
Chapter 9

Tom glanced at him and then nodded. “You’re right. Come on, Stormy, you and Marsh ride with me. The rest of you take Annie’s van.”

Tom slung an arm around her shoulders and steered her out the door. They crossed the lot to where he’d parked his truck near her rig and scrambled in.

The club where the group was currently playing was only a few blocks away. They entered through a back door and made a fast job of carting in their equipment and setting it up behind a closed curtain concealing the small stage area.

As they set up, Stormy played a mental game of guessing who played what. Jest was the drummer, which was not exactly a surprise. Drummers often tended to be on the zany side. Marshall played pedal steel. Annie played hammer dulcimer and Bella a fiddle. Ben played bass and back-up guitar. Tom played lead, which was no surprise at all.