
Tale Of Too Good To Be True

Tale of a love too good to be true, too cheesy and sweet even for romance addict. Audrey is a promiscuous woman whose heart does not welcome love or affection for others than herself. Many men falls in love with her but many men failed to steal her heart. Audrey feels that she has guard her heart safely until she met him...

Penelope_Magdalene · Adolescente
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Look around you and try to find the most attractive woman near by.

We got here a lovely curvy lady wearing a black dress and an oversized designer bag -  second look will reveal to you that the bag is a knockout purchased in Chinatown - her dress is fitted to her curvy body revealing the bouncing firm breast, ass for days and that curve on the hip is to die for. Her hair is long, flowing and brown with curl on the end. Her skin fair. If you look at her face you'll see an innocent childlike face, round and serene with lips so full you can't restraint yourself from kissing it. You'll see her as this gracious, calm and kind girl but that was before you see her eyes. Her wide but piercing eyes revealed that she is anything but innocent, fancy you could even see tiger behind those hazel eyes.

My God! Those eyes will flirt with you untill your knees weaken and would soon make you her slave. Her demeanor, the way she walked is gracious, ladylike but if you get to really see her walk and carry herself, you'll see that she got swag , that there's something unrefined about her. Think of her like Marylin Monroe with the demeanor of Jennifer Lawrence.

Her name is neither Marylin nor Jennifer, it's Audrey Jones.

When you see someone beautiful as Audrey on the street you'll start to imagine what her life must have been, how does it feels to be so beautiful and attractive, does it bring her joy? Well, you're in luck, because Audrey's life is an open book if only you care to read it through.

Audrey was on her way to her office when we first spotted her. She works as an accountant at a mining company in London. As we were discussing Audrey's features she was thinking of how much she hated her job. She hated math so what was she thinking when she applied to be an accountant? Well, maybe she didn't think at all rather than that she had to take any kind of job opening.

You see, Audrey was married before. She was so young just fresh out of college when she married her then ex husband.

First of all, back story;

Audrey was born to a poor farmer in country side. She was quite happy but how happy could you be if you're poor? When you see something and want it but couldn't afford it? Would you really be happy?

Anyway, all through childhood Audrey only had one dream which is to be rich or marry a rich man. They say you should be careful of what you wish for because for Audrey her wish do come true.

In college she met Edward, his family owned the majority shares of one prestigious and profitable car brand (I will not reveal the said brand in case you'll make an inquiry after Edward and decided to take revenge for what he did to our beloved Audrey). In short he was mighty rich and at the time of their dating Edward was nothing but a romantic gentleman. In hindsight there were numerous red flags about him but when you're blinded by the bling you won't be able to see the thing.

Audrey thought him as a jackpot thus immediately secured his affection and his will to marry her. After she graduated they were married. Edward's parents were anything but kindness and generosity itself, they bought them a mansion in Devon as a wedding present and there they lived with their maids and butler and whatnot. But Audrey's happiness didn't last long, a month into the marriage she started to question her decision, three months into the marriage she started to doubt the whole set up, well after six months of marriage she decided that she would leave Edward.

Why you ask? Well, Edward was a man-child. He practically thought that marriage meant that he got a personal slave who is obliged to his every whim. He was the most stupid and rudest of man. You'll hear stories about Edward from Audrey herself later on but for now the main thing about Edward is that he is a spoiled little man.

So, Audrey being a smart girl pretended to attend Edward with the utmost care of a nanny-wife while at the same time coaxing him for more allowances and presents preferably jewelry. A year into the crappy marriage, Audrey managed to save enough money to run away and run away she did.

She has been living in London for the past 6 months now and are having an affair with a divorced man.

Life is good for Audrey as her smile getting brighter every day.