
Tales of Existence (Raison d' Etre)

"THE TALE OF EXISTENCE!" Tens of Thousands years ago, there was a galaxy named Fall. The Fall was ruled by an Existences and led them to its grandest life. The Existences created creatures. Among creations that stand out were these Elemental creatures the latter was humans. The Fall serves as their home, their hope, and their existence. But then! It was all for naught when an abyss opened, PROJECT: Raison de' Etre. The reason for existence! "What do you want? Power, Love, Fame, Riches? Which is which?" Raison D' Etre! The reason for everything! Discover you own as you explore the possibility of reaching Existence! Be the next Existence!

SATOU · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
53 Chs

Chapter 23: Devils Plague!

Chapter 23: Devils Plague!

The Little Devil Gner seems to be indifferent. He only paved his way in one direction. As long as he can sense an aura he would fall to that way.

Of course he passed some 3 soldiers. But they called him seeing him running.

"Hey kid! Come here!"

"What are you doing at this hour." The soldiers called him.

"Why are you alone?"

"Where is your parents?"


They got no response.

Th devil only sneer and mutter a word.

"Kill! Protect my family!"

"Yes Kill them!"

"Kill them all!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

He's mind was totally eroded.

There was nothing on his mind.

It must be something to satiate his lust in killing or a desire to....

"To kill!'

The only desire is to kill and Nothing else!

He sneered back and teleported to the 3 soldiers.

He radiated with some black and bright green rays .

"Black and Green"

When someone died due to sacrificial it means giving his/her everthing! He must have this affinity because of that method, the only third method to acquire bloodline affinity!

But unbeknownst to him he knows nothing at all.

In the past he killed a lot of soldiers at those times. After that the only thing he knew of was him blacking out after his mother protected him.

It is as the same with his past and now! He acquired his mother affinity and activated this unknown power!

It must be related to his body or his identity! It's just his feelings had been corroded by rage seeing his mother and father getting killed.

He dashed off uncaringly and the green and black rays started to rope the 3 soldiers. What was not to be expected is that, this kid they haven't taken seriously will kill them off!

"Splurged!" Blood flows from thier orifices as if these rays sipped their blood even though this is just a small amount of rays.


The last one didn't moved. He was shock to the core. As if this kid is a devil. He really is.

If he moved then he will be killed but if not it doesn't matter at all.

In the end in two assumptions his end will be his death!

"Arghhhh!!!" He died.

The devil made his way and massacring on his way.

This must be the plague of all humanities. He's no devil! He's a plague! The bane that must be not living on this world.

He must be erased or else, lots of people will die including those innocents!


"Mom! It suddenly feels quiet." The girl asked her mother curiously.

"No Mae it's just your Imaginations. Your mommy is here. You father also?" She consoled Mirae.

"Thanks mom!" She hugged her.

She played with her mom. It is just like she is the only person who cares about this world. She's this loving child and cute.

But unbeknownst to them. A Plague will end this happy moment.

A crucial fate.

The little devil showed up in the garden which three happy guys can be seen.


His mind vibrated like a loud thump of his heart.

He's body flashed and hide between the shadows.

Seemingly these two person at Core Stage. One is at the level of Plat 5 and the latter is Plat 2.

Drak feels somethis is wrong with the air. As if something is gonna happen.

"Minerva! Quickly go hide!" He shouted.

His guts is telling him to do so!

It seems his guts were correct. A little devil with two mixed hair, green and silver popped out from the shadows.

This little devil body is covered with black and bright green rays. And also that flickering deep green eyes is telling him something.

"Murder! Killing!" He felt his knees getting numb!

"What are you doing to my house? Why are you here!"

He flooded him with different questions.

Of course this little devil wouldn't understand him. His no more a human itself who understand speaking. He only acted!

Without even bantering, pulling the conversation off he activated his bloodline powers.

Soon plat energies gathered around him. His affinity is telling us to be Ice affinity.

"The reason to call Power, Wailing Snow Storm!"

As if the weather changed, The wailing snow storm rush at little devil Gner.

Without even concerning how powerful the storm is, he moved like jaguar in the middle of the fray.

In the middle which is 4 meter away from Drak.

He froze.

"He's not easy guy I guess." He sighed. Fighting off from this little devil he doesn't know of give him chills.


"Crack!" This little devil started to break free.

"Eek." Mirae shrieked. She felt goosebumps! Her eyes with full of moist watery tears is falling endlessly.

"Mom? Mom... Sob... Sob... Daddy is.." She said.

"It's okay Mae were here. Everything will be fine. Your grandfather soldiers will be here at the moment." She also felt scared but she acted tough. She can't say something that will make her unfeeling and scared.

"Shshshhshsuhsuu, don't worry. It's okay. It's gonna be fine." She hugged her keeping her eyes away from the fight.

She can also help but she's protecting her daughter. What if suddenly that devil will pop nowhere?

"I can only cheer for my husband. Please win!"

She cheered herself to get away from bad vibes.


They fought endlessly but no to avail. No ones gonna win then. But this little devil did not show any weakness or exhaustion!

He was overflowing with plat energies while Drak seems to be indifferent. He's power is getting weaker in every minute!

'No I can just wait! This little devil is tireless. Also he's weak. In the level of his, Masse Stage, it doesn't seem to be that powerful! This broke my imaginations! His power is growing stronger in every minute as if he was devouring the laws and energies!' He speculated about this thoroughly after fighting him for a long time.

"Kill! Kill!" The only word he can utter so far.

"Kill, protect!"

He dashed off. He activated the green rays and formed into a weapon. Its telling him to do this through his experience of his past life. His body acted the way an assassin would be.

"Kill! Kill!" The surged of power wildly converge in his hand in turned to a weapon.

It looks like a green "Z" shaped sword. By two's blade at the end.

"Kyaahh!" He jolted his body moving forward.

"Kill!" He want to destroy everything.

While Drak ft the power he used his life essence at the limit.

But.. He suffered a backlash.

"You!" He fainted.

He died.



Wailing sounds. Two crying ladies was in turmoil!

"Dad... You! You... Sob .. sob..."

"Mommy! Daddy is....?" She crashed her body to her mom.

'I will protect you no matter what Mae!"?' She thought.

She glared at the Little Devil.

"Whatever you are! You must die! My father will hunt you at the ends of this world!" She yelled.

"Kill!" He muttered.

He appeared at the woman side and stabbed her.

"Ugh..." She died.

"No!! Mom!!!!!!!" Mirae yelled.

She felt that her world turned upside down. Did she not ever expected this to happen?

While ago she was just playing happily. Running like nothing in this world will take away from her. But they ended happily getting killed. Not happily but sorrowfully ended.

"Eek!" She fainted.

The little doesnt cared at her longer and he sped off.

To be continued…..

Satou, D.