
Tale of mystic love

Prince of City Princess of Nature earth One is getting ready for his burial ceremony, one just started to live go the fullest. When love blooms, will they try to change their cursed fate?

Beauty_Devil_4881 · Fantasía
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31 Chs

#22 The battle starts

In the grand ceremony, each Prince and Princess showcased their regality, presenting gifts that reflected their kingdoms' richness and heritage. After nearly an hour of these noble displays, King Hongdi declared a brief respite for preparation, granting the royal attendees the opportunity to explore the palace.

Seizing this chance, Xiaobo clandestinely ventured to the palace garden, where Princess Cui and Prince Lui engaged in a discreet conversation. The political intricacies were apparent, as even though they held titles of Prince and Princess, their origins in different kingdoms meant they needed to be cautious.

The enigmatic Lui Jing Army, led by both Cui Jing and Lui Xiang, is oneof the most formidable and strong army. But what put Lui Xiang and Cui Jing in dilemma is the Xiaoing army -a power dynamic army which demanded a cautious approach.

XIAOING ARMY- A colossal entity boasting a manpower of a million, the Xiaoing army had etched its name in history by conquering vast territories. Their reputation as a bulwark against tyrannical rulers resonated, as they had toppled kingdoms that had oppressed their subjects.

The Xiaoing army, however, wasn't just known for its military might; it was the mystery surrounding the identities of its leaders that captivated the imaginations of courtiers and commoners alike.

The general and vice general, orchestrators of strategic brilliance, obscured their faces from public view, creating an aura of mystique. Rumors abounded – were they divine emissaries, disfigured individuals, or beings with demonic prowess? The answers eluded everyone, adding an air of intrigue to the unfolding drama.

The Xiaoing army's prowess was exemplified in a legendary feat, where the leader and vice captain, facing a formidable force of a hundred soldiers, emerged victorious with unparalleled finesse. The vice captain, known for his swift and agile movements, glided across the battlefield like a specter on ice during close combat, leaving adversaries in awe.

The leaders' commitment to anonymity persisted even during formal peace negotiations, creating an enigma that fueled speculation and gossip. The palace, a stage for both political machinations and martial prowess, bore witness to a captivating drama, where the masked leaders of Xiaoing held the reins of power in their gloved hands.

"Again thinking about those two?" inquired Cui, her curiosity evident in the arch of her brow.

"Absolutely! They left an indelible mark on my mind. Meeting them would be fascinating – hearing their story, unraveling the mystery behind their success. Imagine, back then a modest group of only 1000 followers, yet they've conquered numerous states and lands. Their organization boasts specialized sections for defense, attack, spies, and more," Lui Xiang enthused with a gleam in his eyes.

Cui Jing, who had grown accustomed to Lui Xiang's fascination with the enigmatic leaders, couldn't help but roll her eyes. "I've heard this countless times – your desire to challenge and befriend them. Spare me the repetition. By the way, where is the Second Prince? We've been waiting here for ages!" Impatience laced her words, fueled not only by the delay but also by the presence of Xiaobo, particularly the intriguing boy standing beside him. Since their encounter, she had been eagerly anticipating Xiaobo's arrival to inquire about the mysterious companion.

As if on cue, Xiaobo emerged, accompanied by Lian. In the complex dynamics of the royal gathering, Princes and Princesses were granted the liberty to bring as many attendants as they wished, and the Second Prince had gone relatively unnoticed in the commotion of the event.

Sorry for being late. I had to make some preparations before coming," Xiaobo apologized with a graceful bow.

"It's okay. Tell us, why did you want to meet us?" inquired Cui Jing, her gaze direct and curious.

Xiaobo, meeting her gaze, posed a counter-question, "May I ask why you agreed to meet me?" His eyes focused on Cui Jing, seeking an answer.

"Well, maybe to taste some tea of the Palace. What do you think?" Lui interjected with a mischievous glint in his eye.

Xiaobo, smirking slightly, reciprocated with a bow, "I hope you are not disappointed

Unexpectedly, in a display of both surprise and amusement, Lui Xiang tossed a small cup of tea toward Xiaobo with considerable force. The tea lightly spilled on Xiaobo's shoulder, but the cup, along with the remaining contents, crashed to the ground, leaving only a stain on his attire.

"Oh! Sorry, my hand slipped," Lui nonchalantly apologized. Seizing the moment, Lui Xiang approached Xiaobo, whispering, "I am not disappointed with the tea."

Meeting Xiaobo's gaze with a nod, Lui Xiang patted his shoulder, concluding with a cryptic, "See you in the game," before departing with Cui Jing. Xiaobo released a deep sigh, acknowledging the successful execution of his plan.

As Lui Xiang and Cui Jing found a moment alone, Cui Jing fixed a scrutinizing gaze on Lui, raising an eyebrow inquisitively.

"What?" questioned Lui.

"You saw that, right? Xiaobo deliberately moved a little away. If he were an ordinary person, the entire tea would have spilled on his attire. But he skillfully maneuvered to minimize the spillage, showcasing a level of precision that suggests he knows martial arts. His evasion was too accurate for an ordinary individual," Cui Jing observed keenly.

