
Uther's Legacy (3)

Mab kept her word, and soon we managed to create a proper agreement out of this circumstance.

There were many variables and risk factors to keep in mind while styling a treaty between our parties, but eventually we got to the culmination of a lengthy discussion regarding this very matter: she was a 'subject monarch' to my authority, with her fiefdom retaining a form of autonomy due to the divergences between men and fairies. And… an embassy/integration office was created for the sole purpose of normalizing this relationship.

A few fairies were escorted inside Londinium, they were granted the means to interact with our diplomats and take part in the effort of stabilizing any issues that might come about this kind of arrangement. With the recent 'purge', Mab had a mostly reliable fairy tribe to command, and they looked as eager as she was to use this change to gain safety from other attacks or invasions, mostly from other fairy tribes.

Integration was meant to not only foster stability in the region and prevent new issues between humans and faes, but… also provide a chance to further 'stabilize' the situation tied to magic itself. By Altuos' personal estimations, if we managed to preserve even just this tribe of faes and allow them to prosper with us at the expense of their more negative traits, this could end up slowing even further the magical decline that the world was still going through.

It would be essential, so it was decided to keep a cautious but still favorable approach towards this new circumstance until we could see it being as beneficial as expected or… even more. There were just so many questions and unknown notions about that concept, especially since Faes normally didn't cooperate with humans if not in special circumstances tied to heroes. Mab also had the chance to meet with Lyanna and… it was fairly interesting what happened there. The redhead picked up that the guest was a fellow Fae, but she didn't seem outright upset by this circumstance. Instead, she was curious, cautiously so.

Mab behaved through the visit, and she seemed quite taken by the politeness and the relative calm of the child that had caused this whole mess. It was quite amusing to hear her sound so apologetic once that visit was over, assuring that there wouldn't be any intention to create trouble out of this very situation. In her words, 'Lyanna was not one that should be subjected to this kind of hate.' And when she said that, I saw… a heartfelt effort in being honest. And I could tell that was the most truthful I heard the fairy queen speak, even more than she did during our first meeting. And with that sorted out, the next mess to deal with was… the situation with Ria. After the few days spent helping with this recent affair, it also came the time to leave Londinium to deal with this 'distress call' from the blonde.

I still had a few perplexities on what the fellow king was troubled with, but I had a few theories that I believed were the true purpose… each being crazier to the other. And by the time we were meant to depart for this appointment, I also had to face a different issue in the form of Lyanna making a bit of a fuss regarding the guarding disposition. Considering the overall affair, I would leave the castle with a guard group made by Tristan, Lancelot and four soldiers. The rest would remain at the castle, with a few assigned to the children's protection while Iseult took care of the girls with the assistance of loyal servants. So, the issue that came out of it was… adorable.

"Lya, if papa says the knights have to stay, they will stay," I argued calmly, smiling kindly as I replied to the redhead's protest.

Despite what one would imagine from a child as soft-spoken and quiet as Lyanna, she definitely got quite serious when it came to her role as older sibling, especially when it came to defending little Mordred. Still, the 'problem' here was that Lyanna wanted to monopolize the operation when it came to protecting the younger girl herself.

So she started to pout. "But- But I can defend Mordred myself! I'm her big sister."

My smile twitched at that as I knelt so I could directly look at her. She looked a bit uneasy at that development, but realized I meant well when she got a mere cheek-pinch from my approaching right hand. "But you can only defend Mordred from things you know about, dear. You don't have much experience against bigger and meaner attackers."

She didn't look convinced, but I wasn't done just yet.

"Also, those guards aren't just meant to protect Mordred, but you too. I assigned them to the two of you because Mya and I are worried about your safety as we're out to deal with this matter so… please don't make a fuss about it."


I reached out and pulled her in a hug. "We're going to get back as quickly as we can so we can get back to play and cook some more, okay?"

She huffed, nuzzling onto my shoulder and holding me tightly. "Promise?"

"Of course I promise, sweetie. Just promise me that you will not give headaches to your guards and Iseult."

Lyanna slowly nodded. "I promise."

"Now, I believe that you still have that responsibility of keeping an eye on your sister. Wouldn't want her to feel lonely, same for you."

That got her to crack a smile.

"Okay, I will keep her company."

I ruffled her hair, eliciting an annoyed groan as she mentioned how 'it took her centuries to get her hair done right', getting me to chuckle at her new source of irritation. Still, Lyanna was convinced, with the only one left to 'speak' with being Little Mordred. The girl had yet to properly speak, but she had learned how to start using some words and recognize a few people.

"Paaa!" The little blonde yelled with an upset tone, giving me a serious look, or as serious a toddler could be.

"Papa has to go, Mordred, but he will be back soon with Mama."

"Uh!" She replied strongly, her tiny hands gripping tightly at my shirt, almost reaching out for my skin. "Paa! Maa!"

