
Tales Of Demons and Gods Fan-Fic

I do not own Tales of Demons and Gods This is just a fan-fiction ——— I’m doing this for fun. My writing isn’t good so don’t expect much (: ——— Lu dies in an accident in his previous life and is reincarnated into Tales of Demons and Gods.

BrainDeadGuy · Otras
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23 Chs

Chapter 3

After eating a hearty meal I cultivated for a bit longer to let my stomach settle down. I felt refreshed after cultivating and decided to study some martial arts. In this world, this was very important. With the continuous threat of demon beasts, I needed to make sure to get stronger. I didn't want to die so early.

Browsing through the library of vast knowledge I had in my mind, I found many useful basic martial arts and more. I needed the best of the best. Basic martial arts was needed as a foundation if I wanted to learn more in the future. And knowing and doing is very different as well. Although I had all the knowledge of the grand Dao in my mind, that doesn't mean that I necessarily know how to perform them first try.

After picking out a suitable manual, I looked over it and started to practice. Starting with my stance and feet, I learned that martial arts was serious. For the most effective results you need to push your body to the max. I through many different types of punches and kicks at many angles and jumped around a lot. I got low and had to do many many things. I practiced and practiced. I engrained the movement of my muscles into my brain.

After a day of hard work I decided to rest for the night. I was sweating and tired. I created a mini hut for protection from nature and knocked out inside. The next morning I woke up and refreshed myself with the river not far from my hut.

I needed to make actual plans. I could be an ass and outright not help Nie Li and the rest of humanity but I'm not that evil. After this lower realm, there's the Draconic Ruins Realm. And that means the Sage Emperor. The ultimate goal of Nie Li's life. The Sage Emperor is a pretty evil dude and it would be in my best interest to eliminate him if I wanted a nice life.

Thinking of the many treasures Nie Li had used to defeat the Sage Emperor, I thought of the many things I could do to exploit this world. My greedy plans would soon come to fruition. For example, I could make a duplicate Thunder God Meteorite sword, or duplicate(s). Hehe, I'm starting to grin. Imagine how broken that would be. And another thought, I could also duplicate the Myriad Miles Painting and deity roots. Hehehe my plans will soon bloom. But this is the time for now. The most important thing to do is to just cultivate silently and let Nie Li do the work for now.

I learned a few techniques for safety. For example a mind and soul protecting technique to protect my knowledge from evil people. After using these techniques, not even Black Gold rank cultivators would be able to pry into my soul. As for legend rank cultivators, it would take them quite a while and even with my knowing, it was practically impossible. As for those above, I shivered at the thought, let's hope I don't meet anyone above the Legend rank for now.

It's been around 2 days since I came to this world and I am getting accustomed to it well. Now is a good time to go and experience a battle. I need to test my powers and strength. I also need to find what improvements I need to make. I ventured out of Glory City and into the wilderness.

After traveling not too deep into the wilderness I found a demon beast. It looked relatively weak but I wouldn't know until I tried to fight with it. I haven't gotten the chance to gauge the strength of the demon spiritualist in Glory City yet so I would have to find out when going back. For now, it would either be that I am weaker or stronger than the demon beasts in the wilderness.

I trailed the demon beast for a bit and found a chance to strike. Assuming it didn't notice my presence the whole time meant that It wasn't a powerful demon beast.

I jumped out from the treetops and punched towards the demon beast. My fist landed straight on the face and sent the demon beast flying a few feet. It looked like a wolf. It had reddish-purple features and it was quite furry.

When I was analyzing it before, I learned through my library that it was called a Lightning-Fire Demon Wolf. It was in the bronze rank to gold rank range from juvenile to adulthood. The one in front of me looked rather young. It would probably be around bronze to silver rank. Hopefully I'm strong enough. From my own feeling and knowledge, I should be around 4 star bronze. The World Devouring Chaos Technique was truly worthy of being the fastest cultivation technique.

After it got up it looked pissed. I looked at it ready to dodge it's pounce. As predicted it pounced at me. It was pretty quick. Quicker than I had expected actually that my instincts were fast enough to get me out of harms way. As I jumped back since moving to the side would be futile, I sent a upper kick with my left leg to its jaw. Unexpectedly this bitch was persistent and fast. It shifted its head and bit at my leg. My leg was caught in its mouth midair and I lost my foot just like that.

I yelled in pain. The bitch ate my foot. I'm fucking killing it. I yelled in pain as some tears fell from my eyes. That shit hurted excruciatingly bad. I wasn't too alarmed since I had thought about this happening before and did research in the Knowledge Library that I could regrow my limbs. As it swallowed my foot it looked at me. It grinned as it finished swallowing my foot and gave me a look of, the rest of you is next. I just wiped my tears but as I moved my hands from my eyes sight the bitch wolf was already pouncing at me again. My instincts kicked in again and I grabbed that bitch's neck. I slammed it against the ground and started madly punching the brains out of it. I gripped it with my life and smashed and smashed until there was no head left. I just couldn't help it and mumbled with a smile, so no head? After killing the Lighting-Fire Demon Wolf I patched myself up and bandage the bottom of my leg.

Well what to do now, I lost a fucking foot and I'm stuck in the wilderness. What's more dangerous than this. I grabbed the wolf and tied it on my back with some rope I made. I had plans for it. I started hopping my way back to Glory City.

It wasn't an easy journy on my way back to Glory City. Me being one foot short and exhausted. I still had a couple more life or death battles. Where the fuck did these demon beasts come from. They weren't here when I was coming in.