
Tales of a Newbie Dungeon Master

In a world that has recently adjusted to the emergence of monsters and magic, a select portion of the population is chosen to shoulder the responsibility of designing and enhancing dungeons, progressively introducing greater challenges and rewards. Their achievements harbor the potential to fulfill their deepest wishes—whether that entails status, wealth, power, or even the elusive prospect of immortality. Embark on the journey of a young individual who has just entered this society, endeavoring to adapt to the new reality and the possibilities that have been bestowed upon them. Join them as they navigate the intricate nuances of this transformed world and bear witness to their voyage toward triumph or adversity. Image generated via AI Discord: https://discord.gg/tfkDUggnSd

ScorpianRed · Fantasía
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34 Chs

Chapter 20

Today marks three months since I was chosen as a dungeon master.

I managed to complete the seventh floor before the time ran out. On this floor, I decided to create a cavern with a horror theme along with traps. To achieve this, I used not only goblins but also the same mobs that are present on the fourth floor.

As I add more floors to the dungeon, new ideas for redesigning and recreating it keep coming up. When I reach the tenth floor, I plan to change the layout of the floors, using 2 or 3 floors with the same style and then creating a different environment. Now, I just need to decide whether to start with caves or forests on the lower floors.

"Rick, have you finished adding everything to your dungeon? Have you summoned your second hero yet?"

"I've created up to the ninth floor, I'm just waiting for a bit more Dungeon Coins to summon the other hero."

The difference between the earnings and expenditures of Dungeon Coins between our two dungeons is slightly different. While we share expenses when altering the shared area, he doesn't live in the dungeon like I do. To take care of his parents, he was living with them, which reduced some "unnecessary" expenses. Now, With Omael's arrival and the dungeon's growing success, he's been attempting to convince them to move here.

Having two different dungeons has allowed us to offer plenty of variety and choices. While his dungeon was created with a focus on profit, mine focuses on exploration and challenges.

Initially, his dungeon attracted more visitors than mine, but due to the variety of mobs and to avoid monotony, my dungeon started receiving a considerable number of visitors as well.

"Do you need much more DC for that?"

"No, I already have enough, I was just keeping a reserve for safety."

Rick's character is always oriented toward security and stability. His goal is to always have a Plan B to avoid unexpected risks and to bounce back from any challenges. After what happened with his father, this trait was intensified.

"Hurry up before time runs out."


When Rick summoned his second hero, the magic circle appeared again, accompanied by the image of a magnificent tree and adorned with leaves around it.

Every time we summon a hero, I found myself entranced by it, because although there are similarities, each time presents different characteristics representing the race of the hero.

When the magic circle disappeared, an elf appeared in its place, she wore a simple, ethereal light green dress, possessed flowing long hair and a well-developed body, different from some literature, and possessing a beauty from another world.

"I am at your service."

Even with few words, her voice had a soft and soothing tone that attracted people.

"Do you have a name preference? And what is your specialty?"

"Perhaps something related to nature? My specialty is with bow and arrows and earth magic, or rather, nature magic."

Rick remained contemplative for 2 minutes after hearing her.

"What do you think of the name Daisy? If I'm not mistaken, it's a symbol of innocence, but she can withstand hostile environments and thrive."

"I like it."

"I didn't know you knew about flowers, Rick."

"Our friend is here for that,"

He chuckled and revealed a smartphone.


Hours later, the moment we had been anticipating finally arrived.

[End of event]

[Congratulations, you've exceeded the minimum mission requirements, additional rewards will be added]

[Checking progress and calculating rewards]

[Your dungeon has a good number of unique visitors and a large number of revisits, a reasonable number of floors, but a large number of multiple dimensions per floor and slightly more heroes than acceptable. Your overall progress has been evaluated as: A-]

[Congratulations, you've received an increase in dungeon quality]

[Congratulations, you've received an increase in talent quality]

[Congratulations, you've received 5000 Dungeon Coins]

[Congratulations, you've received an extra Dungeon Master right]

[With the end of the event, dungeon masters who failed to meet the objectives have lost their Dungeon Master rights, and their dungeons no longer exist. Talents generated by the dungeon master benefit will be deleted, but all items and abilities acquired will not be removed]

[System and functions will be updated for all those who passed the first test; please continue developing your dungeon. All dungeon masters have the freedom to do whatever they want with their dungeon.]

After the announcements ended, the entire dungeon was engulfed in light, including me, the monsters, all assistants, heroes, and employees under the dungeon contract.

"Sistema, what's going on?"

[Dungeon is undergoing a quality increase, mana concentration and quality are being raised, items and beings considered part of the dungeon are receiving improvements]

"What's with all this brightness?"

[Host is perceiving the energy causing the changes. Don't worry, other people are not perceiving this brightness, and it won't cause any harm.]

After 5 minutes that seemed never-ending, the brightness started to diminish until it disappeared completely.

Upon closer inspection, everything around me seems to have undergone changes, or rather, everything that was purchased from the dungeon shop.

The control room hardly changed in appearance, but I noticed that working in it became much easier. There seems to be a mind connection that allows visualizing and modifying the interface when we are in contact with it.

I decided to explore the changes in more detail.

One visible change was the improvement of the furniture purchased from the dungeon shop.

The furnishings in the room, in which we were currently situated, seemed to have been crafted from superior materials. The bed and sofas appeared plusher and more comfortable, promising a more luxurious experience.

In addition to the visual changes, the functions of things seem to have been optimized and don't resemble anything else in this world.

After realizing that the functions have improved, I decided to use my smartphone. With it I can understand better and discover new changes and functions.

While it doesn't have all the functions of the control room, it can still do quite a bit.

Some of the changes that caught my attention the most occurred in the spa. The water in the thermal springs now almost resembles potions, with significantly increased benefits and efficiency. Additionally, the environment provides a slight boost to healing rate and relaxation.

Another thing that caught my attention was the AI assistants; they now are almost impossible to distinguish from normal people and have gained various additional knowledge.

Luna mentioned that she feels stronger and can use new abilities and spells.

As I realized that I, too, had been enveloped in the radiant light, I decided to see what had changed in my stats.

[Name: Jeffrey Stark

Profession: Dungeon Master

Race: High Human

Strength: 20

Agility: 18

Dexterity: 19

Intelligence: 15

Vitality: 23

Talent: Adaptability – Able to develop 60% faster and ignore growth limitations. Talent affects the dungeon master and subordinates.

Mana Affinity – Allows for better mana manipulation and spell learning.

Skill: Massage (Level 4)

Rehabilitation (Level 3)

Observations (Level 4)

Mana Sense (Level 3)

Mana Manipulation (Level 2)

Sacred Mana Conversion (Level 1)

Title: Dungeon Master]

One thing that caught my attention was the addition of the race, and apparently, I am no longer just human, or rather, I am still human, but a different species.

Ironically, I gained a new talent; I think this was due to the change in my species, and this talent is also related to my ability to develop faster.

"System, what is a High Human?"

[A High Human is one of the evolutions of the human race, where they have enhanced traits and a greater affinity for mana.]

I think it's a good thing, but I never imagined something like this could happen. I better go check on the others, and I'm curious to know what rewards Rick received.

I still don't know what to do with the other rewards yet, besides having to study the changes that happened in the system; there's a lot to do, and I hardly know where to start.

In the end, I think I'll have to make an effort to learn new spells. With my new talents, I can clearly go far with this.