
Take Responsibility, Mr. CEO I

The sky of Seoul was clear today, cloudless and with a bright golden sun hanging up. However, for the young lady whose beauty had been hidden by her plain secretary style in front of Ceux Electronics Head Office Building seemed to be the worst stormy day.

Her trimmed arched black eyebrows were furrowed and she was gritting her pearly teeth as she locked her greyish eyes at the building's entrance. Her bad mood was pretty evident and this lasted a good while.

At length, she took a deep breath, loosening only her right fist as her left hand was gripping hard a black leather portfolio. She rubbed her forehead, arranged her red glasses without graduated lenses and then, she tidied up the tufts of black hair that were coming out of her high bun before walking towards the entrance.

"Ufh, so nervous," she said before entering.

"Good afternoon."

"… good afternoon lady," the two security guards posted at the entrance greeted back the lady who seemed worried sick. At first, they were suspicious of her as she had been glaring in their direction for quite the time but by what they saw just now, she was probably some sort of new employee and nothing to worry about.

'1. Pass the entrance: Success, now...' She didn't stop one bit and walked all the way to one of the elevators at the end of the hallway; the second biggest to her right.

That elevator was used by the common employees and didn't have an elevator lady. The one in the middle, the biggest one, was the only one that had one while the smallest, which was at the left corner, was used by the cleaning staff and internal messengers.

Once inside the elevator, she pressed the golden and biggest button atop the three rows of four small golden buttons.

As she was by herself, she was able to finally give herself time to appreciate the design inside; the walls were silver with a big golden horizontal band in the middle and there was a mirror at the back with a vertical cut right at the centre, 'How strange...' she thought as she caressed the cut.

*Bing* When people began to enter, she stopped looking around and just waited with closed eyes.

*Bing, swosh, bing...* Time passed and she began to grow impatient, waiting wasn't her forte in spite of she being good at making people wait for her; she began to tap her left arm with her index right finger, 'You have to do it. No matter if you want or not, this is something you must do...

'-... Hah, now what's left is you having a child out of wedlock...' she gritted her teeth when she remembered the words of her father, 'By any means I can't let that happen but why...' unconsciously, her high heels also began a tapping motion against the floor, 'why he had to be a CEO...

'Such an awful karma, what screwed fate.

'No matter how much I run, it came chasing me in the most twisted way...'

*Tap, tap...*


"Excuse me, are you not getting off here?"


"This is the last floor before it..."

"Ah, yes.

"Thank you," she replied to a red-haired young man of brown eyes when she saw that it was indeed the truth.

The young man whose answer was interrupted smiled her back.

Both came out of the elevator together.

She didn't spare a glance to the elegant and clear layout of the floor and walked right to the reception.

"Good afternoon, My Iseul." As she was about to open her mouth speak to the secretary, the red-haired young man greeted her first with an overly warm expression.

The secretary had a silver rectangular pin with the word 'Baek' written. She was an icy beauty of brown hair and dark eyes.

Seeing who it was she just nodded at him in reply before going back to stare at the screen in front of her.

"Awh, so cold." The young man laughed, shrugging his shoulders and continuing his way to the presidential office.

Without noticing it, she found herself staring at the back of the young man she had barely met till he went pass the big carved wooden doors.

"Ah, good afternoon," she introduced herself when she came back to her senses, "I'm Cha Hwa-Young from YY Fabrics.

"We were scheduled a date in two minutes. Manager Park had a..."

"I understand, a moment please," Secretary Baek Iseul replied after just getting the gist of the situation.

The woman in a plain secretary attire who addressed herself as Cha Hwa-Young smiled brightly; her impatience and worry seemed to have never existed but inside she was dying, 'Ahh, the damn lineage…' she cursed, though she knew it was a useful quality.

Hmm... I'm not fond of writing modern stories, however, I thought it will be good to give it a try... let's see how it turns out...

TheWorstAmateurEAcreators' thoughts