
Talent Prodigy

Earth was covered in darkness for 5 months and unbelievable things happen in that 5 whole months, People starts getting covered by bright light for a different length of time and information flowing through them that shouldn't be possible... Hello Guys, Cronium here. I just started to creating my own novel because I wanted to express myself and tries to know how the feeling of someone reading your own created imagination(life). ps: i suck at English so please don't expect to much from me.

Cronium51 · Otras
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'It's been awhile since i got outside.'

Said Mell to himself.

"It's already 2025 hayss, should i go outside since I've been in an isolation for 3 years?" He says while looking at the date in his computer.

Mell tried to remember why he make himself isolated for 3 years. Angry, disgusted, mocking expression of his Family, Friends and Classmates are the only thing he saw.

Looking back at the past he realise how weak he is, he can't even stand up for himself. "Haha, Damn it Mell is that how useless are you in the past?!" Mell ask himself with a mocking tone.

It's all because of a single thing he turns into this, and that is expectations. "Damn talent it's all your fault!" Mell blame

Talents are all started because of a single Phenomena that happened to Earth. At that time Earth was covered in darkness for 5 days.

People start panicking about the thing that's happening at first they thought it's just an eclipse and it will be gone after 8 to 10 minutes, however it's starts to get darker and darker until they can't see anything.

People then start's getting covered in light, it last about how high is your talent. Talents are ranked from 1 to 10, from lowest to highest.

And according to the talents Mell got the 10th rank because he's covered by the light for an entire 5 days, though he himself don't know how to use it. So he did everything to know how to activate his talents for an entire 3 years.

The person who have a talent should have a simple introduction of how to use his abilities, but Mell didn't got a single thing.

When the Phenomenon was done the government all over the world placed a locked down for a month.

When the locked down ended, the education system still continue though there's a single thing they add to the classes and that is the talents.

Mell has been the most intelligent person in his class so the expectations of his classmates, friends and family are high.

But when the talent examination happened, all of their expectation on him vanished. Because there's no technology on how to check someone talent all they can do is to show how they used it.

And when it's Mell's turn, all he can do is say that he didn't got a single information. They start laughing, mocking at him saying that he's a talentless person.

Remembering the things from the past Mell's started to tear up. "Now that i know how to use my talent i think it's time to move on from the past". Mell said

He then starts walking near the Door . "It's time for a new life". He said as he open the Door and saw that it's so bright that's because he's been in an isolated room full of darkness and the only light he have is from his computer.

"This is it there's no turning back now Mell, let's make a new name for ourself again" he said as he walk out from the darkness until his whole body was covered by the bright light.


So that's it for today fellas and please don't expect to much from me. My English sucks i know that, though it's the second language here in our country i still sucks at it. Even my Grade card tells it😂. So please tell me if there's anything I can fixed. Though it's better to have an editor but i don't have any money to pay for your editing😂.

And if you're wondering how he survive in an isolation for an entire 3 years without food, even I don't know. So dont ask me, I'll just leave it in your Imagination😂.

Also guys can you recommend a good family name for Mell as i suck at naming... I might even need you guys help naming his family.