
3. End Of Class

"In the Fighter and Demon Spiritualist tests in two months time, I hope that there will be a few 1-star Bronze rank Demon Spiritualists. Both myself and the Holy Orchid Institute will feel proud of you!" Shen Xiu laughed.

Hearing Shen Xiu's words, the students in the class started whispering to one another. In order to become a 1-star Bronze rank Fighter you must to be able to lift up a hundred pound rock, and break a tree as thick as an arm with a punch in order to reach 1-star Bronze rank. For these kids, it's simply too difficult. Unless one has been consuming elixirs since birth, it will be hard to achieve. As for becoming a Demon Spiritualist, one is required to refine a large amount of soul force within their body. This is a lot harder to accomplish compared to becoming a Fighter.

The students in the class all looked at Ye Ziyun, Shen Yue and Xiao Ning'er. They envied them because they are the only ones that could become a 1-star Bronze rank in less than half a year.

After becoming a 1-star Bronze rank, they can then enter into the official Fighter class or official Demon Spiritualist class. At that time, they won't be in the same class as them.

Feeling the gaze of other students, Shen Yue proudly puffed his chest out. As a member of the Sacred Family, he's had all kinds of elixirs ever since he was young. He has already long surpassed his peers. It would be an easy thing to get his soul force to hit 100 in two months. He shall await the test in two months time.

Ye Ziyun and Xiao Ning'er looked each other in the eyes. They both had superior origins, which was certainly not bad. Ye Ziyun always wanted to be friends with Xiao Ning'er, but Xiao Ning'er had always seen her as a rival. She set her as the target and continued to work hard to reach her.

Shen Xiu looked towards Lin Fan with contempt in her eyes and spoke in a disdainful tone, "As for those who claim they can reach 1-star Bronze rank within two months, I want to see to what extent they can actually reach!"

Lin Fan did not put Shen Xiu's words to heart. He had True God Cultivation Technique and True God Soul Realm, Form And Attributes not to mention he even have Peak Mythical Grade Spirit Roots.

If he cannot reach Peak 5 Star Black Gold Rank with all these cheats within these 2 months then he might as well smash his head on a wall and die.

"Lin Fan, do you like Ye Ziyun?" Lu Piao asked looking at Lin Fan.

"Yes!" Lin Fan said truthfully.

Lu Piao stared into Lin Fan's eyes, after a while he sighed, "Ye Ziyun's a beauty indeed. And seeing that you're my brother, I shall not fight with you. But as a brother, I have to warn you, Ye Ziyun's identity is too noble. She isn't someone we can match."

Although his family belongs to one of the twelve aristocratic families, Ye Ziyun's identity compared to him is simply astronomical.

"You two, can you be more realistic? Ye Ziyun's a super genius with a cyan soul realm! Soon she'll become a 1-star Bronze rank Demon Spiritualist. I estimate that in two months time she'll be able to enter the official Demon Spiritualist class. After entering the official Demon Spiritualist class, her cultivation will definitely soar. Whether she remembers you or not is still a problem. What I hate the most is your kind of noble offspring is constantly thinking of how to chase after girls, when you don't even know how to work hard and train!" Du Ze snorted, relentlessly.

"What do you mean by noble offspring constantly thinking of chasing after girls? You're slandering! I've always been hard-working okay? At most, I've only used half a day to think of girls!" Lu Piao shrugged his shoulders.

"Good heavens! What kind of people did I get involved with?" said Du Ze, rolling his eyes.

Du Ze's talent isn't bad. He has a yellow soul realm and works very hard with his training. Du Ze's a very loyal person, but slightly old fashioned and takes things seriously. In contrast with Du Ze, Lu Piao's a dandyish young master. Although he only has a red soul realm, he had high Fighter talents. If he puts in the effort and works hard, his cultivation would definitely soar. However, he's simply too lazy.

"Lin Fan, I recommend you to give up. Focus on your training instead," Du Ze said, persuading Lin Fan seriously.

"Don't worry, I'm well aware of the things that I want to do and they will definitely be accomplished!" Lin Fan spoke with confidence.

Listening to Lin Fan's words, Du Ze and Lu Piao staggered for a moment. They're unable to imagine where Lin Fan got such confidence. After they saw Lin Fan's expression, they had a feeling that he could certainly accomplish it. They couldn't help but be influenced by Lin Fan's mood.

De Zu thought for a moment and spoke up, "Fine. No matter what you do, we will always support you!"

Being punished and standing together, caused them to produce a strong brotherly relationship.

"Du Ze, Lu Piao and you guys I will let the all of you become the strongest Demon Spiritualists!" Lin Fan said heavily.

"Forget it. I only have a red soul realm. With the support of my family's elixirs, becoming a Fighter wouldn't be an issue. Becoming a demon spiritualist would be too hard!" said Lu Piao, starting to back out.

"What's the use of becoming a Fighter? The higher you climb, the harder it is to train and a Fighter can't be a match for a Demon Spiritualist. In the battlefield, a Legend rank Fighter isn't even worth a Black Gold rank Demon Spiritualist. You must know that Demon Spiritualists are powerful combat forces!" argued Du Ze. He was filled with hope to become a Demon Spiritualist. If he wants to do something, he will give it his best. That's his principle.

"No need to become a Legend rank fighter. If I can become a Gold rank Fighter, I'd be satisfied," Lu Piao said frankly, completely unmoved.

Du Ze's speechless. Nothing can be said to an aimless person.

"You have a red soul realm, so what? I also a red soul realm," Lin Fan said, looking towards Lu Piao.

Lu Piao and Du Ze were puzzled. Lin Fan has a red soul realm, yet he actually had the confidence to say that he'll reach 1-star Bronze rank in two months. Could he have some special methods?

"Lin Fan, what methods do you have to refine soul force in order to raise your Demon Spiritualist level?" Du Ze asked. He's very curious. From what he knows there's no shortcut in training one's soul force.

"Just listen to me. As long as you don't back down, you can become a powerful Demon Spiritualist."

"Back down? Never!" Du Ze firmly said. He will become stronger to change his family's fate; in this matter, he'll never back out.

If it's possible to become a Demon Spiritualist, Lu Piao is naturally very happy. If he can become a Demon Spiritualist, he won't be beaten by his dad for being lazy. Lu Piao belongs to the kind of people where if there's an opportunity to slack off, he wouldn't let it go.

"Will it be very troublesome?" Lu Piao mumbled.

Du Ze threw him a look. This fella is hopeless. He wants to become a Demon Spiritualist without any difficulties. To become a Demon Spiritualist, how can it not be troublesome? If he can become a Demon Spiritualist, he'd do anything. No matter how hard it is!

"It's not troublesome," replied Lin Fan as he shook his head. His complexion was normal when he continued, "We just need to train diligently."

"If it can be solved that way then it is fine. Although I am lazy, I can still train." stated Lu Piao.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

The bell went off throughout Glory City. Class has ended.

The Holy Orchid Institute's students rushed out of the huge gates, and passed through the bustling street in front. The sounds of merchants sounded off one after another.