
Taekook one-shot 'VIBRATOR' 18+

Summary: Taehyung's a mind reader who get's off on Jungkook's wildest fantasies. When Jungkook wears a vibrator to one of their shared lectures Taehyung finds it hard to hold back, especially when Jungkook's fantasies consist mainly of him. Jungkook's thoughts are written in italics. Taehyung's are in bold. Warnings: Top tae, bottom kook, profanity, dirty talk, mind reader tae, super horny kook, mentions of past homophobia, teasing, edging, anal sex, mutual pining, slight dom tae, slight sub kook, sex toys, somewhat bratty kook, dirty fantasies, a sprinkle of exhibitionism, our babies are super desperate for one another, fellatio, deepthroating, anal fingering, slight degradation, Jungkook has a thing for biting apparently, mentions of role-play and other kinky shizz. (credits to the ao3 author)

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Taekook one-shot 'VIBRATOR'

Ever since he was young, Taehyung had always had the misfortune of knowing what others around him were thinking. Sometimes he considered this ability a gift, an unwelcome opportunity. When other people were wallowing in self pity or drowning in sorrow he'd know when to step in and help, offer up a subtle piece of life advice or slide an inspirational quote into a conversation. Tell the people he held dearest to him what they needed to hear to be able to go about their day with a smile on their face.

Other times it was a curse. 

Taehyung had grown up openly gay in a very closed-minded town. So you can only imagine the things he'd heard. Well, metaphorically speaking. All the things people were too scared to verbalize, the taunts and sneers, he was victim to no less because of his innate ability. The whispers haunted him late at night when he tried sleeping, the truly honest thoughts people had about him growing up had him scarred and unwilling to make friends. 

That was until he'd moved away to University. Packing up his belongings and moving half way across the country had been worth it. Finally he'd met people who weren't so closed minded, people who accepted any and everything about him. He'd grown up with a very loving family, he always had both of his fathers support in every decision he made. Taehyung loved them dearly, the purest form of love. But, having two fathers was also half the problem. The pointed looks, the judgmental glances he's been spared the majority of his life had him eager to get away. Ready to start anew.

He'd learnt a lot about his peers throughout the past two years at University.

He knows his friend Yoongi is secretly a virgin, even though he often brags about getting the dicking of his lifetime. In all honesty this occurs every other Tuesday. The petite blonde haired male is always eager to delve into the details of his none existent sex life. Taehyung humors him, knowing full well that Yoongi's terrified of taking that next step, but feels like he need's to overcompensate as he has a reputation to uphold.

Hoseok often participates in cam work, using his lithe body and impeccable dance moves to earn him a pretty penny. He needs the extra funds to afford additional dance classes. Everyone's always wondering where his extra money comes from, how he rains it in. But Taehyung knows. 

Jimin's into wearing skirts in the privacy of his own home. Chiffon, lace, silk. You name it, Jimin's got it. Taehyung doesn't judge, he finds it adorable. But he won't bring it up. He know's how shy it makes his hyung.

Seokjin has a crush on the star mathlete, the handsome genius known as Namjoon. It's not obvious at all. The entirety of his longing is concealed in stolen glances and secret smiles. Even the most observant of eye's wouldn't notice, pick up on the subtle hints. But Taehyung knows. Knows each and every thing about every single one of his friends, without even asking. 

He feels ashamed, but he's too scared to tell them the truth. We all have thing's we like to hide. It should be kept that way, respecting the privacy of others is a basic human right. But Taehyung's ability allows him access to every person's most private, innermost thoughts. He hate's it.

It's a fucking violation. 

After mindless hours concentrating over the years, trying to drown out the voices ricocheting around his skull. After years of countless migraines and nose bleeds, he'd managed some semblance of control. He tries with all his might to shut out all the gossip, the rumors, the secrets. Instead settling for honing in on one persons thought's alone. 

That person being Jeon Jungkook. His next door neighbor and his class mate. It's invasive, he knows that. But he just can't help himself from listening in on Jungkook's inner musings. His fantasies. It's Taehyung's safe haven away from the harsh realities of life, a special radio station he's solely tuned into. Focusing on his thought's alone, helps him shut out the noise made by other people's tumultuous thoughts. Taehyung oftentimes finds himself thankful for the welcome distraction.

Jungkook's a burly young man whose into sports, worships fine arts and has an affinity for photography and media production. The muscular male is someone Taehyung knows a lot about though they've only spoke a handful of times in passing. Sometimes, they sit next to one another in lectures and engage in small talk. Not for Jungkook's lack of trying. He desperately tries and fails at making conversation with Taehyung. 

Both having a shared passion for the arts, they should have plenty to talk about. Deep down, Taehyung knows he could easily befriend Jungkook, them both having a multitude of shared interests and commonalities. But Taehyung can never pay attention to Jungkook, can't maintain eye contact for more than three seconds before turning a bashful shade of red. Jungkook's mind is something else. Consisting of an entire ocean of sexual fantasies, a plethora of wants and needs. Obviously, Taehyung's aware of that fact, so every-time he's faced Jungkook it's all he can think about. 

Sex. Sex. Sex.

Sometimes Jungkook fantasizes about beach babes, huge tits. Standard fap material for your average young adult male. Taehyung could tune out those fantasies, tits and ass not really being his thing. Other times, Taehyung's blown away by the youngers creativity. Tony stark flying Jungkook through the air, pounding into him, thrusters fully engaged and they whizz across the sky. 

That's one of Taehyung's personal favorites.

Oftentimes, much to Taehyung's embarrassment, Jungkook fantasizes about him. Sometime's they're fucking in a hot tub under the starry nights sky, other-times it's a random bathroom stall located around the campus. On the odd occasion there's role-play involved. Taehyung bending Jungkook over a snooker table, Jungkook dressed in a maids outfit, taking each whipping of Taehyungs belt like 'the good little bitch' he know's he is.

Jungkooks words not his own.

Taehyung's not innocent by any means, he enjoys his own kinks and fetishes. Partakes in the regular viewing of porn and enjoys a good tug here and there. But Jungkook, wow. He really knew how to fantasize. How to take it up a notch. 

Jungkook's filthy mind had Taehyung enthralled to say the least. Should I ask him out? Does he want me to ask him out, or does he just want to fuck me? As obvious as the signs are, Taehyung frequently finds himself questioning the younger males true intentions. There's no way he want's me, it's just curiosity right? I'm just someone convenient to fantasize about, that's got to be it right?

So he doesn't do anything about it. Forever doomed to be an impassive intruder to Jungkook's secret fantasies.

(A/N: Taehyung's his own cock-block smh)


Taehyung's both a mind reader and a pervert it seems. It's 10.43 pm, pretty early for your average undergrad, most are casually preparing for some wild freshers party or a night out on the town. But not Taehyung, he's too preoccupied with the happenings going on beyond the thin wall connecting his room to Jungkook's own.

The moans are sinful, super distracting to Taehyung whose innocently working away on his current art project. The pointed tip of his paint brush halts for the umpteenth time, eye's once again straying to his dull, grey bedroom wall. The moans reverberating from it's direction far more enthralling than his half finished, colorful imitation of the great wave of Kanagawa. 

Taehyung finds himself wishing he'd been granted the gift of x-ray vision instead of mind reading. The high pitched whines coming from Jungkook's direction a telltale indicator of whats occurring behind those stupidly thin walls. Jungkook's masturbating it seems. The idea that Jungkook, the literal personification of Taehyung's desires is touching himself, teasing himself at this very moment in time has Taehyung distracted to say the least.

His concentration falters, consciousness already slipping away, trying to prod at the recesses of Jungkook's mind. But instead he shakes himself back to reality, tries to power through his work, ignoring the blissed out whines echoing throughout his room. However, temptation's a cruel mistress, beckoning Taehyung to do the one thing he's been willing himself not to.

I should listen in, just for five minutes..... no I shouldn't... should I?

It doesn't take long for Taehyung to make up his mind, haphazardly discarding his work in favor of sating his rapidly building curiosity.

Fuck it. Waste not want not.

Moving from his worn craft table, he settles on his mattress. Bouncing as he makes himself comfortable amongst the cotton duvet and matching purple sheets. He's thankful that the student accommodation is mostly above par, save for the embarrassingly thin walls. Yet, with Jungkook as his neighbor, he really doesn't mind the frail structures. From this distance he can hear the squeaks of Jungkooks own bed, even hear wet squelches that are no doubt from the copious amount of lube Jungkook likes to use when he pleasures himself.

Taehyung closes his eyes, letting himself drift into a state of semi consciousness. Before he's snagging hold of someone else's thoughts. His mind blooms with colorful visions. Intricate swirls and patterns. Before the images are coming to life behind his closed eyes.

