
Tale's of Yonus- The Chaos Chronicles

This my First Novel, so if you see any mistakes please point them out. Every Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 A.M EST --------- In the ever-shifting realm of Yonus, the fabric of reality is constantly under siege, twisted and contorted by those wielding unimaginable power. Over time, the populace has grown accustomed to this unsettling state of flux, adapting to the unpredictable nature of their world. However, the arrival of a new era shatters the fragile peace they've come to accept. From the depths of the cosmos, unfathomable horrors descend upon Yonus, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. These otherworldly abominations, once beyond the realm of mortal comprehension, now roam freely, spreading chaos and despair across the land. In the face of such overwhelming threats, the denizens of Yonus are forced to retreat to fortified enclaves, clinging to the hope of survival. Yet, amidst the despair, a flicker of defiance ignites in the hearts of the brave few who dare to challenge the encroaching darkness. As the battle for the fate of their world rages on, alliances are forged, secrets unearthed, and heroes rise from the ashes of destruction. With every passing moment, the stakes grow higher, and the line between salvation and annihilation blurs. In this gripping tale of courage and resilience, the destiny of Yonus hangs in the balance, teetering on the brink of oblivion. Will the inhabitants muster the strength to reclaim their homeland and banish the encroaching terrors, or will they be consumed by the relentless tide of chaos? --- The image is made by AI

TrueVoid45 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
29 Chs

Chapter 15 Yuki

Blake was the first to ask a question something that had been on his mind "Miss Xirenia if Jaylen was born with a dragon bloodline how come he doesn't give off Dragon fear."

Miss Xirenia nodded in acknowledgment of Blake's question, her expression thoughtful as she considered her response. "Well, that's exactly because Jaylen's bloodline is in slumber," she began, her voice measured as she sought to clarify the intricacies of bloodline activation. "If it were to be awakened, he would have to spend a considerable amount of time learning to control his dragon fear."

She paused for a moment, allowing her words to sink in before continuing. "The only person in this room who would be immune to it would be Yuki, whose bloodline is of a similar grade." Her words emphasized not only the rarity of such a bloodline but also its potency, highlighting the exceptional strength possessed by both Jaylen and Yuki's bloodlines.

With her explanation complete, Miss Xirenia glanced around the classroom, inviting further questions or comments from her students.

Miss Xirenia nodded in acknowledgment of Samantha's question, her lips curling into a faint smile. "Well, good question, Samantha," she began, her tone conveying both appreciation for the inquiry and a hint of anticipation for what was to come. "I'll tell you, but I won't go fully in depth; we'll cover that tomorrow since it's important."

With a swift gesture, the holographic display shifted once more, revealing a visual representation of the different grades of bloodlines. "Well, bloodlines are sorted by grade," Miss Xirenia explained, her voice clear and authoritative. "Each grade is determined by the rarity of the race or creature it's from and the purity based on the origin race."

Pointing to the display, she continued, "The grades, in order of weakest to strongest, are Basic, Uncommon, Rare, Unique, Legendary, Prime, Mythical, and finally, Primordial." Her words emphasized the hierarchical structure of bloodlines, with each grade representing a significant level of power and rarity.

"I myself have a Mythical bloodline," Miss Xirenia added, a note of pride evident in her voice as she shared this detail with her students. "I would also like to mention that even if you don't have a high-grade bloodline, there are still levels to bloodlines in each grade," she concluded, ensuring that her students understood the nuances of bloodline classification.

As Miss Xirenia surveyed the class roster, her gaze shifting between the students and the holographic display, she began to relay the distribution of bloodlines within the classroom. "Let's see," she started, her voice carrying across the room, "there are 50 people in this class. The majority have basic-grade bloodlines, a few have uncommon and rare. No one has a unique bloodline. One person has a legendary bloodline. Two have a prime bloodline, and two people's bloodlines are unidentified. They are Jaylen and Yuki. Their bloodlines are still in slumber."

With the information conveyed, Miss Xirenia turned her attention to the clock, noting the dwindling time. As the lights began to flicker back on and the holoscreen disappeared, she addressed the class once more. "We are almost out of time, so I'll tell you about what type of bloodline fits in each grade next class. For now, you can prepare for your next class. The teacher will be here shortly,"

With those final words, Miss Xirenia vanished into thin air with a fiery blaze, leaving the students to prepare for their upcoming lessons and practical class, their minds buzzing with newfound knowledge and anticipation for what lay ahead.

Lost in his own thoughts, Jaylen's gaze drifted aimlessly as the chatter of his classmates filled the air. His eyes appeared vacant, his mind consumed by the weight of his dormant bloodline. 'This damned bloodline…' he mused silently, his inner monologue a tumultuous whirlwind of frustration and confusion. 'Hmp, what's the point of it being so great if it can't be used? I would rather have the bloodline of my family. And what grade even is it?'

