
Tactical Knights!

In the midst of a brutal modern war, three soldiers find themselves unexpectedly transported into a fantastical realm by an enigmatic goddess. Confronted with the opportunity to shape their destinies anew, the trio embarks on an unforeseen adventure in this magical world, unearthing mysteries, forging alliances, and confronting formidable adversaries. As they navigate the challenges of this unfamiliar landscape, the soldiers must unravel the secrets of their deployment and discover the true purpose behind their journey. In a realm where magic and warfare intertwine, the choices they make will not only determine their fates but also reshape the destiny of the entire fantastical realm. I'm new to making a story and still practicing, this is my very first story that I made and hope you like it.

CptCreed · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
44 Chs

Sub Quest

The trio's exceptional skills left the knights in awe. Kyru's precision with his shots and Shiiyo's powerful bomb spells were nothing short of remarkable. The knights marveled at their abilities, and the trio received words of admiration from their newfound comrades.

Knight 1, with a look of amazement, exclaimed, "I've never seen skills like that. These adventurers are incredible!"

Knight 2 nodded enthusiastically, agreeing, "It's like their skills are from out of this world!"

Knight 3 chimed in, equally impressed, "They're something special. We could learn a thing or two from them."

Amid the intense battle, Creed continued to grapple with the giant Ogre, but its rapid regeneration was proving to be a formidable challenge. Growing increasingly frustrated, Creed couldn't help but voice his exasperation.

Creed, through gritted teeth, demanded of the relentless beast, "Why won't you die?"

Kyru, his excitement undeterred, suggested a rather straightforward solution to their predicament—decapitating the Ogre. Hearing this, Creed considered the idea, giving it a moment's thought.

Kyru, brimming with enthusiasm, proposed, "Captain, how about we try cutting off the ogre's head? That might do the trick!"

Creed, showing his approval with a determined nod, agreed, "That might just work."

With renewed determination, he swiftly took action. Creed fired his shotgun at point-blank range into the Ogre's face, immobilizing it temporarily. He then utilized a nearby tree to catapult himself at high speed, his sword slicing through the Ogre's neck with a powerful and precise strike. The beast fell, defeated, its massive body crashing to the ground.

As Creed stood heroically over the fallen foe, he muttered with a hint of swagger, "Piece of meat."

Inside the royal carriage, one of the passengers was captivated by Creed's heroic display, witnessing him shine brilliantly as he stood victorious before her. It was a moment that etched itself into the memory of all who were present, a testament to the power and unity of these extraordinary adventurers.

The aftermath of the battle saw Creed and the rest of the team attending to the wounded and beginning the process of cleaning up the chaos. It was a daunting task, but their sense of duty propelled them forward. As they worked diligently, they suddenly noticed two females stepping out of the royal carriage, revealing themselves to be a maidservant and noble figures from the kingdom.

Evelyn, the maidservant, stepped forward and expressed her gratitude to the trio, introducing herself. "I humbly thank you three for coming to our aid. I am Evelyn, the maidservant of the Royal Palace of Isendelle."

Then, a beautiful noblewoman emerged from the carriage, and Evelyn introduced her to the trio. "The woman I'm with is Princess Seraphina."

Princess Seraphina gracefully made a slight bow and introduced herself. "I am Seraphina of Isendelle, the first daughter of King Alistair," she said with a warm and appreciative smile.

The princess extended her gratitude to the heroes. "I am very grateful that you three have come to our aid. I can never thank you enough."

In a surprising show of respect, the trio kneeled before the princess, led by Creed, who was at a loss for words. "O...Our honor is ours. We were just doing what's right, your Highness."

Princess Seraphina, humble and down-to-earth, kindly suggested that such gestures were unnecessary. "O...Oh... Please, there's no need for you to do such gestures. Raise your heads, adventurers."

Just as the princess was about to inquire about their names, the trio suddenly remembered the urgency of their quest. They panicked, profusely apologizing as they rushed back towards Maria.

