
Tails of the Last City

JadRabitEmperor · Derivados de juegos
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3 Chs

Šigma,Ũltra,Ńoon,Šigma,Ĥalo,Ōmega,Ťitan- Ќick,Їgnite,Ďay

[∮] ㈠ Mayday, mayday, mayday. This is ~ [ The radio coms broke into inaudible static ] hailing all Vanguard relay stations monitoring ~ [ More Static ] declaring an emergency evac of jump ship Jasper-Amber-Delta-Echo. Ї repeat -

The coms repeated the signal on a loop hailing to all frequencies. It had been for nearly an hour. "Sol-Heir, Do we have a lock on that signal yet?" The hunter asked fastening the last piece of his armor in place before checking his gun's magazine.

㈡ "Not yet. I'm trying to triangulate the signal using relay stations between Earth, Moon, and Mars but I can't get a lock on the exact location. It's like the signal's coming from nowhere yet everywhere at once." The red and black ghost chirped bobbing between Monitors hung haphazardly in the ship's cockpit. It's singular eye scanning for details, a clue, any†hing to indicate the location of the distressed ship.

㈢ "Well let's just get out there and see what we find." The hunter holstered his gun and slid into the cockpit punching in a rough estimation for the location of the signals home. "Affirmative captain." The Ghost answered before dissipating into the ship'š nav systems.

1-26, [( ⁹ )/( ²⁰ )/( ¹⁹ )] ?


[ ∯ ] ㈠ The ship dropped out of hyperspace. "Řeady Captian, we're here " They were now hovering amidst the wreckage of a badly damaged Eliksni Skiff. "The signals coming from .. that .. Skiff, but that can't be, right, can it? What guardian would hijack a Skiff? Seems suicidal to fly that anywhere near the Tower. It's like challenging Lord Shaxx to an arm-wrestling contest. You're going to get hurt, and lose." Sarcasm dripped from the Ghost's mechanical voice.

"We've seen some crazy shit Sol-Heir." The hunter remarked patting the Ghost's red shell. The Ghost shook his hand off and gave a motion one could only assume was a shrug. "I'll run a diagnostic scan for life." The ship went silent as the ghost went back to work once more.

㈡ A monitor buzzed to life. An infrared scan of the ship revealed 2 life forms. Both locked in a confined compartment space at the rear of the ship. "Odd, I'm picking up some chatter. It's Eliksni, but I can't make out what it's saying. Wè should get in there. One fallen won't be a problem I'm sure." Sol-Heir once more dissolved into thin air.

The Dragonfly-class ship docked alongside the Skiff allowing the Hunter to spacewalk through a hole blasted into the Skiffs hull that opened up into the interior. Đead Fallen floated, half-frozen, in the interior. Their expressions were marked with the horrors of whatever had happened in their last moments.

"Cozy." Sol-Hair chirped through the coms. "This is it." The Ghost appeared before its Guardian and scanned a Fallen containment cell. Normally built to hold prisoners, it was now acting as a lifeline for two stranders survives, one of whom was a guardian.

㈢ "They're in there, but we can't open it here. Well, we could but that guardian's going to be none too happy being decompressed in space, so I suggest we release this pod and circle rounđ to pick it up. We can figure out what to do with the Fallen after we get that Guardian out of there. Agree?" "Agreed."

1-26, [( ¹⁸ )/( ⁵ )/( ⁴ )] ?


[ ∰ ] Astro uncoupled the cell containment locks and the door slammed open with a heavy thud concaving the concrete under it. A guardian and Fallen Vandel spilled out all at once. The guardian, a warlock, was forcefully holding an oxygen mask against the flailing four-armed assault of an enraged Eliksni struggling to push the mask away. Despite its extra appendages, the Warlock held firm.

㈠ Quickly however the flailing stopped as both looked up at the visage of a red and black hunter. The Warlock slowly releasing the Vandel who then sat up. "OK, this is weird, right? Sol-Ħeir asked hovering over Astro's shoulder. "What part of weird shit, don't you get?" Astro mocked. "At this point ... all of it." Sol-Hier shrunken back to inspect the containment cells data log.

㈡ Astro knelt down, his gun, drawn and trained on the Fallen. The Vandel stiffened keeping its four arms both in view and still. "Do you mind telling me hőw you got locked up with a Vangel, In a prisoner cell, on a Skiff, floating in the middle of dead space?" The warlock reached out pushing the gun aside. "Sure, just don't point that at my friend."

"Friend?" Astro repeated confused "Alright, but I'd still like some answers." "And I'll tell you what I can." The Warlock answered pulling her helmet off. Her eyes, two different colors, one bright crimson red, the other a deep rich blue. Her skin was a pale blue with markings like Tattoo's running across her face. Above her shoulder soon appeared an emerald green Ghost with golden trim and gemstones set into its Shell. "We really appreciate the help guardian." Astro nodded.

㈢ The fallen motioning to itself. "Dravkos of House Light." Its words were broken up by a collection of clicks and bug-like chirping, but it was undersτandable at least. "And I'm ~" "Astro!" Sol-Heir interrupted. "You won't believe this!" A silence fell between the ragtag collection of guardians, fallen, and Ghosts as Sol-heir fed the information she'd recovered into his visor. "No way~"

1-26, [( ⁸ )/( ¹⁵ )/( ²⁰ )] ?

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∮= ㈠㈡㈢ / ∯ =  ㈠㈡㈢ / ∰ = ㈠㈡㈢ 

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