The sight he's met with is enough to have him gasping for breath from the sheer unadulterated shock. He will never get used to this, seeing himself through someone else's eyes that is. Especially when the vision of himself is in such a compromising situation. In Jungkook's mind's eye he can see himself, holding Jungkook down by the throat as he fucks into him at harsh pace. It's vivid. He can hear every slap of skin, every high pitched whine, each and every gasp for breath.

This is why he loves Jungkooks dirty day dreams. They're always so realistic. Every detail thought out and precise; down to the intricate detailing of the obsidian lace drapes flowing down from the canopy bed to the cinnamon scented candles lit around the dreamt up space. Taehyung's not surprised by the inclusion of latex in this fantasy. Jungkook seems impartial to including costumes into his late night illusions. Taehyung finds himself thinking that it's strange how used to this he is by now.

In reality, Taehyung's touching himself. Letting the pads of his fingers trail along his chest as he teases his heated skin underneath his plain t-shirt. Imaging the touch to be Jungkooks own. His finger's trace the smooth lines of his abdomen, slowly working their way down towards his aching arousal. He's been painfully hard for a long while now, the constant throb of his member playing a partial role in his inability to focus on his artwork. The other being Jungkook's sinful whines, beckoning him to stray from his plans of completing his piece. 

The Taehyung of Jungkook's vision fucks into Jungkook's sloppy hole with the younger males black latex body suit still in place. There's a large hole in the suit, located around Jungkook's groin, therefore it's easy access to his leaking cock and his muscular ass. Jungkook's sprawled out, face buried in crimson red bedding as his forearms hold the weight of his body upright. Body arched perfectly, receiving each forceful thrust into his tight ass.

Taehyung gawks with eagle eyes, takes in the scenery like a ghost. An unwelcome visitor to the titillating show. There's an array of sex toy's shewn out amongst the sheets, varying in size, length and shape. Butt plugs, prostate simulators, riding crops and paddles. If you can name it, it's there. All shiny and glistening with lube. They've been used. Fuck, why did Taehyung deny himself the pleasure of getting here earlier? He's missed out on a lot, though he can't complain. The show's getting good. Reaching it's final climax as the dreamlike versions of himself and Jungkook work harder, thrust faster, to reach their peak.

It's funny how, in moments like these, Taehyung's jealous of himself. Well not really, it's more like he's jealous of the dreamlike version of himself that Jungkook's cooked up in his imagination. This Taehyung is aggressive and confident. Sure of himself as he fucks into Jungkook's sweet hole. The curly haired male finds himself questioning whether he'd be able to live up to Jungkooks expectations, not that he believes he'd ever have a chance to prove himself.

The only bad thing about this ability is the lacking of two crucial senses, the two that make sex all the more thrilling. Touch and taste. On more than one occasion Taehyung has wondered about those two things.

What would he really taste like? What would he feel like under me?

Taehyung's distracted from the dreamlike vision for a moment as he imagines the younger male under him, ponders over how his skin would taste covered in a light sheen of sweat.  Taehyung's large hand delves into his loose, linen trousers finally taking a hold of his straining erection. He's painfully hard, close to orgasm shamefully quick. Tip already leaking as he starts a slow rhythm. Teasing himself as he once again absorbs himself into Jungkook's fantasy. 

In the vision Jungkook's panting like a bitch in heat, body hot and sweaty due to his vigorous attempts to hold himself upright as Taehyung's counterpart slams him down into the sheets. Taehyung wonders whether Jungkook would be this vocal in real life. He's so so sooooo loud, whiny and demanding in the best of ways. 

Fuck Taehyung, just like that. Yes, fuck yes. Whip me, please. I'm a filthy little slut that need's punishing, i'm so naughty. Please, fuck.

"Ah~ fuck he's so hot." Taehyung stoke's faster, eye's tightly wound shut as he loses himself to the pleasure granted to him by his hand. His cock pulses in his grip, so he tightens his hold. Aiming to drag this bliss on a little longer, cum alongside the version on him in Jungkooks illusion, so he can pretend that this dreamt up fantasy is instead reality.

The dreamlike version of Taehyung picks up the riding crop, leaning over to whisper something that has Jungkook whining desperately and begging for more. The subtle whisper's out of earshot for the real Taehyung who stains to hear his fake counterparts sinful musings. Thwap, one strike and Jungkooks bodies coiled and tense, until he's relaxing into the pleasure induced pain. Limbs trembling as he eagerly awaits the second hit.

Fuck, Taehyung. I~i, I'm not gonna last.

Taehyung's hand quickens it's pace, so fast now that he can feel the coils churning in his lower abdomen. He can't open his eyes for fear of slipping from Jungkook's subconscious. But he can feel everything so much more like this. The steady dribble of precum leaking from his sensitive tip. The heat of his skin as he burns with need. The rampaging thrum of his heartbeat as he pants in time with the vision of Jungkook. It's so fucking hot, so thrilling and naughty that it has his arousal spiking though the roof. He shouldn't be doing this. Jungkook's fantasies are private, something for him and him alone. 

Yet again, what he doesn't know, can't hurt him. 

Thrwap, a second swing of the crop against sensitive flesh and Jungkooks eye's are watering, translucent streams dancing down his flushed cheeks as he moans into the sheets. His fists are latched onto them so tightly, his skin flushed a pretty pink from the exertion and Taehyung has to hold himself back from marching over to Jungkook's apartment to fuck him raw right there and then. 

He's so truly beautiful. Fuck, i'm close.   

Taehyung can hear the squelches reverberating from the room next door quicken in pace, Jungkook's clearly eager, his hands moving fast to bring himself to orgasm. He follows suit, moving his hand in time with Jungkook, matching the pace set by the younger male. He's built up a sweat, panting as the coils churn in his lower abdomen, release building and leaving him in an intense state of euphoria. 

A third thrwap and Jungkooks rutting his ass into Taehyungs cock at an animalistic pace. Knees locked and grip on the sheets giving him leverage to push pack into the brunette's thrusts. Jungkook's crying, desperate for release as he whines on Taehyung's cock. Profanities spilling from his swollen lips each time the brunette slams into his prostate.

Please Taehyung, oh my god please... can I cum? I've been so good. So so so so soooooo good.

Yes you have, cum for me Angel. Show me how pretty you look in white.

The dreamlike vision ends abruptly, Taehyungs mind being filled with a void of black as he hear's Jungkook whine through the wall of his bedroom.


He came, fuck. Did he moan my name? Fuck, wow, holy fuck.

Taehyung's skin is itching with the need to cum, no longer intent on finishing alongside his made up counterpart, he moves his hand faster, his other hand diving into his trousers to slowly tease the slit of his cock. With a low grunt he's cumming, soaking his favorite linen trousers and his underwear in the process. The stream spurting on and on as he shakes with the force of his orgasm.

"Jungkook, ah fuck." He groans as he slowly comes back to reality, his pulse thrumming in his ears and his vision blurred as he soaks in the aftermath of his blissful release.


It's Friday morning and Taehyung finds himself seated towards the back of the lecture hall. He love's art more than most, however, studying the history of Renascence surrealism is daunting to say the least, especially at stupid o'clock in the morning. Usually he'd aim to sit right at the front of the class, get a good view and make sure he was within hearing range of the lecturer. But today he's sleep deprived and ratty due to the topic of teaching he's being subjected to. 

The clocks ticking away, he's early as always. Pumped full of caffeine just to keep his eyes from drooping shut. It was a long night after-all. Thoughts of Jungkook all hot and sweaty, filled with his own fingers and calling out his name, driving him to the sheer brink of insanity. God, that guy got to him. Had him sitting at the edge of his bed all night, tempted to barge into his room and make a mess of him like he so desperately wants. But no matter how horny he was, how edged he felt observing the kinky smut shows playing through Jungkook's mind, he didn't have the balls to step up and make a move on him.  

The sexual tension between them was enough to make him burn with need. That need to touch and be touched a constant simmer beneath the surface of his conscious mind. He feel's parched, desperate for a taste of the male consuming his thoughts and messing with his sleep habits. The downright filthy scenarios he had witnessed occurring over and over again in Jungkooks mind had him craving for a touch, just one taste of the beautiful blonde haired muscle machine. Deep down Taehyung feared it was only a matter of time before he snapped, finally caving into the desire's consuming his every waking thought.

An array of people begin spilling into the large room, picking out their seats, talking among themselves. There's still five minutes until the lesson starts. The lecturer, a friendly older gentleman, is pottering about with loose sheets of paper, trying to organize them before commencing the two hour shit show that is art history.

I can't believe i'm actually doing this. I must be crazy.

