
Tales Of A Supreme Lord

Only the strongest will lead the six paranormals. Every creature is ready to take down the obstacle blocking their way in other to be in power. An ancient blood vampire, that rules the night and the day and is feared by many for his terror. His name alone is a tsunami that shakes the other races and the kingdom he rules. But the turn of events starts when a prophecy about a vampire child born with special powers, with the help of other forces, will cause serious destruction to his reign. Mergus Will has no option but to form an alliance with the king of wolves in preparation to withhold the one the prophecy speaks of. Many black lashes and hidden vessels.  _____________________ The book is created and done with the Author’s inspiration and everything mentioned is based on the author’s imagination.

Ruovaf_star · Fantasía
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24 Chs

Failed Assassination

Mergus was standing on top of the hills overseeing the atmosphere within the city of Louisiana. His red cape fluttered behind him. He's putting on a white coat with a white turtle shirt underneath it together with white pants and shiny black shoes. 

He felt unconcerned about the cold weather as he stands tall full of vigor. His silver hair conforms with the snow dropping from the night sky. His pointed ears twitch at every sound he picks.

The air suddenly twirls behind him in rapid motion causing his silver hair to sway about. He gazes at the city unperturbed with his arms folded behind his back.

A figure of a woman materializes from the pivoting air behind him and walks up to him.

"Amanda, reports to his Lordship." the figure said, bowing her head with her folded fist placed on her chest.  "Go on Ama....." He said acknowledging her. His magnetic soft voice blended with the night.

 "Milord, a trace of a stellar magic was seen in the outskirts of the City Of Louisiana," Amanda reported.

"Was seen!???" Mergus glanced at her, raising his eyebrows. "Not seen, but the traces of his magic were discovered," Amanda explained, avoiding his eyesight.

Mergus stares at her for some time and looks away.  He took a step towards the edge of the cliff and clicked his tongue.

"Why will the Celestial Saints appear in the human world?" he asks, twisting his head from his right to left.

"Nothing unusual happened in the city of Louisiana. The reason for his appearance in the City is unknown." Amanda countered, staring at the back of his head.

Mergus didn't say a word but looked ahead into the snowy city. His thoughts wander on every possible reason the Guardian Saint appears in the city of Louisiana.

He flicks his eyelashes twice as a smug look slowly appears on his adonis's face. He twirls the strands of his silver hair with his fingers smirking. 

Amanda, seeing his sudden expression looks confused. "Milord," she called out to him in a gentle voice.

Mergus glanced back at her, he paused seeing her confused expression. He turns around and steps close to her and pats her head gently. His smile glowing, Amanda stares at him lost.

"Ama, you did great with your findings," he said, acknowledging her. He brought his hand to her face and rubbed her cheek with his thumb gently. Amanda smiles at his gestures, her eyes, fluttering in happiness. 

Mergus waves his right hand in the air, and a golden scroll appears before him dangling in the air. He collects it and glances back at Amanda.

 "Here, send this to the dog [The Wolf king]" he said as hands her the scroll. Amanda received it with her two hands nodding her head in understanding.

She bows in respect before disappearing like the wind.

Mergus returned his sight to the city as he kept smiling to himself. He takes in a deep breath and exhales puffing out ice breath from his mouth. 

"City of Louisiana what treasure lies within you that made them appear?" he asks no one in particular, his mind deep in thought. 

"Or, could it be....." he clicks his tongue. his eyes dim as his realization hits him.

A mysterious grin slowly spread across his face, nobody could detect what was going through his crafty mind. 

His thoughts were disrupted by a sudden movement. He snapped his head around in the direction of the sound, but all he could see was the back of a fading, blue figure. He was able to tell the features of anything with his Vampire's eyes. He chases after the figure at an amazing speed. His hair swayed in the cold weather along with the red Cape clip around his neck.

The Figure ran into the forest in fast motion. Mergus seeing this, dash into the forest with no second thought, his speed exceeding leaving space shadows of him behind. He chases after the faint Blue Figure till he arrives in the heart of the forest and the figure vanishes into thin air. 

He lost the figure. His Vampire's eyes scan around the forest for any leads. He walks around the forest and glances up at trees that look frozen dead, from the cold weather. He paused his movement as his vampire's eyes caught a glimpse of faint blue on a branch of a tree.

He steps close to the tree and scrutinizes the faint blue on the tree branch. His eyebrows twitch together as he recognizes what it was. A piece of torn fabric from a man's clothes.  He raises the corner of his lips into a cranky smile. He takes the torn fabric and leaves the forest.


At the farthest of the forest, four Men covered in black were standing below the waterfall.   The atmosphere between them looks so tense, only the sound of flowing water could be heard.

"What were you thinking?!" The Leader of the Men asks the Man standing opposite him in a raised voice, anger obvious in his voice. 

"And what does it look like?!" The Man retorted, snapping back at him. The Leader rushed at him and held him by his collar gritting his teeth.

"Repeat that word Mark, I dare you to!" he bellows, his voice reverberating in the atmosphere. The said mark ignored him breathing hard. At this point, the other two guys were on the lookout not minding the ruckus going on between their team head and colleagues.

"If I had killed him on that spot, wouldn't that be an adequate value, to his Eminence?" Mark thundered in a frantic voice leaving their Leader speechless at his action.  "Who told you so? Who gave such orders? Do you seek a death wish?" the team leader asks him multiple questions at the same time in anger. His hold on Mark's collar tightened as sweat formed on his forehead.

"I think you should let him go." one of the other Men said, calming their Leader.   "Isn't he being stupid by putting all of us at risk? You all know how tricky Mergus can be," he voiced, his anger rearing up.

He let go of Mark's collar glaring at him coldly. He glanced at Mark who was recovering his breath from his attack. "You fool will pay if anything ever goes wrong, Remember this." he clarifies with a warning. "Sir, I think you should calm down first, and Mark you should apologize." The other two guys' voices and glancing at Mark who never made a move to apologize, his face blank of any expression.  "It's an order!" the other guy repeated in a stern voice.

Mark gradually went down to his two knees with his right arm placed on his chest as apologized. "l Mark Cobalt apologize for my unruliness."  Mark let out with sincerity. 

Their team leader waves the back of his palm at him in acknowledgment and walks away from there.  Mark stands up to his feet and walks towards his colleagues.

"I understand your intentions, Mark, but next time you need to think it through before you act." The other guy advised and shook his shoulder lightly. Mark nods his head in understanding. They all laugh it off and leave from there.