"You're absolutely right, Cui. That's precisely why I find him intriguing. There's more to Xiaobo than meets the eye. He's undoubtedly concealing something significant from everyone," Lui responded, his curiosity piqued by the calculated and skillful actions of the enigmatic Xiaobo.

The preparation of ceremony was all down. All the Prince and Princess were gathered around the big ground at the back of palace where games, fighting areas are present. Today was a day where all the Prince and Princess will be given a chance to show their talent. They will fight, winner choose their oppponent. It was merely a show to allows you to represent the strength of oneself as well as the state.The first game was swords fighting to test the core strength and agility of a person. Lui Xiang volunteers to be the first one to fight. The refree then selects another person to fight -Li Qiang, a soldier under training.

Lui Xiang engaged in a fierce combat alongside a skilled warrior. The clash of blades echoed through the air, drawing the attention of the spectators. Their coordinated movements displayed a rare harmony, a testament to their formidable skills.

As the battle reached its climax, Lui Xiang successfully overpowered his opponent, emerging victorious. The crowd erupted in cheers, impressed by their synchronized prowess. With a nod of mutual respect, Lui Xiang and Li Qiang acknowledged each other's skills.

The arena's master stepped forward, addressing the triumphant duo. "Lui Xiang, you have proven yourselves in this remarkable display of martial arts. As winner, you now have the authority to choose your opponent for the next round."

Lui Xiang surveyed the arena, his gaze thoughtful. Amidst the expectant hush of the crowd, he raised his hand, pointing towards Xiaobo, the second Prince who was known as weak and was bullied by even mere servants in the palace.

Murmurs spread through the audience like wildfire. "Why choose someone seemingly weaker?" whispered onlookers, puzzled by Lui Xiang's unexpected decision.

As Xiaobo stepped into the arena, the atmosphere shifted. Lui Xiang faced him with a determined expression, a silent acknowledgment of the challenge ahead. Xiaobo, though surprised by the selection, approached with a confident demeanor.

Xiaobo and Lui engaged in a duel of blades, the rhythmic clashing echoing through the strong winds.Casual observers might have perceived Xiaobo's swordplay as lackluster, an odd juxtaposition to the intensity of such a confrontation. However, Lui Xiang, a seasoned swordsman with years of refined expertise, discerned a subtle brilliance beneath Xiaobo's seemingly feeble maneuvers.As the two circled each other,with the sun blazing harshly on them,the audience, though enthralled, remained oblivious to the silent dialogue transpiring between these skilled adversaries. Lui's discerning eyes traced the lines of Xiaobo's every move, recognizing the deliberate restraint in his technique—a calculated act of concealment that piqued Lui's curiosity.

The crowd gathered around, cheering for their favorite contender.

As Lui's confidence soared, he seized the moment and with a sudden surge of energy, he executed a series of perfectly timed combos, turning the tide of the fight. Xiaobi was dodging ever strike with ease which did not went unnoticed by Xiang. Cheers turned to gasps as onlookers witnessed the unexpected twist in the match.

But just as victory seemed within Lui Xiang's grasp, Xiaobo leaned over and whispered something to Lui, a secret strategy divulged in the heat of battle. Lui's eyes widened, and for a split second, uncertainty clouded his focus. He stood their like bewitched by something.

In that moment of distraction, Xiaobo capitalized on the element of surprise, delivering a decisive finishing move. The game declared him the winner, and the room erupted in a mix of applause and disbelief.

As they both caught their breath, Lui turned to Xiaobo, puzzled. "What did you say? Do you even know what you just said !! "

Xiaobo grinned, a mastermind reveling in the thrill of the unexpected. "Sometimes, victory is not just in the fight, but in the strategic dance of words that accompanies it. Let's meet outside the palace".

As both of them settled back to their places, the refree was going to announce the next battle opponents when a cold wind swept through the area, carrying with it an otherworldly chill. Dark clouds gathered overhead, casting a shadow upon the battlefield.

Xiaobo, now sitting on the chair frowned seeing the change in atmosphere, wiped the sweat from his brow, weariness evident in his eyes. By his side, Lian, pat his shoulder offering a comforting presence. Yuze, ever vigilant, stood behind Princess Zhi, who observed the aftermath with a mix of relief and concern.

The temperature dropped further, and an unnatural coldness enveloped the scene. The once-clear air now carried an unsettling weight. It was as if the very elements bore witness to the intense battle that had unfolded.

Suddenly, a swirling black smoke materialized, coiling upwards to form the spectral figure of a man. The figure clutched a sinister-looking scythe, its presence casting a shiver down the spines of those present. The air crackled with an otherworldly energy as the dark apparition hovered menacingly above the ground.

Prince Lui Xinag, a portrait of regal composure, exchanged a glance with Xiaobo, their eyes conveying a shared understanding of the impending threat. Yuze tightened his grip on his weapon, ready to defend if anything happens against this unexpected manifestation.

The spectral figure, its form solidifying in the midst of the darkened clouds, seemed to emanate an ominous aura. The cold wind intensified, causing the leaves to rustle in a haunting symphony.