Taehyung's eyebrow cocks in interest. Jungkooks here early. Peering behind him he spies a pretty head of hair poking up through the masses of students, the tidal wave of bodies cramming into the room through the lecture halls double doors. The ocean parts like the red sea as the students scramble to find a seat and Taehyung's vision is suddenly tunneled in on the handsome male still stood at the entrance, doe eyes shifting around the room, seemingly looking for somewhere to sit. Their eyes lock and suddenly Jungkooks all grin, bunny-like teeth on full display as he waves one tattooed hand in Taehyung's direction.

Oh my God is that Taehyung? Shit go sit by him quick while there's still space.

Taehyung's face heats up as Jungkook paces his way, long legs elegantly trailing two and fro until Jungkook's muscular form's looming over his seated frame. Taehyung peers up at him, taking in his soft features, the doe eyes, the plush lips, the beautiful blonde locks framing his chiseled face. Taehyung finds himself thinking Jungkooks visual could be carved straight from the heavens. He's never been so attracted to another individual in his lifetime. In Taehyung's eyes, Jungkook's walking perfection.

"Hey Taehyung, is this seat free?" His voice is so sweet, so timid, it has Taehyung wriggling in his seat. Eager to hear more of his gentle voice, perhaps whispered into his ear as he ruts into him slowly. Teases him with shallow thrusts, just the way Jungkook wants it. The way Taehyung wants it. But at this point, he'd take Jungkook anyway he could get him.

A curt nod later and Jungkook is seated next to him. Searching through his belonging's, legs stretched wide to accommodate his hulk of a backpack, until he's pulled out a leather bound note book and matching pen to write with. Taehyungs heartbeat is hammering away within the confines of his chest. Palms sweaty as he feels Jungkook's thick muscular thigh graze against his own. 

Fuck this is going to be a long lecture.

Jungkook can't focus on anything but the low vibrations massaging his already overstimulated prostate. He went hard last night, fucking himself on his fingers until he was crying due to the sheer pleasure. How he wished those fingers were Taehyungs. They're so much longer than his own, they'd reach deep inside him, make him a whiny mess as he takes them far into his depths.

His eye's lock on those hands, those long ass fingers. The way they're curled around the pen in Taehyung's grasp. 

God his fingers are so fucking pretty. They'd feel so good in my ass, fuck.

Taehyung chuckles to himself and Jungkook turns to look at him accusingly, wondering whats so funny. The handsome brunette is quick to send Jungkook a sheepish smile, quickly sitting upright and paying attention to the lecturer as he begins the lecture. Jungkook doesn't comment on it, quickly settling into his seat and discarding his bag under his chair. Though he can't help but ponder Taehyung's ever changing attitude. The handsome brunettes a mystery to him, one he desperately wanted to unravel, but all in due time.

Jungkook's swollen. So sensitive that it hurts, but fuck it feels too good. The vibrators been in for a good hour now and the blistering hot pleasure hasn't died down in the slightest. The vibrations set on the lowest level, thrumming away in the confines of his ass. Teasing him, making his swollen walls ache with the need for more. 

The lecture drags on endlessly. A few students have fallen asleep. Even the lecturer is struggling to hold back a yawn, all for the sake of professionalism. Taehyung's painfully aware of everything going on around him. Every shift of Jungkook's body, his deep breaths, the way he fans himself with his t-shirt. The twosome haven't exchanged any further words since the beginning of the lecture. But Taehyung finds it's easier that way.  Easier to avoid the blatant sexual tension shared between them.

Taehyung's eye's are trained on the projector at the front of the room as he tries to ignore the whimpers coming from beside him. Jungkook has his eye's closed, head leaning back against his chair, hands palming at his thighs. They're damp, sweaty, due to the heat of his body. Painful arousal causing him to burn hotter than he usually would.

The accompanying remote to the vibrator is located in his left backside pocket, he's already nudged up the setting twice throughout the lecture, subtly reaching into his jean pocket to gradually increase the settings, and he's now panting with the need to cum. Skin damp and itching to be touched. Renascence realism is such a dry topic to be taught in the morning. But he's anything but dry right now. He can feel how damp his boxer briefs have become, a mixture of his own precum and lube soiling his once clean underwear.

His minds been wondering for a while now, already conjuring up wicked sex scenes. Smoky hot, lustful images fluttering through his brain, anything to get him through the torture of this two hour lecture. Of course he's none the wiser of the probing eye's trailing his shaky form, he's completely unaware of longing buried within the deep brown depths.

Ah fuck Taehyung, harder. Mess me up, stretch me wide with your thick cock, fuck yes you feel so good.

Taehyung chances another look in the males direction. Amused, yet stupidly aroused. Jungkook's head is glued against the headrest of the seat, a trickle of sweat trailing down from his hairline down to his jaw, taunting Taehyung as he watches it trail down Jungkooks soft skin, before it's dripping onto the white cotton of his shirt. 

What a waste.

Much to his demise, Taehyung's hard. The shape of his arousal painfully obvious through his wide leg trousers. He knew this was a bad idea, letting Jungkook sit next to him that is, but he couldn't help it. Couldn't force himself to say no to the prettiest person he'd ever seen in the entirety of his life. The air seemed to buzz with electricity around the twosome. Them both absorbed in their own world, each male pining over the guy sat beside them. Blissfully unaware of each others turmoil.

Taehyungs palms are clammy, his breathing erratic as he contemplates his next move. Should he leave? It's too much; the whimpers, the constant shuffling, the occasional brushing of thigh, the obvious erection in Jungkook's tight jeans. It's way, way too much. Before he has the willpower to stop himself, he's speaking up. Shocking both himself and Jungkook.

"Jungkook don't freak out, but I need to tell you something." Jungkook jolts in his place, eyes glazed over and unfocused as he pants. Slight perspiration making his skin slick and shiny under the probing lights of the lecture hall. He nods his head as indicator for Taehyung to continue, but the words that leave his soft lips have Jungkook jolting from his reprieve. "I know that you have a vibrator in your ass right now."

"WHAT?!" Mortified, Jungkook rubs at his meaty thighs for comfort, dread overcoming him at the fear of being caught, for being chastised for his indecent behavior. Eyes now locked in on the projector at the front of the room as he sits upright. His lips moving before he can make a conscious effort to stop them. "How the fuck can you know that?" 

Jungkooks body tenses, nervous movements stilling when he hears a laugh of disbelief spill from Taehyung's lips. The brunette's tense as he scours his brain for an appropriate response, completely dumbfounded at his newfound bravery. Hormones, good for somethings, other-times they entice you into stupidity.

 "I-i mean.... no I'm not." Jungkook mutters out in shame. Voice deadly quiet, as if he's scared the entire world will become aware of his erotic en-devours. Deny, deny deny. Jungkook thinks to himself, already cursing himself out for being so damn reckless in his hunt for pleasure. However, he hold's himself steady. Confidence restored when he realizes he's essentially innocent until proven guilty.

"Yes. You. Are." Each word is drawn out, pointed. Accusing as Taehyung jabs a long, defined finger into his chest. The deep drawl of his voice doing things to Jungkook's already pulsing cock.

"Oh my fucking god can you hear it?!" The blonde caves, feeling self conscious under Taehyung's scrutinizing gaze. Jungkook shuffles in his seat, feeling like a specimen under a microscope. Like Taehyung has x-ray vision and can see straight through him. See the parts of him he hide's deep down in his subconscious. The shift in position causes the vibrator to jab his prostate directly. Sharp pleasure thundering up and down his spine like he's been hit by lightening. "Mhmm Fuck."

"No I can read your mind." Taehyung states, point blank. Facial features completely neutral. Like he was just casually discussing the weather. Whilst internally he's screaming.

Why the fuck did you tell him that? He's never going to believe you. Fuck stay calm, you got this. Act natural.

The look on Jungkooks handsome face? Comical. Eyes squinted in doubt and eyebrows furrowed as he silently judges the other male, trying to understand what his play is.

If you can read my mind then you'd know how completely and utterly baffled I am at the fact that you're finally talking to me.

If only you knew how hard I've been trying to hold myself back. Then you'd understand.

Jungkook scoffs turning his body to face Taehyungs own, eyeing him like he's lost his fucking mind. "No you can't, that's fucking impossible. If you can read my mind, what am I thinking about?"

Jungkook pictures the most vivid sex scene he can conjure up. Sweat slick bodies, lace lingerie and copious amount of cum. Nameless faces gyrating as their bodies come together. Taehyung lets his mind wonder, actively seeking out Jungkook's thoughts, for the first time with permission. His eyebrow twitches in interest when he's confronted with the scene created by Jungkook.

"Sex." He replies bluntly, opening his eyes once again to meet Jungkooks own.