She was getting upset enough to almost start crying, but I managed to avoid that very awkward development by holding her tight and planting a solid kiss on her cheek, adding extra sound to it. It sounded silly but, as I remembered something mom once told me, toddlers liked silly, and Mordred was instantly giggling as I did the same with her other cheek.

"Now, now, Mama and Papa will be back soon. There's no need to be sad, Mordred. Okay?"

She hummed and pouted some more, but was outright giggling again as I planted one last kiss on her forehead. "Papa promises you this much."

There were no issues beyond that… well, beyond having to also detach Mordred from me as she was completely latching onto me, but still, there were no major problems when it came to depart for our planned trip. Mya's belly was far from fully showing, but one would realize she was expecting if they spared a proper glance in that area- yet she was still in a good shape to make the trip without any issues. Instead of riding horses, I decided it was only for the best to rely on a carriage ride and for it to be going at a cautious and modest speed. I was… well, concerned. Rightfully so. I just couldn't allow any kind of threats to come after Mya now more than ever. And the ride proceeded relatively smoothly, with nothing blocking our way and so leaving us to reach our destination just in time.

But with these first hurdles dealt with, it was now time to face the main concern.

Ria and her current troubles… about loving marriages.

Unlike previous occasions, Ria and I weren't going to meet in Venta Belgarum.

By her own admission through her latest letter, the place was too 'risky' for what kind of help she wanted from me, and that it was best for it to be a bit closer to 'home' and away from any eavesdropping people that could create a big issue out of this. So, we were now meeting in Corinium Dobunnorum (modern-day Cirencester, Gloucestershire).

I was very confused by this decision, but this choice also became a new clue on what was going on with Ria and why she really wanted to speak with me. The castle picked for the circumstance was not owned by someone in particular. The mayor of the city technically had the right to use it as his home but the elderly man preferred to live in his simple house, among the people, and keep the place as a military fortress than an outright 'big house' to live in.

Thus, it was perhaps the best location to not have anyone keep track of our private meetings. As soon as we reached the living quarters given to us, I received a small message from a servant of the Castle. Ria had arrived at the castle yesterday, and she wanted to already talk to me before the official meeting by dinnertime happened. Perplexed and fairly worried, I decided to check on what was going on. Mya would remain in our temporary bedroom to rest, while I proceeded on my own to find out where our urgent meeting was meant to happen.

After ten minutes of looking around and being on the move, I reached the place, but I was surprised to find a very upset Artoria waiting outside the room and barely holding her annoyance as she led me inside that room. The door closed behind us, with the blonde pausing a moment to make sure we were really alone before suddenly rushing up to me and slamming herself on my lap. One would feel embarrassed by this, but I was more frightened by it as Ria's hands were yanking my shirt upward, almost threatening me with that move. A good part of my questions would then be answered by what she had saved up as a 'pleasant introduction' to this deadly development for me.

"I-It's your fault!"

I frowned, ignoring for a moment the way she was straddling onto me to address this sudden accusation. I mean, I might have some faults on recent matters, but I couldn't recall specifically anything that would have pissed Ria off this much.

"What are you talking about?"

"Guinevere!" Artoria answered with a frustrated groan. "Her recent bouts of affection- she is getting more aggressive with each day. First kisses, then more hugs, then cuddling and now she is trying to go through our 'marital duties'."


"And you know that's not something I can do without endangering my reputation. If she learned I was a girl, she would..."

I waited for a continuation of that sentence, but she remained quiet. At the moment, I really thought she had a conclusion to that explanation, but I ended up having to ask it myself.

"She would 'what'."

"She would… she would tell her father, Joseph!"

My frown deepened. "Why?"

"B-Because her family is family-"


My interruption further shocked Ria, but the young woman couldn't come up with a decent response to it from the looks of it.

"W-Well, because… because they are… family and that would make… sense?"

I blinked. "Isn't she technically going to be more loyal to you since you two are married."

"M-Maybe, but then I lied about the marriage by hiding the fact I'm a woman and-"

"And what?"

Before the blonde could have answered that, the doors were opened by two individuals that had decided to 'pass by' from the looks of it. Mya waved shyly over Guinevere's shoulder, while the brunette spared a confused look after she tried to announce their arrival.

"I heard that you two were talking and… why are you stuck in that position Arthur?"

The blonde looked terrified at the outrageous circumstance she set herself up for, but I was already prepared with an excuse. I mean, considering the circumstance, I just couldn't help but imagine the worst development coming out of it in case someone passed by and somewhat saw us in that position.

"He was about to choke me for being the source of his most recent irritations."

Ria's attention snapped back at me. "I-I wasn't planning to do that."

I snorted. "You are moments away from putting me in a stranglehold. Plus, you are quite vexed about this after putting me through that interrogation."

