
The Dragon War (1)

The march resumed smoothly as we still had a long road to finally arrive at King Lot's main castle.

While an inexperienced historian would have wrongly assumed that the area where Glasgow and Aberdeen were meant to exist in a couple of decades from now was where the monarch's home was, then they would be surprised to learn that our actual destination was the Orkney Islands, one of the few big island that in modern times were part of Scotland.

I was really surprised when I learned Lot had never moved his household beyond the small plot of lands within the main island, but then I realized the natural defenses such a base of operations had when it came to holding against a great assault force. It was going to be tough getting some boats prepared to cross the distance between the mainland and Orkney, and that time could be easily used to create traps and ambushes for any attacks.

Not the finest setting for the conclusion of this campaign, but at least we were not getting any major resistance along the way. Sure, a couple of groups would try and put obstacles to delay the advance but… it was no longer a moment to worry about this. With most of their armies outright vanquished, there wasn't anything I should feel hard-pressed about times. And I knew that, if I rushed eagerly towards the victory, I would lead my men in taking unnecessary casualties that could be easily avoided with genuine caution.

Our advance pierced through most of the remaining territory, and we were making our way to where modern Scapa Flow was going to exist in the distant future. The men were well-fed, they weren't much tired since I would allow some several-hours long pauses in between every few kilometers and we would stop and check on the nearby settlements to see how they were faring.

Much to our surprise, most of the citizens we would find were barely making enough food to survive and some actually welcomed us as liberators without us saying anything beyond the fact we were winning against their kings. I had ignored the fact that some of the less-known villages within the region would receive less attention and support from Lot, but now I was aware of this problem and I knew this would need to be addressed once I safely made my way back home.

For now, it was time to arrive at Orkney and deal with the two rulers of this domain once and for all. It was the simplest plan, and I knew that the main issue was going to be Morgan or anything that she was going to create to delay the inevitable. I was so certain of this turn of events… and I was immensely surprised when, instead of finding Morgan trying to do a last ditch effort against my offensive… I found someone completely different.

King Lot looked quite… edgy. Not overly muscular, but his dark-blue armor with red cracks coupled with his homeless-but-not dark-colored hairstyle and beard sure brought a cringeworthy feeling to his overall appearance.

Standing behind him and matching just by a little bit the army behind me, a modest-sized banner of… skeletons and monsters. I wanted to say demons, but those didn't remind me of the Demon Boars I fought back in the Land of Shadows. They lacked the 'demonic edge' I perceived back when I was busy fighting them.

Golems? They seem a mix of organic and mechanic now that I'm close enough.

Just as I got close enough at the patiently-waiting ruler, I finally realized that there was someone crouching in pain right behind him. A young woman, a familiar woman that was bound by enchanted chains. She was blonde, she looked absolutely pissed.

What the heck is going on? Why is Morgan the weak one in this setting? A different reality? Maybe I hate some bad mushrooms when we hate a stew with some last night?

Despite my confusion over the current dynamic, I decided to walk closer and see what was the big deal over this super-dark and completely dull display of might I was looking at. So, after advancing with a small entourage made by Lancelot and the twins, I tried to see what was causing the holdup for this easy battle.

"Father," Gaheris muttered first, eyes narrowing in a glare aimed at his parent.

"King Joseph of Britannia, the bane of my people," Lot greeted with a solemn tone, ignoring his children altogether.

"King Lot of the Picts. You are… short," I returned with a bored voice.

An irked look flashed at that sudden jab, and my insult wasn't an insult to begin with. Considering the age-difference, he sure was shorter than me by more than just a couple of inches. Nonetheless, he managed to get over the cheeky remark and start with his planned monologue.

"I suppose you are shocked by seeing that, despite your best efforts to crush my strength, I still came up on top with this grandiose army," He regally pointed out and I shrugged.

"Meh, I've seen better."

"The reason why you are on the doorstep of demise is tied to your very arch-enemy's stupid expectations that I was actually completely submitted to her."

"You are not?" I asked with a genuine tone, turning to look both at the two twins and then at Lancelot. "No seriously, you are not?!"

"No. I… I was just dispassionate."

