fish at the same time. He took the fish and put it inside the water tank.

"I guess that is all, right, Kabuto?" Hiroki said.

"Ah, yes. You did a very good job. You know, you have a very good talent for healing. How about I teach you some more techniques in medical ninjutsu?" Kabuto asked.

"Nah, I'm good. I just wanted to learn the basics so that I could heal myself and my teammates if we ever happen to get injured in missions. Thank you though, Kabuto. I'll be taking my leave now." Hiroki said as he deactivated his sharingan and walked out of the room. He continued walking normally until he was already outside of the hospital.

'Better check up on Naruto and Jiraiya and see what they are working on.' Hiroki thought as he shunshined away.

Ten minutes later, Hiroki found Jiraiya and Naruto working on some water ballons. His clone was just watching from the side as Jiraiya gave Naruto instructions. The clone sensed Hiroki's presence and dispelled. As the clone dispelled, Naruto and Jiraiya wondered what happened. They then looked at another direction and saw Hiroki.

"What was that?" Naruto asked as he stopped doing whatever it was with the water ballon.

"I was at the hospital and I sent a clone here. I arrived and the clone dispelled. You guys were working on the rasengan right? You're supposed to pop the ballons using chakra, right? What is taking you so long for, Naruto? And why didn't you show him the justsu so he could have a better idea on what he's supposed to do? You're a really bad teacher, Jiraiya." Hiroki said.

"What? Don't dare call me a bad teacher. I wanted to see if he had the guts and the wits to keep going even when he was met with some difficulties. Yeah, that's it." Jiraiya said as he reassured himself.

"I see. Since that's that, what are you waiting for to show how to perform the Rasengan?" Hiroki asked as he crossed his arm.

"Alright, alright. Pay attention. I'm only going to do it once." Jiraiya said as he extended his right arm and his palm faced up. Little by little, a blue ball of chakra took form as it grew on his hand. The ball was completely made out of compressed chakra that bounced in every direction and every way possible inside it. Jiraiya then slammed his the ball into a huge stone. The stone was destroyed by the power of the jutsu as it blew up into tiny pieces of pebbles.

"Now that you know how I do it, you two can practice with the water ballons first." Jiraiya said as he kept looking at his work.

"Waaaah. Cool. You're awesome!" Naruto said loudly.

"Hehe. I know I am." Jiraiya said as he felt good being praised. But right at that moment, he turned around and saw that Naruto wasn't really looking at him, instead he was looking at Hiroki. Jiraiya saw that the black haired kid had a blue ball on top of his hand.

"The rasengan? How?" Jiraiya asked as his jaw dropped.

"Minato took three years to complete this technique. Going from research to completion. You just saw me doing it once and were able to do it yourself? How? Where did you learn this technique? Who exactly are you?" Jiraiya asked seriously as he got suspicious of Hiroki. He had already been thinking that the boy was very suspicious since he had knowledge of Hiroki's fight against Orochimaru. Now that he saw the boy repeating the jutsu that he did just by watching, he got even more suspicious of him. Right now, Jiraiya was seeing the boy as a threat.

"Huh? Why the hostile look and suspicious tone? I have an easy time learning techniques and teaching them to others. I learned his chidori just by seeing him do it once as well. If you don't believe me, you can ask Kakashi. He'll clear off the suspicions you have." Hiroki said as he looked at Jiraiya. He then cancelled the rasengan.

"Naruto, come here. You'll get to know how to do this jutsu in a beat." Hiroki said as he called the blond over.

As Naruto came in front of him, Hiroki asked Naruto to open his hand while his palm faces up.

"What now?" Naruto asked.

"Put your hand over mine and we'll start from there. Try to remember the feeling of the chakra and the directions it moves." Hiroki said and Naruto put his palm over Hiroki's and payed attention. Hiroki then started building his chakra and making it go in all directions as it was compressed inside a sphere. He had helped Naruto make a rasengan through his own chakra and his own shaping.