The scandalized look on her face melted away as we both heard Guinevere sigh at that explanation.

"I suppose boys will be boys," She hummed quietly. "Still, what exactly got Arthur this angry at you, Joseph. I don't recall you being responsible for recent issues."

I shrugged. "Truth be told, I have yet to understand myself."

Ria's hold over my shirt tightened at my words. "N-Nothing too important."

"Then can we join you if it isn't that important?" Mya offered, aiming that question mainly at me.



"It's alright. It's not like you have to worry much about it."

Despite my words, Ria was growing more panicky by the second from the way she was trying to compress herself and appear less conspicuous. A fairly silly attempt considering it just made her more suspicious in the eyes of her wife. Thus, we all sat by the table, with Ria looking very worried about this unplanned development. At first there was silence and… then Guinevere spoke up again.

"By the way, I almost forgot… I'm glad to hear about the news, Joseph. Your wife is expecting, but I would have expected you to have mentioned this beforehand."

I smiled at the brunette. "It's been a bit of a recent surprise. And I had to face a couple of issues back home about… a recent addition to the family."

"Oh, I… I see," The young queen replied cautiously, unsure what I was specifically talking about… and thus moving to the main subject of this conversation. "So, what were you two talking about?"


"Arthur, I'm your wife and queen. While I understand I have to keep by your side and just let you speak in official matters, I can tell this is not the case I just mentioned," The young woman interrupted her 'husband'. "I understand that you are upset about this affair, but I can see that I'm somewhat part of this 'problem'."

I raised a surprised eyebrow. "How can you tell?"

"Arthur has this telling sign that… shows up when he is nervous about someone in particular. Like it happens when you are the source of trouble at times, he would just stare at you and try to make it seem like those are passing glances."

...I think I did see that kind of behavior before.

"Which is why I know it's about me somehow, and I would like to not be kept in the dark about it."

"It's complicated."

"Why? Make it less complicated."


Guinevere looked at me. "Joseph-"

"He will not tell you. And… it's about… it's about the fact you asked me 'that', two nights ago."

"Our marital duties?" Guinevere asked bluntly, Ria instantly blushing at it.


"… Why is that a problem?"

"It's compli-"

"I don't get it, Arthur! Why would you not want me? Why refuse your beloved wife to love you as intended by our vows? Why not just-"

"I'm a woman!"

Guinevere paused, her body going stiff at that proclamation while her eyes widened as she gazed at her husband- no, 'wife'. But while both Ria and I were expecting confusion, anger and shock at this comment, the brunette did something else.

She heavily frowned at the blonde and snorted. "I was already aware of that."

Ria glanced back at me with a confused look.

"You told her?!"

I was shocked by that accusation. "I-"

"He didn't. I just had this suspicion ever since we started kissing this frequently," The queen interjected, defending me with that rebuttal. "You might try to appear boyish, but your body is still tender, my beloved Arthur. And those lips… those are too soft to be of a man."

"And I also asked Merlin about it. He told me right away that you were a lady and that you picked this mantle because you were worried of someone seeking to ruin the kingdom as your husband," Guinevere further explained, her smile once more back on her face. "Which is why I found this whole behavior foolish. Because you forsook something important that binds me to you."

Ria frowned, clearly unaware of what she was talking about.

"I'm not-"

"I love you, Artoria," The brunette interjected, stunning her 'husband'. "I don't care if you are a man or a woman. Even though I first thought you were merely a cold king that cared more about ideals than others… but then I realized that your heart is just shelved deep in you, away from revealing to most of those around you. And that's… that's why I want to see it, I want to see that true self that makes my own heart beat intensely."

I was stunned by these words. Guinevere had never given me the impression she could pull off such an intense and strong confession. One that managed to leave me floored, and Ria blushing a storm at such proclamation. It was clear this admission came straight from the heart, a raw declaration that left us all incredibly surprised.

"Is this… why you asked her to… go through 'marital duties'?" I tried to reason, but I felt my throat lacking the strength to build up my voice at that comment. I recovered a bit later, yet this left me thinking that this was the most intense confession I had ever heard. Even Mya looked baffled by it.

"Obviously. One thing I learned from my father which I can't help but feel it's appropriate is that lovers need to know each other in their deepest."

That's a sound advice. In a way. Not for this case, and not with someone with Ria looking so shaken by what she had just heard.

"B-But I'm a… I'm a girl!"

"No," Guinevere rebuked strongly, her smile growing fierce. "You are my husband and my beloved… Artoria."

The blonde's face turned full red at that kind of rebuttal, once again caught by how intense this all sounded. I was watching all of this unfold with an amused smile forming on my face. Despite the seriousness packed by this scene, I couldn't help but also drown in the adorableness they were both displaying in that moment. Mya giggled at the scene too, deeply entertained herself and… then something strange came up through that kind of situation. Something unexpected, unforeseen and particularly bad. For me.

