
Tales of an Extra: The Hero No One Expected

Malik was just an ordinary kid, living a normal life, until a chance encounter sets him on a path that he could never have imagined. One day, while walking down the street, he was approached by a strange and pale old man who handed him a withered old book and before Before malik could even figure out what was going on the old man vanished and disappeared without a trace, leaving him bewildered and wary. Years went by, and malik almost forgot about that strange encounter. But one day after his final exams, a series of bizarre events began to unfold, leading him from one unexpected situation to another. Just when things could not get worse, malik ends up being pulled through a spatial rift into an entirely unknown world—one filled with dangers, secrets, and the echoes of the old man’s enigmatic words. In this new world, malik finds himself enrolled in a hunter academy, realizing that he has become an extra in the very story from the old man’s book. Struggling to survive in a place where he was never meant to belong, malik must now adapt to this harsh reality. This is my first Novel, so hope you can read it with an open mind and consider supporting me on https://ko-fi.com/dragonworrior10 or patreon.com/DRAGONWORRIOR10

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28 Chs

First Day I

Elanor's gaze swept across the classroom like a hawk eyeing its prey, her presence commanding every ounce of attention. "Before we delve into specifics, let's discuss your mandatory subjects," she said. "As first-year students, you will all be required to take Physical Endurance, Mana Theory, Mana Control, and Mana Enhancement classes. These core subjects will lay the groundwork for everything else you do in the academy. In addition, Social Studies, which encompasses history, literature, and moral studies, will also be mandatory, as it is important to understand the world you are preparing to protect."


The room remained quiet, most students listening intently, but my eyes wandered for a brief moment and landed on Jasmine de Grevile, seated near the front of the room. In the novel, Jasmine had always struck me as a tragic character. She came from a once-noble family that had fallen into disgrace after being framed by the Morningstar's,


The Grevile family had long been a cornerstone of the Holy Empire's defense, positioned on the critical border between human territory and the Dark Continent. For centuries, they were known for their unwavering loyalty and dedication to protecting the empire from the threats that lurked beyond the border. Their military prowess and strategic importance made them a key player in safeguarding human forces from demonic incursions and other dangers originating from the Dark Continent. They had also been the prime liaison between the empire and the League of Arcana on many occasions and had been able to defend the empire from the demonic humans for centuries.


However, by the time Jasmine de Grevile came of age, relations between the Grevile household and the Holy Empire had begun to sour. Misunderstandings, combined with rising tensions regarding the increasing presence of demonic humans, sparked mistrust. The empire, plagued by paranoia and internal corruption, began to question the loyalty of the Greviles, despite their centuries of service. This growing suspicion came at a time when demonic humans were infiltrating and destabilizing regions, and the empire grew fearful that such corruption had reached the Greviles.


For those who sought to cripple the human forces, removing the Grevile family was an essential step. Their position on the border made them a vital part of Duterra' s defenses. Weakening or dismantling the Greviles would create a vulnerability in the human forces, allowing the enemies of the empire to gain a foothold. As a result, the family found themselves caught in political conspiracies and targeted by both external and internal enemies, eventually leading to their downfall during Jasmine's lifetime.


What made her story even more tragic was that she eventually became a demonic human—her mana tainted by dark forces she couldn't control. Her transformation in the novel had been heartbreaking, a fall from grace that marked her as both powerful and cursed. Now, sitting in this classroom, she seemed so innocent, unaware of the cruel fate the story had in store for her.


Jasmine was beautiful in a way that demanded attention, even when she tried to remain inconspicuous. Her long, black that had shades of indigo cascaded over her shoulders like a river of flame, and her emerald eyes, though distant, held an undeniable allure. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of pity as I glanced at her. Knowing her fate from the novel made it hard not to. I hoped, for her sake, that things could be different.


Elanor's voice snapped my attention back to the front. "Before the mid-term exams, we will focus on helping you explore your talents. Each of you has different elemental affinities, and for those of you who have more than 3 elemental affinities, we cannot afford to waste time teaching you individually. For those of you with multiple elemental affinities, you may choose to attend elemental theory classes directly under the headmaster. But choose your subjects wisely. More is not always better. While it may be tempting to take on additional courses, be mindful that you will also have to balance your own training and prepare for exams and assessments."


A muscular boy in the second row raised his hand. Midas, I recognized him from the novel—strong, bulky, and determined. His talent was in body strengthening, using mana to enhance physical attributes. He had always been a powerhouse in close combat.


"Professor," Midas began, "how can we improve our body-strengthening techniques? I've been pushing myself, but I want to unlock Aura as well. What should I focus on?"


Elanor gave a curt nod, acknowledging his question. "Body strengthening is a delicate balance between endurance and mana control. Aura, on the other hand, is the next step—an advanced form of combat ability. It requires a deep connection between your physical body and your mana core. Only those who have mastered both can even begin to unlock aura. Your focus should be on enhancing both simultaneously. However, don't rush it. Aura can only be unlocked when your body is ready, and overextending yourself could result in severe consequences."


Midas seemed satisfied with her answer, though there was a gleam of determination in his eyes. He wouldn't give up on his goal anytime soon.


