
230. The News On The Internet

A bad dream came to Rissa. A smoky black figure weaved through the air then moved toward her like it was about to attack her.

Rissa screamed, but no sound came out of her mouth. Then Charlos was there. He was silent and did not help Rissa.

The man was getting further and further away from her. Rissa swore that she tried to scream Charlos's name but her tongue seemed locked. The black figure seemed to be strangling her neck.

"Char… los…," Rissa sighed with difficulty. And then something like the one that sucked in her soul returned to earth.

A white light dazzled her eyes. A nurse in a light blue uniform with a mask covering her face was standing next to Rissa. The nurse was sticking an IV needle into her hand.

Rissa couldn't resist. She could only surrender to the situation.

Rissa could smell the smoke from her clothes, hair, and face. Then her lower body feels cramping and heartburn.