Princess Seraphina, with gratitude etched on her face, began to ask, "Uh... Uhm... May I know your..."

But her sentence was cut short as Creed interrupted, a look of urgency on his face. "I am incredibly sorry, Your Majesty, but we need to go," he said, and without further delay, the trio hurriedly made their way back to Maria, who had been waiting for their return.

Evelyn, with her perceptive nature, noticed a hint of sadness on Seraphina's face and gently inquired, "Is there something wrong, Lady Seraphina?" The princess, her gaze fixed on the departing trio, replied with a wistful tone, "I wish we could see him again, Evelyn."

Evelyn, wanting to comfort her, offered some encouraging words. "Don't worry, Lady Seraphina. Maybe someday, fate will find a way," she said with a reassuring smile.

Meanwhile, back with the trio, they were sprinting at full speed, realizing that they had inadvertently left Maria waiting. Creed, panting heavily, voiced his concern between breaths. "I can't believe we forgot Maria. She's waiting for us!"

Shiiyo, also trying to catch his breath, concurred, "Yeah, we forgot our quest!"

The trio managed to make it back to Maria, who welcomed them with a warm smile. "You guys are back!" she said with relief. Creed, still slightly out of breath, immediately apologized, "We are very sorry for making you wait."

Maria, understanding and forgiving, replied, "It's okay. You guys are just doing what's right, right?"

After catching their breath, they continued on their journey toward the capital, discussing the events that had unfolded and the unexpected encounter with Princess Seraphina.

As they finally reached their destination, Maria expressed her gratitude to the trio, a warm smile on her face. "Thank you all for escorting me safely," she said with genuine appreciation.

The trio waved to Maria as they left her side, and she watched them go with a fond smile.

The next destination for the trio was the guild, where they needed to report the successful completion of their quest to Lila. The cheerful receptionist welcomed them as they entered, and she inquired about their escort quest.

Lila, with a friendly smile, asked, "Welcome back, you three. How was the escort quest?" Kyru, ever the charmer, began to lean casually on the desk and started, "You know, Lila, I bet you—"

However, Kyru's attempt to ask her out was swiftly cut short by Creed, who acted quickly. With a firm grip, Creed snatched Kyru by the collar from behind and pulled him away. A wry grin crossed Creed's face as he said, "Hold up, lover boy, we're not here for that."

Shiiyo, the pragmatic member of the trio, sighed and stepped in to report their mission's success. "I'm sorry about that," he apologized to Lila. "As you can see, we successfully escorted Miss Maria to safety. It was a walk in the park."

Lila, still smiling, responded, "That's good to hear. Keep this up, and soon you three will get promoted in no time."

She handed them a bag of coins as a reward. "Here is the reward for this quest. Well, it's not much, considering it was only a basic quest, but soon you guys will get more rewards as you grow."

The trio accepted the reward, and with a nod of gratitude, they headed back to the inn, their adventure in the new world continuing to unfold.

As the trio headed back to the inn after a successful quest and reporting to Lila, they settled down for the evening. While they enjoyed a hearty meal and their newfound camaraderie, they couldn't help but discuss the events of the day and their goals for the future.

Kyru, with his playful and mischievous tone, couldn't resist teasing Creed. He leaned in and said, "You know, Capt, during that fight with the ogre, you were showing off. I could swear I saw the princess eyeing you a bit."

Shiiyo, who usually stayed reserved, couldn't help but break into a smirk at Kyru's comment. He added, "Yes, indeed. It's not every day a princess gets to witness such a heroic display."

Creed, who wasn't used to attention and flattery, shifted uncomfortably in his seat, a faint blush appearing on his cheeks. He brushed off the compliments with a modest response, "Come on, guys, it was a team effort. We all played our parts."

After their meal, and with their hearts filled with the warmth of companionship and success, they retired to their room at the inn for a well-deserved rest. The trio's journey in this new world was just beginning, and they were eager to see what other adventures and challenges awaited them.