
123. Charlos's Mother

The woman glanced around briefly. Rissa gasped when the woman stared at Charlos's dressing room. Rissa backed away while holding her breath, trying her best not to get caught. There was the sound of footsteps getting closer.

Rissa turned to the side and saw a gap behind the wardrobe. Immediately, she went in there and hid under Charlos's shirt.

The woman entered the dressing room. She looked around for a moment, then chuckled.

"What's this?" The woman took the H&M bag, then threw it in the trash near the entrance. "Charlos, Charlos. He's really reckless," said the woman.

She turned off the light and left, closing the wardrobe door slowly.

It's dark. Rissa's heart was pounding until it was about to explode. Her breath was tight. Rissa counted to twenty, wishing the woman was out of there. She stood up and walked out of Charlos's dressing room.