"That's fucking obvious, I literally have a vibrator up my ass." Jungkook once again shifts, moving his weight onto his left ass check, taking the pressure off of his overstimulated prostate. He crosses his right leg over his left with great difficulty, due to the straining erection hidden beneath his tight jeans. "Did you know the average male thinks about sex 19 times a day. It's not all that surprising for you to guess that i'm thinking about sex"

"Well you break the mould, because you never stop thinking about sex."

"W-what?" Taehyung's accurate interpretation throws Jungkook through a loop. Momentarily silencing him, his thoughts reeking havoc like a tidal wave.

"I told you, I can read your mind." Taehyung's tone is nonchalant, unbothered, whilst Jungkook's waging an inner war trying to determine if there's any truth to the handsome males words. He has no reason to lie, yet the thought of someone being able to read minds... it's too surreal.

"If you can read my mind, tell me something about myself nobody else would know." Jungkooks apprehensive, but eager to hear what Taehyung has to say. 

This better be good, there's no way in hell Taehyung's a mind reader. If he is, i'm literally screwed.

"Last night you fingered yourself to the thought of me fucking you raw whilst wearing a latex bodysuit and you begged for me to whip your ass with a riding crop because you're a filthy little slut that needs punishing." 

A sinful smirk coats Taehyungs features at the look of obvious horror on Jungkooks face, but that's slipping away all to quickly when Jungkooks suddenly shouting out in the middle of the lecture. 

"DUDE WHAT THE FU-" Taehyung quickly moves to shield Jungkooks mouth his his hand, silencing his sudden outburst. A few people turn to look in their direction, but are soon looking away when Taehyung sends a glare in their direction. His large palm covers Jungkook's mouth, chin and nose. So large and masculine Jungkook's enamored by the sheer size.

Oh my god his hands are so fucking huge, so fucking hot. I wish he would chok-

"Don't finish that thought unless you really want me to act upon it."

Jungkook's in shock, tumultuous thoughts stalled as he comes up blank, mind completely empty at the revelation. It's not possible surely? Nobody can read minds, it's a myth. A fantasy. One conjured up purely for entertainment purposes, frequently viewed on TV programs and in marvel movies. His gaze shifts to focus on Taehyungs deep dark eyes. They hold no malice or contempt. He looks like he's being genuine and sincere, besides, there no other way for Taehyung to know about his very vivid fantasy from last night. In specific detail at that. There's only one way to test it out for sure.

Can you really hear what i'm thinking?

Jungkooks feels curiosity wash over him, his breathing all but halting. His interest in Taehyung quadrupling as he awaits that final confirmation. One he's now certain he'll get.



"Can you stop internally shrieking for a moment and calm the fuck down. You're giving me a headache." 

Fuck. I'm calm. Cool as a cucumber. Shit, how much do you know?

Jungkook's heart is beating like a jackhammer in his rib-cage. One simple touch of Taehyungs palm and all he could feel was him, all he could focus on was his presence. On the other hand, Taehyung's contemplating how much he should reveal. If he goes into too much detail, it'll become painfully obvious that he's been listening in on Jungkook's thoughts. So instead, he takes the cowards way out.


Taehyung licks his lips, eyeing Jungkook like a five course meal. His attention single-mindedly trained on the pretty blonde. Jungkook removes Taehyungs hand from his mouth, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he swallows down his nerves and asks the one question Taehyung was not expecting to hear.

So what are you going to do about it?

Taehyung's member throbs in the confines of his trousers as Jungkook raises his eyebrows at him in a playful, yet suggestive manner. He's nervous, but there's no point in playing coy now. He has two choices, go after what he wants or deny himself the pleasure he so desperately craves. And why the hell would he ever choose to do that when all the cards are lain out so blatantly for him to see. 

What am I going to do about it? I'll show you Jungkook. 

"Give me the remote."

Jungkook's breath hitches, excitement thrumming throughout his veins. For a moment he contemplates it, wondering if it was really a good idea to give Taehyung control of the remote in the middle of the lecture. Sure it would be hot, letting his crush have that sort of control over him. His knee's trembled at the idea. But at the end of the day, they're practically strangers. 

Taehyung raises his eyebrow. A challenge. He's aware of Jungkook's inner turmoil. He himself is unsure of whether this is a good idea, but he's already spoke up, his pulsing cock controlling his actions and encouraging him to embrace his inhibitions. Jungkook's just about to agree, about to ask Taehyung to go easy on him when the brunette's speaking up once more.


The deep voice, that no nonsense tone. It's dripping in confidence, an aura that has Jungkook aroused beyond belief. A dominance that has Jungkook complying in an instance. He reaches his hand into the depths of his pocket pulling free the small pink remote before offering it to Taehyung. Smirking, Taehyung snatches the remote quickly, before Jungkook can change his mind. Finally, it's happening. He has the handsome male in the palm of his hands, literally. He can make him cum, moan and beg for him with this tiny little remote. 

Things were finally looking up. 

Jungkook jerks, a breathless cry falling from his lips as Taehyung toys with the settings experimentally, adjusting the vibration speed up to max power before slowly lowering it. His hands grip onto the arm rests of his seat, hold so tight his fingers turn a ghostly shade of white.

An arrogant chuckle fills the air and Jungkooks torn between wiping the smirk off of Taehyung's handsome face or getting on his knees there and then to take his cock into his needy mouth. The trembling blonde watches on curiously as Taehyung fondles the remote, fingers tracing over the buttons in a teasing manner, never once pressing them. 

Each time Jungkook thinks he's going to activate a new mode Taehyung lets out a laugh before moving in a different direction. It's maddening, Jungkook finds himself internally begging for Taehyung to do something, anything. Take it up to max vibration speed, turn it off, he doesn't fucking care at this moment in time. The taunting is too much.

Taehyung apparently gets the memo, that or he read Jungkook's mind, because soon his thumb pressing down on the max setting and Jungkook's suddenly biting down on his knuckles to stop high pitched moans from leaking out of his mouth, informing their fellow classmates to their actions. Jungkook's patience runs thin when Taehyung inches closer to whisper sweet nothings in this ear, his warm breath tickling Jungkook's neck as his raspy, deep tenor caresses his ears.

"Tell me how you feel." Of course Taehyung know's how Jungkook feels. He can hear the blonde's inner ramblings of 'oh fuck this feels so good' and 'shit I can't believe this is happening.' But he wants to hear the confirmation from Jungkooks pretty little mouth.

"G-good, fuck Taehyung. This is insane." Taehyung grin's, Jungkooks voice's so soft and meek. His chest heaving for breath as he tries to prevent himself from cumming. The vibrations almost painful as the vibrator presses hard into his prostate. As they persistently massage his most sensitive area.

The vibration speed is still set at max when Taehyung's hand starts to wonder, his large palm massaging it's way up Jungkook's thigh, inching closer to Jungkook's clothed erection. All whilst Taehyung's mouth alternates between teasing the sensitive skin of Jungkook's neck with nips and tentative strokes of his tongue. The attention to his neck enough to make the blonde's skin prickle with goosebumps.

It hurts. Hurts being so turned on with the object of his desires right next to him, being at his mercy in front a few hundred other students. But it's the best kind of pain, the sort that causes his heart to race in his chest and thighs to quiver in anticipation. 

Taehyungs hand inches onward until his palm makes contact with Jungkooks erection, as he noses along Jungkook's neck. He applies a heady pressure to Jungkooks cock, massaging the obvious tent in his jean clad crotch. His own cock is straining in the confines of trousers, but that's not important to him, not now. Not when Jungkooks looks so divine, fighting off release at his side.

Jungkook lowers his head to Taehyung's shoulder, his lips brushing over the sensitive skin of Taehyung's collarbone as he attempts to hide his face from the view of others. Any onlookers who may glance their way may view this at Jungkook resting on Taehyung, perhaps taking a nap? But, the the truths all the more sinful. Mewls leave his lips as Taehyung rubs over his achy arousal, his movements changing from soft teasing grazes of his palm to hard and deliberate strokes.

Jungkook's bites down hard to stop moans escaping his mouth, informing their fellow classmates to their wanton acts of depravity. Taehyung grunts at the sharp burst of pain but delights in the achy throb of his cock that all but triples at the action. The tight coil that has been steadily increasing in Jungkook's stomach reaches an all-time high, and the urge to come floods him. His body tensing, bracing for the impact of his release. God he wants to come so bad, show Taehyung how much he turns him on.

Quickly, Taehyung reaches into Jungkooks trousers gripping the base of his leaking cock hard, preventing Jungkook from spilling his load. As if he can sense the imminent release. Jungkook ruts against nothing, desperately seeking friction against his length. When Taehyung changes the vibrators mode, the vibrations turning sharper instead of dull like a massage, Jungkook looses it. The force of his orgasm hitting him like a freight train. 

