
After effects

Sensing the tension in the room, Diana, who had been quietly observing, placed her hand gently on Jaegar's thigh, a silent signal for him to remain calm. 


Jaegar let out a heavy sigh, his emotions seemingly conflicting. "Seeing my mom there, captured by them," he explained, "I couldn't control my anger, and I lashed out."


He was angry so much that he didn't care for anything at that time. He only stopped after they arrived, and his aunt was pleading with him so much that he didn't want to escalate it any further, so he just left with her. 


Charlize leaned forward, understanding the weight of the situation. "It's understandable," she consoled, "but we've had to deal with the repercussions of your actions all these days. I would have preferred to eliminate them and be done with it, but it would have caused problems if the Ministry were to know of it." 


"Are you staying?" asked Jaegar.