
Taking Responsibility for Now II

"To make things clear, I don't believe you. With how you put things forward, there's no way I could; however, despite all your wrongs, the possibility of "that" being true in this given situation still exist even if it is incredibly low, hence… I will take the risk for a less appalling outcome," Kwon Chung-Hee explained nonchalantly, he had to leave her things clear.

"…" Nam Ha-Eun didn't reply him back, thinking to herself, 'Ahh-, why does this feel so wrong?'

Seeing her not even turning back, he added dismissingly, "This is not the place and neither the time to speak about this. I will be at my Mansion in the night, you can head there if you still want to discuss things forward."

'Uwah, how can he be so composed… so this is how a CEO solves its problems… No, I'm sure it isn't. I have never felt this small in front of anyone before…

'So unpleasant,' she thought before reassuming her steps without answering him.



"The little intruder is finally out?"

'Little?' Because her pride had been badly shaken the wrong… or was it in the good way just now, her temperament had cooled down as she was in a bad mood. Hence, when she turned around to face the person who had questioned her so frivolously, her grey eyes were sharp and icy.

"Your expression is ever changing, isn't it?" The person was no other than the sunny Kwon Chin-Mae whose mouth had opened to taunt her yet again at the sight of her frozen semblance.

"Not really.

"If you may excuse me," whether it was because her blood had cooled or because only Kwon Chung-Hee could stir her up, she didn't get angry but neither did she put her smiling front; she answered him nonchalantly, bowed and headed to the elevator without stopping once.



Hours later…

In front of the gate of a big mansion, a young woman wearing a sun hat, brown sunglasses, a plain white t-shirt and close-fitted blue jeans, stretched her arm to press the silver button of the doorbell.





"Good afternoon. I'm Nam Ha-Eun and..."



"Please come in.

"Sir Kwon has already spoken to us of your visit Miss Nam."

"Ahh, thank you."

Nam Ha-Eun replied to the old woman in the dark gold interphone's screen with a taken aback smile before proceeding to enter through the dark gold metallic gate of Kwon Chung-Hee's well-known main mansion. Though she had taken some hours in coming to his mansion because she had changed to a set of more comfortable clothes, she had still arrived pretty quickly; it had been a surprise came to know that as busy as his agenda was, Kwon Chung-Hee had already informed she will be coming, saving her the trouble and the loss of time that brings any sort of explanation or play.