His lips part letting out a silent scream as he buries his head further into Taehyungs neck. Taehyung's hand's still latched onto his cock with a vice like grip. So Jungkook doesn't shoot his load. No. Instead he has his first dry orgasm in the middle of his fucking lecture hall. And he's left dumbfounded by the intensity of it as his whole body vibrate's and continues vibrating for what feels like a lifetime.

At some point Taehyung removes his hand from Jungkook's cock to calmly stroke his back, making sure to switch off the vibrator, as he tires to ease the boy back down from his intense high. When the tremors of his orgasm finally die down Jungkooks sits upright, limbs feeling like jelly and his posture sluggish at best. 

Taehyung quickly reaches down, picking up his bag, placing the satchel on his lap to try and subtly hide his erection. Then he turns to Jungkook and tenderly rubs his arm. "Are you okay?"

Eye's blown wide and sparkling Jungkook addresses Taehyung in his mind, knowing full well the other males listening in by the intense look on his face. I just had my first ever dry orgasm in my fucking lecture hall. That was fucking amazing. Of course i'm okay.

Taehyung clears his throat, arousal causing his mouth to run dry and speech hard to grasp as he tries to control himself. When he speaks up, he almost doesn't recognize his own voice. "You're welcome and i'm glad you're okay."

"What now?" Jungkook asks, even he's aware of how desperate he sounds, but he couldn't care less. He wanted Taehyung, all of him. He wasn't about to let him wonder off and forget about this. Especially after the brunette had given him the most intense orgasm of his life. He needed more. Desperately.

The lecturers voice chimes throughout the room, distracting the two boys for a moment. Students begin packing up their belongings, eager to leave the suffocating room and retreat to the halls for a much needed breather. Taehyung turns to face Jungkook, the hunger in his eyes reflecting Jungkooks own.

"I have another lecture after this, go back to your place and wait for me. Leave the door unlocked, i'll knock four times before entering. Don't wear underwear and don't touch yourself. Trust me, i'll know if you have. Wait for me like the good boy I know you are." Taehyung packs away his belongings quickly, not making eye contact with the boy he desperately craves for fear of jumping his bones there and then.

Jungkook gulps, swallowing a needy whine at the dominant tone of Taehyung's voice. Before he can conjure up the will to reply, Taehyung's speaking up again. His words making Jungkook rub his thighs together at the implication.

"Oh, and don't take out the vibrator. I'll be keeping this." the handsome brunette states as he waves a dainty pink remote in Jungkooks direction.


Jungkooks been waiting two hours now, patiently sprawled out on his bed awaiting the arrival of a certain brunette. The ticking of the clock, the steady thrum of the toy sheathed in his ass and his labored breathing driving him to the brink of insanity in his lustful haze. Taehyung's brutal. Constantly toying with the control's of his vibrator, slowly driving Jungkook mad from the continuous edging. 

He shredded most of his clothing from his frame as soon as he had entered he small apartment. Needing as little friction against his skin as possible. He's already painfully aroused, both from the constant stimulation of the vibrator and the added sensitivity from his late night masturbation session. Let alone his first ever dry orgasm. Knowing that Taehyung, his longtime crush, was in control of how much pleasure he received right now, that was fucking maddening. Even the brush of sheets against his sweat soaked skin was enough to almost push him over the edge.

His skin is constantly prickling with arousal, the heated expanse of his flesh is covered in light perspiration. His toes curling and uncurling each time the vibrations pick up speed. For the past hour Taehyungs been slowly upping the vibrators speed only to drop it down to the lowest setting before Jungkook can reach his peak. Like Taehyung fucking knows, knows just when it's starting to get good. Is somehow aware, even at a distance, of how close Jungkook is to exploding. He's a hairs width away from cumming all over himself and soiling the last remaining garment of clothing on his body, his white t-shirt, when the setting alters once again.

Jungkook writhes on the bed as he feels the ebbs of his impending orgasm fade away. He wants to be good. Patient. Wants to wait until Taehyung's back from his lecture so he can cum for him. Show him how good he was to wait for him so submissively. But it's fucking hard. He could easily touch himself, stroke his red swollen cock and cum. Ease the tension a little, no doubt he'd still be more than up for a round by the time Taehyung finally arrives.

But he doesn't. Knowing that his time with Taehyung will be all the more pleasurable if he just waits.

It won't be long now. Just be patient. Fuck feels so good. Shitting hell I cant. No, be good.

When he finally hears four delicate knocks at his front door he's flinging himself off of his bed and launching across the room, the vibrator in his ass still buzzing away mercilessly as he rushes towards the front door of his small apartment. Desperate for the handsome male who holds the key to his undoing.


Knock knock knock knock.

Taehyung's palms are clammy as he lowers his fist from the door of Jungkooks apartment. His legs's are trembling and he finds himself unsure of whether it's due to nerves or apprehension, but the tremors cause his body to vibrate viciously. A part of him wants to turn and run into his own apartment, but another part of him aches to stay, wants to see how this will all play out. So his feet remain glued to the floor and his heart continues to piston on in his chest.

 A loud thud from inside the apartment alarms him and he's suddenly pushing down on the door handle, opening it only to see Jungkook darting around the corner of the hall. Seemingly in a state of distress. 

Not surprising all things considered.

Seeing the blonde running at him his wavy locks disheveled, eye's dewy from holding back tears, and a white over-sized t-shirt being the only thing covering his lithe body, Taehyung almost loses it. But he barely has time to react before Jungkook's jumping on him and wrapping his arms around his neck, legs locking around his hips like a vice. As though he's afraid Taehyung would let him go.

No chance. 

Jungkook's immediately kissing at the tanned skin of Taehyungs neck, patience long gone much like his virtue. When the brunette lands a harsh slap on his ass Jungkook feels it deep in his core, the vibrator jabbing him right in his prostate drawing a long blissful whine from his plush lips. Taehyung's on cloud nine as the pretty male focuses his attention on his neck, fuck that's his weak spot. Jungkook needs to slow down, he's already dangerously close to cumming in his pants just from the sight of him. 

With closed eyes, Jungkook continues mouthing at Taehyungs neck whilst he guides one of the brunettes hands from his waist to his ass, Taehyung's palm automatically squeezing the firm muscle upon impact. Jungkook's whine gives Taehyung all the encouragement he needs to massage the skin, his fingers trailing across the expanse until he's subconsciously circling the swollen circular ring nestled between his plush globes. Jungkook holds his breath, struggling to regain his sense of self as the fingers tease his sensitive rim. His breathing hitching at the soft touch.

"Fuck Jungkook, you have no idea what you're doing to me." Taehyung utters out breathlessly. He need's to take control of the situation quick-time, that or he needs to be buried in Jungkook's ass immediately. He's not going to last if he keeps this up. The past two hours have been torturous to say the least, he couldn't focus on his lecture knowing that Jungkook was waiting patiently for his arrival. 

"Well it's not like I can read minds, surely you're fully aware of what you're doing to me." Jungkook's voice is breathless and whiny. So soft in nature and sweet sounding that Taehyung almost melts there and then. His erection bobbing even within the confined space of his boxers.

"Cheeky brat" 

Taehyung slaps Jungkooks bare ass once more and the blonde lets out a muffled whine, his mouth too busy marking up Taehyungs neck. With desperation and lust being the driving force behind his actions, Jungkook begins rutting into Taehyung. Grinding his wet length against the rough material of the brunettes trousers, it would be surprising if there wasn't a wet spot left there afterwards. His cocks soaked, the length shamefully swollen and pressed firmly between his and Taehyung's body.

"Where the fuck is the bedroom?" Taehyung asks as he walks further down the hallway with Jungkook in his arms, not forgetting to make sure the doors locked securely behind him. He's waited too long for this, there's no way he'd be able to hold out. Jungkook's too arousing, too sexy, sin incarnate with his long lean legs on show. Luckily for him, he's not the only one running on a hormone high.

"Screw the bedroom, I need you now." Jungkook wrestles his way out of Taehyungs arms only to sink to his knees there at the end of the hallway. He pushes Taehyung until his backs pressed firmly against the wall of his hallway before crawling closer to him, completely forgetting about the remote in Taehyung's possession.  

All of a sudden Jungkooks hit with overwhelming bliss as the vibrations in his ass spontaneously speed up, the new setting making his stomach clench, a delicious pain settling in his core that has him scrambling for breath. Taehyung had reached into his pocket to sneakily bump up the speed, taking Jungkook completely of guard. But he can't complain, it feels too fucking good.