"I'm going to slowly start handing the control of the rasengan over to you. While we are in the transferring process, you have to take control of it as I take my control out of it. If you come in with excessive control or less than needed, it will fail. You need to concentrate." Hiroki said as he kept his hand under Naruto's until he saw that the blond could stabilize it on his own. He then let go and Naruto had the control of the rasengan in his hand.

"Now close your eyes and feel how the chakra moves. You don't need to do anything. Just feel it."

Naruto closed his eyes and started feeling the chakra in the technique move in every possible direction. He then opened his eyes and nodded at Hiroki.

"Good. Now cancel the rasengan and try make your own without my help. You don't need to go fast nor slow. Go according to you." Hiroki said.

Naruto canceled the rasengan and took a deep breath as he closed his eyes and then exhaled. Once he opened, blue chakra started swirling on top oh his hand as he moved it and compressed it inside the sphere shape. After some seconds, the rasengan stabilized itself and Naruto stopped feeding chakra to it as it was complete.

"Yataaaaaaaaaa! I did it!" Naruto yelled loudly as he thrusted the rasengan to the sky.

"Very good, Naruto. You were able to do the rasengan by yourself. Now you only need to practice more to make the process faster. Your opponent won't wait for you to finish it." Hiroki said to Naruto.

"You're right. I'll keep practicing and do it in no time. I'll use the shadow clones to speed up the process." Naruto said.

"Good. I'll leave you to Jiraiya then." Hiroki said as he turned around to leave.

"Where are you going, kid?" Jiraiya asked.

"I'm going to help Sakura and Sasuke as well. Naruto just learned an A-rank jutsu. He seems to be doing well enough already." Hiroki said as he continued walking away.

"Oh, yeah. Don't forget about learning basic fuuinjutsu, Naruto." Hiroki finally left after saying that.


"Why is this my limit?" Sasuke asked Kakashi as he ontem for air and was kneeling on the ground as his left hand had some small burn marks.

"You see the damage it is doing to your hand. If you continue doing the chidori, you will lose your hand. You can't speed up the process, Sasuke. Not until your body is used to lightning. I also faced this problem myself when I was young." Kakashi said.


Kakashi and Sasuke looked towards the place that the whooshing sound came from and saw Hiroki.

"Hiroki? What are you doing here? Do you need help with your training?" Kakashi asked.

"No. I'm here to give a little helping hand to Sasuke." Hiroki said as he walked towards Sasuke.

"How are you going to help? I can't even do more than three chidori a day because of the damage it does to my arm." Sasuke said.

"I have my ways." Hiroki said as he took Sasuke's left arm. The raven head gritted his teeth in pain and closed his eyes as Hiroki grabbed his arm. He then felt a warm energy entering the arm and the pain going away. When he opened his eyes, he saw Hiroki's hands glowing in a shade of dark green.

"What is this technique?" Sasuke asked in surprise.

"This is called the mystic palm. It's a medical ninjutsu I learned yesterday. I did it, so that I could heal any injuries we might have in case we go around in missions outside of Konoha. I just didn't expect that I would use it on anyone before then." Hiroki said as his hands continued glowing. Sasuke's arm started healing fast enough that they could see it with naked eyes.

"Hiroki, I know how the mystical palm works and that shade of green is different. Not to say that the healing speed is even faster. What exactly is it?" Kakashi asked.

"It's a normal mystic palm. The only thing I can think about that makes it different is that my chakra might be special or something like that. Anyways, I'd prefer if you didn't say anything about this to anyone. Not even to the old man." Hiroki said as he looked at Kakashi with serious eyes. He then looked back to Sasuke's arm and saw that it was completely healed already.

"There you go, Sasuke. You should be able to practice a few more times. Don't over exert yourself. Your body needs to get used to the electric currents. I believe that it should get used to it in a few more days." Hiroki said.

"At the rate that I'm going, I don't think so. It'll probably take over a month or so before I stop injuring my own arm." Sasuke said.

"That's true, but I'm here to help. So just practice to your heart's content." Hiroki said as he smiled as started walking towards Kakashi.

"That's going to help his improvement. Anyways, what made you come and help?" Kakashi asked as Hiroki arrived next to him.