"Oh, you were submitted but then you had an epiphany after she made a mess."

"When I was young, I was promised by Uther a kingdom to call mine. One that was much better than the one I was denied back in the land of cold and sorrow that is my homeland," Lot muttered, looking at his enchanted blade with a dull glance as he turned deaf ears at my verbal attacks. "I was given an ambitious wench instead. One that, by all reasons, had the means to turn me in her permanent puppet and remove the little free will I was willing to display around such a dangerous individual."

A sigh, he shook his head as a smile appeared on his face. I felt tense as I recognized the maliciousness exuding from such a single smirk. "Yet she failed to take into account how… patient I can be. If I have to be honest, I too was surprised by myself when, in that moment of pure stupidity, the 'powerful sorceress' that now grovels on the ground foolishly granted me the chance of… doing something about our current state of marriage."

"Is there any reason why you feel the need of bragging about the fact you have been lucky?" I lamented calmly, drawing an annoyed look from the fellow monarch. "Just because you received a boost and a tiny army, it doesn't mean you are now more king than you were yesterday, Lot. Your people, suffering under your willing inaction. Your armies, shredded by a king that cowered behind a skirt."

"Your words… are so hollow, Joseph," He commented. "So empty, so unimportant… so boring."

"You are the boring one here, short Lot. Trying to look cool and epic, but really, you are heading an army of bones with a couple of cheap-looking golems," I shot back flatly. "It would have been cool if it had been Morgan since she… really don't have experience in the battlefield. You should be better than her when it comes to army compositions."

"I will allow you then to provide me some entertainment then," He continued, blatantly ignoring my pearls of wisdom. "We shall engage in a one on one battle, just the two of us and… the winner wins it all."

I… I shrugged. "Okay."

After saying that, I rushed forward, Aurea Mors easily cutting his head away from his body and ending his life- Or at least that's how I interpreted decapitating an opponent.

"A pity then," He muttered, my eyes widened as I turned around to see an absurd scenario unfolding right behind me. Lot, his neck was… regrowing into his body thanks to a dark-violet glow- Magic. I saw something shine and move towards me, and I swung back my sword to intercept his quick counter. "I will have to end you and your japes by my own accord."

What is going on here?

I easily moved around his attacks, stabbing and slashing over and through his armor. Some of the hits were meant to be deadly, capable of killing a person or at least incapacitating them on a permanent degree. Yet he withstood everything I was throwing at him and… even smiling as I proceeded to disarm him twice. Like, remove both of his arms two times in a row.

"Seriously, what the heck?"

He chuckled. "Oh… 'tis but a scratch."


I stared at Morgan, the woman still looked drained because of the magical chains keeping her hugging the floor and I gave her an angry tone.


"Then, Mr. Black Knight," I flatly rebuked. "I shall give you more than just a flesh wound."

Since he was regenerating this fast, I knew that the only way to handle this kind of issue was to… nuke it. And nuke it really hard. So I began channeling some of my energy within Aurea Mors, allowing for its main power to activate and start accumulating natural energy as I rushed towards the unsuspecting bastard.

He seemed rather calm as he failed to stop my approach with a lazy attack, but he sure looked like he was crapping his pants when I slammed my blade onto his skull. The resulting explosion, which tore a 4x5xfuckton area that extended just behind him, ended up consuming the king and a good half of his army. Morgan was spared since she was stuck on the other side of the attack, but she was granted first sight of Aurea Mors' full power as the blade's potential was manifested in a form of a powerful and dense beam of light.

The smoke settled, and I grinned when I saw that the powerful blast had torn through a large section of the ground.

How can something or someone regenerate when there was nothing to regenerate from?

The answer was, much to my eternal annoyance but immediate irritation, magic.

As if that attack did nothing, I saw a violet light suddenly recreate the body and armor of the expected dead King Lot. I frowned in growing anger at the fact nothing I had at that moment seemed to be working against him.

"Can't you see?! I have attained true immortality. Nothing can beat me, not you, not Arthur, not that pesky Merlin, and certainly not that whore of my- Gah!"