Jungkook grabs onto Taehyung's thighs bracing himself as a new wave of vibrations shakes him to the core. Taehyung being a sneaky little devil, quickly decided to change the mode to a more sharp sensation, surprising Jungkook once more. Jungkook's body trembles as lust consumes him. He rubs his face against Taehyung's swollen girth, smelling his own essence against Taehyung's trousers. Feeling incredibly needy he begins nuzzling the hard length, every now and again caressing the clothed length with open mouthed kisses, tasting himself as he admires the males impressive girth.

All rationality leaves Jungkook as he starts to verbalize his wants, his needs. Why not? Taehyung can read his mind anyway. Jungkook's almost certain Taehyung's heard far worse coming from him already. So he let's all hell break loose by verbalizing his true, innermost desires.

"Taehyung, I want you in my mouth, I want to taste you on my fucking tongue. Feel you slide down my throat. Will you fuck my mouth make me gag and choke until i'm crying on your cock? Fuck I want it so bad."

"Fuck Jungkook." Taehyung complies unzipping his trousers to pull his cock from the confines of his underwear. He blushes when Jungkooks eyes immediately stray to his achy arousal, doe eyes bulging as he takes in the sight of of him. Magnificently hard, veins bulging as his cock bobs at the sight of Jungkook on his knees before him.

Jungkook leaks a spurt of precum, the pearly substance dripping from his length as Taehyung ups the vibration speed once more and boy, Jungkook's a goner. Rubbing himself against the floor in a lustful haze as he begs for a taste of Taehyung's cock. The ache in his knees not deterring him from his conquest of mind-blowing pleasure. Taehyung taps the head of his cock on Jungkooks cheek teasing him and the blonde actually whimpers, fucking whimpers. The sound reverberating throughout Taehyung's being and making him all the more hungry for the pretty blonde.

Jungkook leans forward to give a tentative lick to Taehyung's tip, tasting his salty precum on his tongue. The taste making him moan more than the vibrations stimulating his ass. Taehyung's breath hitches at the sudden warmth, the wetness. Fuck it's been so long since he felt the heat of another. The sensation had him ready to drag Jungkook to bed so he could make a mess of him. Had him wanting to fuck the pretty blonde hard enough that he feels it the next day, hell for the next week. Jungkook blows cool air onto the wet tip to tease the brunette and Taehyung feels a full body shudder creep its way up his spine and down his limbs. His patience finally snapping.

"Open your mouth for me, slut." Taehyung surprised himself with that one, he really need's to stop listening in on Jungkook's thoughts they're tainting his character, however the immediate reaction was worth it. 

Jungkook looks up at him, eyes dewy, almost pleading for Taehyung to make a mess of him. Like an innocent little puppy awaiting a treat. His knees are spread, a wet patch forming on his white t-shirt where his cock leaked against the fabric, boy was it a sight to behold. Jungkook would feel embarrassed at his eagerness if it weren't for the persistent ache between his thighs, his achy arousal clouding his judgement and making him eager to be filled and fucked mercilessly.

Jungkook doesn't waste time any more time with teasing, wanting nothing more than to have Taehyung's meat buried deeply in his mouth. He opens his lips wide, letting his tongue hang out, waiting for Taehyung to give him what he wants so desperately. Taehyung grips his cock, stepping forward to rub himself along Jungkook's tongue. Breath hitching as the heat of his breath caresses the sensitive tissue of his head.

Jungkook whines and hurries to wrap his lips around the bulbous tip, content at the weight of taehyung's cock on his tongue. Hollowing out his cheeks, he moves his mouth further down Taehyung's length, humming in content as he feels the burning stretch in his jaw. Taehyung hand moves to Jungkooks hair, teasing the blonde strands between his fingers, appreciating the silky tendrils, as the male sinks down on his length.

Taking control, Taehyung guides Jungkooks head further down his cock, a hefty feat for any person. He made sure to watch over Jungkooks facial expressions, look for signs of discomfort but the pretty blonde only hums in approval as the tip of his member passes the tight ring of Jungkooks throat. Taehyung groans, a deep sinful melody as he bottoms out, his cock now sheathed in the pretty males velvety throat.

He gives Jungkook's hair an experimental tug reveling in the wanton mule that vibrates it way down his cock. The feeling electrifying his body, sending shivery hot bursts of pleasure straight to his core. Jungkook can barely contain his eagerness, rocking his hips so his cock has some friction against the floor. Then Taehyung's moving, setting a firm pace, using his hand to guide Jungkook's movements as he fucks his face.

This continues on and on, Jungkook whining on his cock producing the most sinful of sounds. Then Taehyung decides to experiment a little, holding Jungkook down on his cock, securing his head in place with a firm grip of his hair. The sensations unbeatable, feeling Jungkook's throat contract around him, squeezing so deliciously as he swallows around him. He has to hold his breath for fear of sobbing at the fiery heat consuming his very being.

After a few seconds Jungkooks eyes begin to water, the blonde trying and failing desperately at retaining his gag reflex. Drool seeps from his lips as his mind grows foggy. Until the mind numbing pressures gone and Taehyung's releasing his hold, mumbling profanities and gripping his cock to prevent coming undone so soon. The painful grip of his hand enough for him to hold back from spontaneously combusting.

Jungkook gasps for air, his lungs burning as Taehyung reaches for his luscious thighs, lifting him from the floor to move him to the couch. A display of strength that has Jungkook enthralled. Jungkooks suddenly dropping onto the plush surface of the furniture, bouncing with the impact as Taehyung towers over him. "I can't wait anymore so i'm gonna fuck you here on this couch, any complaints?"

"Yes, why the fuck aren't you naked already?" Voice croaky, Jungkook reaches to pull at Taehyung's trousers only to have his hand slapped away. Jungkook sends Taehyung an accusing glare, cursing the brunette out in his head, only for it to melt away when Taehyung reaches for the hem of his shirt, removing it with a smirk.

The first thing that catches Jungkook's attention is Taehyungs shoulders, so broad and undoubtedly masculine. As he trails his eyes down the fine lines of his abdomen Jungkook feels his breath hitch. Taehyung's stunning. Miles of golden, unblemished skin, the expanse covering his firm muscles. Muscles that had Jungkook drooling. He finds himself smacking his lips together to remove the excess saliva building up in his mouth. 

Taehyung's hand trails along his chest and Jungkook has to mentally force himself not to groan at the show. He watches unblinking as Taehyung slowly unbuttons his trousers, the strip show much to his liking. Jungkook's always been susceptible to a little teasing. A sucker for titillating views. Taehyung drops his trouser's and his boxers in one fluid motion, standing bare before the other male. Even naked he didn't look vulnerable. He looked powerful. Sexy. And Jungkook finds himself completely enamored by his beauty.

The swell of Taehyung's cock bobs as he paces forwards, the movement drawing Jungkooks immediate attention. He can't hold back, his own hand slipping under his over-sized t-shirt to stoke his length, to ease some of the built up tension that was threatening to erupt.

How did I fit that fucking thing in my throat, lord help me, how am I gonna get it in my ass?  

Wide eyed at the suddenness of Jungkooks action's Taehyung freezes. Gapes as Jungkook pleasures himself right in front of him. He couldn't hide his fascination, eyes trailing over the males glorious form. The sight of him the personification of sinful temptation, drawing Taehyung in like the apple that tempted Eve. Taehyung wonders how he'd managed to score the most perfect guy. 

I'm one lucky bastard.

Naked as the day he was born, Taehyung situates himself between Jungkooks spread legs, taking a moment to appreciate the sight of the blonde bombshell spread out beneath him. Allowing himself the pleasure of just watching, taking all of him in. Taehyung resists the temptation of stepping in and pleasuring Jungkook himself, too hypnotized the the erotic display. Meanwhile Jungkooks feeding off of the hunger in Taehyung's eyes, as he caresses his swollen girth, the strokes aiding in keeping him grounded. 

Reaching forward Taehyung places his hand on Jungkooks shirt, trailing his hand up towards his chest exposing his smooth alabaster skin to the cold. Taehyung sucked in a breath at the sight; nipples puckered, chest heaving, member hard and dripping. The colour? A sinful shade of red. He pushes away the pesky material so he could caress every crevice of his inviting body. Aiming to see more, because he couldn't get enough of him. All the while making sure to engrave the sight of his pretty flushed skin, his intricate tattoo's, that otherworldly cock, into his mind permanently.

Jungkook could feel the heat radiating off of Taehyungs body as he leaned closer his hand reaching between Jungkooks thighs, pulling the vibrator from his ass. It's such an abrupt removal that a startled whine leaves Jungkook, and he quickly moves to muffle the sound with both his hands, now neglecting his swollen cock. Jungkook pouts petulantly, lewdly wriggling his ass as if to entice Taehyung into action.