"Well, Naruto is being taught by Jiraiya more or less. I just helped teaching him the rasengan and if Sasuke was to find out about it, he would start having doubts about himself and his growth. Specially since he can't make more than three chidori a day because of the injuries. There's also Orochimaru, who is lurking and trying to use Sasuke's vengeance as a means to give him power. I won't let that ever to happen. I was also pretty sure that you would teach the chidori to Sasuke and I knew he would have some injuries due to the lightning element burning his flesh. That was one of the reasons I learned medical ninjutsu as well." Hiroki answered to Kakashi.

"You know that they want to bring you in for questioning about the whole incident regarding Orochimaru, right?" Kakashi asked Hiroki.

"Yeah. I'm just waiting for them to come and ask, but if they try to take me away as if I was a criminal, then I won't be willing to answer anything and there would be no one able to get a word from me." Hiroki said seriously.

"I'll be sure to warn them about that. But why do you think that you could not be brought in to answer things?" Kakashi asked.

"Because I know that the old man said that it would be up to me to answer them and they couldn't force me to it." Hiroki said.

"Anyways, I'm going to leave my clone here so that it can treat Sasuke's injuries as it goes. Jiraiya might come to you and ask some questions about me." Hiroki said as he made a shadow clone and started to leave.

"What type of questions?" Kakashi asked.

"Well, he got suspicious of me because I learned the rasengan just by seeing him perform it once. I told him that I learned the chidori the same way when you performed it in front of me. So he will probably come to ask that." Hiroki said as he finally left in a shunshin.

Five minutes later, Hiroki saw Sakura running some laps and doing physical work as sweat dropped from her forehead. Yamato had tied some weight around Sakura's waist and he was just looking at her running. As she finished the last lap, she completely fell on the ground as she was completely drained and tired.

"You're not going easy on her are you?" Hiroki said behind Yamato.

"She needs to work her body. She has little stamina and that can be very bad in a long fight. She has very good chakra control and she is smart. What she lacks is speed, strength and endurance. I'm making her work hard to get these things." Yamato said.

"I agree. She really needs that." Hiroki said to Yamato. He then took out a scroll from his pouch and unsealed a cold bottle of water and gave it to Sakura as he crouched down in front of her.

"Here. Drink it." Hiroki said.

"Hiroki. What are you doing here?" Sakura asked as she looked up. She then sat down and took the water bottle from Hiroki.

"I'm here to help a friend." Hiroki said as he smiled.

"Anyways, why are you tying the weights around your waist? Why don't you just increase the levels on the seals?" Hiroki asked.

"Ah. I forgot about those. I'm at level two on them and haven't really increased the levels." Sakura said a bit embarrassed.

"Hey, it's not a big deal. You'll get things done with time and effort. You already took a big step forwards. Let me help you get the fatigue out a bit." Hiroki said as his hands glowed green and he placed his hands on Sakura's shoulders.

"What jutsu is this?" Sakura asked as she felt her fatigue going away along with the soreness of her body.

"This is the mystical palm. It's a medical ninjutsu I learned. It's pretty basic and it's mostly used to heal injuries. You should try learning some it, you know. It will help us when our team leaves for missions and get injured. You might even become a medical kunoichi like Tsunade. She is a medical kunoichi and she is still one of the strongest shinobi in our world as one of the sannin." Hiroki said as he planted the seed deep inside Sakura's head.

"I'll do that, but now I just want to not be left behind by you guys. You, Sasuke and Naruto are very strong and I can't let you guys get farther from me than you all already are." Sakura said seriously.

"Very good, Sakura. I'm going to leave a clone here with you and Yamato every morning until the time for the chunin exams so that I can help you when you need or give you a pointer in your training. I left one to Sasuke as well, but it'll pretty much only do some healing. Anyways, I'll be leaving now. I have some things to do and won't be able to come see you guys for a few days. Take care." Hiroki said to Sakura.

After Hiroki left, Yamato came next to Sakura.

"He seems to care greatly about you and the others. Even though there's a chance for you guys to face one another in the finals, he still helps his teammates." Yamato said.

