
The Meaningless World

"I said I'm sorry!" Exclaimed another person with a very hoarse voice.

Chen Jun Tian's grey dull eyes scanned for the source of the voice and realised that it was none other than Ma Zheng Min, the lazy young master with a bad temper from the residence of the Great General Ma. He was part of a group that was against He Kai's antics but it didn't mean that they were any nicer than young master He. In fact, they were much worse as Ma Zheng Min's group are extremely skilled in martial arts and the last person who dared to mess with them ended up being crippled.

Jun Tian was now curious of the person who was with Ma Zheng Min so he carefully eyed his surroundings and to his surprise, the other person was Bai Ye Hua who was also his classmate but contrary to Ma Zheng Min, Bai Ye Hua was the calm and composed genius of their class and the young lady of the Grand Chancellor's residence. It was unexpected to see those two together.

"How could you say such a thing?" Bai Ye Hua's face was filled with both anger and disappointment as she crossed her arms. Just what on earth happened between these two?

Jun Tian felt horrible eavesdropping on them but he couldn't just escape either. They were standing right next to the bush where he was hidden and there was no other way out of this place except through the door but if he walked there, they would surely notice him. He wasn't stupid enough to get caught by them.

"I'm sorry! I really didn't mean it! They didn't leave me much of a choice!" Ma Zheng Min pleaded, which made Jun Tian curious of what he did and who are the "they" he was talking about? There were just too many questions flooding in the youth's mind but he must leave this place as soon as possible unless he desires troubles. His eyes scanned around for an opening but his body froze at what he heard next.

"You could've just stayed silent when they made fun of Chen Jun Tian instead of joining them." Bai Ye Hua let out a sigh as wind rustled through her long silky raven hair. "You've really disappointed me with this one, Min'er."

"I'm sorry, Hua'er but just how many times do I need to apologise to you?" The young man whined, as he got closer to Bai Ye Hua. "Forgive me already, pretty please?" He suddenly puts his arms around the female and pulled her into a tight embrace to which the latter responded by wrapping her arms around his neck.

Jun Tian really didn't want to invade their privacy but their conversation has caught his interest. Since when were these two so close that they started using cutesy nicknames with each other? Did he accidentally stumble upon their secret lovers' meeting spot? He knew that the Ma and the Li clans were rivals since ever since the dawn of humanity so for their heirs to be this lovey dovey around each other in such an isolated place, if this wasn't their secret meetup then what else could it be? The Ma clan's divine beast is the White Tiger whereas the Bai clan's divine beast is the white serpent and everyone knew that tigers and snakes have always been enemies. Jun Tian was also interested in why Li Ye Hua was disappointed in Ma Zheng Min over him but he couldn't just barge into their conversation to ask her.

"Gosh, I can't stay mad at you with those puppy eyes of yours." Claimed Bai Ye Hua, a smile slowly plastered onto her face.

"I love you so much, Hua'er." Ma Zheng Min brought his face closer to Bai Ye Hua's then sealed both their lips with what seemed like a very long yet passionate kiss.

Jun Tian eyes widened in surprise and his mouth dropped hard onto the ground. He really did not expect himself to be flustered over such a normal scene between couples despite being a full grown man! However, while he was being completely taken in surprise by the whole situation, Ma Zheng Min suddenly looked at his direction with a frown.

"You can come out now." He said as he walked towards Jun Tian.

The latter tried to get up and run away but in a state of panic, he lost his balance and fell on his back. He did not know exactly how Ma Zheng Min found out about him since he made sure he was well hidden but then he remembered that young master Ma was a prodigy in martial arts so his senses would naturally be enhanced.

Ma Zheng Min walked through the bush, followed by Bai Ye Hua and the two of them examined the blue cladded youth who has fallen on his back with a deadly glare that could burn his very soul.

"Explain yourself, Chen Jun Tian." Ordered the handsome youth with his usual cold and harsh tone.

To think that he was being sweet just a while ago made Jun Tian feel like this whole situation was just a dream but Ma Zheng Min ruthlessly grabbed the youth by his neck, lifting him up using little to no effort. Jun Tian never realised just how strong this person was until now since the place the cruel man grabbed was left with a burning red mark and Jun Tian's supply of oxygen was slowly cutting off.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to eavesdrop on you!" Jun Tian looked at them with pleading eyes, trying his best to breathe. "Please don't hurt me!"

"Hurt you?" Bai Ye Hua sounded disgusted saying that but her icy indigo eyes looked straight into Jun Tian's. That action alone could scare the living out of him. She then puts her hand on Zheng Min's shoulders and the latter immediately released his hold on the blue cladded youth. "Do you really think we would do that to you?"

"Please don't!" The poor boy begged them as he kneeled down in front of them. He was so used to being beaten up and this was what he had always been doing up until now. Kneel down and beg for mercy. It didn't work in most cases but there was still a slight chance for me to get out of trouble.

"Don't think so poorly of us." The young lady rolled her eyes in annoyance. "We're not going to hurt you."

"Yet." Ma Zheng Min added as he gestured the boy to stand up. "We won't hurt you as long as you don't go around spreading rumours about us."

"I had no intention of doing so in the first place." Jun Tian explained to them but they looked at him sceptically as if he was lying to them. "I respect your choices!"

"Good." Said the young warlord while nodding in approval.

"Do be aware of what we can do if you dare to tell others about this." Bai Ye Hua shot him another one of her death glares before taking her leave with her beloved partner.

Despite the fact that she said she might do something to him if he were to speak badly of them, Jun Tian couldn't help but feel a bit relieved since they didn't beat him up as he stood still, dumbfounded by their action. However, he was slightly skeptical of their words since Ma Zheng Min almost choked him to death a few moments again. What can Jun Tian do though? He was currently powerless compared to them. The youth lets out a deep sigh as he watched the couple walking away.

He never noticed how good looking they were before but now, just by looking at them from the back, you could already imagine that they were like a divine couple.

Ma Zheng Min has big almond-shaped eyes that appear to change colours from grey to blue to green depending on the lighting, his clothing or his mood. He also has long luscious golden brown hair tied up in a ponytail, secured with a golden hairpin, which gave him a much gentler aura in contrast with his well-built body and fiery temper. In simple words, he was the ideal type of many young women but if they knew that he already has a partner, they would all scream in extreme jealousy.

As for Bai Ye Hua, she is one of the school's most beautiful young ladies with her long silky raven hair and indigo blue eyes that resemble sapphire gems. She might not seem like it but she is also one of Yun Lin academy's strongest students in terms of martial arts, specifically skilled in the sacred arts of beast taming.

Jun Tian knew that Yun Lin academy is filled with members of Yun Xia kingdom's most prestigious clans but he did not expect it to have so many extremely good-looking, extremely rich or extremely talented people or simply people whom have all these three aspects. This really makes the presence of an average person like himself seemed unnecessary. He really could not stand a chance against any of these guys...

People usually say that in order to obtain, something of equal value must be lost because life is just meant to be this way but what did he ever do wrong to deserve this? What does he need to do in order to get his life back on track? And just what is the meaning of life anyways? Is it truly that meaningless?

Hello everyone!

I apologise if there is not much plot yet for the first couple of chapters as I am trying to introduce some of the characters and more importantly, the main character's situation.

Thank you!

leecuifengcreators' thoughts