
102. New Life

Risa laughed out loud. She found it strange to be able to hear her laughter. It felt like she had been missing for a long time. Nicholas laughed and put his arm around Rissa's shoulder.

"Come on, Rissa! I'll take you to Martin's." Nicholas gave her a helmet. Rissa then put it on, and she lifted her leg and sat on the motorbike hesitantly.

Nicholas pulled Rissa's hand to hug his waist. This was another strange thing that immediately entered her new life. No one has ever ridden her with a motorbike. Several times, someone was always picking her up by car. However, it turns out that going with a motorbike feels very different.

A strong wind blew Rissa's hair, fluttering. She feels tightly pressed her body against Nicholas's broad, warm back. Slowly, the wound in her chest healed.

Rissa had felt something that made her feel comfortable when she was with Nicholas. Life in Batam feels so safe.