"Thundercunt 3000? Really? That's the brand?" Asks a dumbfounded Taehyung, a beautiful boxy smile lighting up his features as his eyes trail over the silicone length. Curiosity piked at seeing a vibrator in person for the first time. Jungkook melts at the sight, feeling butterflies erupt in his stomach. It baffled him how Taehyung could be so dom daddy one moment and then so soft the next, but that was undoubtedly a part of his charm.

"What? It's tasteful..." The blonde whines out, feeling embarrassed as Taehyung examines his favorite sex toy. His pretty pink vibrating rabbit.

Jungkook grows impatient as Taehyung giggles to himself, playing with the toy in his grasp, the male distracted by the floppy length of silicone. So he decides to take measures into his own hands

"If you won't hurry up and fuck me, i'll fuck myself."

Hurriedly, Jungkook buries two fingers in his ass, making sure to whine, putting on a show for the handsome male before him. Taehyung's eyes immediately darken with an intense hunger, a primal ferocity, that has Jungkook shivering from head to toe. It's not long before he's discarding the vibrating toy in favor of sating the rather demanding blonde.

"You little-" Taehyung slaps away the blonde haired males hand, quickly replacing his fingers with his own. Starting off with two as Jungkook's more than thoroughly prepped, he just wants to tease. Watch as he falls apart under his own ministrations. "This ass right here is mine, i'll be the one fucking it."

"Fucking yes sir." Jungkook groans as he grinds his ass onto Taehyung's intimate touches.

Jungkooks hot on Taehyung's fingers as he begins scissoring them open, pads running over the ridged walls of his core. His walls draw his fingers in like a vice, desperately holding on, sucking him in like they didn't want to let go. It's not long until he's picking up pace, rocking his digits in and out of Jungkook. Making sure to alternate between deep hard thrusts against his prostate and short teasing strokes that have Jungkook whining for more.  The blonde sucks in his plush bottom lip as he listens to the squelches resonating from between his thighs.

Taehyung's other hand has a harsh grip on Jungkooks left thigh, spreading him wide so he has a good view of his puckered hole. So he can watch as his fingers easily slide in and out, the leftover lube from the toy coating his fingers in slick. Jungkook's frustrated, stuck between screaming out in bliss and crying due to the intense over-stimulation. He's needy, hot, and Taehyung's unrelenting in the pursuit of wrecking his asshole with his deft digits.

Its embarrassing how quickly Jungkook feels himself build up to release, fiery hot arousal churning in his lower stomach, the throbs almost unbearable as he digs his heels into the couch cushions, anything to hold off for just a bit longer. He didn't want to cum until Taehyung was in him, but that feat seemed impossible.

Taehyung grabs Jungkook's hip, adjusting himself to be in a comfortable position between his spread thighs. The other hand moving to guide his cock to Jungkooks sopping heat. He's too impatient now, hungry for the molten heat that would be Jungkooks fine ass wrapped around him.

Jungkook throws his head back the moment Taehyung presses in, the head of his cock moulding the shape of his ass, the stretch more demanding than what Jungkook's used to. A mischievous giggle slips past Taehyung's lips and suddenly he's surging forward. Burying himself deeply in one passionate thrust. Jungkook moans in contentment at being filled, the feeling far more satisfying than any vibrator he owned. 

Nothing beats the real thing after all. Especially this cock, fucking wow.

"I'm glad you approve." Taehyung brushes a few stray strands out of Jungkooks face as he allows him time to adjust, the endearing action far too soft and intimate considering he was buried in his ass, but regardless of that it felt right.

"Stop reading my mind, that's cheating! No fair!" Jungkook's voice is quiet, eyes closed as he absorbs himself in the feeling of being so fucking full. Mind already hazy due to his prolonged arousal.

"Its pretty hard not to, you're an open book." Taehyung smirks as he holds up his own weight, his body towering over Jungkooks own. He can't believe he's doing this. That the Jungkook before him is real and so so gorgeous all splayed out and needy for him. It's a dream come true and Taehyung can barely contain his excitement. "Besides why would I want to? Your pretty little heads so filthy. I love it."

Feeling himself relax around the cock impaling him he grabs hold of Taehyungs chin. Trying to sound as demanding as possible he speaks up. "Shut up and fuck me already."

"That's no way to speak to me, only good boys get what they want Jungkook. Are you going to be good for me or do you want me to get out the riding crop?" The brunette asks, a teasing lilt to his voice. 

"Stooooop pleaseeeeee."Suddenly feeling shy at the mention of his kinky fantasy from last night, Jungkook covers his face with hands, aiming to hide the cherry red blush of his cheeks. "This is already embarrassing enough as it is. I-i haven't done this in a while..."

"You don't need to be embarrassed, you're gorgeous Jungkook."

Jungkook's eye's widen at Taehyung's words, his hands falling away from his face in his stupor. Taehyung leans forward and presses his lips against Jungkooks own, the move unanticipated but much appreciated. It takes no time for Jungkook to reciprocate, his fingers tangling in Taehyung's curly locks. The brunette can taste himself as he moves his lips in time with Jungkook's own, the taste a reminder of the amazing blowjob he'd received. It acted like a aphrodisiac, causing him to move his mouth at a bruising rate. 

The force of the kiss is breath-taking. Jungkook having to pull away to catch his breath, only to dive back in as he grinds his ass onto Taehyung's cock. Taehyung had no business being that good with his mouth, Jungkook's brain automatically went to the gutter when he started imaging what other filthy things his mouth would be capable of. Taehyung absorbs himself in the feeling of Jungkook's heat. The softness of his mouth and the silky smoothness of his ass, which grips him so beautifully. 

Both panting, hot and restless, they pull away. Completely dazed at the sheer intensity of their kiss.

One last chaste touch of lips and Taehyung's repositioning himself, Jungkook shivering at the implication. This is it, fucking finally. The build up had been sinfully long and Jungkook's burning with need, body hot and so fucking ready for a pounding. He'd never been this turned on in his entire life, not that he was complaining, but he simply couldn't wait any longer. He craved this, needed it like the very oxygen he breaths.

Taking note of how restless Jungkook was becoming, the brunette coos, satisfied with his teasing. He grunts as he draws out slowly, only slam back in with enough force to knock the air out of Jungkooks lungs. A drawn out whine falling from his lips as Taehyung starts a steady rhythm, holding onto his petite frame as he fucks into him.

"Fuck you're so fucking tight, feels so good." Taehyung utters out breathlessly, voice gruff, the added rasp making Jungkook clench around his cock.

"I may be tight, but you're fucking huge, is your dad the hulk or something?"

A hearty laugh flees Taehyungs lips causing Taehyung's hips to stutter as he tries to focus on fucking Jungkook into the couch. "If you can still speak, i'm not fucking you hard enough."

The tempo picks up and the room's filled with wet sloppy sounds as Taehyung pistons his length in and out of Jungkooks puckered hole. Hell bent on making the bratty male speechless with the force of his thrusts. The brunette fucks into him raggedly, using Jungkook like his own personal fuck toy, and Jungkook love's it. Lives for it even. A jumbled mess of words and curses spewing from his mouth as he just takes each thrust that's given to him.

Each meeting of hips draws sinful whines from Jungkook's lips and Taehyung's enamored by each and every one of them. Relieved to find out that Jungkook is in fact vocal during sex, a realization that turns him on beyond belief. Taehyung prays that Jungkook's other neighbors are as occupied as he is, but any possible repercussions could be dealt with later. Right now, Jungkook was his sole focus. Those beautiful whines, the way his eyes shine as he fucks into him, that's the embodiment of utopia.

"I love the sounds you make, sing for me Jungkook." 

Jungkook complies, put's in the extra effort to not hold back, completely embraces his wild side. And Taehyung makes it so easy for him to do so. 

Taehyung's engorged member beats Jungkook's sensitive hole as deep grunts leave his own plush lips. His grip on the blondes hips is lethal, it's likely that Jungkook will be covered in small purple marks tomorrow, that thought makes Taehyung smile. After all, purple's his favorite colour. No doubt Jungkook will look ravishing painted in it.

Jungkook digs the heels of his feet into Taehyung's ass for leverage as he raises his ass to meet his thrusts. Pleasure has robbed him of his cognitive abilities, his mind solely focused on the searing heat radiating throughout his being. His skin's beetroot red, temperature skyrocketing, body trembling as he cries out shamefully. Whines and moans being all that he can verbalize as the assault on his as continues.

Digging his nails into the tender skin around Jungkooks waist, Taehyung continues on, his length slipping in and out of the blonde with ease. His long hair dangles over his narrowed eyes and sweat treacle's down from his forehead due to the exertion. His knees burn as he buries them into the couch hard, the furniture aiding in maintaining his animalistic thrusts. He pulls out halfway only to slam himself back in with the same intensity, earning a loud cry from the younger as he feels his thighs tremble at his sides.