Elanor folded her arms across her chest, her gaze hardening once more. "Once again, I suggest all of you choose your subjects wisely. Taking on too many will only backfire. While ambition is commendable, overextending yourselves will lead to failure. Focus not just on your studies but also on your individual training. The academy is unforgiving when it comes to exams and assessments, and the consequences of failure are real."


The room fell silent as the weight of her words settled over us.


After a moment, Elanor's expression softened slightly, but only for a brief second. "Now, for your class representatives," she continued. "These individuals will represent Class S during any official marches or meetings with the student council. For this term, Jayden will serve as your class representative."


There were murmurs of approval as Jayden nodded a composed smile on his face. He was always a natural leader in the novel, and this only solidified his role in reality.


"As for the vice representative," Elanor added, "Melissa Rothschild will serve in this role. That is all for today's class, you may spend the rest of the day deciding what subjects you want to take and remember you are allowed to try the classes during your first week, after that you must stick to your registered classes"


Melissa blinked in surprise but quickly regained her composure. She didn't smile, but there was a quiet resolve in her eyes. No doubt, she was used to being in the spotlight, even if she didn't enjoy it.


As Elanor concluded the announcements, a small smile tugged at Marcus Morningstar Morningstar's lips. His dark eyes scanned the room, lingering briefly on Arthur then on Jayden and Melissa, the newly appointed class representatives. There was something unsettling in the way he observed them—like a predator sizing up its prey. Marcus Morningstar was known for his calculating mind, always several steps ahead of those around him, and I couldn't help but feel that he was already scheming, weaving his plans for dominance even in this trivial student hierarchy. He might be pretending to care less about these roles, but I knew better.


Marcus Morningstar was a master manipulator and hails from a duke family that was only below the emperor in terms of influence. He'd likely use Melissa, Arthur's childhood friend, as leverage to chip away at Arthur's resolve. The smirk on his face wasn't just about amusement—it was a signal that he was already plotting his next move. This was just the beginning of the power plays that would unfold.


I watched them from my seat, their faces framed in the soft afternoon light filtering through the classroom windows. Poised yet burdened with the responsibilities they neither sought nor could easily escape. Their presence was magnetic. Yet beneath that admiration stirred a strange and persistent sense of pity. I knew the truth of what awaited them, the heavy chains of fate that would soon begin to tighten.


Arthur, the protagonist of a story I had once read so eagerly, now seemed less like the invincible hero and more like a young man unknowingly marching toward ruin. His path, laid out so clearly in the novel, was riddled with hardships that would strip away his innocence piece by piece. The tragedies that would befall him—betrayal, loss, the weight of leadership—haunted my thoughts. Melissa, too, was destined to be more than just the supportive friend. The novel hinted at her own struggles, secrets she kept buried under her perfect facade. In this world, even the most loyal companions carried scars too deep to see.


The weight of it gnawed at me, a bitter knowledge that had taken root since the moment I found myself inside this world. I was bound by it, the foreknowledge of every twist, every heartbreak, and yet there was nothing I could do to change it. Not yet.


The saying ran through my mind, almost as if mocking me: 'Those who can't help themselves will be of no help to others.' I couldn't even grasp the full extent of my own potential, let alone intervene in the lives of those fated to suffer. If I couldn't rise above my own limitations, how could I hope to pity others?


Still, even with that knowledge, a part of me was restless. Perhaps it was guilt or the faint spark of hope that maybe, just maybe, things could be different this time.


Meanwhile, Elanor, seemingly oblivious to the undercurrents of tension, straightened the papers on her desk before turning to the class one final time. Her sharp gaze swept over each of us, making it clear that she had her own expectations. The aura she exuded wasn't just of authority but of someone who could see through our masks, reading us like open books.


With a graceful yet commanding stride, she made her way to the door, her heels echoing through the room. "Remember," she said, her back to us, "there will be no tolerance for insubordination in my class." She didn't need to look back to know the effect her words had. The room fell into a tense silence, no one daring to challenge her authority. Even Marcus Morningstar's smirk faltered for a second.


As she exited, her presence still loomed over us, a reminder that this academy was not a place for the weak or the careless. Her reputation for dealing swift and harsh discipline preceded her, and I had no doubt she would make good on her promises.


I stayed seated for a moment, watching as the other students began to gather their things. Some whispered to one another, already forming alliances, while others, like me, kept their distance. I stood up, hoping to slip out quietly before anyone noticed me. I was in no mood for interaction.


But, of course, fate had other plans.


Just as I approached the door, a shadow fell across my path, and I heard a deep voice from behind me. "Hey, you."


I turned to see Raul Braveheart, one of Marcus Morningstar Morningstar's cronies, blocking my exit. His tall frame filled the doorway, and his piercing eyes bore into me with an intensity that immediately set me on edge. His body language was confrontational, shoulders squared, his stance wide, as if daring me to challenge him. Typical bully behavior. His mere presence radiated intimidation, a skill he no doubt honed under Marcus Morningstar's guidance.


"I guess there are scumbags everywhere," I muttered under my breath, my voice barely audible.


But Raul heard it. His eyes narrowed, and I braced myself. This was going to be a drag.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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