
Tales of: A God

Dio has always been quite competitive and determinated, that helped him become one of the greatest speedrunners on his past life. But now he has suddenly been taken away to another world with unfair balance and a system that clearly has got favorites. Will he be able to get on top of the competition when all odds are against him?

Molkter · Fantasía
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10 Chs

Split paths

The screams echoed all around the forest.

Thunder claps resonating.

Three demi god hunters were desperately trying to fight... An invisible force. A furious one.

Without giving them time to understand what was happening, something they couldn't see was striking at them with no mercy.

Their leader was thrown away with brutal strength against a tree, destroying part of its trunk with the impact. He got unconscious after that hit.

The remaining two were desperately attacking the air all around them with AoE skills, excepting to hit by chance whatever that was attacking them.

One of them, in a desperate impulse, tried to create an ice barrier to protect him. But the ice melted and he got soaked. Then lighting striked at him making him faint in pain.

There was only one left, he thought this had something to do with the cave they were trying to get in so he ran away.

He tried really hard to get as far from the cave as he possibly could. But then he felt a sudden weight on his back.

Phantom hands grabbed him by the shoulder and the weight made him fall to the ground.

He wanted to scream, he started to hyperventilate, he felt like he was being hunted down by a paralysis demon.

He was done for.

Whatever that was, it was ready to end him.

His head started to feel hot, it started feeling too hot. The heat made him black out.


[You killed no one of them]

-Yeaah... That was an overstatement, I'm not ready to kill... yet-

Said Dio after making the three of them go unconscious. He got up after defeating the last one and started going back to the cave.

-You're the special assistant, correct? You're communicating with me more than the usual System-

[That's correct. From now on I'll be the one at your service in representation of System.]

-What exactly is System?-

[I can't answer that.]


Dio then opened the [Profile] screen. He kept walking until he got to the cave again.

-Huh, Am I not quite the strong foe?- Commented Dio, taking a good look at his updated profile.



Name: Dio

Age: 10

Race: Devourer - Potential Sun God - Demigod (Son of Zeus)


Current trees:

•Lighting tree:

-Deflect thunder lvl.3-Create lighting lvl.1

-Lighting step lvl.5

•Wind tree: Speed boost lvl.3

•Devourer tree: •Unique skill: Devour•

•Sun tree: Sunlight heat lvl.1



Str: 17

Con: 23 (+3)

Dex: 42 (+4)

Int: 19

Wis: 20

Car: 13


Hp: 450/450

Mp: 300/300

Lp: 370/500

Sp: 450/460


[Most certainly, you've grown a lot in just a day]

-I have a lot of questions. Mind answering them to me?-

Said Dio, closing his profile screen and looking at the boots that were next to the bed.

[As far as I have the permissions to answer, you are free to ask me anything]

-Who is 'Zero'?- Dio approached more to the bed and sat next to it

[Zero was supposed to be the identity you would take on this world. A combination of your former personality and the past owner of the body]

Dio closed his fists.

-So this body was someone else's, what happened to her?-

[She fell asleep within the body when you took over it. Eventually, the two of you were supposed to perfectly blend, but it did not go as excepted]

-The soul division...-

[Activating the secret quest you woke... Let's call it your secret power. This wasn't supposed to happen so soon and you wouldn't have been able to take it so your soul divided in two]

-What happened to her?-

[Part of her blended with the other half of your soul already. Another part is still asleep within you]

-What... Am I?-

[Dio, you're the purest expression of yourself. That's why you look like your 10 years old human self. However, you also lost part of yourself in your division... But let's say that it might had been for the better]

-I understand...- Dio stood up -I guess I would rather hear about her past from the person itself. So I just have one last question-

[And that is...?]

Dio took a second to formulate the question, once he had decided to do it. He said:

-What are and how do I get to the 'Dark Zones'?-


Sven held my hand and just started running, I looked back just to see Dio emanating lighting from his body.

We lost them from sight soon, but even then we could hear the thunder clap and battle echoes.

-What is happening?- I asked to Sven

-I would like to know that too!-

We got out of the forest. He let me go then and sat next to a tree to rest, he was tired.

-Those guys were trying to kill you bro! They scared the shit out of me-


-By the way, may I know what the heck were you doing there, Dio?-

-I'm not Dio- I said

I don't know why, but that just instinctively came out of my mouth.


I opened my profile screen in front of me, after reading it myself, I flipped it so Sven could see.




Name: Zero

Age: 17

Race: Arachne


Current trees:

•Spider tree: -Create Silk lvl.max

•Charming tree:

-Convince lvl.5

-Seduction lvl.5



Str: 13

Con: 15

Dex: 18

Int: 27 (+3)

Wis: 15

Car: 40 (+5)


Hp: 300/300

Mp: 300/300



-Please refer to me as Zero- I gently asked

Sven read my profile, then looked at me in confusion. He held his head and mumbled: "Ren, do you have any idea what is this about?"

Then he looked at me again and asked.

-How did you max out a skill branch so fast?-

-I practiced my whole life- I answered, it was true.

-Oook...? You're... Certainly acting weird right now Di_ Zero-

I shrugged.

-Sorry, it's hard to explain what happened down there, even I don't know fully well yet-

Sven just sighed, got up and calmly slapped my shoulder.

-Whatever bro, what matters is that it seems we lost those crazy dudes and we are all fine. Let's go with Sun-

And just like that he started walking, he wasn't mad at me for getting us in trouble nor was he suspicious of what I did.

-This guy has no common sense- I said to myself as I followed him



Sven: Oh don't worry we already are safe


Sven: Sorry I forgot to tell you!

Alex: Uh... What did I miss? Are you guys alright?]


I smiled, in none of both my lifes did I ever had friends...

...But it's never too late for new things, right?

Maybe, just maybe.

I'll make lots of friends this time.