
Take’s Hidden Path

Yo, I’m back and just as broke so definitely don’t own Naruto, Danmachi, or any of its assets... like cmon if I did would I be writing trash novels on here? IF YOU RECOGNIZE ANYTHING IN THIS NOVEL FROM SOMEONE ELSES WORK I DO NOT OWN IT WHAT SO EVER...DONT AND I MEAN DONT COPYRIGHT STRIKE MY SHIT YAAA HEAR ME? Have a nice day

Oofdiditagain · Cómic
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42 Chs


2 days passed rather quickly during this time Take and Haku meet with Bell's party after introducing everyone they dived into the dungeon with the goal of reaching the 18th floor which with Take's new stats they achieved that fairly quickly as for Haku she was on a whole different level when compared to the rest using mirrors of ice to instantly transverse the battlefield her speed was unparalleled by anyone in the party pelting whatever monster she was facing with hundreds of sebons made of ice and when that didn't work she would make various constructs from ice to attack, she even started making a violent twister of hardened snowflake to whittle down the defenses of the monsters while also pushing them back

One could say the party was complete they had 2 vanguards (Bell and Take) 1 Tank (Welf) 1 Rear support/Vanguard (Haku) and a supporter (Lili)

While they were in the dungeon Bell asked

"So I heard that you'll be going up against the 'King' from the Freya Familia… is it really a good idea he is a level 7, although I admit you are strong but I don't think sword skills would be able to close the gap"

Shaking his head Take replied

"I'll show you something but I trust it will stay between us…'Astral Projection'"

Mist seemed to eject from Take's body as an Oni wrapping in black robes formed from the Mist the pressure it excluded caused everyone present to pale and once they got a look at the projection an almost primal instinct told them to run and never come back like if the very cells of the body knew there was no hope as the stench of death quickly followed by echoing screams of damned souls, all this caused everyone aside from Haku who like always had a contented smile on her face as she hugged Take's arm soon the projection faded

"Wh-w-what w-wa-was th-t-that?"

Shaking as Bell spoke while the rest just shivered with slightly glossed eyes

"I guess you could say that's my true form despite only being a spiritual form it's what my physical form takes after to some degree"


Take was currently on his way to the coliseum with Haku glued to his side with her head slightly down allowing her hair to cover her face looking over at the girl attached to his arm Take couldn't help but chuckle as Haku lightly hit his side adopting a pout

"What's so funny huh? Don't make me push you down in the middle of the street… I don't care what the surroundings think if they got something to say I'll drop an ice block on them crushing them into paste…"

"Ah c'mon it's not like that you're just cute is all… I can't get enough of you"

This seemed to short circuit Haku's mind as a deep red blush rose up her face muttering a single word


By this time they arrived at the coliseum as Haku reluctantly separated from Take as she left after giving him a peck on the cheek letting her hips sway as Take watched her head towards the other members of Loki Familia, during this time she has grown close to Lefiya and Ais but aside from that she doesn't make an effort to get along with the others she also seemed to dislike Bete for unknown reasons but he could probably guess if he tried

Shaking these thoughts from his head he walked into the arena of the coliseum seeing him a man wearing an elephant mask that covers half his face jumped high into the air from the stands performing a multitude of twists before he landed gracefully on his feet yelling out

"I AMMMM GAAANEEESSHHA~ *Ahem* TODAY WE HAVE AN EVENT FOR ALL TO SEE (A/N: From now on if Ganesha is Talking just assume it's in all caps and he is pretty much screaming at the top of his lungs unless said otherwise) A match between Loki's rising star and the strongest in Oriaro THE 'King' OTTAR (A/N: Caps on Caps… Surprised his lungs haven't popped from the volume of air he can let out) Will it be a beat down where Loki's rising star can't land a hit or will this be a fun match of evenly matched opponents THAT WE WILL HAVE TO FIND OUT… Take Hikomori is here to give all of you a reason to adopt the moniker he has placed on himself 'Shinigami'... Some may say 'How could a measly level 2 match a level 7', or 'How could a weak level 2 get to pick his own moniker' well that's why we are here today to see the self proclaimed 'Shinigami' first hand"

