
Tainted Black


L_LL · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
1 Chs

Chapter 1


Welcome to the world of Naruto!

I'm sure your confused but I'll be here to help you on your journey throughout this perilous and exciting world.



A low drowsy voice comes from a strange looking person as he lays down on a worn out sleeping bag.

The light green hair on his head is unevenly chopped being raised at different elevations like some spiky haired anime character.

His eyebrows rise as he makes a mocking questioning face towards the floating blue screen.


In order to successfully get adjusted to your new chance at life you must first understand the mechanics of the system.

Please think 'status' in order to view your stats in numbers based on the people that reside in this world.



The corners of his lips lift and he instead turns his body carefully taking a look at his new environment.

The ground is a strange yellow and grainy full of coarse sand that is rough at the touch.

Flappy blue walls of leather sway lightly as the wind hits the side of what he assumes to be a tent.

Besides the somewhat torn sleeping bag he's squatted on he realizes that there really isn't anything important in the room besides something that seems to resemble a sealing scroll.

'Alright you win. I don't know where I am or how I got here so can only rely on this mysterious holographic screen that's saying in stuck in a real life version of the anime Naruto. Status.'



Age: 14

Mutations: None

Titles: None

Class: Shinobi {Common}

Talents: Chakra Conductor {Common}

Skills: Body Reinforcement {Common}

Level: 1 {0/10}

Strength: 5

Stamina: 5

Dexterity: 5

Endurance: 5

Intelligence: 5

Chakra: 5 {10/10}

Luck: 5

Description: Koyama is the bottom of the barrel genin that even the weakest of chunin could kill in one hit. Make sure to raise those stats otherwise you'll die.


After being silent for a second Koyama let's out a small chuckle.

"Pfff, what the fuck is this some shitty Naruto fanfic?"

Before he can continue mocking the system a new window pops up with a loud notification sound that buzzes in his ears.


Growth Mission

Survive The Assault From Kumogakure

Description: Kumogakure will launch a full scale attack on the military base you're currently residing in. Survive untill reinforcements can arrive.

Rewards: Lotus Martial Art Manual {Rare}


"Ahhh fuck."

Quickly getting up onto his feet Koyama dashes out of the tent only to hear the sound of an explosion from outside the camp walls.

The smell of asphalt soon enters his nostrils as he runs towards what seems to be the back of the camp.

Many shinobi pass by him to confront the enemy with none paying attention to him.

Eventually Koyama finds a large boulder a few meters in height and width and he hides behind it.

'Ok. Calm down. What should I do in this situation?'

After steadying his nerves Koyama leans out, peeking his head to see what's happening.

The first barrage of jutsu had already ended and both sides fighting had exhausted most of their chakra and weren't using any high scale jutsu anymore.

For now most of the fighting is either kenjutsu or extremely high level displays of taijutsu.

'Should I go out and try to pick out a few fodder like myself? I can see a few Genin passed out on the ground practically half dead so...'

Finally making up his mind Koyama carefully grabs a kunai from his pouch and runs as fast as he can towards an injured cloud genin.

Just before he can get there however a loud voice alerts him to a sword within striking range.

"Die Konohagakure scum!"

A burly dark skinned man with a rugged face full of scars pulls up next to Koyama with his both his left and right hand on the hilt of a meter long curved blade with a single edge.

The man lifts up his arms to the right of his head and swings down on Koyama aiming directly for his top left of his neck.

Almost as if the world slows down around him Koyama's mind goes into overdrive attempting to find a way out of this.

'This guy is definitely stronger than me as he's older by a few decades so I can't block with my measly kunai. I'm definitely not fast enough to dodge by moving to the side. I could bend back but I don't think I have enough flexibility to save myself falling on my ass. Let's hope my only skill can save me.'

Focusing all of his attention on the small ball of heat in his stomach Koyama quickly pushes it through his tenketsu trying to distribute it equally throughout his body.

"Here goes nothing."

Before coming out to hopefully gain some experience and raise his level Koyama had taken the time to reread the description of his skill <Body Reinforcement>.


Body Reinforcement {Common}

Type: Defensive Active Skill

Level: 1

Set Bonus: None

Description: Body Reinforcement temporarily adds 5 stat points to endurance and stamina. Consumes 1 chakra point every minute used.


To the cloud shinobi's surprise Koyama drops his kunai and raises his hands meeting the edge of the curved blade with his palms.

<Body Reinforcement>


The edge of the sharpened metal hits his bare skin resulting in an interesting clash. The only sign of damage to Koyama is the small tricklets of blood on his hands while the katana used to hurt him now has a new white mark.

"What the hell?"

Noticing the cloud shinobi is completely bewildered at what just happened Koyama takes advantage of the opportunity and runs up to the barely alive kid on the floor who couldn't be more than 12 years old.

"Sorry kid but I prioritize my survival over everything else."

In his final moments the kid brings his tear stained face up to meet Koyama's as his neck is crushed under the foot of the green haired bastard.


Host has gained 10 experience.

Host has gained 1 level. 5 stat points have been awarded.


Ignoring the notification Koyama adds all of his stat points into strength and steps up to meet the burly cloud nin again.

This time however is different. Each step carries a heavy weight as if burdened by some type of guilt.

The light in Koyama's eyes is not focused on the man in front of him but on that image.

The image of a child being crushed under a foot. The stained immature face. The faint red tinged eyes. The look of reluctance that comes before acceptance.