
Becoming Popular

Jake and his squad walked on through the plains that made up this foreign world, occasionally talking to the other three who were acting as their guides back to a place called outpost 7.

The key thing they learned was that they stood out, more so than wearing the military uniform never seen locally before but also because of how clean most of them were since water had become a scarce commodity in the post-apocalypse.

While Jake and his team were wearing mostly unsoiled clothing that had clearly been washed more than once as aside from today's beast blood and battle grim not much more could be spotted.

While modern technology advanced enough to acquire water from various sources and methods the amount was not enough to be wasteful so the thought of keep clothes pristine was unheard of.

the other thing he learned was this world had taken on the doctrine of might make right, where the strong did as they please almost without reproach since almost no one could stop them, in the case of the outpost there were three gang leaders who ruled the city almost with an iron fist each vying for the chance to be the sole ruler of the place.

Given his non-chalance to the situation a misunderstanding was boring in the natives minds that Jake was the some of some noble family hence his guard detail and attitude towards the perceived powers that be in the outpost.

But why come to such a remote place? Not that it mattered as she'd never see him again after she presented her reward for saving their lives.

The nearest fortress city was over 300 kilometers away from here so what was a noveau riche lord doing all the way out here?

As they came within sighting distance of the outpost, Jake could see that unlike the abandoned city this outpost was made up of mostly wooden houses to him it looked more like a rustic village than a futuristic outpost.

outside the gate of the outpost was a billboard displaying the number 7 on it.

Most apparently cared little for the name of this place hence leaving it as just a number from the numerous stories told as they walked, these outposts generally don't last long, with #7 here having only been around for roughly 10 years itself, most were destroyed within 20 and at any given time each fortress city would have only around 20-30 being active at a time.

Living in an outpost meant you'd been pushed out of the fortress cities and were constantly at risk of being killed by Mutant beasts or being turned by a zombie horde.

"If it isn't the famous Six-Leaf Clover? Why are their only three of you? What about the other three? Did they run away or die?"

As the combined party approached the gate a mocking voice called out towards Sarah.

Jake turned his head to see the mocker was in fact a buff woman who surpassed even his own RA soldiers in Fraken looks, her mocks towards Sarah ceased as the woman came to notice Jake and his men who were formed up as a unit behind him.

"What my team members do, or have done is no concern of yours bitch. Don't think that just because I'm missing 3 members that you have the right to challenge me." <Sarah >

Huh well didn't get her name but I guess using Bitch as a placeholder should work as well at least for now.

The mocking continued on declaring that whilst Sarah had been gone the other had gotten much stronger.

Sarah ignored her and turned to me asking how long we were planning to stay for?

"Hmm probably like 2 or 3 days at the most." <Jake >

That should be plenty of time to learn about the surrounding area and find a perfect place to deploy the MCV and build up my own base.

Only with a base could I determine the current limitations of my system and produce greater units than simple riflemen.

Bitch meanwhile guffawed as Sarah walked off to complete the entrance paperwork to allow jake and his men entrance.

"Little man, how much for a round?" <Bitch >

"Huh?" <Jake >

noticing her gaze was still on him but with a more predatory gleem in her eyes.

So it's like that, I mean I know I don't look like a warrior or soldier but come on, I'm not the doxy to this squad of soldiers.

"If your looked for a hooker take a gander of there, there's plenty to choose from." <Jake >

Spitting out his response with vitriol several men were seen standing off to the side behind Bitch trembled as the thought of once more laying with her was in their futures.

Bitch meanwhile took on a sinister smile none in Outpost 7 could reject her advances due to her power.

Only Sarah alone did not give her face in public. Now this little boy of all people dared to talk to her in such a way.

In an instant the air around her changed and an axe appeared out of nowhere being clutched in her right hand.

Her aura causing the ground the tremble a little like a magnitude 1or 2 earthquake.

"Little man, I'll give you one last chance. Tell me your price and go with me willingly, or..." <Bitch >

she pointed her equipped axe towards him, the meaning clear if he didn't agree she would reap his life with her axe.

Jake remained expressionless to her taunt.

Meanwhile the 9 soldiers behind him were absolutely livid, as they could tell their they system link the commander was angry!

And when the commander is angryno one could stop him!

As the assigned captain of the nine, Alpha stepped forward and replied "Get lost" towards bitch.

Just two words caused all action in the surrounding to grind to a screeching halt.

When had anyone in the Outpost heard anyone talk to Bitch like that not one person but now two?

In all of the outpost there were no more than 4 people who would even dare to try and 3 wouldn't even bother since they'd never need to come to conflict.

Bitch didn't take it well, grumbling about how people should just shut up an obey her.

Performing a high arcing overhand swing of her axe towards always the surrounding people gasped expecting to watch this man be cut down right in front of them.

But the expected screams did not come instead what they saw proceeded to take their breath away.

Alpha was standing just fine with one hand extended having caught the blade of her axe midswing with his bare hand, and he was unharmed!

Not just the others but even jake was surprised.

[Master, 2nd tiers can use the energy or aura within their bodies to reinforce their body or grant a tempory boost to their power, or protect themselves/ This is a necessary skill for every RA Soldier so the knowledge is already pre-imprinted upon them at deployment.]

I thanked my past self for the wisdom in choosing to rank up Alpha rather then simply increasing the size of my forces.

Without a 2nd tier it might be difficult to ensure my safety even with the support of 18 1st tiers.

The system having informed him that Bitch was actually a peak 1st Tier herself.

which meant her strength was 10x stronger than a normal human while she was just at par against his regular soldiers but she wasn't the strongest in the outpost, there were others who could threaten his existence in this world.

"You... h" <Bitch >

Her eyes were wide with a look of panic the fact that her opponent could block her full swing with one hand meant that the man before her was clearly stronger than her and was at least a 2nd tier which meant he was at least twice as strong as her.

Before she could even react to pull the axe from his grasp, his armed cocked and shot out like a rocket landing squarely into her face, their was a horrible crunching sound as her skull collapse from the impact her face becoming disfigured as her hulking form fell to the ground with a number of her teeth as she managed to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Her life had been spared barely, but she would be stuck in a medbay for a least a month or two while she recovered, this was Jakes gift to the bitch since killing her needlessly would only cause him problems since murdering one of their strongest would bring him the wrong sort of attention.

Alpha dusted his hands off and returned to Jakes side while the surroundings whispered about his origins, many speculated he'd come from one of the capital cities not just the fortress cities.

As the 10 newly arrived entered through the gates of the outpost numerous shadow forces ran at breakneck speeds to announce the arrival of 9 tier 1 and 1 tier 2 likely belonging to a distant ruling family and to not mess with them at all costs.