
Taboo: Harem of milfs

Upon reaching the age of 18, Jonathan's life undergoes a dramatic transformation as he uncovers his lineage as a descendant of a powerful witch, ultimately emerging as the strongest warlock.

Luciferjl · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Entering the village

Then suddenly, they had entered into a narrow path winding between two ancient, gnarled trees, their thick branches intertwining overhead to form a dense canopy.


For a few seconds, the path seemed to constrict around them, and Jonathan felt as if some unseen force was squeezing him. For a fleeting moment, he was lost in a surreal world of compressed space, his senses overwhelmed by the sensation of being squeezed from all sides.


And then, as suddenly as it had begun, the narrow path gave way to a winding trail that led them into a breathtaking vista that stole Jonathan's breath away.


Jonathan's jaw dropped at the breathtaking vista sprawling out in front of the Jeep. A panorama of lush green mountains rose up all around them, their peaks disappearing into the white clouds above. In the centre of this natural amphitheatre, a massive waterfall thundered downward, its top obscured by the low-hanging mists.


The mountain chain curved in a near-perfect circle, and nestled in the valley between the towering slopes rested a village on the banks of a rushing river.


The village itself was like nothing Jonathan had ever witnessed. The wooden houses, whose architecture was strong and sturdy, spoke of a civilisation far removed from the hustle and bustle of city life. And yet, there was an air of advancement and sophistication that belied their rustic appearance, a testament to the ingenuity and resourcefulness of the villagers who called this place home.


As the jeep continued its journey towards the village, Jonathan's eyes widened in astonishment as he took in the scene unfolding before him.


As their jeep continued trundling down the winding path towards the settlement, villagers began emerging from their homes.


Jeep halted in the middle of the village, and both of them got out of the vehicle.


To Jonathan's astonishment, they kneeled as one before his grandmother, heads bowed in reverence.


But it wasn't just the villagers who greeted Alessandra with reverence; another group of people soon approached, their faces radiant with joy as they embraced her with warmth and affection.


Jonathan watched in astonishment as they surrounded his grandmother, their expressions filled with excitement and reverence for her.


He didn't understand who they all were or why they were acting so familiar with her.


In that moment, Jonathan realised that there was more to his grandmother than met the eye—that beneath her stern exterior lay a woman of compassion and generosity, whose influence extended far beyond the confines of their home.

Alessandra's commanding baritone reverberated through the vaulted halls as she announced, "Attend, and bear witness! I present the young master of the noble house of Graydon, Jonathan Graydon, my most beloved grandson."

Her words carried the weight of centuries-old tradition. As the matriarch of the main bloodline tied to the mythical Amairi clan, Alessandra's proclamation held seismic importance.

A hush fell over the assembled crowd before they surged forward eagerly, a sea of bodies pressed tight in their desperation to greet the newly-anointed master. Jonathan stood motionless, a furious blush rising in his cheeks as the masses converged.

The first to reach him was a stately woman with an elegantly coiffed mane of snowy white tresses. Though she moved with a slight stoop belying her advanced years, her regal bearing and finely chiselled features radiated an ageless, aristocratic beauty.

"I am Manuela, your great-grand-aunt," she declared in a rich alto, taking Jonathan's hands in her calloused yet gentle grip. "My niece Alessandra and I may come from different branches, but we share the unbending strength of our Amairi bloodline."

Jonathan could see the steely resolve burning in Manuela's eyes and could sense the profound fortitude lying just beneath her delicate exterior. Though not of the purest descent, her spirit remained steadfastly unbroken. His eyes were drawn to her figure, which was barely covered by her clothing. Even though she was in her late sixties, her body said otherwise. Maybe because of her family bloodline, there was not a single wrinkle on her face, and her body didn't even have a single mould . It was as if time had forgotten to touch her, leaving her a striking figure of strength and grace. Her bosom pressed against his chest when she hugged him and kissed him on the forehead, making him blush as he saw her deep cleavage when she bent his head downwards.

Before he could respond, another figure emerged from the throngs, pulling Jonathan into a fierce embrace. "Oh, my dear boy, at last we meet again," she murmured, her tone a warm, comforting balm. She crushed his head against her large mounds, with a cheerful smile.

This was Isadora, Alessandra's younger sister, and the striking familial resemblance was unmistakable. She had the same high cheekbones and aristocratic nose, yet Isadora's face remained unlined, her raven tresses streaked with only a few stray greys.

"You have your grandfather's eyes," Isadora said, cupping Jonathan's face as tears welled in her own emerald orbs. "Those same eyes that are always shown with such honour and courage..."

Her words trailed off, lost in a melancholic reverie. Jonathan could only gaze back, mesmerised by the achingly nostalgic look that danced across his grand-aunt's features.

The next to step forward was a serene, refined woman in her forties. Sweeping a loose chestnut curl behind one ear, she said, "I am Paola, daughter of Isadora. Though we are bound by blood, I hope you will think of me as a second mother in time."