As if karma had finally taken personal offense to the bullshit that was unfolding before our eyes, Lot's cackling came to a pained end as his body tensed up just for a moment as… a golden dagger was now stabbing him in his right hip, going through his armor. I glanced briefly at the origin of that sudden intervention and I saw Morgan scoff as she tiredly regarded her husband with a scowl. The chains were gone and… and I realized that, by 'removing' Lot for just a moment, all the magic tied to him beyond his armor and his supposed-immortality, was forcefully dispelled.

The army of undead was crumbling just as soon as my eyes found Morgan's unfocused gaze, the blonde falling unconscious just as soon as she delivered that blow. The moment I looked back at Lot, I saw him shivering and convulsing, ultimately falling backward in a lifeless stillness. Shock filled my eyes as I slowly approached the body as calmly as I could, all for the sake of seeing what might have caused that sudden reaction.

But before I had the chance to check on this, I saw both knife and body starting to burn in a fiery golden fire, burning away anything that I could have tried to study and understand out of this bizarre phenomenon.

This is… really anticlimactic…

With that thought highlighting the immense disappointment I had for this finale, I started to make my way towards Morgan, glaring at her as she laid unconscious at my feet and… I picked her up. After days of contemplating what her words meant, I finally knew the truth behind it and now I had a clear idea of what to do with her.

But just as I picked her up in my arms, I couldn't help but pause at the fact that I could now notice a noticeable belly that wasn't there two days ago. Is that… a pregnant belly?

King Lot was dead, and with him came to an end the leadership of the Picts in the northern section of the British Isles. A massive celebration was established as soon as we were able to set up a camp in the area. Soldiers rejoiced since they were spared a big battle and in return they were 'blessed' to see their king fighting against the scapegoat of their anger.

Lot's death meant much more than just the establishment of my rule over these lands. It meant that I was also in a position to actually provide some assistance to Ria against her uncle and finally… leave us to handle the really big issue that remained now that it was just the two of us.

How are we supposedly meant to share power as things were now?

The query had me staying awake for the rest of the night, unable to find rest at the thought that I could end up having to take a harsh route against someone I genuinely cared about. I just couldn't imagine myself doing this, not even if it was about making 'things right'.

But just as this thought had me awake and particularly upset about the world as it was right now, I couldn't help but find another nuisance in the form of the now awake Morgan. The woman had been sneered at while she was asleep, but I personally ordered for her to be spared any violence and insult, and that she was provided chains that were meant to keep her from using magic while in my tent. While this might have sparked a couple of rumors, I was quick to remind that I had a wife back home and that the reason why I wanted her as close as she could be to me was to make sure she didn't try anything funny.

And I knew I was up for a 'funny night' when she took the first moment of being awake to lament her conditions. Restrained to a soft mattress-like surface, a cover over her body kept her warm as these nights were as freezing as those could get. I ignored her early on, hoping for her nag to not extend beyond a few childish comments and jabs. Sadly for my hopes of being blessed with some quiet, the woman took the silence as a reason to escalate things even more.

I tried to keep calm and all but… she just continued to press as much as she could about it. She was a real pest, making me doubt that this was actually the proper way of action. Maybe I should have just killed her and-

"Still afraid, still weak- but now stronger and… fearless. You really are a confusing pretender, Joseph."


What I failed to notice the more I ignored her was her own irritation growing at being met with deaf ears for so long.

"You know, it would be easier slaying me here and now instead of torturing me by making me live this boring sight."

"No," I finally answered, her interest perking at the fact I was now against putting her to death. "not yet, at least."

"Oh? Do you need my services? Could it be that you seek new magic or… something more tied to the body?"

"I want you to be put on trial and be executed after a fair judgment," I flatly replied, drawing a surprised look from her. "I will not play in your ploy."

"My… ploy?"

"Your words. The ones you used to describe me."

"Oh? Are you quivering in your boots with the unknown weight those have? Do you fear what they represent?"

"I know what they mean," I calmly addressed. "I… I've heard of those before by Ria. She told me who was known through those words."

"Truly? And you really know why I used them to address you, Joseph?"

"I'm not Uther," I replied tensely. "I'm not your father."