"Yes. He cares a lot about us. In the Forest of Death, we met Orochimaru. Hiroki found an opportunity and told us to flee while he stayed behind, holding Orochimaru back so he wouldn't come after us." Sakura said.

"What?! He fought Orochimaru? Was it really Orochimaru?" Yamato asked, not believing what Sakura was saying.

"Yes. I'm sure it was. He said he wanted to give Sasuke and Hiroki a present as he attacked us. Hiroki said that Orochimaru wanted to place a curse mark on them since they were Uchiha. We fought him with our teamwork, but nothing really worked. Only Hiroki was fast enough to land some strikes on Orochimaru. There was a combination between the three of them that also caught Orochimaru off guard and that was the opening we got, but it was planned by Hiroki as well. I don't know if it's because he's my teammate, but I feel at times that he's just leagues away from me and the others, but on the next instant, I feel he's just a teenager like us and all those previous thoughts just disappear." Sakura said as she looked at Yamato, who only had a deep thinking look on his face.


At the center of Konoha, Hiroki was walking around as if he wasn't doing anything, but it was the opposite. He was looking for some people as he sensed his surroundings.

'There they are.' Hiroki thought as he felt the presence of two adults that were observing his steps.

'Now then. Let's start the plan.' Hiroki said to himself with a smirk on his face. He then walked out of the center of the village and went to the outskirts, near a small forest. He didn't have any hurry and walked leisurely there. He kept his senses on all the way and felt that the two adults kept following him as they observed him.

*whoosh, whoosh*

"Stop!" Two masked men said as they arrived in front of Hiroki. Their masks were blank, meaning they belonged to Danzo's Root.

"Danzo-sama wishes to see you." One of them said.

"I'm sorry, but who are you and who is Danzo?" Hiroki asked.

"You don't need to know. All you need to do is shut up and accompany us." The other one said.

"Is that so?" Hiroki said as he shunshined and appeared behind the two. His sharingan was blazing and he had already placed them both in a genjutsu that paralyzed them and made one of them sleep. Hiroki then made the other one answer where the base was located and if Danzo was there with another genjutsu, this time he used his mangekyo. The anbu couldn't say anything because of the seal on his tongue so Hiroki removed it. He then put him to sleep as well.

'This should keep them down for an hour or so. When they wake up, they won't remember anything that happened in the past half hour.' Hiroki thought as he made a wood clone in the form of one of the Root members. Hiroki then placed a Hiraishin tag on his clone. He didn't have to worry because his tags would adjust to the color of the surface he placed them on, making it "invisible."

"You know what to do." Hiroki said as he teleported away. His clone then started going towards Root's hideout. When the wood clone got to the hideout, he entered sage mode and went directly to where Danzo was. He had walked through long corridors and finally stood outside the room Danzo was in. There wasn't any door inside the hideout so Hiroki's wood clone could see Danzo sitting on his "throne."

"Sonji, any updates on the other Uchiha brat?" Danzo asked to Hiroki's wooden clone, who looked like the other anbu.

Hiroki's clone walked in front of Danzo and half kneeled.

"Hai, Danzo-sama. The boy has been with Jiraiya, Kakashi and Yamato. I followed him around Konoha without him knowing and I saw that he helped his teammates in their training for the finals of the chunin exams."

"I need to have him under my influence before he becomes too strong or it will be too late and I'll have to get rid of him. When you have the opportunity, bring him over. If he resists, kill him, but don't leave any trace behind and don't forget to take his eyes. Now go." Danzo said.

"Hai." Sonji said as he got up and as he did, he pulsed a minuscule amount of chakra on the Hiraishin seal that Hiroki placed on him. A black flash appeared as Hiroki's mangekyo sharingan was in hull display. His movement was so fast that even before Danzo's brain could react, Hiroki had already placed him in a time prison. The time around them flowed normally, but to Danzo, time had stopped.

"Go and guard this place from his lackeys." Hiroki said to the wood clone, who followed the originals orders.

"Now then, first thing to do is take this bad boy from you." Hiroki said as he pulled out Shisui's right eye.

