
Tales of A Reincarnated Mob

When he opened his eyes, Takahiro Shinichi found he was reincarnated inside a game. Rain Scarlet is a character with almost no information in the game "War of Generations". The only thing known about him is the fact that he dies as the first sacrifice in the first arc. After realizing he was reincarnated as a mob and his death will come soon, he decided to become stronger in order to survive. *** The cover is my own drawing, please do not steal or use it without my permission. Although it's trash, I put effort drawing it even though I'm too lazy to finish it. I also posted this novel in RR, SH and Zetro. First release and advance chapters will be at Zetro. https://zetrotranslation.com/novel/tales-of-a-reincarnated-mob/ My ko-fi page : https://ko-fi.com/renaichi Patreon : https://patreon.com/renaichi

Renaichi · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
40 Chs

Chapter 33

With Rosetta leading the way, we managed to get out of the 2B floor safely. I gave her the ear-potion to enchant her hearing. Combining it with her tracking skill, we managed to avoid unnecessary trouble so far.

Currently, we were on 1B floor. Different from the 2B, there were many corpses laying all over the ground. Mercenaries, the people came for the auction, demon worshippers and some guards with silver wolf emblem. Not a single one were spared.

All the corpses have their hearts gouged out without exception.The smell of blood was quite strong. We decided to proceed cautiously because we don't have information about the situation which in turns decreased our movement speed.

The passages leading to the stairs we came from collapsed, so we took a detour. We found 3 path leading to the stairs, however every single one of them collapsed from an explosion.

It seemed like their aim was to block the exit and kill all the people here. Human heart was the source of magic because that's the place where the mana core was located. It's the place where blood and mana were being pumped and also the centre of magic circulation system.

It was also the best ingredient used as a sacrifice to summon a demon. I know this information because back in the game, Irina used 3000 human hearts as a sacrifice to make a contract with the demon.

That foolish sister of mine incited a war so she could get a bunch of magicians and knights to be used as a sacrifice.

I will make sure she won't do that foolish thing again at all cost.

The ceilling was only 10 meters high. I could reach and destroy it to make an escape path forcefully. However it's a last resort. The walls and the grounds were filled with cracks, so I'm sure the floor above was also the same. It would be bad if I accidentally make the entire floor collapse.


Rosetta shouted.

We stopped our movement and followed her judgement.

"What's wrong?"

I asked her.

"There are enemies 30 meters ahead"

"How many?"

"20 people. Judging from their movements, it seemed like they are the demon worshippers"

20 people, huh. That was a lot. Earlier, we killed them easily because we have the initiative. I don't have useful magic scroll for an ambush, so the same trick couldn't be used again.

"What should we do?"

"Let's bait them. I will be the bait and lure them here, you guys prepared your strongest attack. We will wipe them in an instant"

I proposed so. However...

"No. They're coming this way! Prepare for battle!"

Rosetta warned.

Tsk! It seemed like they have a skillful scout.

"Sis, prepare your magic and use your strongest spell to greet them. Claudia-sama, I will attract their attention so I'm leaving their leader to you. Rosetta, asassinate their magician as the priority"

The three of them nodded simultaneously. I took out a magic and concentrated my mana on it.

After a few seconds, I could hear footsteps coming from the right side.

Soon, a group of people wearing black cloak appeared in my vision.

One of them directly threw a dagger without saying anything.

"What an impatient fellow"

I mocked at them.


"Hahaha! Die!"

"Glory for the lord!!"

What a bunch of lunatics.

I sensed a massive amount of mana was being gathered from Irina.

"Ice spear!"

Countless spear made out of ice were floating around her. With her hand motion, the ice spears were shot at the enemies at a high speed.


"Curse youuu!"

Some were stabbed at their chest, 3 people were instantly killed because their head were pierced.

"Fire shield!"

A magician from the enemy side casted a spell to counter her attack. A barrier made out of fire were formed in a circle. Mist began to form as the two spells collided.

If not for that quick counter, she could kill at least 7-8 people. However, killing 3 people and injuring 4 of them was more than enough.

"Damn bitch! I will gouge your heart out!"

"The f*ck are you saying to my sister you bastard!"

I unsealed the magic scroll in my hand. A big magic circle was formed in front of me and two earth golems appeared.

The golems were about 3 meters in height.

"Exterminate them"

The golems eyes shined upon my command. It charged at the enemies. The ground was shaking slightly as it ran.

It was unexpected because I thought there would be only one golem.

"Destroy the golems first! Archer, don't let that magician cast a other spell!"

A man with a tatoo on his face was giving orders.

"He is yours, Claudia-sama"


Claudia lowered her stance and concentrated her mana. Green aura were covering both her body and her spear.

I could sense an enermous mana circling around her.

"Tempest Drive"

She leaped and close the distance with the enemy leader in a blink of an eye.

"No way"

I was baffled.

Tempest Drive was a high-level skill that was unlocked at level 50. It could only be learned by the characters that have wind element with a warrior class.

Her talent is really terrifying.

Losing to a girl like her was not something to be ashamed about. I should at least aim to not be a burden for her.

She tried to stab at the enemy's head, however he blocked it using his greatsword.

Although he managed to block it, he was being pushed away by the impact.

"Kuhahaha! So strong! Your heart must be great as an offering for the lord!"

He let out a maniacal laughter. 

"My Lord, please lend me your power!"

His body was covered with a deep red color as he laugh. A strange mark began to form on his face.