Amidst the growing tension on the battlefield, the eunuch and the general swiftly rallied the soldiers, their urgent commands slicing through the air. The army, now facing an unforeseen supernatural threat, formed a protective barrier, ready to confront the black-clad entity that materialized with ominous intent.

As the soldiers assembled, Xiaobo's gaze shifted from the unfolding spectacle to Lian, his beloved, who sat beside him on the chair. The cold wind seemed to have an intensified effect on her, her delicate frame shivering noticeably. Xiaobo's concern deepened as he noticed her face turning red, a telltale sign that something was amiss.

"Are you alright, Lian?" Xiaobo inquired, his voice tinged with worry. Yet, before Lian could respond, Xiaobo's attention was drawn to Yuze, the seemingly stoic warrior standing behind Princess Zhi. Despite his composed exterior, Xiaobo discerned a subtle shiver beneath Yuze's stern facade.

A knot tightened in Xiaobo's stomach. Lian's nature as a flower fairy explained her vulnerability to supernatural forces, but Yuze, a human, shouldn't be affected. A flicker of realization crossed Xiaobo's mind. Was there more to Yuze than met the eye? Could he be more than just a human?

The battlefield became a stage for dual battles – one against the menacing entity, and another within Xiaobo's thoughts, wrestling with questions about the true nature of those around him.

As the dark clouds continued to swirl, the black-clad entity seemed to solidify its form. The demon, emanating an unsettling aura, extended its malevolent influence beyond the physical realm. It spoke with a voice that echoed like distant thunder, addressing both the King and the assembled humans.

"Feeble mortals," the demon's voice resonated, "your existence teeters on the edge of oblivion. Witness the might of the shadows that engulf your feeble world. The King, undeterred by the demonic proclamation, stood resolute, issuing orders to bolster the soldiers' resolve. However, the demon's influence was not confined to mere intimidation. Lian's shivering intensified, and Yuze, though stoic, couldn't fully conceal the subtle tremors betraying his human façade.

Seizing the opportunity, Xiaobo turned to Lui, a trusted ally in this enigmatic battle. With a shared understanding, they coordinated their efforts. Lui, a master of ancient arts, joined forces with Xiaobo, combining their skills to weave an intricate dance of movements.Together, Xiaobo and Lui initiated an ancient ritual, their movements synchronized like a delicate ballet. Whispers of ancient incantations floated through the air, countering the demonic resonance that sought to dominate the battlefield. Their combined strength created a protective barrier, a radiant shield that repelled the encroaching darkness.

As the ritual unfolded, Lian's shivering began to subside, and Yuze's stoic demeanor gradually steadied. The demon, confronted by the unexpected alliance of Xiaobo and Lui, recoiled against the tide of ancient energies. The battlefield became a battleground not just for swords, but for the clash of supernatural forces.

With a final surge of power, Xiaobo and Lui expelled the demon's influence, dispelling the dark clouds and restoring an eerie calm to the moonlit night. The soldiers, released from the malevolent grip, stared in awe at the triumphant duo who had vanquished the otherworldly threat.

Amidst the aftermath, Xiaobo turned to Lian, relief washing over him as her complexion returned to normal. The enigma of Yuze's hidden nature lingered, but for now, the battlefield stood quiet, with the echo of ancient incantations fading into the night.

Lian, still puzzled by the sudden appearance of the demon, glances at Xiaobo with a furrowed brow. "Why did a demon suddenly appear today?" she asks, her voice filled with concern.

Xiaobo sighs, "That's one of the many questions haunting me. All of a sudden, talks about some existence, of someone? What was all that?"

Lian leans in, her voice hushed, "Did you tell Prince Lui?"

Xiaobo hesitates before responding, "Hmm... Let's see what happens. Are you feeling better now?" he asks, a genuine concern in his eyes. Lian nods, grateful for the support.

As they exit the palace, still holding hands, Lui Xiang observes their departure discreetly. He approaches them cautiously, his presence unnoticed by the bustling palace life. "Xiaobo, we need to talk," Lui says, his voice low to avoid attracting attention.

Xiaobo, surprised by Lui's sudden appearance, nods in agreement. "What's on your mind, Prince Lui?"

Lui glances around, ensuring privacy. "How do you know that I knew the rituals about driving demons away? "

"Not only that. I also know that to completely perform the ritual you need a comrade who can help you" Said Xiaobo.

"But due to this your facade is thrown off. The ritual can be only be completed when a comrade having strength equivalent to mine is present. That means you know martisl arts and sword skills. " Said Lui Xiang.

"Oops, my bad. But no one suspected me other than you" Said Xiaobo. Lui smirks but nods later with a smile.

"And bring Princess Cui along with you. She is the one needed the most. At' Feast from the east' resturant, at 9 " Said Xiaobo and went away towards Lian.

As Xiaobo walks away towards Lian, he can't help but wonder about the unexpected demon encounter and the mysterious existence it hinted at. Lian, sensing his thoughts, intertwines her fingers with his, and they continue through the palace grounds, contemplating the unknown that lies ahead.