
Commencement of the summit

Mabel persisted in her questions probing deeper into the intricacies of imperial politics. "The public has a right to know, Jaegar. The empire holds a significant influence over magical societies. Can you assure them that your connection to the throne won't compromise the integrity of the summit?"

Jaegar stayed silent as he could hear the shutter sounds of the cameras. He looked at the woman, who was staring at him like he was some object for her to play with. His patience was wearing thin, and he would slap the hell out of the woman, but he shouldn't do that. He let out a heavy sigh.

Jaegar, with a calm demeanour, replied, "My connection to the throne is a part of who I am, but it doesn't define my actions. The summit is about cooperation, understanding, and showcasing the prowess of different magical academies. I am here as a representative of Cledwarys Academy, committed to the success of the summit."