"And yet… the mere comparison worries you. If you are so confident, you wouldn't be this nervous," The blonde played mirthfully, a small smirk winning even though she was left in quite a difficult position. "But no, you are not Uther Pendragon. You will never be as cruel and vile as that man. Your… your link to him is the same as Lot's and others of your dress. The curse of being a King."

"What are you talking about?"

"A little known secret. The truth behind the worst nightmare a man of your status could ever be brought to handle," Morgan answered lengthily. "If you fear something that you know will endanger your standing, your first line of thought is to kill or remove the threat before it becomes too troublesome to handle. The mindset of a tyrant."

"Empty words… I didn't expect those from you Morgan. I thought you were smarter."

"Or perhaps I'm way wiser than you hope me to be. While my crown is fake and void, yours is filled with doubts and hesitation. You are but man, no matter how much you learn, how much you experience, or how much you grow."

"By that definition, there should be no kings."

"Indeed. I would love to ruin nations by removing every single leader that mankind might consider theirs," The woman pressed on. "Priests, Gods, Faes, Magicians, Witches, Kings, Queens, Emperors- I can go on eternally in how many ambitious people have dared, tried, and sometimes even succeeded in creating a country made by sheep. Made by the weak-minded. It's so easy to control and lead, but never that easy when the cattle starts to make the wrong noises."

"I will stop you here and now. I'm none of that. My people are receiving rights, they are being granted freedoms that they could only dream before my arrival," I rebuked fiercely. "But giving too much too quickly would only cause dependence to freedom, to try and create new forms of ones that would only end up establishing the uncertainty of no limitations."

"And how does that work?" She asked genuinely interested. "Too much freedom is bad?"

"Leave a toddler on the table. Don't give them orders, don't show them where their parents are… just leave them there," I explained calmly, almost forgetting who I was talking to for a brief moment. "They will not remain still, curiosity leading them to explore and grasp at the limits of what they can do in that very moment. Now, take that very toddler and put it in… nothingness. In a world where they can do everything they want without risking to remain hurt, to be scolded, to be belittled, to feel a lack of good."

"That sounds idyllic," Morgan commented quietly. "But also… quite boring."

"Many have speculated about what the meaning of life is. Many think it's all about reaching true happiness by working hard enough to be in a position to never be unhappy," I resumed with a nod. "but the truth is that, deep down, everyone wants to be unhappy once in a while. Not because it feels nice, but because… it's bad. It's a reminder that the opposite of happiness exists. I… I think I once heard of some wise man back home that used to say that life is not about being happy, but about being happy beyond the unfairness of things. To be defiant of adversities rather than be only spoon-fed good things."

"You mean we crave for pain as humans?"

"It's more like… we hate simple things. As much as we can get everything simple and make things so easy to accomplish, we also love the challenge. The hard work we have to put through to get to a specific point is what really gives worth to life. It's the fact we have to do something to make the world move. That we make a serious impact, may it be big or small to the greater scale of things."

"And you believe that… Can any steps be considered a reason to live? That you don't need any major ambition or dream to pursue true happiness."


"That's dumb."

"Yet it works. You would be surprised."

"I believe I would be horrified."

I sighed at that comment and… knowing that I broke through that little barrier between us, I had to check on a pressing issue I had remained quiet about. I stood up from my chair, Morgan gazing silently as I took a chair and brought it close to where she was resting. Her eyes were fixed at my left palm as it carefully reached for where her belly was.

"How long?"

"Six months give or take."

"That's… quite specific."

"I kept count of a unique event," She cryptically mentioned. "Do you have… any questions about it?"

"How did you hide the belly?"

"It was a simple illusion."

Of course, what was I expecting from the crafty witch?



"The baby is not an 'it'. They live within you, and thus should be considered as such."

"You are quite protective of this topic," The woman pointed out and I nodded.

"Children are a treasure, no matter where they come from," I agreed, drawing a brief flinch from the blonde. "Still, I suppose this will be Lot's last-born."


I frowned. "What?"

"It- They are not the last-born, but the first-born of someone. Someone you know very closely."

"I don't understand."