Her warm smile and melodious voice instantly put Jonathan at ease. An aura of quiet poise and wisdom clung to Paola, a motherly grace wholly apart from Alessandra's imperious command.

A muscular, bearded man moved to stand at Paola's side, his arms thick as oak trunks. Despite his burly frame, his hazel eyes twinkled with impish mirth as he grinned at Jonathan. "Well met, young master. I am Iago, Paola's husband and staunchest protector."

Reaching out, Iago tousled Jonathan's hair with one broad, calloused hand. "We'll make a learned warrior of you yet; mark my words!"

Trailing just behind were two strapping young men, lean and athletic, with the careless arrogance of untested youth. Though Gele and Pino were Iago's sons, their aristocratic features clearly favoured their mother's lineage.

"A pleasure to finally clasp arms with Graydon's heir," Gele said with an easy smile and small bow. His long chestnut hair was pulled back in a warrior's tail, gleaming against the bronzed contours of his chiselled visage.

Pino offered a curt nod. "Our blades will be at your service, should you require the martial skills of House Corvara."

Last to approach was a woman of sublime, almost ethereal beauty. Glossy raven tresses framed delicate, fine-boned features; her movements were lithe and filled with unaffected grace.

"I am Monica," she said, favouring Jonathan with a slight, bemused smile. "Gele's wife,. Though mere formalities seem so droll on such a momentous occasion,"

As each of these new figures swirled around him in dizzying succession, Jonathan felt himself adrift in a churning vortex. So many names, lineages, and intricate relations to take in, to reconcile with his newfound standing...

He felt like his head was spinning, and in fact, it really did, and soon the young master fell to the ground, overwhelmed by the beauty surrounding him.

The last image he saw was the bosoms of the women, standing in a circle.

Jonathan's eyes fluttered open, and he found himself staring at a wooden ceiling. The earthy smell of the wood and the faint aroma of herbs filled his senses. As he sat up, he realised he was lying on a large, rustic bed covered with a handmade quilt. Confusion washed over him as he took in his surroundings, which were unfamiliar and yet comfortingly warm.

Before he could gather his thoughts, the door creaked open, and a woman entered. She was in her mid-twenties, with a kind face framed by loose curls. She wore a simple dress that seemed to belong to another era.

"You're awake, young master," she said softly, her voice soothing.

Jonathan blinked. "What happened?"

The woman, Monica, smiled gently. "You fainted earlier. We brought you inside the house to rest."

As she spoke, others began to enter the room. First came Aunt Paola, a robust woman with a nurturing presence. She rushed to Jonathan's side, her face etched with concern. She sat beside him and enveloped him in a warm hug, her ample bosom pressing against his left side.

"What happened to you, son?" she exclaimed, her voice thick with worry.

Before Jonathan could respond, another woman, Isadora, entered and sat on his right side. She, too, leaned in close, her soft, comforting presence enveloping him as her bosom pressed against his shoulder.

"Are you all right, my sweet child?" she asked, her voice tender and melodic.

Jonathan's face, flushed with crimson, caught between the two women's affectionate concern. He could barely find his voice to respond, overwhelmed by their closeness. He could feel their breasts as the cloth they wore was of thin fabric, and even he could feel their nipples pressing against his shoulders. The sensation made him feel both embarrassed and strangely comforted, as if their maternal instincts were somehow soothing his worries.

Sensing his discomfort, his grandmother, who had been standing quietly by the door, stepped forward. "Let the boy breathe some air," she chided gently, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

"You're crushing him," she said while winking at Jonathan.

Paola and Isadora laughed softly, easing their hold on Jonathan while remaining close. Paola cupped his face in her hands, her touch warm and reassuring. She planted a brief kiss on his cheek and smiled.

"You don't need to feel shy around me, my son," she said affectionately.

Jonathan managed a small smile, his embarrassment fading in the face of their genuine care. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself as he took in the cosy, rustic room and the loving faces around him. He felt a strange sense of belonging here, despite the disorientation from his sudden collapse.

"Thank you," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "I think I just need a moment to gather myself."

Alessandra nodded. "Take some rest. You must be tired, Jonathan. You had a tough time."

Paola nodded, her eyes shining with pride. "Jonathan, Aunt Alessandra told us how you faced a bear in the forest. You were so brave and saved her." She leaned in and gave him another kiss, making Jonathan blush even more.

Jonathan smiled shyly, the memory of the bear encounter coming back to him. Alessandra had already told them the tale of how he killed the bear when it attacked them. Their praise for his bravery filled the room.

Alessandra then turned to Monica. "Monica, please take Jonathan to the bath.

His leg is still sprained. Iago had given him some herbal medicine, and the pain should be gone by tomorrow morning. Until then, Monica, I want you to take care of him."

