
Information on main people

Get to know the main characters if you don't wanna know skip this page and the next luv ya.♡︎

Taehyung (Main Character):


(Height): 6'3 Ft

(School year): 3rd

(Background info): his parents never liked him he comes from a rich family, he has a best friend(jungkook) who always took care of him.

(Hobbies): He likes to Read, Sing, and Act, watch kdramas, he likes gold fishes, he does not like gold diggers or people who want to be famous, he likes to Dance.

(A thing about him): he acts like a b*tch but he's actually really funny, caring, and nice

Y/N (Main Character):

(Age): 16

(Height): 5'4 1/2

(School year): 3rd

(Background info): her mom parents are divorced, her father is gone somewhere, her mom is a sl*t, she is not rich, she has 2 part time jobs, she is not popular, she has only 2 best friends.

(Hobbies): she likes to karaoke, she loves her best friends, she loves to eat, she loves kdramas, she loves comics, she likes to eat healthy when she's happy but when she's mad/sad she eats junk, when anyone mess with her she gets pissed and causes a scene, she doesn't like any boys (except for later)

(A thing about her): She's actually very emotional but hides her feelings even with her best friends she's not a b*tch she's nice and thoughtful but that's not what others think.

Jungkook (2 Main Character):


(Height): 6'4

(School year): 3rd

(Background info): His parents are not rich but not poor, his parents divorced but his dad passed away, his mom abandoned him and gave him to his dads mom (Grandma), he lives with his grandma.

Hobbies: His grandma has a small deli, he's best friends with Taehyung, he's very good in school (Top 5), popular, he likes food a lot, snacks, and drinks, he uses lip balms a lot (not colored). He works out at the gym, He likes modeling, he likes to mess with girls, he never dates.

A thing about him: he acts like a player but he really isn't he's a dorky nerd always fun to hang with he doesn't like to be awkward.