"Oh, many wouldn't understand the complexities of a pregnancy. So much that I had tried to actually not remain pregnant with this one, to try and use the father's seed for another project," Morgan explained with a sigh. "Sadly, I miscalculated the aphrodisiac's power, and I was unable to avoid this very situation from happening. At first I was disappointed in myself for failing to submit her will before being overwhelmed but… I can't go back to change this. The only curious detail that still remains with me is that she started to moan a name that wasn't her own wife's."


I couldn't help but feel like I was missing something important about what she just told me. The witch said that the father of the unborn child wasn't Lot's, and that I knew him on a personal level. I knew many men, but I couldn't see why she would go after them when there were other stronger beings in the Isles.

Wait. SHE?!

"You did what?!"

Instead of feeling shaken by my loud demand, Morgan smiled, almost basking in the shock I was displaying at that news. Everything started to rise up. Ria mentioned trying to get an heir with Guinevere through Merlin's aid, the fact that the witch's pregnancy matched with how long ago I last heard about this matter… the fact that this child wasn't Lot!

"You- You did this with- with your-"

"Magecraft was involved. I made sure that any issues tied to our similar bloodline were washed away before they had the chance of turning into the product of that forbidden union. They will only keep the best of both worlds. The greatest heir to a throne meant to host an eternal king," The blonde interrupted. "They will rule, they will-"

"Not play in this foolish game. They will not become your pawn, I refuse to allow you to do so."

"And you would deprive a mother of her child? The same in reverse?"

… "You still consider yourself a real mother, Morgan?"

Her smile faltered, anger bubbling at that indirect accusation.

"I birthed knights-"

"That you tried to use for your own plans. What kind of mother would use their own children for this? What makes you any better than your father by using them as your pawns in this petty game of yours?!"

"You-You really think it's that easy?"

"It is. You just refuse to allow that simplicity to lead you away from the sorrow," I remarked. "My words apply within logic. You seek pain as a reason to be angry at everything around you. You might be angry for good reasons, but trying to escalate this emotion all because you feel it's not strong enough to drive you through these mad ideas should tell you how much in the wrong you are."

"Shut up."

I sighed, any chances of trying to end this situation in relative peace now over.

"They will not grow by your care. They will know you only as a witch that refuses to accept the truth. They will wonder why you are so stubborn, why you would be so much of a horrible person for no good reasons," I continued to say with a serious voice. "They will hate you for what you represent, detest you for the perversion of your deeds all for the sake of something you have proven to not be worthy about."

"T-They will know who their father is," The blonde rebuked, her voice cracking as tears surprisingly started to pour at my harsh words. I would have thought that, at this point, there was nothing that could have gotten her this furious and… yet it was happening. Maybe it was the pregnancy, maybe it was

"Yes. They will. In due time and… for now, when they will be brought to this world, I will consider them my own child."


"I hate you for what you have done Morgan, but I would never hate a child for their parents' sins. The child shall be my kin, and they shall grow in a place of love and care. They will never starve for attention, and they shall learn about the world in due time and peace."

"Yet they will never be king. You would never give it to a child that isn't bound to you by blood."

"Nor I would do that if it was of my blood," I lamented calmly. "I'm just tasting the burden, and I doubt I will condemn my family to the very path yours took. I will rule and then… I will decide who will take over when I know it's my time to go."

"I… I want to hate you."

"Why… do you care?"

"Because it's my duty, not as a king, but… as a human being. I refuse to let go of my humanity, not when I know a king should also be a model for fellow humans to follow," I answered without hesitation. "I don't need to prove you anything about it, only be myself and let my natural self explain this to you through my actions."

She chuckled, her voice quiet, her tears still rolling but a calm but, surprisingly, thankful smile forming on her lips.

"I… I guess I will have to- to find a way to 'return the kindness' then."

The worst was indeed over. Despite my cautious approach over the chances of Morgan doing something while I was either asleep or distracted with other businesses, the witch actually remained a calm prisoner with little demands and requests. I decided to put her through normal food, knowing that bread and water would have hardly been enough to sustain this stage of the pregnancy.

But I sure knew now more than ever, that things weren't going to be easy. Especially when I would have to take on the duty of being the father of Arthur's greatest traitor, her own child… Mordred.