"Still, isn't it… odd for two women to be entertaining this kind of relationship?" Ria argued. "I-I don't want to push you away but-"

"It's quite strange, yes. And… I actually don't know how marital duties with a woman would fare."

It was indeed a dilemma. But Mya had a curious grasp about a possible solution to this question.

"I think Joseph knows more about it."

My throat dried up at that sudden idea, and I was instantly put in the main spotlight due to it. The girls spared a look at me, then back at Mya, and once more at me.


"Surely not. How would someone like Joseph know about..." Guinevere confidently stated before pausing and then frowning at me as she realized I couldn't look straight to her. "You actually know about this subject...?"

"...Something like that," I admitted as I could tell from Mya's glance that she perfectly remembered something I had brought up while I was talking with her about Greek literature. I don't exactly remember how I got Sappho mentioned in that regard, but somehow she had to be thinking about the girl on girl romantic grasp that the poetess focused her literature on. "I-It's not exactly a full-on knowledge on the matter and… and I really can't help."

"You can," Ria sharply commented, her eyes narrowing on me. "That was a lie."

"T-That's not-"

"You are panicking, and that's a way to know you are lying."


I tried to argue that wasn't the case. That it wasn't a good enough excuse to call my lie up but… but Ria was giving me a stare that just showed no interest in believing any excuses I could come up with.

"I'm not- I'm not doing this."

"Dear, please. They need… this," Mya argued, trying to be reasonable and yet not about this whole mess. "You can see that they are not in a position to ask anyone else and... Artoria trusts you the most about it."

That doesn't help. That definitely doesn't help. I might sound prude for many, but this- this was beyond inconceivable in my eyes. Ria was a friend, a close friend at that and- and she was asking me to do that with her and her wife and… and Mya was going to be there too?! I just couldn't bear the thought of having to do this in such a risky situation. It was stupid, risky, plain idiotic and-

"Joseph… Jojo," The blonde's voice cut through the dread I was suffering at the moment. "I… I understand. You don't want to deal with such a scandalous affair, and I can't fault you for it. I will not use our friendship as a way to get what would be best for me and Guinevere but… please consider. I don't wish to strain our bond, but… the alternatives are worrying."

"Y-You could just experiment about it. It's not like… it's even that difficult," I argued weakly, pulling away any mention of the crasser aspect of what the topic was all about. But while I made a compelling argument with it as it wasn't exactly a complicated mess… the truth was that it wasn't a matter of practice, but interest in going through with it without backing away from the intimate act. And the blonde spoke again, this time pouring out a request that made my whole brain halt at the simplicity and yet earnest value to it.

"...I need you."

This tone, Ria's tone… it was like the one she had after that heated exchange with Morgan. So weak, so fragile- so unlike the glorious king of Camelot and… so pure that it was definitely the true Artoria. I felt… dejected by this. I could tell she was hurting, not because of what I was saying, but because of the overall situation we were all stuck with. Despite her bravery, Ria was still someone that had no chance to 'courageously' delve into something like intimacy. Not without making risks she wasn't up to face in the long run. It was the inner unrest that consumed her in a grind formed by reluctance and willingness to give it a try. And that's ignoring the way she was addressing this to me, and how the others were doing the same.

Guinevere was trying to adapt to a new marriage situation, Mya wanted to help, but she knew I was the one with the means to support these two. And then there was Ria. In her eyes, this still felt like manipulation, one aimed at me, someone she had come to trust a lot in recent times and… that still cared much for despite the few bumps along the road. And… and I knew that regardless of the answer I picked, she was still going to feel miserable about it.

...Fuck, why is this so complicated?

"I-I will consider it and… deliver a message after dinner."

That was enough to get a thankful look from Guinevere, a relieved smile from Mya… but still a nervous glance from Ria. She looked so upset to herself for this whole mess.

"Don't… Don't look like that. I'm not angry, upset, or anything. Not with you. "

Her blue eyes looked up at me from the surface of the table, she looked ready to cry on the spot. "I-"

"Don't. Please… don't. That's what I ask for."

Instead of nodding or keeping quiet, Ria stood up from her chair, calmly walked around the table and towards me, her posture slouched, tired, and still upset. Soon, she crashed onto me but, unlike it happened earlier on, her frame felt too eased, too limp. She quietly wrapped her arms around my neck and… set her chin on my shoulder. The other women watched this unfold, surprised but overall uneasy as they realized how much of a toll this represented not just to me, but Ria herself. I said nothing, feeling tears land on my shoulder as I calmly hugged her back. I couldn't lament the fact she 'disobeyed' my request, but I could at least provide some comfort that way.

This… This whole mess. It's just pure awkwardness. And the 'fun' had yet to begin…