
Tales of a Demon

We follow a young demon princess who is caught in the crossfire of a prophecy and a war that will destroy her kingdom and her if she doesn't stop it. Little does our princess know that not everyone on her side is good and not everyone who is "evil" is against her.

That_Goddess_Luna · Fantasía
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Demon Types

Shadows- Shadows are hell demons that can take the form of a living creature and hence the name can become shadows. They are the creatures that we see in the middle of the night, the creatures that stalk us in our dreams. Their shadow form makes ten times faster than the average person and gives them the ability to drain the life force of any living creature as well as the power to not only possess humans and other demons, which is impossible for a regular demon, and control dream and feed on fear and nightmares.

Lupine- Lupines are a type of animal demon most closely resemble the wolf, and having wolf ears, tails, and abilities that are heightened at night and during a full moon, whether day or night. And if need be can transform into their wolf form. Most normal humans call them werewolves or wolfmen. Now the image that human folklore has come up with is incorrect and to be honest they look more human than wolf unless pissed off in which case they will destroy you.

Minxes- Minxes are like lupines but have a fox or cat-like resemblance as well as ears and tails and senses of the animal they possess as well as that animal's spirit form. Most humans know this kind of demon as a catgirl/boy or Neko. Although this image is more or less correct these monsters more relate to the well-known American slasher "Freddy Krueger" only with cat ears and tail. They tend to hide as pets such as house cats and exotic pets like tigers and lions and then kill their owner in their sleep or rare cases in broad daylight.

Witch- Witches are a special type of demon that has a human form and can cast spells through their hands, wands, and potions. Now the flying cronies that cackle in the night is very wrong, most witches are human, believe it or not, they practice magic and then are possessed by a real demon that they summon, whether on accident or purpose. Some witches walk around in their real form some are the ugly hags that humans write about in stories while others are more beautiful and easier on the eye.

Angels- Angels are the good version of demons that keep demons in check and make sure that they aren't causing trouble in the human realm (too much anyway). Angeles cannot enter the demon realm of hell. If they can, they are then known as Hell Angels or Dark Angels. Now Dark/Hell angels are those creatures that we think of as fallen angels now if we quickly look into the bible then you will know that these creatures are the ones that fell with Satan. Also, these could be called "Angels of Death" or "Death's Angels".

Imps- Imps are an entity that can't use their powers unless told to by a demon from one of the seven circles of the abbess known to humans as hell. Now please don't confuse these creatures with Satan. They, like all of hell's creatures, work for Satan.

Lost souls- Lost souls are the souls of humans that lost a bet to a demon or devil and whose soul is trapped in hell or one of the 12 demon realms. They wander looking for a human to trade places with and can sometimes, although it is rare, enter the human realm. When they enter the human realm they will usually attack humans or just wander around. They make up about 90% of supernatural or paranormal encounters.