It seemed like he has some skill, although he was still far away compared to that guy back in the auction stage.

I looked back and found that Rosetta's figure was already disappeared.

"Assassin is really a terrible"

I muttered.

She disappeared without making any noise. I didn't even feel her mana fluctuated. No, maybe she used her skill at the same time I activated the magic scroll because I still sensed her presence when Irina was activating her magic.

"Using me as a cover. Should I be honored?"

I smiled wryly.


5 arrows were coming at once.

Oops. It's not the time to think about useless thing.

I swung my dagger and use crescent slash. 3 of them were being cut cleanly, however the other 2 arrows changed it's trajectory before my attack hits. It was aiming at Irina.

"Missile arrows. How troublesome"

I was prepared to block them directly.

"Water Barrier!"

Irina casted a spell and put a barrier around her.

The arrows sank into the water barrier and stopped.

She didn't even let me be a meat shield.

"Rain, you don't have to worry about me. Go and help Claudia"


With her saying so, there is no more reason for me to stand still.

The golems were doing their work by attracting their attentions.

A golem was facing 4 people at the same time. 3 people were already dead with 4 were injuried. 8 people were busy with the golems. The magician was trying to cast a spell, however everytime he was gathering mana a knife would flew at him out of nowhere disturbing his concentration. 

The leader was busy fighting with Claudia. The archer was focused on Irina and the remaining two people were busy treating the wounded.

I looked around and set my targets.

"I will test the poison effect on you guys"

∆ ∆ ∆


The sound of iron clashing at each other resounded loudly.

Some sparks flew out every they clashed.

Claudia stabbed her spear the enemy torso. He tried to avoid it, however she still managed to left behind a graze.

Small cuts was found all over his body. On the contrary, Claudia was still unharmed.

"What's your name, missy?"

The man asked. However, Claudia didn't say anything and swung her spear at his neck.

"Tsk! How about you join us and serve the lord? I'm sure the lord will be happy with your presence"

The man kept talking while blocking her attack.

Claudia narrowed her gaze at the man's words. She ignored it and chose to empower her strength instead.

Red aura began to surges around her.

"War Cry!"

She let out a sharp cry.

After putting a buff on herself, she began to attack the enemy fiercely.

She swung her spear vertically from below.

"Crushing Slash!"

He slashed madly and met her attack directly.


The sharp sound was heard when their attacks met.

The ground around them cracked due to the impact.

Claudia was losing slightly. She turned around to avoid his attack trajectory and swung her spear horizontally.

Her action made them stopped crossing weapons forcefully. He was taken aback and his sword hits the ground.

Claudia was aiming at his neck. It was too late for him to dodge or block it with his sword. In the end, he sacrificed his hand to avoid her fatal attack.


His right hand was cut and blood splattered into the ground.

"Arrgh! I will kill you bitch!!"

He let out an angry roar.

On the other side, I was charging at the 4 people who were fighting the golem.

In less than 2 seconds, I arrived at the side and threw a crescent slash at them.

They saw me rushing in so they managed to avoid it. However, their formation was slightly disturbed because of it.

The golem took the chance to punch the nearest person.


He was sent flying and hit the walls.

"Be careful!"

One of them was giving warning. Unfortunately, it was too late. I took the chance to stabbed the person near me and slashed at the other one.


He tried to cut me with his axe, however I ducked and ran towards the people who was treating the wounded men.

The man tried to chase after me, however he was sent flying by the golem and was knocked out.

The golem then went to support the other golem. Noticing the situations, the instantly split into two hoping to buy some time.

However they were caught by Irina's spell midway. They were immobilized and punched by the golems into meat paste.

I poured my mana and threw my dagger at the two healers. The dagger speed was boosted by my wind magic. Their reactions were late, one of them was grazed, however the other one managed to avoid it.

I casted"Gale"to change it's trajectory by controlling the wind movements.

It stabbed the other healer on his right shoulder.

The archer was aiming his bow at me, however Rosetta suddenly appeared behind him.

"You shouldn't lower your guard with an assassin around"

She muttered in a low voice.

His head fell into the ground and blood spurted out like a fountain. 

Her figure disappeared once again after beheading him.

The 4 wounded men stood up and tried to join the battle with their wounded body. But....

"Aggh! My legs!"

Spikes made out of ice skewered their legs.

"Nice timing, sis!"

Rosetta appeared behind them and cut them off.

I looked around and saw the magician was already killed at some point.

The people who were wounded by my dagger were coughing blood nonstop. The skin around their wound turned purple.

They were slowly dying because of the poison.

I turned my head at Claudia to see how she was doing.

She was wiping the blood away from her spear calmly. Her body was perfectly fine without any scratch. On the other hand, the leader had scratches all over his body with a large wound on his neck. His body was laying lifelessly on the ground.

There is no doubt, she was the winner.

I walked towards the healers and took my dagger and ended their lives. And then I went to the people who were sent flying by the golem and stabbed their hearts to make sure they were completely dead.

"Good work"

The battle was much harder than the one before. However we ended it cleanly with no one getting hurt.

Somehow, I want to try exploring a high level dungeon with them alongside Lucia. Claudia as the vanguard, Rosetta as the scout, Irina and Lucia as the magicians, and I could do a job as a tanker. Adding Arteria as the dps might also be good to hunt high level boss.

I smiled unconsiously.

Unfortunately, such a day would probably never come.

Note : I put 3 advance chapters with paywall here :


I also post the advance chapters on my patreon. You can join the mob cult to show your support if you're interested.
