
Tales of Existence (Raison d' Etre)

"THE TALE OF EXISTENCE!" Tens of Thousands years ago, there was a galaxy named Fall. The Fall was ruled by an Existences and led them to its grandest life. The Existences created creatures. Among creations that stand out were these Elemental creatures the latter was humans. The Fall serves as their home, their hope, and their existence. But then! It was all for naught when an abyss opened, PROJECT: Raison de' Etre. The reason for existence! "What do you want? Power, Love, Fame, Riches? Which is which?" Raison D' Etre! The reason for everything! Discover you own as you explore the possibility of reaching Existence! Be the next Existence!

SATOU · Fantasía
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53 Chs

Chapter 50: Mission Unlocked (5)

Slaughterer stated this. He needs power! To desire what he wanted!


"I must do it carefully."

He moved.


In the hidden place where Myrtle's lived.

A human with long ears was chatting.

"I missed our home." Said by the taller blue-haired man.

"Yeah... this place sucks!" The short one grumbled.

Note: This Myrtle Man were all coloured in blue hair.

"Oh... our time is off. Those guys came late again! Even if we guard here all day, we got nothing! We are just hiding!"

"Yes.." The short one replied.


Slaughterer moved.

In his muddy state, he disappeared.

A hole from his place was made. He made this out to find the Myrtle! This Myrtle was the true expert in hiding. They're just like Sins hiding underground.

When he came underground through the hole he made, his luck this was good! He saw two-person chatting unguarded. The 2 blue-haired men!

'2nd Shadow, Death Bind!' He thought.

Then a hair like a shadow flew at them. The two blue-haired men fell.


He saw his kill points added.

'I got 2 kills.'

I need to find more!

He made his move again stealthily...

For now, there were three of them.

'This guy is high levelled!'

Because he scanned those guys.

The data showed it was reported as "Masse and 3-5 Plat or something.

Of course, the watch can't tell that much or else he would be discovered.

'3rd Shadow, Death Form!' He thought. Then his body faded. It was like he is one with the shadow!

He moved in.

The three guards felt something is wrong with the energy. It was fluctuating his 4th Shadow.

'4th Shadow, Shadow Form II!'

His fourth skill isn't that different. It was self-strengthening.


He muttered as he came out from the shadow and kill them in seconds!


The three-man fell lifelessly.

"It was a sure kill. If I didn't have this Affinity then I wouldn't be the Slaughterer in the past!"

"I can carry out the kill if they were just in Masse. My plat energy isn't that limitless thou! I need to conserve this." He felt his body was sucked by his power.

"It consumes too much! I can only use two Death binds and 1 of 3rd shadow form!"

Then Slaughterer made his way. Of course, he wouldn't leave evidence.


"Ting!" The watch sounded at Jade left wrist.

She got a message from slaughterer.

"Attack now!"

That was the message is all about.


"Is he telling us to die here? This is Myrtle's! They are stronger than in the water! How can we fight them!" Jade said.

"I don't know also... but what is your affinity Jade?"

Dou asked.

Of course, Dou wouldn't know since she fainted before the fight happened.

When Jade heard that she felt strange and shy to tell.

"Umm. I'm Tidal." She whispered softly.


"I'm Tidal." She really spoke this time, clearly.

"Ah. A legend!"

"Yeah... but not that powerful. I must Cultivate this affinity first." Jade said embarrassingly.

"It's okay... you just need to use that."

"Can you trust me?" Dou asked.

Of course jade nodded. Since she got nothing to do.


"Let's do it!"



On the air, 3 girls were floating and they were glowing in different hues.

One is Bright Blue, the other one is Pink, and the last person is Red.

Jade, Dou, and Purple.

"The reason to call Power! 1st Tidal, Wave!"

"The reason to call Power! Charming Gaze!"

"The reason to call Power! Fireball!"

The three of them chanted and attacked the ground which Slaughterer was located.


"You did it, girls."

Slaughterer said. He could feel the power of three. Maybe it was weak but it can do something!

"I'll have them as bait!" He only smiled creepily. As if he already owned that attitude.

'This Plan will work!' He thought. Then as if his prayer was being answered the men with blue hair made their move. They wanted to kill that person who disturbs the place they lived.

"Just as I thought! Please do something girls while I'm out." Slaughterer prayed for them, of course, he wouldn't let their sacrifice in vain.

He stealthily moved and travelled to every hole that Myrtle Made. He needs to find the nursery!

The nursery is the place where the stones stocked. Only Hydrons know where to extract this kind of stones. Of course, he knew it all.

20 minutes passed.

"I found it!"

So many holes he had been to and this time he got this place.

"My beloved stones here I come!"


20 minutes had passed since then.

The 3 girls were huffed frantically!

They were forced to escape!

"Slaughterer where did you go!" Jade muttered.

"Don't worry Jade slaughterer is okay. I can see his Green dot as breathing, he is still alive." Dou consoled.


Purple suddenly fell.

The caught purple from falling.

"How come she fell!"

Never did they know this Purple is shutting. Her consciousness isn't her anymore. Lifeless just like a doll. But she is breathing.

This must be the reason. That reason why she can't adapt that long. It must be her soul, that she can't stay that long. Of course, she died before but when she got exhausted, her soul was slowly fading. That also applied when she talked too much or do something.

She got this shutting soul consciousness. This is the reason she found out before she came in mind.

And that test worked!

The 2 girls with purple hair and pink hair looked at her very worried.

"I'm okay." She said shortly. Of course, she really wanted to talk. But this case made her act like this.

"Please rest for now. That Myrtle's is still following us. We need to move." Dou said with a serious face.


Both of the girls nodded. But purple was carried by Jade.


"My stones..."

He carried too many stones on his watch. A cubic meter or so was full! He got so lucky this time!


He found the treasure vault!

Yet someone stopped him.


The watch on his left wrist a symbol of Sins sounded.

Note: ᜌ. The symbol of Sins.

When he saw the data as unknown. That means this man on his way was a Core One!

'My luck isn't that worse I guess. But! I can kill you for sure.'

He only smiled at the enemy that stopped him from moving.

Yet that was impossible to defeat with just his Masse at Plat 1!

Will he really kill him as he said?

To be continued...

Satou, D.

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