His brooding thoughts were abruptly interrupted as his field of vision was filled with light blue hair. Startled, Jaylen blinked, snapping out of his reverie and hastily straightening his posture. "Yuki... w-what do you need?" he stammered, the surprise evident in his voice.

Yuki's demeanor remained cold as she looked towards him, her words devoid of emotion. "Jaylen, when break starts, I would like to talk to you," she stated simply, her gaze unwavering.

"Huh?" Jaylen's bewilderment was palpable, his mind racing to process Yuki's unexpected request. He had only glimpsed her from a distance since his time unconscious, and they had never interacted again. Collecting himself, Jaylen quickly responded, "I mean, sure, yeah. Where would you like to talk?"

"Hmm... meet me at Libra Garden," she instructed, her tone carrying a sense of finality.

"Alright, I'll see you there then," Jaylen affirmed, his voice tinged with a hint of curiosity.

Yuki continued, her words sending a chill down Jaylen's spine. "Also, I've invited Brandon and Sarah, but I told them to show up a bit late so that I could first talk to you," she finished, a mocking smile playing on her lips as she walked away, leaving Jaylen with unanswered questions swirling in his mind.

As Yuki departed, the next teacher entered the classroom, her presence announced with a new sense of authority. "Alright, everyone, take your seats. I'm Miss Erica, and I'll be your primary magic teacher for the year. I am also the teacher for Virgo Year 1."

But Jaylen barely registered the teacher's words as he was once again consumed by his thoughts. 'This will be the final time,' he resolved inwardly, his determination firm. 'I don't care anymore. Yuki, this will be the last time I treat you as my friend or anything else.'

As break began, Jaylen steeled himself for the confrontation ahead and set off towards the Libra Garden. With each step, his determination grew, his resolve shining through with an inner strength that seemed to radiate from him. To any observer, it would have seemed as though he was marching off to war, his purpose clear and unwavering.

Walking through the garden, Jaylen passed by rows of trees and vibrant arrays of flowers, each color more captivating than the last. The soft murmur of a nearby stream added to the tranquility of the scene, guiding Jaylen towards the center of the garden.

Upon his arrival, however, Jaylen's determination faltered in the face of an unexpected sight. Standing beneath a majestic willow tree was Yuki, her light blue hair gently swaying in the breeze. Her red eyes, normally cold and aloof, carried an unexpected warmth as she gazed upon the flowers in front of her.

Caught in a daze by the beauty of the moment, Jaylen couldn't help but speak aloud, his voice filled with wonder. "How beautiful." The sight of Yuki, framed by the serene surroundings of the garden, left him momentarily breathless, his resolve momentarily forgotten in the face of such tranquility.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Jaylen forced himself to regain his focus as he approached Yuki. 'Come on, Jaylen, she may be beautiful, but remember what you are here for,' he reminded himself sternly, determined not to get distracted again.

Standing next to her, Jaylen waited in silence, his resolve firm. It was Yuki who spoke first, her voice soft as she remained fixated on the flowers before her. "Ya know, even with all that happened, these are still my favorite flowers," she confessed.

Glancing over her shoulder, Jaylen's gaze fell upon the distinctive blooms, instantly recognizing them by their unique features. "A Platinum Rose," he murmured.

"Yep" Yuki's response was measured, her gaze steady as she fixed her eyes upon Jaylen. Though her smile was still present, its warmth had dimmed, replaced by a complex mixture of emotions.

"Every time I look at these flowers," she began, her voice soft yet resolute, "it reminds me that deep down, my feelings for you haven't changed." Her words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of their shared history and unspoken truths. "So I tried to think up a reasonable way for us to both be happy together, but I couldn't escape the past."

With a steadying breath, Yuki continued, her tone tinged with regret. "We can't go back to how we were, not as friends nor as lovers. I'm... sorry." Her admission was heartfelt, each word carrying the weight of their shared history and the realization that their paths had diverged irreparably.

"Why are you apologizing?" Jaylen breathed, his voice filled with tenderness, his gaze soft as he looked at Yuki, his body trembled slightly.

Yuki's expression remained solemn as she responded, her voice carrying a hint of remorse. "Because when we were younger, we always talked about who would marry whom among us four before we met her. It was always me and you together, while Brandon and Sarah would be together. And that's become true, and I should be happy that I get to be with you, but I... can't."

Jaylen Responded, his tone tinged with pain. "I understand. But—" he began, only to be cut off by Yuki's voice, her words laced with anguish.

"No, you don't... What happened back then, it plays in my mind like a broken record. I don't think you will ever understand what it's like to watch one of your best friends die like that over and over in your memories," she confessed, her voice trembling with emotion.