"And last, but not least. Let's take care of this disgraceful arm, shall we." He then sliced Danzo's right shoulder, separating the arm from the body.

"Huuuuuum. I could have uses for these sharingans, but I'll just destroy them completely." Hiroki said as his hand holding Danzo's arm caught on fire and burnt the arm into nothing, but ashes.

"Time to leave. Better luck next time, you piece of shit." Hiroki said before teleporting away. Only then did the time prison was cancelled by him.

"Aaaaaaaaargh!" Danzo screamed loudly in pain as blood finally gushed out from his right eye socket and shoulder. Every anbu in the hideout heard it and ran towards him. Danzo was trying to think who could have done that to him and how, because in one second, Sonji was leaving and on the next, his right arm and eye were already gone and he was in great pain. Sonji came back and walked in the gap between the other Root members. He faced Danzo and and inside of his mask, he saw a red glint.

"Son..." Danzo tried to say, but his voice died down as he was out in a genjutsu as the wood clone of Hiroki used his mangekyo to do so. The wood clone then disappeared from his spot.

"You can dispel yourself now." Hiroki said to the wood clone as it teleported to him. Unlike the shadow clone that disappeared into smoke, the wood clone would sink into the ground and transform into a big and healthy tree as it used it's remaining chakra.

'I got one of Shisui's eyes. The strongest mangekyo someone could ever have. Kotoamatsukami. With it, I'll be able to place a memory inside someone's head and they won't even notice it because of how subtle it is. All it needs is for the eye to see the target. Also, since I have mokuton which is seen as "Hashirama cells" by others, I can use the genjutsu many times sooner because of the recovery time. Let's put it into good use.' Hiroki thought as he teleported to his apartment.

Once he got there, he made two shadow clones and started operation. The clones placed a sedative seal on him and replaced his right eye with Shisui's. After doing so, they used the mystic palm to heal it and it was done. They took the sedative seal off of the original and Hiroki woke up after ten minutes. The "operation", if you could even call it that, took no longer than two minutes. The effect of the sedative seal took longer than the operation.

"Let's see how it looks." Hiroki said as he walked to the bathroom mirror and then activated his mangekyo sharingan. His left eye still had the normal form it had. Two red squares, one being horizontal and the other diagonal one on top. There was a black shuriken and in the center was a black pupil. On his right eye, the patterns remained the same, the only change was that another shuriken was added to it, making it look like the pointers of a compass.

"Shisui's original pinwheel was layered on top of mine. Not bad. Now I have to get the other eye from Itachi, but I'll just wait for that to happen. I'll have some opportunities to meet up with him." Hiroki said as he started planning things for the future. He then thought of another thing to do and he could only sigh.

"Today is being a really long day." He said as he walked out of his apartment.

As the sun went down and gave way to the night, Hiroki jumped over the roof tops of the buildings of Konoha. He sensed Gaara's chakra not far from him and he also sensed Kabuto's and Baki's.

'Kabuto is making sure that Baki doesn't back down from the plan of Suna and Oto crushing Konoha. Too bad. Things won't be going their way.' Hiroki thought as he went near their location as he hid his presence completely. He activated his sharingan and saw Hayate hiding with his invisibility jutsu as he investigated both Baki and Kabuto. Just like the anime, he was about to cough, but a hand stopped him from doing so. Hayate was startled instantly, thinking it was either Kabuto or Baki, but to his surprise, it was Hiroki. The boy disappeared with him in a shunshin, leaving the area.

"Thank you for that. I was about to cough and if I had been heard by the two, I would have certainly died." Hayate said to Hiroki.

"You're welcome. I felt suspicious of those two and approached them and I felt your presence as well. Good thing I was able to cover your mouth before that cough. Anyways, I believe you have a job to do." Hiroki said as his mangekyo blazed and for the first time, he used Kotoamatsukami. He then deactivated his mangekyo.

"I will report to Hokage-sama now. Take care." Hayate said to Hiroki as he left towards the Hokage building.

"Since that is taken care of, let's see how the old man deals with it." Hiroki said as he finally Hiraishined home.