
Tales of Existence (Raison d' Etre)

"THE TALE OF EXISTENCE!" Tens of Thousands years ago, there was a galaxy named Fall. The Fall was ruled by an Existences and led them to its grandest life. The Existences created creatures. Among creations that stand out were these Elemental creatures the latter was humans. The Fall serves as their home, their hope, and their existence. But then! It was all for naught when an abyss opened, PROJECT: Raison de' Etre. The reason for existence! "What do you want? Power, Love, Fame, Riches? Which is which?" Raison D' Etre! The reason for everything! Discover you own as you explore the possibility of reaching Existence! Be the next Existence!

SATOU · Fantasía
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53 Chs

Chapter 18: Evolved Affinity

Chapter 18: Evolved Affinity

"That technique for the Body must be there…"

He made his way to the Library.


In the library.

"Wow, this is.."

"An S+ grade!"

The learners chattered about the techniques.

S grade referred to the grade of techniques. If it has two or more S's then it can be considered as powerful. Of course, it depends on the person. As long as you can comprehend it, then it must be because of your Talent. (like Normal, Moderate to High talent.)

"Wow... That S+ grade technique is on another level! But someone took it first, sigh.. if I can just access the next floor." The unlucky Kid


Of course, S+ techniques were fewer that it would be. Only by chance, you can acquire it.

The library is divided into 4 floors. And this library is full of different techniques coming from different tribes which had been kept, won through war or gifted by other tribes.

1. Grade 1 floor

2. Grade 2 floor

3. Grade 3 floor

4. Grade 4 floor

The Grade 1 floor contains S or S+ techniques. Grade 2 floor contains SS or SS+ techniques.

Grade 3 floor contains SSS or SSS+ techniques. Grade 4 floor contains SSSS or SSSS+ techniques.

Every floor has the Cultivation Section for.

1. Main for Main affinity techniques

2. Rare for Rare affinity techniques

3. Legend for Legend affinity techniques

4. Omniscient for Omniscient affinity techniques

"Mister where is the section of Terra Techniques?" A youth asked the bookkeeper.

Of course, it was little Ner.

"Ah! You sure seem to be an unlucky kid. Sit first."

The bookkeeper offered him a seat.


"I'm sorry kid. You're the 3rd person who asked about it this time." He said then continued.

"Ever since I work here only a few of them goes to Terra sections and you're among them kid. But seeing your body you seem in need!" The bookkeeper guessed.

He guessed exactly about his condition.

'Hmmm. Did someone get here first other than me? Nobody will pay attention to those Terra Techniques! Nowadays they only pick techniques regarding what suit them the most. Unless he is a Terro's!' Terro's People is hard to come by. The affinity who controls the earth.

He can't think of something but remembered those Terro's Cultivators he fought in the past. They were so hard as metal as if nothing can penetrate them.

Only those tribes from Terron's will do so.

'They're freak and muscle head!' He thought as if he doesn't want to remember about them. Yet he felt awe and wonder how eager for them to become stronger.' He thought.

"If they can, then I will also!" He muttered.

"Kid are you okay?" The bookkeeper asked.

Seeing him daze he felt sympathetic to him.

Because he can just wait.

In accessing the sections in every Grade floors one must wait after another. 1 person can only accommodate.

You may think that it has no time limit, right? Of course, It has!

In every section, you have only 11-hour access in 1 year.

It says 1 year, not 1 month.

Because there are lower grades of cultivation technique that had to be connected in other floors of the library.

If it says S then it must have a higher grade of version which referring or pointing to that technique you cultivate.

You must be careful in picking.

In Library sections, if you pick more than 5 Cultivation techniques then imagine a cripple person living his trash life.

It depends on you if you pick 5 Cultivation techniques at once in the same section.

But it doesn't matter if you had many or few only by mastering 1 technique will make you stronger.

That's why you can only walk in one path.

But in the ancient records, some of them walked into different paths and made it.

It depends on your Talent if you had the will then it must be your fate.

Like for example the Hydra affinity. Control that affinity and master it.

The Affinity Evolution!

There are many variations of affinity and it's levelled. Main Rare, Legend and Omniscient.

For example Main up to Omniscient.

You can cultivate the affinity to higher levels.

If you got a Main one like Ferro then with patience and talent you can let it evolve at a higher level.


Note: How to Cultivate affinity?

Ex. Cultivation of affinity = Main, Rare, Legend, to Omniscient.

Ex. The evolution of affinity from colours = Original, Dark, Bright, Pure.

Ex. Main= Color

Main = Red

Rare = Dark Red

Legend= Bright Red

Omniscient = Pure Red

But to those who got their Affinity as the strongest, when awoken they can adapt first and be stronger than those who got the Main affinity.


After waiting for so long he saw a kid with no shirt coming on his way.

'This is what I'm talking about. Those shitheads!' He scorned in his mind.

"Sir I had I got all my techniques." The shirtless kid reaches out ofhis hand while showing off 5 different Terra techniques. Of course, you can differentiate them from other cultivation techniques. Because it has the colour of the affinity.

Brown= Terra

'I can't provoke this guy or else I will be beaten to death!' He reminded himself.

"Hello, are you going to pick something from the Terra section?" The shirtless kid called him.

He seems joyful but little Ner didn't even trust.

"Yes, I'm going to pick some." He said with a friendly smile.

"That's great then!" The shirtless kid energetically said while grabbing little Ner hands.

Of course, he doesn't want to get beaten so he acted all along which irritated him the most.

"Eh.. eh.." As if little Ner agreed to him and nodded to what story it is.

The shirtless kid talks all day like it was forever.

"Sigh." He muttered. He felt exhausted by just listening.

'Listening to that guy is really killing me!' He thought and promised not to meet him again.

Of course, he got his name. From that conversation which allotted him for so long made his day unlucky.

'Kurio Guan' He saved the name.

Of course, he didn't even start going to the Terra Technique section.

Of course, no one did visit the section while his away talking all day with that shithead.

"Here's my student card mister."

To be continued…..

Satou, D.