
159. Disconnected

That night, Rissa and Nicholas came late to the cafe. Martin, Angga, Jerry, and Rei had already arrived there first. Martin played the piano, playing light notes, while Jerry improvised notes on his saxophone. Unlike Rei, who was sipping coffee.

Angga greeted them with a big smile. "Hi, Rissa, Nicky."

They did a high five. Followed by Rei, then Martin, and Jerry, who got off the stage. The saxophone hangs around Jerry's neck.

"Why are you guys late?" asked Martin.

"It's …  I was …" Rissa was at a loss for words. She couldn't possibly tell her friends that they were late because she and Nicholas were busy kissing.

"I woke up too late," Nicholas lied. "Rissa has been getting ready since earlier and waiting for me to finish bathing."

"Oh really?" said Jerry. "I think there's an alien groaning you guys."

"The polar bear, maybe," added Rei.

"No polar bears in Batam, Rei?"