"I.." Jaylen's response was halted as a voice interrupted their conversation, breaking the heavy atmosphere that hung between them. "Heyo, guys, we're here." 

Turning to the new arrivals, Yuki's demeanor shifted, her smile becoming warm and welcoming. "Sarah, Brandon, you're here," she greeted them, her tone lightening with their presence.

"Yeah, sorry. We weren't sure if we should have come over now or later. Did we interrupt anything?" Sarah asked, offering Yuki a hug before stepping back.

"Nope, you're just in time," Yuki reassured them, her smile brightening at their arrival.

"Hey, Yuki, how have you been?" Brandon interjected, holding his hand out for a handshake.

Smacking his hand out of the way playfully, Yuki enveloped Brandon in a warm hug before answering, "I'm good. How are you?"

"I'm doing alright, thanks for asking," Brandon responded, a smile spreading across his face as he stepped back from the embrace.

Watching the exchange between Yuki and Brandon, Sarah couldn't contain her joy. Her smile grew wide, resembling that of someone who had just tasted the sweetest candy, her eyes twinkling with delight at their interactions.

Yuki, noticing Sarah's expression, couldn't help but inquire, "Hmm... what's wrong, Sarah?"

"Hm, oh, it's nothing. It's just that it's the first time all of us have been in the same place since we were kids," Sarah replied, a hint of nostalgia crossing her eyes.

"Yeah, it's been a while since we all talked," Yuki acknowledged, her own nostalgia tempered by a sense of solemnity. Her gaze hardened as she continued, "But this is the last time it will be us four as friends."

"Huh, what do you mean? Do you not see us as friends anymore?" Sarah asked, her voice calm but with a simmering anger beneath her demeanor.

"No, that's not the case," Yuki retorted, attempting to clarify the misunderstanding.

"Then what is, Yuki?" Sarah snapped back, her anger fully on display now.

Taking a deep breath to compose herself, Yuki clarified, "I'll still be friends with you and Brandon, but Jaylen, on the other hand, I refuse." Her gaze shifted towards Jaylen, her eyes filled with unmistakable hatred.

"YUKI!" Sarah's voice reverberated through the air after hearing Yuki's words. "Are you still caught up about what happened back then? You should know better than anyone that what happened wasn't Jaylen's fault."

"Sarah, calm down," Jaylen interjected, his voice calm but firm as he attempted to keep the peace.

"No, why should I? In fact, you should be angry too. It's not your fault, so why are you two so insistent on holding on so deeply to the past?" Sarah snapped back, her frustration evident as she grew tired of her friends' constant animosity towards each other.

"Sarah, please," Jaylen pleaded, his tone imploring.

"Arrgh." With a frustrated grunt, Sarah relented, her anger palpable as she walked over to a nearby tree and punched a hole in it in a burst of frustration.

"Sigh... Brandon, do you think you could..." Jaylen trailed off, his gaze shifting to Brandon, silently asking for his assistance in calming Sarah down. Without a word, Brandon nodded, understanding the silent request, and moved to comfort Sarah.

Jaylen turned back to Yuki, his voice clear of any emotion as he asked, "Then why go through all of this? You could've just kept your distance if you didn't want to associate with me. Also, why don't you just break off the engagement? That way, we would never have to see each other after we graduate."

Shaking her head, Yuki sighed. "Jaylen, while I will not associate with you, I will not break the engagement. Not until I prove that the engagement is useless."

As Yuki began to walk away, she continued, her steps steady but purposeful. "We might need to stand united, but that doesn't mean we need to be married."

Just as Yuki's figure began to disappear, Brandon called out to her, his voice carrying a weight of wisdom inherited from his grandfather. "Yuki, my grandfather told me these words after the incident. He said, 'The past is a chain that holds ever so tight. Those who cling to it risk suffocating the present and shackling the future.'"

Yuki paused and turned, her gaze meeting Brandon's from the corner of her eye, before continuing forward, her resolve unyielding.

"Jaylen," Brandon called out while holding a slightly pacified Sarah.

"Yeah, Brandon?" Jaylen responded, still looking off in the direction Yuki had left.

"Let's talk about this later. I need to go calm Sarah down completely before next class," Brandon suggested, his tone indicating the urgency of the situation.

"Alright, then. I'll see you later," Jaylen said, understanding the need for privacy, as he began to walk away, leaving Sarah and Brandon to sort things out.

Chapter End

{A/N} For those who have been reading along I would like to apologize, After writing this chapter and putting in the grades for the bloodlines i realized that this could have spoiled a key part of the story. So if it did Sorry. [small bow from author]

TrueVoid45creators' thoughts