As Ganesha stopped Ottar came out from the shadows while intensely staring down Take. Seeing his 'prey' completely calm in front of a mountain he could never hope to pass seemed to spur Ottar's nerves as he began looking forward to the fight for some reason his blood started to boil in the boy's presence as he spoke

"You better give me a good fight boy… You got the air of a killer around you, Don't hold back it will only result in your..accidental.. death"

Nodding towards Ottar, Take gripped the handle of his sword continuously pouring Ki into his sword arm and the sword


Not giving Ottar the first move Take burst forward with explosive speed causing the ground to slightly wave under his feet as he drew his sword drawing a wide arc sending a Ki blade towards Ottar seeing this Ottar brought his great sword (one handed Ofcourse) to meet the attack effortlessly cutting through it only to have to turn around and block a thrust with the side of his blade when suddenly he felt a pain assault his back grunting as he whipped around with a heavy horizontal swing just as the blade passed through Take, Take exploded into black smoke blocking Ottar's vision giving a low growl as his muscles flared darting forward madly swinging his blade towards Take forcing his to fall back and weave a hand seal 'Holy Lightning: Heavenly Cloak' as Take speed exponentially increased while yellow lightning coated his body arcing off into the surroundings Take meet Ottar's sword head on locking him in a contest of swords

Take was quickly losing ground in this contest of strength until something started to walk out of Take's back it was an exact copy of Take except for the black twirled mask covering the copies face causing Ottar to go wide eyed as a pressure descended upon everyone in the arena as a deep guttural voice sounded out

"Allow me to show you the strength of those who embody fear…"

The previous pressure seemed light a breeze in comparison as both Take's released a energy fueled bloodlust causing a visible manifestation of blood colored wisps to surround the arena

"Defend this strike 'King'"

Both Take's raised their sword to the air seeing this caused Ottar's instincts to flare jumping forward attempting to end the match here he suddenly froze

'Aspect Of The Shinigami Genjutsu: Seal Of War' (1)

"Survive if you wish to return to the living"

Ending with those words as Ottar's body slumped tot the ground without a single injury the surroundings went deathly silent as they watched the strongest adventure alive fall to a level 2 as the red mist floated around the surroundings Take's bloodlust concentrated on Ottar's unconscious body


With a slight snort/chuckle (like a held in laugh or that heavy breath through the nose you do when something is slightly funny but not enough to get a rise out of you)

"You didn't go anywhere. I simply placed an illusion on your brain stem forcing you to see the darkness of an unending war…"

This caused Ottar to freeze that was simply an illusion yet he felt every hint of pain there he was weak and in the real world he was defenseless, this caused him to feel slight fear when looking at the Level 2 that not only kept up with him in an exchange of swords but had a trump card that he couldn't do anything about

"Before you ask.. No it doesn't work on mindless beasts"

This didn't seem to ease Ottar at all the boy had a weapon made to drop personnel no matter how strong he has no idea how could of countered it if he knew that it was physically impossible to counter since it would need chakra to be dispelled since the illusion is chakra forced into the opponent who needs to disrupt their own chakra to break free but for someone with no chakra or any idea of the foreign energy it's impossible to free your self destined to be at the mercy of the caster

Not only that the Bloodlust Take has shown was still in the surroundings many in the crowd has fainted by this point and those who haven't are deathly pale seeing their own death many times over as Take receded his bloodlust a collective gasp for breath could be heard alongside a single person clapping loudly then it was picked up by those who were still conscious many people screaming 'Shinigami' agreeing with his Monkier as Take thought to him self

'No more hiding in the shadows… Time to show the world Take Hikomori, Consumer of the Shinigami the embodiment of Fear itself..'


The day of the Denatus came around and Take was the talk of the town, Loki informed the Familia that she will be gone for 3 days on the first day Take went to check up on the Hostess of Fertility with Haku close behind when he suddenly felt a pull from his whole being he didn't know what it was but thinking back he remembered what Take Uzumaki told him 'You will be called upon one day' he didn't understand what those words meant until now letting his body be pulled he soon found himself in a dark abyss with the feeling of floating while the pressure on his body told him he was moving faster then he ever has as time passed his eyes closed as he went to sleep

(A/N: (1) C'mon we all know what this genjutsu is according to Take it 'Isn't that bad' / Yet another shorter then normal chapter been focused on life things hope you all can understand if you don't y'all will most likely thrash me in the comments XD)