
Tales of an Extra: The Hero No One Expected

Malik was just an ordinary kid, living a normal life, until a chance encounter sets him on a path that he could never have imagined. One day, while walking down the street, he was approached by a strange and pale old man who handed him a withered old book and before Before malik could even figure out what was going on the old man vanished and disappeared without a trace, leaving him bewildered and wary. Years went by, and malik almost forgot about that strange encounter. But one day after his final exams, a series of bizarre events began to unfold, leading him from one unexpected situation to another. Just when things could not get worse, malik ends up being pulled through a spatial rift into an entirely unknown world—one filled with dangers, secrets, and the echoes of the old man’s enigmatic words. In this new world, malik finds himself enrolled in a hunter academy, realizing that he has become an extra in the very story from the old man’s book. Struggling to survive in a place where he was never meant to belong, malik must now adapt to this harsh reality. This is my first Novel, so hope you can read it with an open mind and consider supporting me on https://ko-fi.com/dragonworrior10 or patreon.com/DRAGONWORRIOR10

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28 Chs

Duterra III

The Demonic Emperor stood poised to conquer Duterra completely, his armies spread across the land, his abyssal energy corrupting everything it touched, and his cult spreading his dark gospel to the terrified and the broken. His presence was a suffocating shadow over the world, and it seemed that no force could stand against the inevitable fall of the last free lands.


But hope, though fleeting, had not yet been extinguished.


In the novel, legends spoke of those who had once journeyed across the now five great continents of the world in their quest to save humanity from extinction. These Legendary Heroes, as they came to be known, were more than just warriors; they were seekers of truth and were later dubbed the Pioneers of Anti-Demon Strategies and Defense Measures. They ventured far and wide in search of the lost Elemental Origins and the lost history of how humans began harvesting Mana, hoping to find a way to turn the tide of war. After years of research and perilous journeys, they discovered the existence of the now-extinct Elemental Dragons and the Dragon King, Durahazaad.


These ancient scriptures led the heroes to the key to awakening the last defense against the rising darkness—the Dragon King, Durahazaad. Chosen by fate and bound by the knowledge of the world's ancient past, the heroes embarked on a quest that spanned years. As they neared the end of their journey, they found themselves drawn to elemental domains, realms that resonated with their souls.


- Khun, master of wind, ventured to the storm-ravaged northern skies and found the Tome of Tempest atop the highest peaks, inscribed with the power to control the heavens.

- Sirus, master of flame, journeyed to volcanic lands and unearthed the Tome of Inferno in a dying volcano, burning with the heat of creation itself.

- Milus, a pirate born to the sea, dove into the ocean's abyss and recovered the Tome of Tides, holding the ancient lore of the sea dragon.

- Brock, the earth hero, explored dark caverns and discovered the Tome of Quake within the bones of giants, etched into the walls of the earth.

- Ei, from the frozen north, found the Tome of Frost in the heart of an eternal blizzard, containing the lore of the ice dragon.

- Jin, master of thunder, braved stormy peaks and claimed the Tome of Thunder and Lightning, pulsing with the power of the lightning dragon.

- Sylva, born of the enchanted forests, uncovered the Tome of Verdance in a sacred grove, intertwined with the power of the nature dragon.


Together, these heroes learned the ancient ways of balance and elemental mastery, unlocking the secrets within each tome. With their combined strength, they performed the ritual to awaken Durahazaad, the primordial force who had once united the elements and ruled the skies. It was said that only after Durahazaad sealed himself away did the demons dare to invade Duterra, for even they knew they could not challenge the authority of the Dragon King.


As the Demonic Emperor's forces spread like an unstoppable tide, rumors of the Legendary Heroes began to surface. Whispers of their journey and the possibility that the tomes, hidden for centuries, still existed brought hope to humanity. However, the recovery of the tomes was only the beginning, as it became clear that only Durahazaad' s power, the Draconic Force could challenge the Demonic Emperor.


When Durahazaad awoke, he realized that the world had changed drastically in his absence. His once unparalleled strength was now insufficient to challenge the Demonic Emperor, who had gained mastery over Melovencia, the vile, corrupting force of demonic essence, and the formidable power of Abyssal Energy. Durahazaad knew that even his power alone was not enough. He sought the aid of two ancient beings: the Phoenix, symbol of rebirth, and the Leviathan, sovereign of the abyss and original wielder of Abyssal Energy.


Though these mythical beasts had long distanced themselves from humanity, disillusioned by human folly, they could not ignore the threat posed by the Demonic Emperor. If Durahazaad fell, their last refuge would disappear, and the world would be consumed by darkness. Reluctantly, the Phoenix and Leviathan acknowledged the severity of the situation and decided to aid humanity. Seeing the relentless struggle of the Legendary Heroes, they agreed to cultivate a new asset for the humans against the demons.


In an act reminiscent of the ancient Elemental Dragons' sacrifice, the Phoenix and Leviathan bestowed their powers upon humanity. The Phoenix descended upon the northern reaches, where the land had been scarred by war, and from its flames, the Light Element was born—the source of what would later be known as Holy Energy, an energy of healing, purification, and sanctity. This power not only rejuvenated the land but also armed humanity with the ability to cleanse the corruption of Melevolence from Duterra.


Simultaneously, the Leviathan returned to the depths of the seas and forged a new element from its mastery of Abyssal Energy: the Darkus Element. Though derived from Abyssal Energy, Darkus was a more native form of abyss energy that allowed humans to resist the corrupting influence of the abyss. It offered them mastery over the shadows without falling prey to the abyssal corruption. With this, humanity gained the means to fight the Demonic Emperor's forces without succumbing to Melevolence.


As the Light Element and Darkus Element became accessible to the people of Duterra, the tide of battle began to shift. Those who wielded Holy Energy fought valiantly, cleansing the land of demonic corruption. Sanctuaries rose where hope had once been lost, and the mana veins itself began to heal under the Phoenix's flames.


Meanwhile, those who embraced Darkus found themselves able to resist the mental corruption of Abyssal Energy. Though not as potent as Melevolence, Darkus granted humanity protection from the abyss. As they mastered this new power, humans freed themselves from the spiritual and mental enslavement of the Cult of Abyssal Devotion, a sinister organization that had spread the Demonic Emperor's dark gospel. The cult's influence waned, and the demons faced unexpected resistance from those they believed to be under their control.


The introduction of these two elements—Holy Light and Darkus—marked the dawn of a new era. What had once seemed a losing battle now began to turn in humanity's favor. The combined efforts of the Legendary Heroes, the mythical beasts, and the newly empowered humans created a bulwark against the demonic forces. Cleansing Melevolence from the land and breaking the mental chains of the abyss, humanity's strength grew with each battle. The demons, once invincible, now faced a resistance they had not anticipated—a resistance born from the very forces they sought to corrupt.


The war was far from over, but the awakening of the Dragon King and the alliance with the mythical beasts gave humanity the tools they needed to fight back. What was once fragile hope was now forged into a weapon—one that burned as brightly as the Phoenix's flames and struck as stealthy as the Leviathan's shadows.


The battle for Duterra raged on, but for the first time in decades, humanity had a chance to win. The war was brutal, and the cost was immense, but through sheer determination and sacrifice, the demons were finally being driven back.

I plan to upload as many chapters as i can during the weekend. You can support me by buying me a cup of coffe at https://ko-fi.com/dragonworrior10 or just dropping me some power stones


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