Paola then added, "Take Jonathan to the upstairs room. We'll all talk and spend time together. It's been a while since Alessandra came here."

Monica nodded and gently helped Jonathan to his feet. His leg throbbed, but he leaned on her for support as they made their way upstairs. He could hear the soft murmurs of conversation behind him and the warmth of his family's concern following him as he moved.

Monica led Jonathan upstairs, despite his protests that he could manage on his own. She was insistent, and her concern for his well-being was evident. "Nonsense, young master. With that sprained leg, you need assistance," she said firmly.

The upstairs room was cosy, with a large window that let in the golden dusk light.

They reached the bathroom, a cosy space with wooden fixtures and the soothing scent of herbs lingering in the air. And the bathroom had no door. Monica helped Jonathan sit on a stool near the bathtub, her hands steady but her cheeks slightly flushed. She began to fill the tub with hot water, adding a few drops of herbs, their fragrant aroma filling the room.

The bathroom had no door.

Jonathan again tried to walk away from the awkwardness, but Monica was adamant and too assertive.

"Let's get you comfortable," Monica said softly, turning to Jonathan. She gently helped him out of his clothes, her eyes widening briefly at the sight of his well-built physique. Jonathan's athletic body was a testament to his strength and endurance; his muscles were defined and firm.

Her gaze was quickly drawn to the thing that was dangling in between his legs. Her eyes widened in absolute shock.

'Whatt!! Why is it so big? It isn't even hard yet? How bit would it be if he was hard?' Monica's thoughts raced as she watched his little member, which was not little at all.

Jonathan caught her staring and blushed, quickly covering himself with his hands. Monica's cheeks flushed as she realised her staring had been too obvious.

And Jonathan talked and partied with many of his girlfriends, fooling around with them, but he was still a virgin. Even though he had a chance to lose his virginity, he wasn't able to do it, as it was a promise made to his grandmother that he shouldn't do it.

Monica quickly averted her gaze, focusing on her task. She poured a bucket of hot water over his head, the warmth soothing his aching body. "Just relax," she murmured, her hands working the saffron oil into his hair, creating a lather that released the oil's calming scent.

Jonathan closed his eyes, feeling the tension in his muscles start to ease. Monica's touch was gentle yet assured as she washed his hair, her fingers massaging his scalp with practised care. As she moved to his shoulders and chest, her hands brushed over his firm muscles, and she couldn't help but blush.

She continued to wash him, her movements careful and arousing for him. "You've been through a lot today," she said, trying to make conversation to ease her own nervousness. "Facing a bear and protecting your grandmother... you're incredibly brave."

Jonathan opened his eyes and gave her a small, appreciative smile. "Thank you, Monica. I just acted on instinct."

Her hands ran around his chest, and Jonathan was trying to hold his member down as much as possible. But it wasn't that easy with a woman as hot as her, and that too with her hands over him.

And soon the inevitable happened, which Jonathan wished wouldn't happen. His limp dick was now slowly gaining its hardness, and soon it stood like an iron pole. Jonathan's heart raced as he realized the situation was quickly escalating beyond his control.

Monica was to his back, rubbing it, and she moved a little forward and then saw the 'big' phallus, making her eyes widen in disbelief.

Monica's hands slipped, which were on his shoulder, and she fell to the front. Her hands were now touching his erect penis. As she touched his hard pole, she could feel the hardness and heat emitting from it, making her dizzy.

He could feel her breasts crushed against his shoulder.

She quickly got up and said, "Sorry, young master."

Jonathan was embarrassed and didn't know what to say as he stuttered, "its-sorr-"

Composing herself, she said, "Don't worry, young master. It is natural, and you don't have to feel embarrassed because you have such a magnificent-"

Monica was still staring at it, she stopped talking and quickly shook her head.

Monica's blush deepened as she continued to wash him. She poured another mug of water over his head to rinse the soap away, then helped him to his feet. She wrapped a towel around him, her touch light and caring.

Both of them were still lost in their own thoughts, but the awkwardness had dissipated.

"Let's get you to bed," she said, guiding him to the bed. The room was warm and inviting, with soft bedding and a large window that let in the evening light. Monica helped Jonathan to bed, ensuring he was comfortable before handing him a cup of herbal tea.

"Drink this," she instructed kindly. "It will help you relax and heal."

Jonathan took the cup, grateful for her care. "Thank you, Monica."

Monica smiled, her earlier embarrassment forgotten in the face of his genuine gratitude. "It's my pleasure, young master. Rest well. We're all here for you."

As she left the room, saying that she would come back, Jonathan settled back into the pillows, the events of the day playing through his mind. Despite the ordeal, he felt a deep sense of connection to the village and his family.

As he relaxed, he thought about the events of the day. The bear attack had been terrifying, but he had acted without thinking, driven by an instinct to protect his grandmother. The realisation of his own bravery was still sinking in.