Jungkook can barely speak through his sobs, hands desperately clutching at the couch cushions to ground himself, the pleasure's blistering hot. All the more so considering Taehyung's the one giving it to him. This continued until Taehyung decided to try something new. Without pulling out he redistributes his weight, leaning back to grip Jungkooks meaty thighs. He applies enough force to push Jungkook's knees up to his chin. Jungkook responding with clear chants of the word 'yes'  as this position allows for much deeper, thorough penetration. 

Fuck he's so flexible. Taehyung inwardly groans, admiring the contorted body of the muscular male under him, the way his muscles shift and contract with his heavy breathing making hot arousal coil in his abdomen.

With his legs pushed so far back Jungkook can feel each deep slide of Taehyung cock, his swollen tip hitting his prostate straight on in this new position. Each jab causing a new moan to tumble from his lips. The smell of sex lingers heavily around the room, the scent hanging heavy in the air, and Taehyung rejoices. Fully absorbed in all the sensations that make sex so undoubtedly breathtaking. Sensation's he was deprived of when he was a hopeless observer to Jungkook's fantasies. 

Jungkook's eyes are now trained on the spot between his thighs where him and Taehyung meet, he watches as Taehyung thrusts ravenously into his heat. Jungkook's gritting his teeth as Taehyung fucks into him with wild abandon. He could feel everything like this, Taehyung's hips grinding in deep, opening him up with his stupidly thick cock. He marvels the way his hole puckers as Taehyung withdraws, as if its trying to suck him back in. Mould them permanently into one and fuck that's so hot. 

Taehyung's eyes are deep dark abyss as Jungkook makes eye contact. Lust blowing his pupils wide and causing him to look all the more dangerous, dangerously sexy. Jungkooks finds himself thinking Taehyung looks like a predator, a ravenous beast staring down at his prey, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. The blonde haired male feels himself squirm under the prolonged eye-contact, but fuck its undeniably arousing. He feels himself growing hotter the longer Taehyung stares into his watery doe eyes. 

Feeling the spamming of Jungkook's walls, Taehyung realizes the other males close. No surprise giving how much Taehyung had teased him earlier. Feeling mischievous, Taehyung reaches for the discarded vibrator, holding the thrumming device against Jungkooks leaky tip. Jungkook all but screams at the new sensation. All the stimuli being to much for him. Each snap of Taehyung's hips slamming perfectly into his swollen prostate. Each thrust pushing him one step closer to his inevitable release.

I'm gonna cum, i'm gonna cum, i'm gonna cum. Jungkook chants in his mind, like a never-ending mantra, as high pitched whines spill from his lips.

"Then cum for me Angel." 

Taehyung's sultry words send molten hot arousal licking down Jungkooks skin. But, it's the pet name sends Jungkook over the edge, he's always wanted to be fucked without mercy, be treated like a sinful whore, be manhandled and ragged about. But, what he wanted the most, was to be called Angel as he cums. To know that the person he was fucking only treated him harshly to make him feel good, but ultimately know deep down, that they actually cared about his comfort. For a brief moment, Jungkook wonders if Taehyung had read that in his mind.

Biting down on Taehyung's shoulder hard, Jungkook shudders,  blinding hot pleasure engulfing him and spurts of semen shoots from him painfully erect member. His body shakes violently, creamy streaks of white painting his torso as he looses himself in the gratifying ebbs of his orgasm. The relief's immediate as he groans into Taehyungs skin. Though Taehyung keeps moving, never once removing the vibrator from Jungkooks tip. The vibrations now all the more intense due to the overwhelming post orgasm sensitivity. 

Jungkook releases his hold on Taehyungs neck only to cry out due to the intense stimulation. His body contracting at the delicious pain. 

"Ahhhhhh fuck, fuck Tae Jesus fuck. Too good, it hurts fuck." Jungkooks cries out, his voice hoarse from being so vocal. Yet he couldn't hold back even if he wanted to, each moan gets ripped from him before he can even think to cover his mouth. His body feels like jelly, he's erratic and covered in cum. No doubt a complete mess on Taehyung's cock. So he see's no point in holding back. 

"I'm not stopping until you come again." Taehyung grunts, the force of his thrusts never ceasing, hell bent on continuing the endless assault on Jungkooks prostate. "You can do it Angel."

"Oh fuck you're amazing!" Jungkook screams as he writhes about, body not being able to handle the intense throbs of pleasure wrecking there way through his nervous system. 

Jungkook feels tears treacle down from his eyes, he thought he was overstimulated before, but he was so so wrong. His legs quake as he tries to hold them up, his breathing's shaky as he pants and whines with each forceful impact of Taehyung's hips. If it's even possible, Taehyung speeds up his thrusts, holding onto the back of Jungkook's thighs with a vice like grip to prevent him from shifting up the couch.

Just as Jungkook fears for his sanity, the pleasure so mind numbing he can feel himself slipping from consciousness, he hears those magical words, words that have having him transcending into heaven. "Cum Jungkook. I'm close, I want you to milk my cock."

Jungkook walls clench down hard on Taehyungs thick cock, trapping his meaty length in his depths. Feels Taehyung's hips stutter, actions growing jerky as he tries to rut into the tight grip Jungkook has on him. The sight of the handsome male struggling to hold on, loosing himself in pleasure, aids in Jungkook having his second ever dry orgasm. His muscles tense over and over, his chest heaving as Taehyung unleashes a hefty load into his ass. 

Taehyung's in heaven, his cock being squeezed between the walls of Jungkook ass, the smooth expanse milking him of all he's worth. Jungkook blacks out for a fraction of a second, his vision consumed by a dark abyss, until Taehyungs gently rousing him from the pits with a gentle caress of his jaw.

For the first time, in a long long time, Taehyung found that his mind was peacefully blank, completely and utterly silent. His body too preoccupied with feeling, absorbing every sensation as his hips continued to rut softly. Spurts finally ceasing as he rides out his orgasm. The only thing able to entice him back into reality is the pleased hums coming from Jungkooks lips.

Body trembling Taehyung collapses onto Jungkook, his molten skin coming into contact with Jungkooks cum slick chest. Both males are panting wrapped up in one another's embrace, limbs sticky from the cooling sweat and minds empty in the post sex bliss. They shift and make themselves comfortable. Jungkook resting his head on Taehyung's chest, Taehyungs arm wrapped around his waist, the brunette happily moulding Jungkook into his embrace.

"So...Taehyung.." Jungkook pants out between breaths. The worn out male still trying to calm himself down from his immense high. "Will you actually.... talk to me from now on?"

Taehyung laughs wholeheartedly at that, his hand holding onto his stomach as he curls into himself, his other hand slapping at Jungkooks ass cheek playfully. Jungkook's head bobs up and down with each hefty chuckle of Taehyungs chest and he finds himself beaming at the hysterical male.

"Of course, the only reason I avoided you was because I've seen the things you fantasize about. I couldn't maintain eye contact with you for more than a few seconds without imagining fucking you."

"I'm flattered. Though I don't think you need to be worrying about that anymore. You can fuck me whenever you want to."

Taehyungs arms tighten, wrapping Jungkook tighter into his embrace. "You have no idea how good it is to hear that. You've been literally driving me insane." 

Jungkook giggles, the sound filled with childlike innocence as he nuzzles into Taehyung's neck. "I promise that I will continue to do so."

Silence once again settles over Jungkook's living room as he trails his fingers across Taehyung's chest absentmindedly. 

"So you really promise to not ignore me?" Jungkook mumbles out quietly, voice soft as he feels his eyelids grow heavy. His achy limbs enticing him to fall into sleeps embrace.

"I promise."

"Really?" Jungkook's heart skips a beat as he waits patiently for Taehyung's response. Hope blooming in his heart like a delicate rose. Taehyung chuckles until he's locking eye's with Jungkook, seeing the silent plea in his eyes melts his heart a little. Now realizing there was more to this than just simple sex. 

He taps the underside of Jungkooks chin with his fingers as he responds. "Really really." 

Two simple words laced with so many hidden meanings. Words that hide the true depth of Taehyungs emotions for the pretty blonde haired boy. The one that had stolen his heart a long time ago. The moment he'd ran into him outside his apartment door, the blonde rashly introducing himself as Taehyung's new neighbor. 

He was instantly smitten. Taehyung had it bad for him back then. Correction, still does.

The two boys latch onto each other, nestling into each others warmth until a dreamless sleep settles over them. Both boys fell into slumber sated and content. And for the first time in a long while, Jungkook didn't fantasize about wild orgies or kinky sex.

And Taehyung? He finally got a good nights rest. His arms wrapped around the boy he'd secretly admired from afar for two dreadfully long years.


I am sorry for the iron man reference let's think it didn't happened :(